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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. <_<


    How 'bout Immanuel Lewis?!? Remember how that little sucker used to scamper around the Papadopalous household on the show "Webster?"


    What about ALF...he seemed pretty nimble when chasing cats and his low center of gravity would have made it easy for him to get through the tight holes...just dangle a cat in the endzone before you hand him the ball...lmao

  2. Seems to me if the Patriots thought that Cassell was REALLY FRIGGIN' GOOD there is no way they would trade him to the Bills. And if the Patriots didn't think he was REALLY FRIGGIN' GOOD, they'd love to trade him to the Bills. So why would the Bills want him in a trade from the Patriots.


    You lose sight of how much they have to pay Cassel and Brady...they have to trade one for financial reasons. Not to mention they will be getting a lot back in value. They are not going to keep both Cassel and Brady...so they either trade Cassel, or pay him $14 million for one year and lose him for nothing next year...


    So the fact they are willing to trade him is NO indication on what they think of him and a silly rationale. They have the best QB in football on their team in Brady who seems to be right on track in his recovery. They have to move one or the other...Brady is young enough that its a no brainer to keep him.

  3. You're just in too deep with worshipping these players.

    You're too f***ed up to understand that people like me don't think twice about mispelling something as meaningless as that retard's name.


    To you he's some sort of hero, to me he is a retard.

    It's obvious that you are offended to see that not everyone looks up to magahshit like you do.


    Your post here to Steely Dan just solidifies my stance in my previous post (quoted below)...I will look to see you on next seasons "The Tool Academy" on VH1


    I think the nature of Polands post and his lame antics just pretty much solidify hes 16 years old or younger or a 29 year old virgin who's sexual frustration of still being a virgin and nearing his 30th birthday has actually caused him to regress in puberty and he is taking it out on the board...
  4. 2. Buffalo gives up draft picks to acquire another QB from the Patriots. Belichick has already out-done this team once. If, and it's a huge if, they make a trade for Cassel it's over for this franchise. Not saying MC is a bad QB, but he was in a perfect system in NE.


    I am curious....what makes NE a perfect system to the point that MC wouldn't be a good player somewhere else? Last I looked, their running game was inconsistent and the OL struggled most of the year and his TE's werent healthy either. He still managed to put up pretty good numbers and actually got better as the year went on. I know Moss and Welker are great WR's, but Moss didnt do much in Oakland with bad QB play, yet Moss was still pretty good this year with Cassel at QB.


    I know Bellicheat is looked at as the best coach or one of the best coaches in the NFL, but the players still have to execute and Cassel did a pretty good job and showed considerable growth and poise considering he hadnt played since HS.

  5. I think the nature of Polands post and his lame antics just pretty much solidify hes 16 years old or younger or a 29 year old virgin who's sexual frustration of still being a virgin and nearing his 30th birthday has actually caused him to regress in puberty and he is taking it out on the board...

  6. QB is not priority issue, he just needs players around him. He's shown when he has protection and WRs open, he can make the plays. The team would be in better shape with a stronger pass rush, a complimentary WR and TE to Evans, a more consistant offensive line, and better coaching, then a change at QB.


    Huh? No offense, but did you watch the Bills this year?


    As the season went on, Trent consistently didnt see wide open WR's and checked down way too often. He had a 4 game stretch of 3 TD's and 11 turnovers. He is very slow in his reads which leads to his checkdowns. He struggled even with a lot of time in the pocket. You put a player such as McNabb on this squad this past year and we would have won our division and made a strong push for the SB. QB is the most important position on the field, and ours has been subpar where he has thrown for less than 200 yards in almost half his starts (11 times in 23 games) and only passed for more than 1 TD this year once...


    He could take a big step forward this year, but right now that is just speculation. People like to talk about his potential as if it has translated to on field production. The most boggling thing on this board for me is how often potential is confused for actual on field play.


    Again, he may make a big leap this year, but his play last year definitely doesnt suggest that its a certainty, especially when you consider he regressed as the year progressed.

  7. How about we let each team keep their QBs and we swap the rest of our rosters and coaches. What good is bringing in another QB when he won't have the players around him to succeed. The Bills problem isn't QB.


    HA... thats comical... He may be good one day, but he isnt close to that yet, so until he gets there, QB play will still be a problem. And if ever gets there, the question still remains if he can stay healthy...


    I have said before that I dont think our staff is as sold on Trent as a lot of the posters on this board. The mysterious injury so JP could play the second half seems real fishy to me. Not to mention, he regressed this year as the season went on and seemed rattled even with time in the pocket.


    So, for arguments sake, lets assume the Bills do have interest in Cassel but a trade does NOT get finalized for what ever reason. Does that open the door that the Bills may surprise us all and grab Stafford or Sanchez if either falls to us at #11?

  8. On a seperate note...directed at pats...


    Am I the only one who sits in aww about how the Pats frequently seem to compile extra first round and first day draft picks, despite being a top team almost ever year? Rather they trade Cassel to us or someone else, they will once again land more additional first day picks...


    Seems they alway find a way to put something like this together...no wonder they are a top team every year...

  9. I posted on here a few weeks ago that I had been told by a reliable source close to the situation that there was believed to be strong Buffalo interest in Cassel...so, that would make 2 sets of inside sources speculating on the same thing about Cassel. Interestingly though, I just got ripped for my source through most the thread rather than actually discuss the possibility of Buffalos interest...either way, the conversation I had did happen and just makes me wonder more about this thread...


    That old phrase comes to mind..."Where theres smoke, theres fire"...

  10. :):doh:


    Another thread to bring in a WR not was never much to begin with, all hype, and in no way better than Reed. If you want to bring in a Housh, Boldin, etc. that is an upper end player, then great. But to bring in some bumb like this guy, Porter, Williams, B. Johnson, etc. is just dumb. They are NOT upgrades over reed and will potentially slow down the development of our young guys like Johnson.


    There is NO positive to bringing in players like this. There is a reason they are cut. In fact, this isnt the first time for most of these bumbs to either be cut or just chosen not to be resigned by their teams...they are not any good...

  11. Poland, I think you are giving Modrak a bad rap when it comes to the Bills drafts. Wasn't it Modrak that recommended that we draft Cutler only to be underminded by our then GM Marv Levy and selected a DB. I also remember the McGahee pick being solely the selection of Tom Donahoe. Modrak when having the final say in selecting talent has proven to be very good. Remember the job he did in Philly. With him finally being in control of the Bills draft this year, let's see what type of job he does.


    good points...

  12. Modrak has been here since june 2001 .

    He wasn't here when they drafted nate clements, see you don't have a clue.

    Winfield, same thing...Modrak wasn't here...oops... again you don't have a clue, but you run your trap.


    Here's a rundown of the 1st round picks since Modrak has been with the Bills:


    2002 mike williams- huge bust

    2003 willis mcgahee- a retard and a bust

    2004 losman- a retard and the Bills biggest ever draft bust

    2004 evans- he got one right

    2005- no 1st round pick

    2006- whitner- picked a very average safety 8th overall, passed on cutler, huge f*** up

    2006- mccargo- epic bust has hardly seen the field except from the sidelines

    2007 lynch- a retard and a 4 ypc runner, real yawner of a pick

    2008 mckelvin- looks like he might be a player, we'll see


    Now that you have been given your lesson and learned that you don't have a clue, do you still think Modrak has a good track record?


    Im a retard? Your player analysis is retarted and thank god you are not in our front office...First off, looking back at a draft you can always nit pick and say this or that.


    McGahee is a Pro Bowl running back and has been pretty productive in his career. Just because your panties are all in a wad over his dislike for Buffalo, doesnt mean he hasnt been productive. Pain in the rear his last year in Buffalo sure, but he isnt a bust.


    Losman - Has been handled terrible here and never developed...so I would label it a busted pick even though I think he could have been better handled.


    Evans no where near a bust


    Whitner - Just because you like Cutler over Whitner doesnt make him a bust. Whitner is an up and coming safety in this league and a pretty good safety already. He has some stuff to work on still, but no way a bust. Taking a QB is no rocket science, and in fact, Leinart was graded higher than Cutler to show that its easy to look back now and say should have could have. Four players taken ahead of Whitner are TRUE busts to this point...


    McCargo - Bust to this point...


    Lynch - This is where your retard instincts really took over...not even worth addressing your comments as they are about as dumb as I have seen on this board


    McKelvin - Has shown to be everything he was billed to be...


    You left off Poz who is clearly not a bust


    So, the only BUSTS are Williams (who had everyone fooled, not just us dumb azz), Losman and McCargo. All the other picks have been good to great picks. Thats a pretty good track record over that time frame, and one not many teams can match. So save your drama queen antics about how our draft history in the first rounds.


    You dont even know what a bust is...thats the sad part. In your mind if they are not an Elite player they are a bust which is about as dumb as your post.

  13. If you look at the track record of the Bills draft with Modrak, it makes no sense for Bills fans to invest a whole lot of time discussing the draft.


    Being that the Bills do a shoddy job of evaluating NFL free agents who have already spent years in the league, it's almost expected that they're not going to excel at projecting what college players will do in the NFL.

    If they cannot gauge the ability of an NFL player how are they going to gauge they ability of a college player in the NFL?

    And their track record shows exactly that, it sucks.

    Worse yet they now have a guy in the gm role who has no business being there.


    If this team happens upon a good 1st round pick this year it will be by pure accident because it's obvious by now that they don't have clue one.


    Hmmm...so Lee Evans and Lynch are all lousy picks and they dont have a clue? I mean, they are our two most talented offensive players, and maybe the two most talented on our squad and they are first round picks. Whitner and Poz are pretty good too...what about McKelvin? Nate Clements? Winfield? Hmm...all were good early pick players...


    Seems the only one who doesnt have a clue here are the posters who say stuff like this...

  14. Chris Simms? I will tell you why Chris Simms is so favorably looked at on this board...simply because he hasnt played in so long that people forget how bad he is. Its like the backup QB on your team that hasnt gotten into a game in 3 years. Once the starter struggles people start chanting for the backup as if he is the savior forgetting about the fact there is a reason he is a backup.

  15. 1. Any idea that Boldin doesnt command a package of a 1st round pick and at least a 3rd is just a pipe dream. Roy Williams went for more than that and Wash offered Cincy TWO 1st round picks for Ocho until Cincy (in one of the dumbest moves in their recent history) said no...Boldin is younger and a BETTER than both those guys.


    2. This "Ralph wont pay for him talk" is silly...don't believe me, then just search the countless threads complaining about the contracts of Schobel, Walker, Dockery, Evans, Kelsay, Denney, etc...Ralph has paid out a lot in the last couple of years, so enough of the he wont pay stuff. Feel free to complain about how he spent the money, but he clearly is spending money.


    3. The talk about how Boldin won't come here is silly too because he is not a Free Agent. It would be via trade, so its not really up to him.


    4. Comparing Boldins contract situation to Peters is just silly. Peters went about his contract the wrong way. Boldin honored his, even played just 2 weeks after a nearly career ending hit with screws in his face. Boldin is upset (and rightfully so) that AZ didnt keep their promise to rework his deal, even after he said he wouldnt hold out. No one on this board would be happy about broken promises by their employer either, but Boldin went out and played his tail off anyway and constantly put his body on the line, even after injury.


    I would actually put us at #2 on that list. Philly I am willing to bet lands Housh which will take them out of the Boldin market. Miami I dont see being a likely landing spot. I think us and the Giants make the most sense, and honestly, unless NY gives up a bounty in picks, I think we can make the best offer. Plus, for AZ, trading him here gets him out of the NFC where he would be a strong candidate to face in the playoffs.


    If we can resign either Greer or Jackson (or both), then that opens up the door for more possibilities. A package of a 1st round pick and a newly signed Jackson (since AZ NEEDS a RB) would be awfully tempting for AZ. Or, maybe a package of a 1st round pick and either Greer or McGee (since AZ needs DB help) could also be quite attractive too. Regardless, a first round pick is going to likely have to be included...

  16. get it done Buffalo


    Evans, Housh, Johnson, Reed, Hardy, and Parrish sure sounds sexy


    I would bet he signs with the Eagles...with Philly committed to keeping McNabb and Housh liking the idea of playing with McNabb, plus the fact the Eagles have reached the NFC championship game 5 times in last 8 years, I just dont see how it doesnt happen. Why would Housh want to go anywhere else if he can go to a major SB contender where he would be the #1 target on a talented team with a top QB throwing him the ball?


    Philly wants him, McNabb really wants him, and Housh already said he would like to play there...

  17. Our perpetual losing has been chronicled in detail over the last 10 seasons. Our perpetual ineptitude in the FO drafting and signing FA's has been a sore spot as well. Now we have a RB that can't seem to stop getting in trouble with the law. People laugh at us for our cheap owner, people laugh at us for various players we've passed up in the draft to take others or traded up to take, they laugh at us for giving people like Kelsay, Dockery, and Walker big money, and now they will laugh at us because we have star players who can't stop living out a Tupac song. This is a joke and a bad one at that.


    You know, its funny how these laughing stock posts keep popping up, but the only place I hear or read about people calling us a laughing stock is from our own fans on this board. The most interesting thing is that a lot of media types and broadcaster pull for us and have been quoted several times as saying its good for the league when Buffalo is playing well. We are FAR from a laughing stock, and some even are already talking about us as a sleeper team next year and a player or two away from being real good.

  18. seriously, have you ever made a post other than "it's okay, jp" or "give jp a call"?


    as a matter of fact, i don't think i can ever recall you contributing anything of any substance at all to this message board.


    in any event, enjoy your life planting lipstick kisses on the trent edwards poster above your bunk bed :censored:


    hahahahaha :w00t::blink:

  19. Go ahead and refer to the game at Miami where an injured McGee had issues covering Ted Ginn. That wasn't his fault, it was the .430 career winning percentage of a HC who didn't have the courage to play his top pick.


    Hey, its raining in CA today too...is that DJ's fault as well? I love how everytime one of our players blows a play on the field it is DJ's fault and not the player just blowing a play... lmao :censored:

  20. Thanks a lot. My friend's mom is a really well-liked teacher at Lancaster Middle School, so the community is already really starting to rally around the family. My friends and I are going to put together a function to raise some money, probably a Chinese Auction of sorts. PM me if you live in/close to Lancaster and are interested in attending. I'm sure that Continental is going to be compensating the families to a great extent, but it still seems like something worth doing, if only to prove that they have the town's support.


    all my condolences sage to you and their family as well as the families of all the other unfortunate victims...

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