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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. The jackasses at One Bills Drive don't even realize that they already have their #2 receiver in Steven Johnson. The guy made two awesome redzone TDs catches towards the end of the season. He has great hands and feet, and is perfect for the possession receiver roll, but the Bills are addicted to bringing in new WRs and CBs I guess. It's comical how stupid they all are.


    Hows his route running? Hows his understanding of the offense? My guess not near what it needs to be for him to be the #2 WR, otherwise he would have played more and we wouldnt be hosting WR's.

  2. I know what you are saying and I truly understand it. However I was under the impression ( not from any special source just an old Army buddy that lives in Cleveland) Mangini got the head coach job because He worked under Wiess in NE who was Quinns coach in college and would run a system that Brady was familar with. This just doesnt seem right, and I do like Cutler but how much faster would he acclimate to a new system in a year, year and a half maybe. It just seems to me that if I was a Browns fan this would be a bothersome move for me.


    The new regimen in Cle said D. Anderson and Quinn would compete for a job and that they are not sold on Quinn...if I was a fan in Cle, I take the Pro Bowl QB, not the the QB we know nothing about. The fact he played for Weiss has little value IMO. Plus Cutler has the bigger arm better suited for the weather in Cle.


    If I am a Cle fan I am jumping for joy in this trade and praying they dont trade Braylon...

  3. I know that he struggled some last year, but talk about a lack of patiences. They gave the bank to move up into the first round then give him all of 6 or so starts then trade him. This makes Bills fans diligence with QBs look downright benevolent.


    its not about a lack of patience...tis called young pro bowl QB in Cutler for unproven QB in Quinn...


    No one is saying Quinn doesnt have potential...but thats ALL he is right now...a QB with potential. Cutler is a real young PRO BOWL QB who has a bigger arm, just as much upside, if not more, and keeps getting better each year...

  4. Update per rotoworld...


    There is reportedly a "rumor" flying around that has the Browns sending Brady Quinn and Shaun Rogers for Jay Cutler and a third-round pick.


    Another has Cleveland swapping Braylon Edwards for Mathias Kiwanuka, which would leave the Browns with Syndric Steptoe, Donte' Stallworth, and Martin Rucker as their top three pass catchers. The Cutler-Quinn deal seems more feasible, but the Cleveland Plain Dealer says there are "no legs to either rumor."

  5. The real question here is why in the world would Cleveland want Cutler. They have Quinn, did I miss something with him. Also Anderson is as good as a number 2 as you can get. Dealing Anderson would be smart if you can get a good deal for him. The Brownies signal callers struggled last year had as much to do with B. Edwards dropping balls, and Winslow not living up to expectations as anything. Tradding Quinn makes no sense for either team unless Tampa is still trying to work out a three team trade for a QB, then Anderson could go to the Broncos, and Cutler to the Bucs with Quinn staying in Cleveland.


    Yes, you apparently did miss something...Quinn wasnt all that impressive when he played last year. Doesnt mean he wont be good, but there is no certainty and a lot of question marks. Cutler is a Pro Bowler...big difference...also, reports out of Cleveland is the new regime is not sold on Quinn and have already stated it will be an open QB battle between D. Anderson and Quinn if both are still there this preseason...

  6. I think 3 years, 18 million is too much for him. If he's honestly looking for more than that, he'll probably be disappointed by the Bengals' offer too.


    Yeah, if the Bengals were to offer more, they would be approaching what Housh was looking for that they didnt want to pay...so why would they pay that for Coles and not Housh when Housh is better, knows the system, and already has a great rapport with their QB?


    I dont see Cincy offering much more, and we are the better team. Not to mention, I am sure he would rather play with Evans and not that baby CJ...

  7. Didn't Edwards and Cutler go face to face in Denver this past year? Who won? Oh yeah, Edwards. Whattya say let's just forget about that egomaniac mediocre QB Cutler. We're fine with Edwards.


    Did Cutler and Edwardsplay some kind of one on one street football game I dont know about, becuase last I checked the Buffalo Bills beat the Denver Broncos in that game as it wasnt a one on one show down.

  8. On The Hurd they are reporting that the Browns have jumped into the Cutler discussion. Sounds like Cutler may still be available in some capacity, and Cle can send them back a young QB plus picks.


    Seems like if Cle could possibly pry away Cutler with a package of D. Anderson or Quinn with a draft pick or so, then we should be able to get involved with a package with Trent and a pick or two...

  9. He had one off field issue if memory serves me and it was in Chicago. I dont think he will be an off field issue. When he was in Chi, that interior line was tough. Put him next to a pro bowl type player like Stroud and I think we have a pretty impressive tandem. I say bring him in...

  10. At least there would be some excitement around here (whether it was based on good or bad moods). So here it is.....Bills need a LB or DE in free agency. They HAVE to fill ONE of these two positions before the draft. Who are they looking at that will fill this need?


    Whats more important to you? Excitement on a message board or the team actually getting better and filling its needs?

  11. Sign Chris McAllister move him to FS and put Whitner at SS. If not, Scott looked like he got better as the season went on last year.


    Take this for what its worth...


    2 friends of mine (they are brothers) went to school with Chris and still see him a lot in the off season out here in CA and participate in a lot of his community events in his hometown of Pasadena. They said he has talked about moving to free safety later in his career as an option for him, so he may be open to it. Don't know if he would want to make the transition right now in his career, but they said he has mentioned it.

  12. Too many teams in the top 10 need a WR. I just don't see how he can make past Cincinatti


    Well if we dont get Coles it will likely be because Cincy signs him, so they wont take Crabtree with CJ and Coles considering how bad they need help on O Line and Defense...

  13. Every year someone falls out of the top ten in the NFL draft. This year I believe it will be Michael Crabtree, because of the injury. If that does happen, Buffalo will luck themselves into a great situation if they do indeed take Crabtree with the 11th. I pray that this happens, because if it does, Coles will be an after thought.


    This could be possible, but I still think its more likely he goes top 10. I would say SF would almost surely take him if they sign Warner as they have no weapons for Warner to throw to.

  14. Has anybody else noticed that all of the geniuses who start these "baaaahhh why don't we sign somebody whose name I recognize?" threads can't spell worth sh*t? There has to be a correlation yes?


    Yup...thay ar tha worstest spullars and ther posts ar wurth bout as much as Rob Johnsons rukie card.

  15. In all seriousness...I finally started buying throwbacks...its the only safe route...


    After my Bledsoe, Spikes, and McGahee jerseys became worthless, I tried once more with an Edwards jersey. Thats not looking so promising anymore, so I went out and bought 2 throwbacks, Thomas and Kelly...

  16. it does not matter if the FO thought we needed a starting center we should have signed the center from the ravens, but we keep trying to find that cheap diamond in the ruff.


    How exactly were we supposed to sign Jason Brown, who's name you dont even seem to know other than you read on the internet he was the best center available, but I would bet you dont know why? His agent sent him to St. Louis first where they over paid for him with a contract he couldnt refuse...


    And what sources do you have that tell you we didnt try to get him here or at least inquire about him? Just because you dont read on the internet doesnt mean it didnt happen. 80% of what goes on in FA isnt going to be reported...


    I swear, some posters act like you just go out and buy a guy as if the free agent has no say in the matter...

  17. :huh: Coles can take a hike - I don't like his attitude


    Why? Because this is his last big payday in the NFL and he wants to maximize that for him and his family in terms of guaranteed money? Thats not an attitude problem, thats treating this for what it is...a business. Every time some owner cuts a player mid contract, they say its just a business and its part of the game. But as soon as a player treats it like a business and looks to do what is best for him and his family its blasphemy and he has a bad attitude.


    Please, we would all be doing the same thing right now, and we don't even know for sure if Buffalo offered a contract, of if they did, what the contract was worth.

  18. For once, I have some disposable income (thanks to IRS refund). I want to buy a Bills jersey; however, there isn't a player on our current team that I want to purchase (I can think of plenty of former players I would like to have, but none on the current roster). I lean towards an Edwards jersey. Any suggestions? I wonder if our front office knows they are losing money from people like me.


    Last year, I made some budget cuts and didn't purchase the NFL Sunday ticket. I missed watching our Bills play each Sunday; however, when they were on national TV last year, they made me realize I made a wise decision by not spending the $ for the entire package.


    Like I said, I want to spend some money on the Bills, but it's hard to find something worthwhile right now. Seriously, I should probably donate that money to a charity or my church. I am sure they can put it to better use.


    Our #11 pick Mark Sanchez...hahahaha...thats gonna stir the pot...

  19. Also we don't even know what he offered. He might be looking for a contract comparable to Housh's which isn't exactly what he's worth.


    Then why would cincy be a threat...if they didnt offer it to Housh, who knows their system and is a better WR, why would they offer it to Coles...


    Coles won't find the money he is looking for in Cincy...and Cincy is in a lot worse shape than us...plus we give him 2 shots at revenge each year on the Jets...


    We are not out of this...

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