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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Clearly, this offense was based on more of a conservative power running game, especially once Trent struggled and when JP was in there doing squat...


    The FO and Staff has to know that TO wont be happy in that type of offense and needs to touch the ball. So, with the money invested in Evans and TO, the desire to bring in a recieving TE...does that mean our offensive game plan is finally going to get a shot in the arm?


    I hope so, its time to take the training wheels off of Trent and start pushing the ball down field. We are loaded with offensive weapons now and I will be dissapointed if we stick to a grind it out style of offense that keeps us near the bottom of the league in offense every year.


    Its really a make or break year for Trent and DJ...IMO they are both equally on the hot seat now as both have the weapons to succeed, so its time to put it all together on game day.

  2. I have seen alot of negative posts on here lately, in fact I have entered my share, and there are always a few people who jump all over people who enter them. I have been a Bills fan for nearly 40 years, and I don't mean for this to be a negative topic, but how do people remain so optimistic, despite the lack of production from the team, the lack of effort from the Front Office and the unwillingness to spend on Ralph Wilson's part-not to mention selling one of our home games to Canada. I would love to feel optimistic, but it gets harder and harder each year. Are people just looking through rose colored glasses or is there something to feel optimistic about that I am missing?


    Because football is a game....

  3. What about when the colts had the number 1 and 2 overall and selected Steve Emtman and Quentin Coryatt. Emtman was a total bust and Coryatt was mediocre. That has to be one of the worst drafts of all time


    lmao, I was thinking about the same thing...I doubt anyone (other than on a Madden game) will ever have the first 2 picks in the draft again... DOH :wallbash:

  4. Dusty Rhodes quotes, hmmmmm I wonder if we should adopt Vince McMahon's "No chance...........no chance in hell" theme song when it comes to these free agents lol. OK I'm not THAT negative, just wanted another wrestling reference lol.


    "So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb" (Bill Bellicheat)


    Lone Star is Bellicheats nickname for Ralph Wilson...

  5. This is ridiculous! They got him on a one year deal.....no interest from the Bills? I know it's not a huge need but this guy was severely undervalued because of a knee injury that he supposedly will be 100% from. Wake up front office!


    I would have loved to have brought this guy in...him and Whitner would have made for a nice duo at safety...Butler and Roy are still out there...

  6. You friggin guys kill me, you are making it sound as though you have some kind of exclusive fraternity here

    on this site, and that any new posters are stupid. Remeber that this is a discussion board open to all, new or

    otherwise, and yeah, I do get sick of all the complaining, but they have every right to voice their opinion, dumb or

    otherwise. I do think that some of this complaining is very jusutified, and it really is a shame that the organiztion is

    being collectively held hostage by a senile greedy old man, he can't go any sooner for my liking, maybe we can get

    someone to spike his oj with something to help speed the process along.

    I like posts of all sorts, and really do not look at who it is posting, if I do not like the content or responses, I move on to one that I find more appealing. BTW, I have seen some horrible posts by some of you who have a lengthy posting history, and HOF status, but that isn't going to stop me from reading one of your subsequent posts. What the real concern is, how much time people spend looking up other peoples past posts to poke holes in them or try to prove their point, these are

    the people that really need to get lives. Believe me, nobody is sitting here reading these and thinking, wow what journalistic, and well thought out post this guy is making, or boy he really showed him with that response. I think to the contrary, they are probably saying, what a vindictive and petty dumb ass. Don't kid yourselves here on this site, remeber that your posts are just opinions, and that nobody takes them very seriously, you are just not that important, just a bunch of Mel Kiper wannabes.


    See there you go...nice rant...


    You are right, everyone has a right to complain, so here is the perfect forum to do so...the reference to the new posters is that they come on here and start the exact same thread that is 3 threads below it about Ralph is selling the team some other repetitive complaint...and its not just the new posters...

  7. Canty - should have at least tried.

    The Jets TE that went to NE.

    Not only that, there have been plenty of rumors about players available for trade.


    There's three, which I'm sure you'll attempt to refute just because it would make you wrong if you didn't.


    My point is that it is clear the Bills aren't seriously attacking FA or trades. If you can't see that, I don't know how the obvious eludes you.


    Canty was grossly over paid...so should we have offered more to get him to choose over a valid SB contender in a huge market? And because he signs elsewhere doesnt mean we didnt call and inquire...


    And the TE you are referring to is Baker who was productive the Jets used a number one pick on Keller last year who clearly showed more playmaking ability. Again though, how do you know we didnt call his agents?

  8. Hmmm...let me help you get started...(really just a way for me to bump the thread back up and express my rant which is about all the rant threads...lmao)


    Ralph is so cheap so he kept DJ to save money and knows becauase of this we will have the worst team in the NFL next year and get the #1 pick in the draft which is why Ralph is not signing Free Agents because he is postioning himself to sell the team so he wont have to pay the #1 pick in the draft in 2010...

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