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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Hey, it's a message board for fans to speak their mind...sorry if they don't have they have a life and can't post as much as you do. Everyone has a right to post on this board, not just the people who are "all pros" or whatever.


    Let people speak their mind, my friend. We gotta listen to you, don't we.


    There are countless threads being started to say the same thing...when we are all waiting to see update threads with real info, the whiny ass threads can be condensed into one...a new thread to whine and cry about the exact same thing in a dozen other threads just pollutes the board...


    It gets old trying to sift through all the whiny duplicate threads trying to find threads that have real news and merit. You wanna comlain, more power to you, its your right, but we dont need 2 dozens threads on it...

  2. Newsflash - the serious team teams in this league do get what they want day one







    Those are 5 positions that need to be filled. Is it too much to ask for to go after a Bart Scott and overpay a little. You get that LB in FA and draft the best DE available at #11. Good thing they spent the entire day on Coles when he is not even the answer to this team.


    Hey Ralph, did you read what Fred Taylor said after the visit?? You created one heck of a winning attitude around here with your 10 time loser coach. Thanks for nothing again


    Bart Scott? Are you serious? You do realize he wanted to either stay in Balt where he got a good offer, or go to the Jets where his coach from Balt is now the head coach for the Jets...get a clue before you cry about stuff that could never happpen. He got huge contract offers from the only 2 places he wanted to go, nothing we could have done would have brought him here...so complain about something we can control...


    Haynesworth was grossly over paid, which is why no other teams offered nearly as much as Washington because no ones that dumb...

  3. Who cares who the Bills best or worst qb is or was? For that matter who is or was the best kicker? It really doesn't matter. What matters is until this team gets some players with a nasty, rotten, don't give a f**k, take no prisoner attitude Buffalo will never again be a winnig team. Like most people agree it all has to start in the front office and that being with the big cheese. Football is a tough sport and demands tough players. Buffalo has very few on the team right now that exemplify this attitude. It sucks to see free agents pass by with the names of like LeCharles Bentley and those nasty attitude type guys. For GOD's sake to the top brass try putting some guys on the field that will scare the sh-- out of their opponents. I'm not talking thugs so don't even go there. I'm talking guys like Cornelius Bennet who put Jeff George out of his first NFL game with a concussion by slamming his head into the turf as he sacked him. Guys like Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennet when they ended Joe Montana's career. Piss on the NFL police who want to control every freakin' play and just let the players play the damn game. What is Buffalo missing that keeps them from winning? It's guys who have this type of mentality to just destroy whoever the hell has the balls to line up against them. So to whoever in the hell has any say or communication with the top brass in the Bills orginization just tell them you don't have to pay all kinds of money to players and free agents who suck just pay a few good players a little bit of money who want to kick the sh-- out of the opponents and all the rest will fall into place.


    Its amazing how many of these BS threads have been started today by people who barely post to this site or just joined...If I had a dollar for each whiny ass fan on this board today I could have personally paid Haynesworth salary to play in Buffalo...geezus...


    They need a broken record Emoticon or a big piece of cheese so you can give someone some cheese to go with all this wine...



  4. If I were a top notch free agent logic says I would want to go where there is some atmosphere of winning and an owner who does what it takes and is comitted to winning. This team has not made the playoffs in 9 years and a coach who is on a short leash who could very well be gone after this coming season. DJ's career record speaks for itself....he is terrible.


    The front office is a mess and has not exactly been great in the evaluation of talent in Free Agency or in the draft in the past 9 years.


    Yes money does make a difference but if the working atmosphere is poor I would never go to a company that has major problems with management and has a cheap owner who does not get it. Would you?


    Geezus...how many of these threads are needed...just go away already...


    You should change your avatar to a big piece of cheese to go with all that wine...

  5. Seriously.


    We need a guy to play OLB and this guy is a good OLB. He's a 4-3 LB and he played well for Atlanta. He fell out of favour there but still played well. He's only 26 and is a riser. Lombardi and Wyche on NFLN last night both said they felt he's a future pro bowler.


    We have a need and he can fill it. And since the good Cs are gone, there were no DEs or TEs, the Bills FO should be all over this guy.


    I don't get it. They need to fly his ass in and make him a big offer so he doesn't even leave town to visit other teams.


    Um, its day one...

  6. The added bonus of adding coles: It will free up our TE in the middle of the field. They are going to have to account for both Evans and Coles on every down...throw in Reed, Johnson, or Parrish in a 3 WR set and they will gather a lot of attention...


    So, D. Fine might become a play maker or some other TE we get likely in the draft or maybe in FA. Defenses still have to account for Lynch/Jackson out of the back field too...


    Coles would be a really good signing IMO...Housh or Boldin would be best, but I will be happy with Coles

  7. I'm annoyed seeing NFL Network spend 10 minutes on the Patriots and Jets upgrading their roster, as well as Miami....and we have not done one thing to improve the team other than cut 2 players.


    What have they done? Taylor hasnt signed yet, Bart Scott hasnt signed yet and may end up staying in Balt still, and Miami kept their own players....


    Geezus, its the first day of FA and this board is nothing but negative doom and gloom...

  8. geezus, how many doom and gloom, the sky is falling, threads do we need...its the freaking first day of FA and we have more guys visiting us than most teams.


    1. 80% of what goes on in FA will NOT be reported in the media. Teams constantly inquire about players, but just because you dont see it in the media as a rumor you think they are doing nothing. Many teams called on Haynesworth, the only teams mentioned though were Titans and Washington...doesnt mean we didnt inquire either.


    2. Backup QB is a huge need for us, and there are very FEW quality QB's out there for us right now.


    3. The fact YOU dont see Coles as a good fit here means nothing. You cant say we are not doing anything because of your arm chair QB analysis of that player. I assure you, the FO knows more about football than you and if they brought him in its because he fits what they are looking to do. Most analysts commenting on Coles visit seem to think he would be a great fit.


    4. For a player to come in for a visit he has to be available to do so...its the first day in FA, if his agent sent him to another team today, then we have to wait until another day for him to come in here. Jason Brown is in St. Louis, so how is he supposed to be here too?

  9. Well that's why we've been clearing space, I would assume. I'd be baffled if we weren't after Brown or Saturday.


    I would love to see either of those guys, however Saturday has said he wants to play in Pitt, and Pitt wants him. Brown (according to rotoworld) wants to go to Miami who also wants him. So, looks like our only shot may be to over pay...

  10. First he says that this will be a no full back system,

    but now with cutting Royal, only a few weeks after Turk's statements,

    we sign up Corey, and go the opposite direction.


    Just sortof makes you wonder considering how seemingly unorganized our FO is


    Hes our new starting RB since you said we are cutting beastmode

  11. The fact Fla has no State income Tax is a much greater incentive than the weather.


    Didnt know they had no state income tax...so yes, that would be strike #2 on hom coming to Buffalo...or should I say strike #1, with his desire to go to Miami strike #2, and the Weather strike #3...

  12. Dolphins signed ILB Channing Crowder to a three-year contract.


    The deal is probably worth around $20 million and protects Miami from future injuries. Knee woes cost Crowder five games in 2007, one in 2008, and he had surgery last offseason. Crowder is a highly productive tackler and staying in Miami helps his IDP value, but he hasn't emerged as a three-down force. He still has zero career interceptions and didn't record a sack last year.

  13. These two guys SERIOUSLY do not like each other. It's worse than Salisbury and Clayton EVER were towards each other. McShay couldn't say 2 words without Kiper jumping on him about Stafford. Kiper made himself look like a complete donkey at the end though. He said he would, "take Stafford with the #1 overall pick even if he wasn't going to be a great QB in the NFL." That's about one of the most retarded things I've ever heard.


    When is Kiper not making himself look like a donkey...for a guru, he is rarely right

  14. Shopping and actually buying are two distinctly different things.


    You guys do realize this isnt like a grocery store where there is a price, we agree to pay it, and we buy it. Regardless of what we offer or who we go after, those players still have to say yes. In fact, some will have places they already want to go and offers from those teams to go there, so they won't even come in for a visit.


    Its not like we get to just go out and buy something...there has to be mutual interest. So just because we dont sign someone doesnt mean we didnt go after them.


    Just like trading down...people get all mad about when we dont trade down as if its our choice to ignoring the fact someone has to be willing to give up value to trade UP to our spot...

  15. It's worth something to have veteran leaders...if they don't cut the mustard, put them on the bench (which he will be next season I think), but there's no point just cutting him.


    Yeah, he has value to the team and that defense. He is not as bad as he is made out to be...he isnt going to confuse any for Bruce Smith, and he is over paid IMO, but he is still solid and would be great off the bench.

  16. FYI: Supposedly, Miami is where he wants to go and Miami also wants him, according to rotoworld...Hard to land a guy who wants to go someplace and they also want him as a top target...so dont get your hopes up. Not to mention Miamis weather...

  17. what i like about the draft this year is that our two big needs positions, TE/C are both pretty deep with talent which will allow the Bills to grab the most impactful player with their first pick


    Yeah, giving up a ton for Daniels with a deep TE class would be somewhat of a mistake. I wouldn't hate it, only becuase at least we know we are getting good talent with those picks by getting a really good and young TE, but its still too steep of price to pay since we have too many holes to fill. If we didnt have so many holes, then I would say get er done.

  18. One quick question from a guy who is still learning the whole process. What is the benefit of releasing him instead of trading him? Is it simply because no one wants to pay his contract?


    They may have tried and couldnt which is why they waited until now. Who knows...his contract is way overpriced from how he has played, so dont see anyone taking it on...this isnt the NBA, lol

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