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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Ive seen some differing thoughts in a number of threads on what this means now for the draft. So posting this poll to see how people see these signings impacting Beane's aggressiveness of adding a WR in the draft. Beane has made no secret about our interest in taking a WR, so this doesn't change that, we are still drafting at least one WR in the draft. The questions now come down to when, how aggressive we will or won't be, etc. We have now have youth below WR1 Diggs for a few years with Samuel, Shakir and Kincaid here (not counting Shorter until he shows he belongs in the league first). So knowing Beane still is almost certainly taking a WR in this draft, how do you think it impacts Beane's approach to this draft in regards to the WR position now?
  2. Lol, never said I was in charge. But I do care about this board and said your thread committed to spreading a false narrative is bad for the board because it spreads false information. Then again, guess threads like this are to be expected from you when the highly respected poster you leached onto all season to try and get your name out of the muck stops posting and you gotta go back to your bread and butter nonsense.
  3. Whoa whoa whoa Beck...this isn't the thread for facts, logic, reason. lol
  4. So you basically admit that its not any substance to anything, its just you and the other minority part of the fan base CLAMORING for him to be traded when in reality there is no drama, Diggs doesn't want to be traded, Beane doesn't want to trade him, and it makes absolutely no cap sense to trade him this year. You also said he would not be traded until 2025 multiple times...so theres that too.
  5. It’s not about liking a thread or not. It’s about your absurd witch hunt manufacturing false information that you spread to others and it infects this board and other threads and brings the quality of the board down. Threads like this are like cancer…nothing good about it and it just spreads. Like nothing you post should be taken seriously after hanging your hat on what you know was a thread all about you to stir up nonsense. Im not joking when I say this is the worst thread of the year. All it is really is a lightning rod for all the internet Karens who want to hear what they want to hear, ignore facts, and spew manipulated and falsified info to fuel a bias hatred of Diggs before anything legitimate or real has happened.
  6. EXACTLY Geezus...now you are going back to last year, something that was squashed immediately and was not at all a factor at any point in the season. Ok Karen. Your crazy bias to make this into something is unreal. Honestly, this thread makes it embarrassing to be a Bills fan.
  7. No he did not. Stop. This nonsense is getting out of hand. He literally did NOT say anything at all that should be seen as controversy. And then he went out and made perfectly clear what he wants, which is to be here. And yet all you catty conspiracy theorists and media just keep harassing him with stupid questions or manufactured theories that are just absurd despite him making it clear what he wants. It is so ridiculous, and honestly, he has also politely made clear just how sick of it he is, and so has Josh. But carry on with your catty nonsense like you guys are on Housewives of Buffalo or something.
  8. Stop. Its never going to happen and its a terrible idea overall. You do this with every player as if the cap has no impact on these trades either. Diggs is not going anywhere whether anyone wants him to or not, at least not this year. Where do you guys come up with this nonsense. Diggs has literally said Josh is family...he wants to retire a Bill...he hopes he stays. Josh, Beane, etc have all gushed over Diggs too. You guys are just ridiculous about how you try and twist everything into drama with him. Cannot wait for the offseason to end so this thread, literally the dumbest and most pointless thread of the year manufacturing drama where there isn't any goes away.
  9. Im glad you’re not the GM then lol… Yikes 😬
  10. This is the exact guy I kept naming as who I thought Beane would sign. Fair deal too. I think he’s going to be a good addition and allows the team to not have to lean too hard on the rookie as well. Im even more convinced Beane is in the hunt for a WR1 Diggs replacement in the draft now and not just a WR2 who might become a WR1. So I think this increases the odds Beane is aggressive come the draft to go get his guy.
  11. Falcons have a legit shot at the division if Cousins is all the way back from injury. Lot of focus on the offense, but they had an underrated defense and pretty strong secondary to go with it.
  12. This is still the worst thread of the offseason by a mile.
  13. I like Rondale Moore. Good WR3 kind of guy. I wouldn't have made this trade, Ridder sucks. They could have gotten a 5th probably for Moore and drafted someone that would give them more value than Ridder.
  14. If we did that we wouldn't be able to field a team. Never gonna happen.
  15. Im very high on McConkey. I think 5 years from now when they look back at this draft, McConkey will talked about as one of the best players to come out of this draft.
  16. Let me be clear, I did not say he isn't better than Gabe. I said he has a lot of the same weaknesses that Gabe did, but he is faster and has better hands and I would take him over Gabe for sure. I want a WR who is going to consistently put pressure on all 3 phases of the defense, and Leggette struggles with short area acceleration and burst as he is more of a strider to get to his top speed. Do I think he can come in a be a better Gabe and dominant WR2...sure...but I am not sold he can be an elite WR1 in the NFL, and I think there are prospects like Thomas, Mitchell, McConkey who I think have a better shot at being a WR1 at the next level. Doesn't mean Leggette can't be, but between his areas of concern, lesser competition, and limited production, he is a bigger risk. And that is the kind of player Leggette is right now, more polarizing than some of the other guys. There are guys who think he is top 5 WR, and I have seen ranked in the teens. Worthy is another whose opinions vary greatly. And like you accept you have him higher than the consensus, I acknowledge I have him a bit lower than some too. Personally, in this draft, I think he can be had in the 2nd round. If we trade back from 28 and take him, I would be totally fine with that, especially if we pick up an extra 3rd on the trade back. So even if you think he is that good, I am pretty sure we can get him on a trade back before we should take him at 28. Leggette is an intriguing prospect, I won't be mad if we land him, but he isn't as clean a prospect as some of the other guys as he has a lower floor so the issue I have is just taking him in the first. If Diggs was 28, I would feel a lot better taking him...but the guy we take is not only going to need to contribute year 1, but this is the best WR draft maybe ever and this may be our best shot at landing the heir to Diggs while also landing a future WR2 later in the draft to develop as well. So I don't want to miss with this pick. I should also be clear, that I have the top 11 WR's as all potential WR1's in the NFL. And I have a pretty stellar record when it comes to WR's and I have never entered a draft feeling that this many guys (11) have strong WR1 potential. Its crazy deep this year at both the top and through day 3. But I have them grouped as such: Elite WR1 Prospects who each could have been the top WR prospect in probably half the drafts in the last 10 years - Top 4 Harrisson, Nabers, Odunze, Thomas Legit WR1 Prospects with some minor concerns/questions - 5th-7th McConkey, Mitchell, Coleman - McConkey some debate is he a true WR1 at the next level (I am confident he is), Mitchell has some questions why his stats don't match his elite traits, and Coleman has questions on can he consistently get separation at the next level even though he is an open even when not open type player. Elite WR2 to potential WR1 prospects with a little more questions or concerns than the group ahead of them - 8th - 11th Franklin, Pearsall, Worthy, Leggette - Franklin has concerns over his frame and maybe being a long ball specialist, Pearsall some aren't sold he can be a WR1 despite having the traits for it, Worthy is fast as lightning but his lanky frame and lack of strength some fear makes him a WR2 in the NFL, and Leggette we already discussed. There isn't a WR in that top 11 I would be upset if we drafted, just some of them I think we would be better off trading back and taking in round 2 and picking up an extra 3rd where we can maybe double dip on one of these guys who could slip or another one of the other intriguing WR prospects outside this top 11.
  17. The 6th best WR this year would have been the top 1 or 2 in any other draft. You guys need to stop thinking in a vaccum and focus more on what is there. Thomas would be the top WR in most of the drafts the last 15 years, yet he is seen as 4th in this one. Plus, Worthy is likely going to go before our pick, who is probably more like 8th or 9th best WR in this draft has a good chance to go early because his speed is elite even though he isn't probably a true WR1 in the NFL like some of the other first round guys pushing one of them closer to us. And...most importantly...most of the top 10 and top 20 WR's in the NFL did not get drafted in the first round. So this obsession that only one of the first few WR's are the only way to find a WR1 is an incorrect way of looking at it. PS: Mike Williams averages less than 700 yards for his career catching passes from Rivers and Herbert. We can find a rookie who can eclipse that easy.
  18. Do people even realize Mike Williams averages 44 rec for 686 yards over 7 seasons? And that is with Phillip Rivers and Justin Herbert as his QB's. Yet he was getting paid a monstrous contract lol. HARD PASS for Mr. IR Sure, if there wasn't a WR rich draft in front of us. I would rather those snaps go to the early WR we take because they need the snaps if they are going to be the eventual heir to Diggs. So I don't think having a Vet stuck ahead of that WR is good for his development.
  19. Do people even realize Mike Williams averages 44 rec for 686 yards over 7 seasons? And that is with Phillip Rivers and Justin Herbert as his QB's. Yet he was getting paid a monstrous contract lol. HARD PASS
  20. Doesn't spend big money? He spent a lot and traded for Diggs, paid him big money, then paid him big money again. He traded up for Kincaid last year too. And Mike Williams? What a terrible decision to bring him in would that be. Thankfully Beane isn't foolish enough to pay a bunch of money to an overrated WR who disappears all the time and also gets hurt constantly. Literally the best WR draft of our lifetimes and people want to blow money we don't have on retread WR's, I just don't get the logic.
  21. HARD PASS. Guy disappears for long stretches while commanding big dollars. He is always hurt. Our future WR2 and probable heir to Diggs as WR1 is coming via the draft. It would be stupid to tie up cap space on someone like Mike Williams that we don't have to spare before heading into one of the deepest and riches WR drafts in the modern era.
  22. Again, that logic doesn't hold water. That is like saying because Floyd had more sacks with less snaps then Greg should play less snaps to get more sacks. Sacks are going to vary year to year regardless of exact same snaps, less snaps, more snaps. The only statement that is 100% factual and true is when you play more snaps you get more opportunities. So its 100% factual to say the odds he would increase his stat totals are HIGHER with more snaps. But Sacks are a TERRIBLE barometer for this discussion anyway. Its a single play. You are talking about a single play happening a couple more times over a 17 game span or not happening a couple times less. I mean that can be the difference of less than 1 second total of time on whether he got 2 more sacks or gets 2 less sacks as some of these plays come within a fraction of a second of being a sack or not being a sack. This isn't like a WR say having 400 more yards or not if he was a starter vs role player.
  23. Renfrow as depth would be fine, but he isn't signing somewhere to be depth only, he is going to want to at least have a chance to compete to start, if not come in as the slot starter. I would bet good money he signs with the Chiefs if released because he fits their short pass attack very well and its a spot they need a lot of help on.
  24. Floyd is not a fair comparison at all though. Floyd is a pass rush specialist, where Greg is asked to do a lot more like set the edge. They don't have the same roles. With someone like Floyd its not abnormal to have more sacks one year than the next even on fewer snaps. I mean you are talking about a single play happening once or twice more in an entire 17 game season. So this doesn't prove that more playing time wouldn't increase his stats, which it clearly would. More snaps on the field equals more opportunities to make more plays.
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