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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Nice, one more guy who holds out hope year after dismal year, that I have to show halfway through the season that I was right. See my posts from preseason last year and then apply it to the season we saw. Then get back to me, walk-on! :huh:


    The point is not what you have posted in the past, but the fact you started the exact same thread started on this board 50 times in the last 3 days and it offers no new perspective or useful information and just adds to the pussification of our fan base and message board...

  2. Well, he was injured for most of the year but I get your point. At the same time, doesn't Trent have a winning record in the NFL?


    He wasnt hurt though the first 6 games, all losses. But college records dont matter, I was only addressing the comments made about Cutlers college record.


    NFL records are not an accurate indication of a QB's performance...football is a team game, QB is very important, but a teams ability to win doesnt rely only on the QB. Good teams can overcome marginal QB play...


    Brees doesn't have an impressive record because of his teams, however, he is easily a top 5 QB in this league...Flacco has a good record even though he didn't play all that well because his team was good enough to win with his level of play...

  3. I like Cutler a lot too but it's interesting that his college team never had a winning record or went to a bowl game. You can say it's because he went to Vandy but it's interesting his teams struggle to win.



    Trents college record at Stanford... 9 wins, 18 losses...never had a winning season, lost all 6 games he started his senior year...so why is Cutlers college record in this discussion when he is clearly the far better QB thus far in the NFL, the only league that currently matters.

  4. I like Cutler a lot too but it's interesting that his college team never had a winning record or went to a bowl game. You can say it's because he went to Vandy but it's interesting his teams struggle to win.


    Trent didnt win a game his Sr. Year at Stanford...whats your point here about college records?

  5. That's exactly the way it should play out.


    Yeah, the FO isnt nearly as enamored as the posters on this board IMO with Trent. This is a make or break year for him. He either makes strides this year or they will go another direction for 2010...so until he puts up something to get excited about, they wont be putting any more money into him.

  6. he is the same type of qb that jp losman is except better. atheltic, big arm and prone to throwing int's. he does not fit the scheme here. he needs to be able to stretch the field and we dont do that here. we havent since drew bledsoe. besides his career record is 17-24 in the worst division in football and one of the best recievers in football. what makes anyone think that if he came here in a much tougher division and a offensive scheme that would take away what he is naturally good at that he would be successful?


    Come on now, statements like this are just silly. Dont you think his record is affected by the fact that his defense cant stop a high school football team? Cutler passed for over 4500 yards last year and the Broncos didn't miss the playoffs because of him, they had a shot at the playoffs because of him and wouldn't have even won 4 games without him at QB.


    Brees didnt make the playoffs either because of his defense...should we just say he isnt very good either?

  7. Same as what the Chiefs paid to get Cassel.


    Broncos offered a 1st and 3rd to NE for cassel...NE hooked up his old pal since Den came to the table to late...KC got a huge discount...no way on earth does Cutler goes for less than a #1 pick...

  8. All I know is if I thought I had a franchise qb I wouldn't even consider trading him. It's too hard to find a good qb in this league. Mcdaniels knows a thing or two about what it takes for a qb to be very successful, and the fact that he is entertaining trades speaks volume's. My guess is that he doesn't believe he is a leader, and that he makes too many boneheaded mistakes.


    He wanted Cassel...Cutler is going no where.

  9. Why all the fuss about Jay Cutler? What has he done in the league to warrant such accolades? Yes he has thrown for a lot of yards, but most of it was due to with having a great offensive mind (Mike Shanahan) and weapons around him. Has he ever won a playoff game? I'm sorry. He hasn't been to the playoffs. I wonder what Trent's career would be like if he had Cutler's opportunity. I personally would prefer Edwards over Cutler at this point. For one, Edwards isn't the primadonna Cutler is. Secondly, Cutler's performances toward the end of the season were not so great. Lastly, who knows how his bout with diabetes may effect the rest of his career.


    Come on...how can anyone compare Edwards to Cutler and keep a straight face. You want to question what Cutler has done...well what has Trent done...NOTHING. He has only had more than 1 TD in a game 4 times his whole career. He has more turnovers than TD's in his career. 18TDs 18INTs and some lost fumbles...


    By the way Cutler hasnt been to the playoffs because their defense cant stop a high school team, not because of Cutler...where we havent been to the playoffs because our QB play has been poor between JP and Trent.


    In almsot 50% of his starts, Edwards has passed for less than 200 yards...but most importantly, he regressed last year, he wasnt improving, he was regressing and becoming gun shy.


    Now, I hope Edwards turns it around, but if you are going to look at these two players, it is CLEAR Cutler has been the better player. Not to mention Cutler has a way better arm.


    Everyone blames the OC...you do realize the OC designs the game plan AROUND the QB's abilities right? No one takes that into consideration when they rip our conservative game plan. I am not endorsing our OC, but too many excuses are made for Trent because of the OC. It was very interesting when we ran the ball 3 times straight to kick a long FG (which we missed and lost the game on). To me, that showed a lack of confidence in Trent to not turn the ball over as he had been struggling a lot in that game.


    My answer is CUTLER!!!!!!!!!

  10. This would be a nice addition and would be all for it. A package deal with Cutler would be incredible but will never happen, in fact, I doubt seriously Cutler goes anywhere now. The difference is there is no Matt Cassel going to Denver. Cutler was talked about in a trade scenario that would end in them getting Cassel. Who are we gonna give denver? Edwards? Come on, no way they do that.


    Scheffler though seems like he can be had and we would be fools not to explore it.

  11. I,m very disappointed in the Bills Brain Trust as of right now dragging their feet.Why not try to trade for Tony G,look what Tampa did to get Kellen W,Draft picks.The Bills could have had this guy in the fold last year already.I dont understand what their thinking ....theres no urgency...what does everyone think.


    Tony G blocked a trade to Buffalo last year...

  12. Per rotoworld...


    NFL Network's Adam Schefter reports that Matt Cassel is expected to be traded to the Chiefs, but there may a third "mystery team" in play.


    Schefter has softened his wording, saying the deal has been "agreed to" and "expected." Paperwork has been drawn up; Cassel will be traded. Schefter says there is now some question whether Kansas City could be his final destination. The "mystery team" is supposedly a surprise, which would seemingly rule out Tampa. That team could either swoop in or get involved in a three-way deal. Cassel is also working out a possible contract, which is probably the biggest factor in holding up this news. It's possible the Patriots agreed to trade compensation, but Cassel's contract demands are holding the deal up. If Cassel is dealt, it's safe to say the Tyler Thigpen era is over before it started.


    So it says a surprise mystery team could be part of this deal and be the actual landing spot for Cassel...wonder who that would be...

  13. If you want up to the minute info you can have it texted to your cell or go to the Bills website. What else is there to do on a Friday night when our front office is sucking as bad in FA as our team does while on the field but to haggle each other.


    Um, maybe try getting a girl and getting the heck out of the house or getting together with your boys for some drinks (cuz you clearly need one) instead of preaching about the sky is falling on a message board all night...just a suggestion. I will take a shot at the bar for you with my girl in about an hour to honor your apparent misery...

  14. I read alot of threads that I think, in my opinion, are worthless, so I just close them and go on to another one. Why do some people make a post just to criticize someone else's thread? Must be because thier threads are always so earth shattering important. If you don't want to read someone's posts, don't-no one has a gun to your head.


    Its because at a time when true fans are trying to keep up with real news on here, the board gets polluted with dozens of the exact same thread...I dont have a problem with whiny lil cry babies, cry all you want, its your perogative, but we dont need an individual thread for each one polluting the board so real info gets buried...

  15. But he said that Ralph needs to get off his wallet and spend money, he said nothing about spending it wisely.


    The problem is, the retard Rodeo thats back here continues to harp on Ralph for being cheap and not spending money because he won't getthe guy they want, but the truth is, Ralph has spent money, lots of money. It may not have been spent wisely in hindsight, but big money was spent.


    EXACTLY :D:angry::wallbash:

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