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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. After giving it some thought I believe the Bills will once again disappoint us Bills fans this free agency period. Greer will not be re-signed and Freddie Jackson and Jason Peters will have nasty holdouts and the Bills will not sign any marque free agents.


    Instead, the Bills FO will once again pretend to be going after free agents by hosting a plethora of FA's and RFA's. They will offer deals to players knowing darn well that their offers won't be good enough to sign them to make it appear as though they are actually trying to sign FA's, just like they did a couple of seasons ago when they wasted time offering deals to FA's such as Reggie Wells, Floyd Womack and Israel Idonije.


    I know I'll get flamed for this and be accused of being a bad fan or a negative fan but I like to think that I'm a realist and by now I know how things work over at OBD. At least I won't be disappointed. My expectations are very low.


    Look for your usual "B" list of players that get overpaid to come here. Our only hope this off-season is the draft.


    Flame away.


    These posts are getting tiresome...Seems like just about every offseason the Bills make some big moves and yet every year the whiners come out and say we never do. Gets so old. Wilson has spent big money on players, and people complain he doesnt. Let me remind you of some of the bigger offseason moves we have done that created excitement just to be forgotten as if we never make moves. Not saying they all worked out, but thats not the debate. The cries are that our off seasons are dissapointing with no moves...


    Last year we went out and got Stroud and Mitchell and extended Evans (pretty big off season, and we drafted McKelvin)


    Also these occured in recent years...


    Trade for Bledsoe

    Trade Peerless to get a first round pick back

    Traded up to get a QB of the future in JP

    Signed Dockery and Walker

    Moved McGahee to get more picks

    Brought in Takeo

    Drafted Lynch


    I mean, we have been doing things each off season just about that creates buzz and excitement...do they all work out, NO, but that doesnt mean our FO hasnt been looking to improve and spending money...

  2. I think that they could be moving Walker or Butler to the LG spot, going after a "top tier" C, and going after another OT in the draft or via FA. I don't really see anyone who would be but so much of an upgrade at the RT position though. Tauscher is coming off of a torn ACL and Tra Thomas is a LT for the most part that will be 35 in November. Maybe we are targeting a guy for OT or OG in the draft. Maybe we are about to go after Andre Smith from Alabama. This comes on the heels of him supposedly "dropping" down draft boards.


    I doubt they created a hole in the offensive line on the hopes of a certain guy maybe falling to us at 11. Too much uncertainty to bank on a player being there in the draft. Now, if they have several targets on the O Line and feel strongly one will be there at one our picks, then maybe, but I doubt this has anything to do with Andre Smith. Especially given Smith now suddenly reminds people A LOT of Mike Williams...

  3. They are freeing up alot of cash, for Ralph's pockets probably. Lets hope that all the criticism that he and the Front Office have been getting hit with make him open his wallet a little bit this off season, but I will believe it when I see it.


    You mean like when he opened up his pocket book for Dockery? I love it, we cut a huge salary we gave a guy in FA and there are still posts as if Ralph never spends money...lmao


    Complain about how he has spent money, but he has spent money...

  4. The Buffalo Bills retained Fred Jackson's rights with a one-year tender for the minimum $460,000, according to an NFL source. If this is true, I feel bad for Fred. Fred Jackson is one of the few Bills players that shows heart when he plays. I can't believe we didn't offer him a real deal; especially, in light of having Fred Taylor in for a visit and Lynch's most recent off the field antics. This minimum offer is an insult. Fred Jackson is better than Lynch.


    What is up at One Bills Drive? Show Fred the money.


    Ok, this is like the 5th thread on this including the one just below this on the front page...


    Hopefully for the last time this is said, but they HAD to give him the one year tender to keep him. It does not mean Buffalo wont offer him a long term contract...this is a formality...

  5. The trade for Owen Daniels is tempting.


    I like the Boldin for Lynch trade.


    And I like the mid-1st and a 3rd Rounder but for this year, not 2010, especially if we acquire Fred Taylor to mentor two young backs (say, Jackson and Moreno).


    My draft in this scenario is a trade of Lynch for Houston's #15 and 77.

    We bring in OLB Free Agent Derrick Brooks and RB Fred Taylor (will stay on as asst RB coach), and re-sign Jackson to 4 years.

    RD1#11 Pettigrew TE

    RD1#15 Moreno RB

    RD2#42 Ayers DE

    RD3#75 Wood OC

    RD3#77 Jean-Francois DT


    Dont get all these Lynch trade to houston scenarios on here...Why would Houston trade for Lynch? I have seen that a few times on now...anyone ever heard of Steve Slaton? They are not going to trade a lot to get a guy with off field issues when they already have a dynamic young RB...

  6. well if you could judge a RB by one game, you could call him the second best in the NFL.... he did have tie for most yards in the pro bowl, and he sustained drives that gave them scoring chances... That just shows you how capable of a back he is behind a competent line, and considering he only got a handful of carries - I'm happy keeping him


    Why do people keep making a big deal about 6 carries for 48 yards in an exhibition game? Ones opinnion of Lynch doesnt matter, I am talking about why people keep making a big deal about gaining 48 yards on 6 carries in a game where everyone plays soft and is more fun than true competition? I mean its a lousy 48 yards, its not like he went for 160 or something on 6 carries.


    This comment is not meant to create any opinnion about Lynch himself, just baffles me how many times I have seen his 48 yards on 6 carries made out to be some monster day. Heck, Lynch eclipsed that yardage on a single carry during a real NFL game against SF...


    Lynch will start to become more impressive when he starts running for a high YPC in real NFL games, not exhibition games, and he won't do that until he learns to hit the hole better, more decisively, and with more authority. He showed some improvement towards the last half of last year, so I think he can do it. But until then, he will be a good RB, not a great RB.

  7. Tell that to Jackson, who will watch guys like Copeland Bryan, Xavier Omon, Alvin Bowen, Corey McIntyre, Ryan Neill and the rest of team (minus 5 guys) make more than him this season. That's what he just went through this past season, too.


    It's obvious that he'll "get by" on $460K, but it's more important to NFL players to get paid what they are worth based on position & skill rather than get paid enough to get by.


    Not to mention Jackson is no spring chicken...this is likely his last chance at a real nice contrat. If he plays for 2 years for peanuts, then when he finally hits FA market he isnt going to likely land a big contract.

  8. Taylor is 33, so I doubt he is being looked at to come in and replace a much younger and very productive back in our own Fred, espeicially given the price to retain him. I think the only person in danger here is Lynch, and its not Fred Taylor providing that threat, its our own Fred Jackson. I think if we bring in Taylor I would start getting nervous if I was Lynch. Taylor would be a good compliment to a newly starting Fred Jackson and provide us a year or two to see what Oman could do or find a capable backup via FA or draft to Jackson.


    Jackson hits the hole better and is a better recieiving threat. There is no denying Lynch's abilities, but Jackson is no slouch, and with someone like Taylor spelling him for 10 carries a game, we would have a dangerous ground game still IMO. So, if Taylor signs, I think that is a bigger threat to Marshawn than Jackson.


    Given Lynch's run ins the last 2 years, I think the office will be even more motivated to lock up Jackson long term, so I think this offer is just to keep him off the open market so they can have time to get a deal done long term.

  9. No offense, but this is the third thread on this.


    Why do we need to save money on the cap? Whats the rush? We are far enough under the cap that we dont have to make cuts to sign even the top free agents.


    1. I am sure they are going to see who they have as replacements before they make cuts as there is no financial pressure to make cuts now.


    2. They may be exploring trade scenarios with some of the players you think should be cut.


    3. The cold hard truth is certain players on our team that casual fans want cut are not as bad as the fans think. Kelsay and Denney for instance are over paid, but they do provide value to our team and are solid players on our D. So until we have a player better than those ON our roster, why would we cut them as so many fans want to see happen?


    I am sure once we start upgrading those positions we will start to see cuts. But at this point there is no financial reason to make cuts, especially when we don't currently have replacements for them. I have no doubt we will cut Royal if we bring in a TE, and I think one of our DE's will be gone too IF we bring in a DE through draft or FA, otherwise they will both be in Buffalo next year.


    To be honest, given our cap room, I don't forsee a lot of cuts by the Bills this offseason...our biggest problem is DEPTH. So even if we bring in upgrades to start over them, it doesnt mean we will cut them as we can use them as backups for depth. So I think the bulk of the cuts will come from seldom used players...

  10. Doesn't hurt that there is pressure on the QB for that play, and Favruh hung a wobbler out there to dry. Credit to Greer for taking it back, but clearly the pocket collapsed.


    Give me another pass rusher.


    What you and the other posters fail to see is the incrdible foot work Greer ran, as if he was the one running the route. That is about as good as it gets in coverage. I remember watching that game and saying we need to lock this guy up. I even posted on this board about that play the next day.


    This is the difference of view point from those of us that have played football at a competitive level and those that have not. Not meant to be offensive, but those who havent played at a competitive level generally dont look for or have an appreciation for things like technique and footwork. They generally look at stats, big hits, or big plays to determine success, which is understandable.

  11. It's hundred dolla bill y'all but huge $ is the only thing that will bring them to Buffalo. You folks need to stop being so defensive and realize that we all grew up or lived in a depressed area there that hasn't seen a good time since the steel mills closed, the wheels fell off after that.


    Aren't you just a ray of light...if you dont want the Bills then send them to me here in Los Angeles, I will be more than happy to take em...

  12. What the delay, we all know who should be cut. Why don't the coaches know???? :blink::P:wallbash:


    There is already a thread on this...we are way under the cap, we do not have to cut anyone to be able to pay the top free agents, so why makes cuts before you know what you have to replace them? There is no need to rush to cut players, cuts will be made I suspect as we start finding replacements for the ones being cut.

  13. haynesworth made comments back in november that he wanted to get paid and that was his #1 priority......of course, this was very unsurprising given that 95% of NFL players operate this way........i don't know how you heard that and interpreted it as a contract was a "pretty sure bet" with tennessee - i certainly think you were in the minority with that poor reasoning


    unsurprisingly tennessee tried to retain him (why wouldn't they?), and unsurprisingly haynesworth listened (why wouldn't he?), but the gap was significant


    at the end of the day it was never that complicated - he just wants to get paid and has no loyalty to tennessee.......we knew this long ago.....given the fact tennessee wasn't allowed to tag him they never had a leg up on anyone, as teams tamper constantly and the haynesworth camp is well aware what is out there vs. the offer they are seeing from the titans......the top dollar will get him


    Haynesworth said many times, and still does, that he wants to stay in Tennessee. He said Tenn is, and would always be, his first choice. Of course if a team like Washington is willing to give him absurd money he's gonna probably take it, especially if Tenn is far below in their offers.


    But the two sides quickly went into contract negotiations with the intent on getting a deal done. Both said they want each other. Both continue to work towards him staying there and from what I hear are still working on a contract even though he is going to test Free Agency and neither has closed the door on a return. Most analysts believed he would stay too as Tenn was even more motivated to retain him after the play of their D dropped off significantly with his injury. This was a wide spread belief that he would stay there when negotiations started, so I am not sure why you think that was the minority belief.


    He still remains Tenn top priority, but with the absurg contracts being handed out, I don't think they are going to be willing to pay him what others teams like washington are willing to overpay him.

  14. I read a report where it said Sanchez had alot of trouble throwing outside the hash marks. Anybody that picks Sanchez with a top 10 pick is making a big mistake. I would not take him in the first round.


    Interesting that there are contradicting reports on his combine. Wonder which is more accurate. Should be interesting going into his pro day.

  15. So do you or don't you think it would be a dumb idea to sign Haynesworth to the contract he wants or not? :rolleyes:


    I posted earlier on this thread that I think it would be a mistake. I dont think he is worth that much money. His reputation for taking plays off, his injury history is worse than Trents, and he only plays about 60% of the plays from what I read in Tenn.


    Dont ge me wrong, I think he is a great player and would love to see him in Buffalo, but I question what his motivation will be once he gets this contract and will he stay healthy. I would pass on him at the level of contract he wants and is being rumored to being offered out of Washington.

  16. Actually, if it requires a 1st and a 3rd to get him -- I would rather spend that 1st and 3rd on Anquain Boldin -- or save my draft picks and sign Housh, who is an UFA.


    Agreed... :rolleyes:


    Boldin would be a bigger difference maker and I think we can get him for a 1st and 3rd. Plus, AZ would be motivated to send him to us as it gets him out of their conference.

  17. impossible. numerous people on this board told me all the way back in november that the titans wouldn't let haynesworth get away under any circumstances, despite the fact they couldn't place the f-tag on him.


    I will admit, I was on that band wagon. This came fom the fact that Albert stated he really wanted to stay in Tenn, and Tenn said they really wanted to keep him. This was solidified with Tenn and Albert entering into negotiations early and looked to be a pretty sure bet to get done. So all signs pointed at his resigning in Tenn and it looked to be more of a long shot that he wouldn't. I would guess its about 50-50 now...


    The absurd contracts already being shelled out this offseason though has sky rocketed his price to absurd levels, so Tenn may now be balking at such a high price for a guy who cant stay healthy and plays 60% of the snaps.

  18. I read a summary of the combine and they said Sanchez had a great combine and with another good outing on his proday it could cement him as a top 10 pick and even see some teams trying to trade up to get him. In fact, they were speculating on SF taking him at 10 and saying with a good pro day he wont be there at 10.


    So not all bad.


    Crabtree may slide from 4 to 7 but not out of top 10 IMO

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