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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. in 7 years in TB how many times did he have back to back winning seasons?


    Answer: ONCE! and both seasons were 9-7 (2007 and 2008) and he only made the playoffs in 2007 because in 2008 he had a bigger melt down than DJ and lost out to miss the plyaoffs despite being 9-3 and leading his division. FYI, he lost to the Raiders on last game of season to miss playoffs.


    No thanks!

  2. Poland, the amount of work you put into being a jackass takes real commitment and dedication, you must really get off on it...hey, whatever floats your boat...


    You started this thread bashing first round picks...I misread your post to be pointed at the Bills in general, not just Modrak which is why I included Clements and Winfield. Its almost fascinating to see you alienate yourself so badly so fast...I actually find it entertaining to watch the utter nonsense unfold on here...its like a bad train wreck and cant look away.


    Your so called "anlaysis" of our drafts is so stupid its barely worth rehashing with you. The most comical thing I have ever seen on this board is you refer to your self as an NFL expert.


    The best part is that I have said you have thoroughly convinced me that you are no older than 16 based on your childish, "my mother didnt hug me enough" antics you have taken on this board and you have never denied it. Im sorry the older 8th graders beat you up at lunch time, but no need to try and prop yourself up here...


    Word of advice...NO ONE on this board will ever take you seriously given your start out here and insanse analysis...you would be better off starting a new screen name...heres some help for you "Poland was conquered", "Poledme", "Someone hug me", or "Im not Poland"

  3. http://www.profootballtalk.com/2009/02/20/...2009-but-where/


    Can you imagine if the Vikes landed Kurt Warner, a WR like Housh in FA, and picked up a WR like Kenny Britt or Juaquin Iglesias in the second round of the draft? They'd be instant SB contenders to come out of the NFC for certain. They've had a stout defense for 3 years now. If they got all this help for Peterson and Taylor? Man, they'd be just about unstoppable. Warner, Housh, Britt/Iglesias, Berrian, Rice, Peterson, Taylor, their OL, and that defense? Wow.


    Just adding Warner will make them instant SB contenders and one of the odds on favorites...

  4. So Lynch is the same story as Losman? Now I know you don't watch the games.


    So in your opinion, do YOU know how to spot a good running back? You seem like such a football expert...which team do you scout for? Probably the Lions, I'd imagine.


    Yeah this guy is too stupid to be real...I am starting to think its a regular poster on here who got bored and decided to mess with everyone by being the biggest jackass he could be and saying the stupidest things...


    Is that you Skooby messing with everyone? lmao...

  5. Michael Vick? :sick: Ughh...I hope not...its near the bottom third of the paragraph where it talks about the bills...Its an article on possible landing spots for Vick next year, and they mention the Bills amongst some other teams...




    Here is what it said...


    Buffalo is at a crossroads at quarterback. The Bills need Trent Edwards to stay healthy and be the Trent Edwards of the first four weeks of the season. They have an owner who's not afraid to take chances and is willing to do what it takes to win.

  6. Dam Poland, you put a lot of work into being a complete jackass...


    Your analysis skills are a joke, in fact, it seems to be so stupid that you are almost saying it just to get a rise out of people rather than actually believe this gibberish you type...you clearly have never played football...you probably are 16 years old or younger judging by your childish behavior on this board and get off on trying to annoy people on a message board.


    I look forward to seeing you on season 2 of the "Tool Academy"...

  7. We have a LOT of cap space, so I dont understand all the hoopla over people eating up cap space on our team this early into the offseason. We have enough room under the cap to do whatever we want in FA and Draft, but people are acting like we dont and that we must start cutting players to get more space.


    There is no rush to cut players, and I am sure the cuts we make will be a direct correlation of who we bring in as well. Regardless of fans opinnions of certain players, the FO has their own, and like it or not, Kelsay and Denney are not as bad as people think. They are overpaid, but that doesnt mean they dont have some value to this team...but the office isnt going to just start cutting people for the sake of cutting people until they have some certainty of how they will replace them.


    The office may even be exploring trades of some of the players too...who knows, but its definitely early on in the off season and their is no pressure to cut players given our cap room. Once we start bringing some people in, I am sure the cuts will start rolling out...

  8. Alpha you should really think before you write. Games Started, not games played. Also Alpha, you should be lucky that I didn't include his first 3 games started, it would of made the stat line even worse for your argument. Look at the stats again. He played in 31 games not 31 games started. So your the one who needs to look at the stats again. :censored:


    And when did I say that Wins and Losses was the ONLY area of importance. Come on ALpha, your slippin. I said it was an important part, and you downplayed it. I only bring up facts Alpha, as opposed to where you don't, or at least not ones that are right any way.


    As far as Cassell is concerned. I give him credit. I won't say that. A win is a win and stats are stats. you are the sortof person that would say something like that.


    Facts please


    just facts


    Dude I already posted facts about D. Anderson and Trent...Derek kicked his ars in every one of these categories that indicate PRODUCTION and most are the very categories we looked at to gameplan for opposing offenses when I played in college.


    TD's (Derek, by a lot actually)

    INT's (Trent by 13)

    Sacks (Derek)

    Multi TD games (Derek by a lot)

    Games over 200 yards (Derek by a lot)

    Games over 300 yards (Derek by a lot)

    TD:INT Ratio (Derek)

    (We also looked at rushing yards, but that was more of a factor in college than in this discussion, so I left it out)


    Those are ALL FACTS


    Those areas result in points on the board...Trent has a much higher completion ratio, but that is helped by Trents tendency for the safe short throw and Dereks more aggressive push to get the ball down field. I dont care if Trent goes 18 out of 24 if he only amasses 180 yards and no TD's. I would rather have a guy go 18 out of 32 who passes for 280 yards and 3 TD's.


    This is pointless...not even what this thread is about...agree to disagree and we will move on...


    PS: Trents stats suck...hahaha, couldnt resist...

  9. Sorry


    your wrong again.


    I used All of Derek Anderson's 28 games that he has played in his career. So I didnt' cherry pick anything.


    As far as me manipulating stats, once again, there you go with your exagerations. What I did was a fair comparison. I compared Wins Losses, qb rating, yards per attempt, completion percentage, td's, int's. I did that for every quarterback that I have compared with. How is that manipulating. I think you know I'm right, but you just can't deny the stats.


    As far as you not considering wins and losses. LOL


    Your kidding right?


    The truth of the matter is that you are the one that manipulates stats. When someone brings up wins and losses, you always have an excuse for it, or you downplayit. Where the reality is Alpha, that Wins and Losses is one of the most important stats.

    If someone mentions how he played well in a certain game, you have an excuse, you say, it was a bad defense, or that team wasn't playingwell. Or, they won in spite of him. No disrespect, but thats a bunch of garbage.


    The reality is that every team has had to play good teams, mediocre teams and bad teams. Trent plays for a mediocre team and has a winning record. He also has a better qb rating, yards per attempt, completion %, less sacks allowed, less int's then most qb's that have played this game in such a short career. That is a fact Alpha. No excuses, those stats I brought up are public facts. There is no fudging, no cherry picking, just hard facts.


    You will never admit these facts, so we will just have to agree to disagree.


    But You still havn't answered my original question. Are you going to continue to criticize Trent at just about every opportunity you get on this message board through out this offfseason?


    Ok, this is my last response to any of these posts...one, you are wrong. Derek has played in 31 games not 28 which makes me wonder if you even looked at his stats, and you are also wrong as you compared S. Young, Aikman, etc FIRST 24 games...so if you are going to use an equal section of games for one, you gotta do it for the other. The only way Trent comes close to Derek is if you add in the extra games as you know he struggled some in 2008. So stop...its embarrassing.


    Wins and Losses? Geezus dude...QB is the most important position on the team, but its not the only thing that determines wins and losses and its DEFINITELY not a gauge of how well a QB played. You bring up wins and losses as if Trent was responsible for all our wins...come on, you either dont watch football or you are so obessesed with Trent that you delusionally think he is somehow single handedly winning us games. And we are 7-9 and 7-9, so calm down on the wins...his record isnt that good.


    And for the last dam time...my posts of Trent have been in regards to threads about why we have not been that good in 2007 and 2008. I have NEVER said he wont be good in the future, but you Trent lovers get so butt hurt when you see his lowly stats or any criticism of his play as IF he was actually playing as good as you THINK he MIGHT be one day.


    My point about Trent in this thread was the irony of how well Cassel played, yet Trent lovers still knock him as if he is career backup and prop Trent up as the next Brady or Montanna even though he's played to a subpar level and actually regressed in 2008 and was grossly outplayed by Cassel. FYI: Cassels record is better than Trents too...now watch you respond and say Cassel plays on a better team even though you just posted all that matters is wins and losses...

  10. meh, even though i tend to not believe him, he is only proposing what the Bills want to do, not what is actually going to play out.


    hard to hold anyone "accountable". Scaife got franchised, so now what? he's a liar?


    although it would be cool if he got a bunch right. the good stuff anyways.


    Yeah...We may offer to make Haynesworth the highest paid player, but there is no gaurantee he chooses us over a number of the other teams offering him similar money. Doesn't mean this guy was a liar if we don't sign Haynesworth...


    There is no way we will ever know if he was right or wrong about most this stuff...however, it would be great if it all works out to be accurate and all happens.

  11. Just because you say you cheer Trent on doesn't mean that you do. You clearly don't.


    As far as that list that you are talking about it. If you wish to make a list, then let's do it. Cuz it won't be longer. Even though at the end of the day, it still won't make a bit of difference to you. BTW, so you know. Even the one example you gave in Derek Anderson. Nope, his stats overall have not been better. Win loss stats he as 10 wins 16 losses. Trent has a winning record. QB rating Derek Anderon 75, Trent 80. Completion % Derek Anderson %54 Trent Edwards %61. Yards per completion 6.7 Trent 6.7 . TD's/Int's 43/35 Trent 18/18. Int %3.8 for Derek Anderson %2.8 for Trent.


    The only area that Derek has been more productive in has been touchdowns thrown, but that is offset with his %30 more likely hood to throw Int's. Trent has a winnning record, but Derek Anderson has less than a %40 winning record. Trent has a higher qb rating. How in the world do you justify Derek Anderson as being more productive than Trent's.


    I've done my homework, I can go on and on and on, about other qb's and how Trent has done much better than most in this stage of his career. Mind you, for a very mediocre team.


    As far as Cassel is concerned, I never downplayed his year. I think he did phenomenal, he is getting compensated for it, and one day, whether it's this year or in the future, he will get his shot at being a franchise qb for someone.


    There is no doubt that playing for the Patriots helped, but hey, when he was called upon to step up, he did, and my hat's off to him.


    But if we traded for him, it would be a colossal error, and I have no doubt, that his best year would be the year that he played for the patriots, with Belicheck, Welker and Moss.


    I am not going to keep debating you here on Trents stats...no magic you can do can make Trents stats good. Wins and Losses are not QB stats...they are team stats, so get over that comparison for one.


    Second, you already contradicted yourself and manipulatated the stats again to be in your favor. Your challenge is the FIRST 24 games of a QB's career to compare to Trents FIRST 24 games...you didnt do that with Derek. You chose his last 24 games to make the stats look better for you because you know he struggled in 2008 and wanted to add those games to make Trent look better.


    If you stick to the comparison of the the first 24 games (as thats all Trent has played and Derek has played 31) as you so claimed to do, then Dereks significantly beats Trent in every significant passing category except for INT's. He has more TD's, more yards, way more games over 200 yards, way more games over 300 yards, way more games with multiple TD's, less sacks, a way better TD:INT ratio and a better qb rating. Even with the more INT's, his TD:INT ratio is still better than Trents.


    But again, you are not interested in unbiased comparisons...you already stated this in another thread where you argued that you want to take Derek Andersons most recent 24 game stretch, then go on to compare the first 24 games of Aikman, Steve Young, etc when they played on the worst teams in football at the time to validate Trent.


    So which is it Magox? The most recent 24 games or the first 24 games of a QB's career that you want to compare to Trent? You seem to go with whatever helps your argument. Because if its going to be the most recent, then I will destroy Trents stats by comparing the most recent 24 games of McNabb, Brady, Manning, Cutler, Brees, Warner, Romo, Rivers, etc, etc...Hell, even Cassel has outproduced Trent in almost evey category in only 16 games compared to Trents 24.


    You manipulate stats more than anyone I have seen on here, so having an intelligent discussion with you is pointless.


    FYI: When I compared Trents stats to D. Anderson, it was in a thread someone started on whether or not to bring in D. Anderson...

  12. If this happens, the Pats are in line for a VERY HIGH draft pick next year. With or without Cassel, the Bills are probably looking at a Top 5 pick next year based on their schedule and lack of overall depth and talent.


    This would be a very bad move considering what Cassel's salary would do to the Bill's Cap space.


    I don't have a problem with Cassel since he would be an upgrade at the position immensely but the Bills really have much bigger fish to fry at this point in time.


    Regardless of who the Pats trade with, I am sure they get at least one 1st round pick back for Cassel. Just amazes me how the Pats always find a way to get extra first day picks...while we seem to keep trading up and losing first day picks...

  13. I would have to say that %50 of your posts has something negative to do with Trent. We all get that you don't like him and wish he were gone. No matter what undeniable stats he has that has shown that he is much better then the majority of qb's in their first 20 games, you will never acknowledge them. That's fine, it's your opinion. But I have a question for you. will you continue to criticize him through out the entire off season any time anyone has something positive to say about him?


    I have said repeatedly that I hope Trent develops and will continue to cheer him on. Those post you refer to dealt with the question at hand of why we have not been very good the last 2 years and they were not directed at just Trent, they were post about the combined effort of our QB's.


    Its mind boggling the lengths people will go to prove Trent hasnt been a problem, when he clearly has. I dont blame him, I mean he is a young QB. But young QB or not, it doesnt change the RESULT on the field thus far...the FACT remains, UNTIL the QB position plays better (regardless who it is), we won't be a very good team.


    My post here was one of amazement at the irony of the very people defending Trent by blaming the system he plays in for his struggles, are now saying they dont want Cassel becuase he is a systems QB. But by blaming the system for Trents struggles in Buffalo, you are essentially labeling Trent a systems QB too...


    I just fine it funny how a guy can come out of nowhere, put up pretty good stats, lead his team to 11 wins despite having no running game, a shaky line, and injuries to all his Tight Ends just to see the posts here say he is no good while they defend Trent to the death when Trent hasnt been very good yet...


    And as far as your comment about not acknowledging these other QB's in the NFL historys past you say Trent has better numbers than in their first 20 games, its because it is pointless. I can name 10 QB's in the NFL right now who had better stats then Trent by a lot, even Derek Anderson. We can each make a list on both sides of that argument, although I bet you mine will be longer, but either way its pointless.


    Its so funny how if you analyze Trents play, and draw the inevitable conclusion that to this point it hasnt been good enough, you are somehow labeled a Trent hater. Seems to me like the truth hurts a bit to people who support Trent to the death, becuase as soon as you criticize him the claws come out.


    If you don't like it, then I suggest you call Trent and tell him to play better....

  14. OK, I get ya. You want to retain a player who performed subpar in 2008, but you don't want a player who blew away expectations in 2008. Perfect sense now that I break it down.


    Nice... <_<


    Peters has had one good season in 5 (and it wasnt his most recent where he was terrible in pass coverage)


    Cassel shattered all expectations and actually kept getting better, including 3 games over 350 yards passing (2 of which were over 400 yards) in the last half the season...

  15. Which is why i didn't say best. But i dont want a QB tat took 47 sacks behind an OL that was better than ours.


    28 of those came in first 8 games though...remember, he hadnt started since High School...takes a little time to get some feel for the pocket back. After that, he only had one real bad sack game the rest of the year and that was when he was sacked 5 times against the SB champion Steelers...


    The sack stat on him could be better, but its another area he showed improvement on as the season progressed.


    3700 yards, 21 TD's and only 11 INT's in his first season as a QB since High School is still relatively impressive, especially when you consider Trent Edwards has only 18 TD's and has 18INT's in his 2 seasons (24 games).


    Cassel also had 3 games over 300 yards passing, and even 2 games over 400 yards passing. Edwards has never passed for more than 300 yards ever. Cassel also had 5 games with 3 or more TD's where Edwards has done that only once, and has only 4 games where he threw even 2 TD's yet he has played 8 more games than Cassel.


    So, I don't get how people on here think Edwards is such a stud and lock to be great and that Cassel is such a bumb. Add in that Cassel dealt with some OL injuries and had all the injuries to his running backs and TE's, and its even more impressive.


    Not saying he's a lock to be great, but in my eyes that is still a lot of potential.

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