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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I know some people will call Ralph cheap for not signing him to a similar contract but, stupid contracts are stupid contracts and in no way reflect on Raph's willingness to pay FA's. Willingness to spend and willingness to spend stupidly are two very different things. :rolleyes:


    Exactly, and that is why letting Clements go wasn't a cheap move, but a smart move.

  2. This is another weird story that doesn't make sense. According to the figures I've seen, the Washington Redskins have less cap room than any other NFL team.


    In addition I don't think most experts would view them as being so close to championship caliber that a move like Haynesworth would make any sense.


    Been wrong before but just don't see it.


    I read a story (I think on cnnsi.com) this week that actually discussed why the skins couldnt land him, and it was because of the cap number or something, so I am not sure I buy into this either.


    Either way, too much money for him IMO. I would like to see him here, but I wouldnt want us to commit much more than 12 mil a year...

  3. No surprise that Snyder is willing to toss him big bucks, but there is a report for $100 million with an average of $15 million to $16 million per...Bills wouldn't go that high...would they?





    I hope not, he's not worth that much money. People forget his injury history has seem him never play a full season, has a reputation for coasting and taking plays off at times, and is only on the field about 60% of the time. Thats a lot of money for some one like that, even someone as talented as Haynesworth. Not saying I dont want the guy, but that is just too much money IMO and probably why the Titans arent going to match despite them wanting to keep him and him wanting to stay.

  4. I wouldn't be opposed to having Boldin.


    That's a lot of money though for 2 wide receivers. Between Lee Evans and Boldin, you gotta figure thats close to $20 Million a year for 2 wideouts. That makes up around %16 of the total that we can spend on our entire team.


    $20 Million for 2 wideouts


    $100 Million for the rest of the 50 players


    doesn't seem proportionate to me. I would have to believe that this would water out the talent level moving forward, unless we drafted really well, since these guys you really don't take that much off the cap figure.


    Having said that, I would love to have a Boldin as our #1 reciever. I would have to say that our offense would be better with him in the lineup as opposed to having Lynch and Jackson.


    This would be one of the very few scenarios that I would be happy with.


    The money does seem like a lot, but we do have the cap room right now to be able to handle that pay load at WR and still bring in some key free agents and sign our draft picks.

  5. I dont see Coffman lasting until 3rd round. I dont think anyones combine has vaulted them above Coffman. In fact, Coffmans stock may be rising a bit with Pettigrew not really showing any dominance in one area.


    I dont know a whole lot about the guy slated to go to us in the second, so I dont know what to think about that pick...would rather see us grab Coffman or top Center there...

  6. unbelievable!


    actually, it is believable, it doesn't surprise me that the respondants on this thread would want to trade our probowl players. Seem's to be an ammusingly disturbing trend


    The "why trade pro bowl players" argument is a very valid one when talking about draft picks, as there is no assurance of how those picks will translate to the NFL, and I agree this would be a mistake.


    However, if you are getting back a better talent like Boldin, then the fact Lynch was a Pro Bowl Alternate is irrelevant as Boldin is and has been a better player his whole career at a much tougher position to fill. You dont pass up a chance to get that kind of talent, epecially when giving up lesser talent at a position we are deep at. Lynch is a very good RB, but Boldin is an Elite WR. Jackson is no slouch either, so the drop off is minor, if there is any drop off at all.


    Honestly, look at these two hypothetical lineups and which one do you think produces more points?


    Trent, Lynch, Jackson, Reed, Evans


    Trent, Jackson, Taylor, Boldin, Evans (my pick for more points IMO)


    Add in the fact that having Boldin would be a perfect compliment to how Trent likes to throw and it will open up the running game even more making the ground game more effective. I guess what it boils down to is your opinnion of Jacksons ability to be a starter.

  7. Now, I would do a Boldin for Lynch swap. I wouldn't do a Winslow for Lynch swap though. If we traded Lynch for Boldin, I would then pursue Derrick Ward in FA to go along with Jackson. I know he's 29, but he hasn't had the wear and tear on his body like some NFL RB's have had at that point in their career. He also averaged 5.6 ypc this past season. I still don't really want to get rid of Lynch just yet. Let's wait till he starts talking about us moving to Toronto :rolleyes:


    Yeah Ward could also be a good compliment to Jackson. I am not a fan of trading Lynch for picks, unless it was a bounty like a 1st and a 3rd...problem is, RB's never go for that much. Heck, Sea and Indy tried trading Alexander and Edge when they were still in their prime but couldnt even get a 2nd. Add in Lynch's off field troubles and I just dont see a sexy enough package of picks to warrant moving him.


    AZ may be forced to trade Boldin, and they need a RB...so this could be a win win here. Im not crazy about Winslow, but he definitely fills a big need, so I would be ok with it. Again, this stems from the faith I have in Jackson to be a dangerous back, who I actually think hits the hole more consistently than Lynch and is a better reciever out of the back field. I love how Lynch runs, but Jackson is no slouch IMO, and if we can get back top talent for Lynch, then I say do it. I dont want to see us just give him away though...

  8. I think we could maybe get Boldin or Winslow for him...I would trade him for something like that only because I believe Jackson could be a top 10 back as a full time starter. I wouldnt be too high on draft picks, because there is no certainty the players we pick will ever amount to much, but if we could get a really good player or even ELITE player like Boldin, then I would be all over it. Then sign Taylor to back up Jackson, and we would still have a lethal RB squad IMO

  9. He's in the prime of his career at 26 and has been getting better every year. He's a legitimate, proven, Pro-Bowler at the NFL level.


    With Jermaine Gresham staying in and Brandon Pettigrew proving to be less than stellar at the combine (and not spectacular in any one skill), there isn't a TE available in the draft that would be an immediate upgrade over anything we have. Even if either of those guys were available or worthy of taking with the #11 pick, there's no saying that they'd be any good; let alone a Pro-Bowler.


    With Bo Scaife being Franchised, there isn't another TE on the market that would be an upgrade.


    We desperately need a TE and Owen Daniels is the only real option outside of drafting a guy in the 2nd or 3rd and keeping our fingers crossed. Besides, we might be able to work a deal with Houston and give up less (ala Wes Welker).


    Sorry, but Coffman or Pettigrew would definitely be an upgrade over anything we have now...You put D. Fine or Schouman back in the draft this year they would be second day picks...


    Owen is a really good TE in my opinnion, but I would rather keep the picks and draft a TE then give this much up for him. That is just too much for him, even with him being young and still having upside. A first and 3rd could get us A. Boldin, I would much rather have him than Owen Daniels at that price.

  10. I find it odd that some folks are questioning why the Bills are bringing him in for a look. The last time I checked, our receiving corp was subpar. Right now, the way I see it, they have 4 guys who aren't going anyplace. Evans, Parrish, Hardy and Reed. Above and beyond that, it is wide open. Just because Jenkins signed an extension, it doesn't mean he isn't replaceable. I know some folks have a chubby for Steve Johnson because he looks cool with dreads, but he certainly isn't a lock either.


    There are differing opinions on the WR’s...some think they are better than they get credit for, others think they are subpar. I think the confusion is that both sides disagree on the quality of our existing WR, but neither side for the most part actually sees Washington as an upgrade of anything we currently have.

  11. So much for moving on; you just proved Tigre's point. And I merely provided some additional background information in my first post in this thread. I haven't even come close to "jumping all over you" ... yet. Trust me, if/when it happens, you'll know.


    Time to let gordon_g have his thread back. And that goes for everyone.


    It is defintely time to move on, and has been. FYI though, for your own reference: Just because you don't get all childish and post insultvie posts like some others do (like Senator), doesnt mean you are not just as condecending as them, and when you are condescending its going to generate a response, especially when all I did was question his credibility when the very evidence he provided did not check out.


    All that had to be said was that there was a crash and thats why his history was gone. End of discussion...but the condescending comments provoked my response with you.

  12. Ok, back on topic.


    I don't see what Buffalo could see in Washington to make them believe he will contribute more to the team than any of the wide receivers on the roster now.They just re-signed Jenkins and Washington's receiving stats are deplorable. Maybe he's a great STer. :thumbsup:


    I cant see any way that they see him as an upgrade at any WR on our roster that would see the field as an actual WR. So either one of WR's are on their way out, or this is just a ST interest...I suspect its the ST interest

  13. But I do think it has a correlation with how potentially successful they can be. If a coach is an a hole, but the players respect him they'll still play hard for him and execute his game plan (see: Johnson, Jimmy), but if a coach gets on the bad side of enough players they'll stop listening to him altogether and that will affect the team's performance.


    Exactly...the players didnt like Coughlin but still respected him and bought into his system. They didnt like the discipline, but they did trust him and now look at them.


    The players not only dont like Gruden, they dont respect him or trust him. That is the very definition of a coach "losing his team" and you can't win like that.

  14. You seem to have this overwhelming need to be liked, to be right, to prove you're smarter than everyone, and to have the last word all the time - I'm guessing you get your ass kicked a lot.


    This is the kind of posts I come to expect from you Janitor...you never dissapoint. Thanks for illustrating my point of my previous post...you have quite the track record of posting stuff like this about all kinds of people in just about every thread you enter...nice work.


    The only place I get my ass kicked is on the paintball field as I am 6'4" which makes finding cover a challenge...lol.

  15. I've run across you on several threads lately and you seem to love telling others that their post is repetitive or stupid or just generally shouldn't be on the board. If that's your opinion,fine,just move along. No reason to post a snide,"I'm smarter that you" post. If you want to discuss football,great,just drop the holier than thou attitude.


    LMAO...you should read the whole threads...those are almost always in direct response to people who start making smart ass posts, insultive posts, outlandish posts (see any post by Poland for a perfect example). I OFTEN comment on how good peoples post are even when they are opposite opinnions of me.


    But whatever...doesnt matter...time to move on...

  16. Hey Alphapuppy,




    Maybe you should have Lori and Tiger watch that...there the ones jumping all over me for going off the very info the original poster had me lookup, despite the fact that I have already acknowledged this crash and said I look forward to this guys inside info.


    This board is comical...at least it keeps the off season interesting.


    Best part is that I got slammed for sharing direct inside info on Buffalos possible interest in Cassel several weeks ago, just to see it confirmed as possible interest in media outlets this past week.

  17. Or, if you don't know the history of either the poster or the board, you could always refrain from making a snide comment.


    But then it wouldn't be the Stadium Wall we all know and love, I suppose.


    Lori, you just dont get it...I DID know the history of this guy, at least the history this message board has for him...he told me to look at it, so I did...thats the difference here. I commented on his DOCUMENTED history that HE told me to look at. I am sure, he isnt aware of it not being there either, or he wouldnt have said to do that.


    What I didnt know is that history on this board has been compromised because of some wipeout that happened before I got here. So, am I just supposed to assume that there must have been some crash that caused the data to be lost when I have never heard that before? I mean, what other possible conclusion could I have come to? Especially given the gibberish spilled here frequently?


    So rather than accuse me of commenting without knowing his history, why dont you cut me some slack because I actually did look at his history as I WANTED to give him the benefit of the doubt. UNFORTUNATELY, that history isnt documented there, and that is neither my fault nor his, but it was ALL I had to go on. I acknowledged the breakdown and information and even stated I look forward to any other insights he can bring...geezus.

  18. As far as Taylor goes...if both Buffalo and NE offer him a contract, I don't see how he chooses us over them. Weather is the same, so thats not a factor. In Buffalo, we have a tandem already in Lynch and Jackson. So, if we retain both of them, that means Taylor is more of an insurance policy against a Lynch suspension. In NE, he could, and like would be the outright starter or at the very least, be part of a two back tandem on a team that went 16-0 in 2007 and 11-5 in 2008 despite losing Brady in the first week.


    If Taylor does sign here despite NE's interest, I would keep an eye on Lynch or Jackson. The only way I think Taylor signs here is if he believes he has an opportunity to get at least 10-15 touches a game, and that isnt happening with both Lynch and Jackson here. So, if we sign him I wouldnt be surprised if that led to a trade of Lynch or Jackson (assuming we resign him). Or maybe they think they can get Taylor for cheaper than keeping Jackson...who knows, but signing Taylor I think would raise some questions...

  19. As others have pointed out, a hard drive crash wiped out the Stadium Wall archive from Apr. 21, 2007 to Mar. 13, 2008. During the beginning of the 2008 free agency period, Mr. G. posted about player visits -- most notably Stroud's -- several hours before anyone in the media had that news. And yeah, because TSW had been burned by previous "inside" info, people gave him crap ... until his predictions started coming true.


    My suggestion: be quiet, let the man speak, and pay attention to what he says. You might learn something interesting.


    I know, I get it, geezus...arent we being a little dramatic? I mean what was I supposed to think?


    First he posted news that isn't exactly breaking news in Taylor and Washington coming as its already been reported on here several times, then says he has this accurate track record to check out...so I look at his past posts, as he requested, and there is only one post last year and it was about Chris Carr.


    Considering I was on another board last year and not here, have no idea who he is as he hasnt been posting at all this offseason, has a record that says only 16 posts lifetime and only one post last offseason about Chris Carr, and have never heard about this wipeout until now, what did you expect me to think?


    Think about all the gibberish on this board daily (see any post by Poland for an example)...how was I supposed to look at this and go, “Oh, he does have inside info and there must have been some kind of wipeout of his posts wiping away all the proof he talked about.” when I didn't even know about this wipeout as it was before my time here. Geezus, cut me some slack…


    If he has inside info, then I welcome it and look forward to reading about it.

  20. Trust what he says Alpha, he's been right about these things before. His previous posts were deleted in the crash though.


    Good to see you back Gordon g. :thumbsup:


    Ok, I just searched his history as HE said and he had only 16 posts and only one last year about Chris Carr...I wasnt posting here last year...

  21. Fred Taylor and Kelley Washington coming to town in the next couple days.


    I'm not going to get into a discussion or provide links, Look at my past history you'll see I was right last year as well.


    Huh? You made one post last year about Chris Carr coming in...so how are you some kind of guru?


    Its no secret Washington and Taylor are likely coming in...

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