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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Browns are gonna Brown. Wow...that is insane deal for him.
  2. Never heard of him nor do I even know what position he plays without reading this thread lol
  3. I don't disagree with what you are saying about it not being a vacuum, I do however definitely disagree that WR is our weakest position. Don't get me wrong, I 100% want WR first, even a trade up, we need a succession plan to Diggs and this draft has too much talent. But, we are definitely weaker at other positions right now. Diggs, Samuel, and Shakir is a pretty strong trio of WR's while we are missing starters all over our defense. Also, I think you are looking it at it wrong on how you evaluate closely graded players from different positions, and this has even been directly stated by Beane multiple times. When the draft is deep at one of those positions but has a steep drop off at the other, then the one with the drop off he will often give more value too there because he can still find a quality player later at the other position. So with how deep WR is, according to Beane, if another position is closely graded to the WR he would take but doesn't have a lot to be desired later at that position, he will probably go that other position and take a WR after. Again, I am on your side...I too want a WR and I am hoping we go get Thomas or Odunze if he somehow slips to 20...or if not maybe trade back a short bit from 28 to add another 3rd and then take one of Coleman, Leggette, Franklin, McConkey, or Pearsall near the top of the 2nd. I still think WR is most likely our first pick, and hope so too. Just saying, it wont surprise me if we either wait until the 2nd or make a trade back first and then go WR either.
  4. I wouldn't for that money...I prefer Samuel and take a rookie early. Williams is all name, light on substance. He is always hurt and he has a tendency to have a couple big games that pad his season total stats, then disappear for most of the other games.
  5. What is the O/U on number of games he misses? 8?
  6. Got it, so no bet you are saying. Guess you need odds...which just means you do actually know that its much more likely he won't be traded...like you don't even feel its a 50/50 chance or you would take the bet. Weird...feels like a different vibe than your previous posts in this thread. Like I have been saying...its been about your guys personal want of a trade, not that there is any real evidence he is on the verge of being traded or actively shopped. And there is nothing wrong with even wanting him to be traded...just seems unnecessary to manipulate info to make Diggs a villain just to try and manifest your wishes. And that is really the thing so many are pushing back on.
  7. I said you are a coward because you want to hedge your bets so you can try and not be wrong while somehow pretending to be right. I get it, as often as you are wrong you need to try and create some mirages once in a while to save face. Your take of you don't expect him to be traded but wouldn't be surprised if he was is a totally reasonable take. And if you posted like that, you would be fine. But you don't...you antagonize those who, like you, think its much more likely he won't be traded as if they are crazy for not buying into the he is about to be traded conspiracies. You do this so you can say I told you so if he does...and if he doesn't say "I never said he was going to get traded, I said he most likely wasn't". And again, the take isn't what is wrong, its your pompous attitude to everyone who doesn't believe he will as if you are certain he will while still saying he probably wont be. LOL, riled up not. I love it when you bring it up, I take it as a compliment. And if you get a victory lap then so do I because I have said multiple times now that only Allen is untouchable and its not impossible for Diggs to get traded. I just don't buy he is about to without something significant happening or Beane getting a crazy offer. You see, we both are saying the same thing...so guess we both get a victory lap by your definition. Funny, I said Allen wasn't gonna win MVP...so think you got your stories mixed up per usual. And hey, unlike you I was willing to commit to a prediction and we almost made the AFCCG. No regrets on that either, that was a great and fun thread.
  8. You are the one who asked for odds in a personal bet between 2 people. You are also the one so certain he gets traded. So lets make the bet or pipe down.
  9. That was 2019 though, it was the first real investment into the DL in terms of drafting. And our DL needs help in this draft regardless. I am not advocating for DL at 28, I want a WR too. But if the BPA is a DT, I would rather take the better player then try and use some of those 10 other picks to move up from our 2nd rounder and grab one of the guys like Coleman, Franklin, Leggette, McConkey, Pearsall from that group most likely going in the 2nd round. Worst mistake is passing up talent to reach for a position.
  10. Lol...you want odds? What is this Vegas? I ain't your bookie, we bet like men, straight up man to man. You wan't odds, make the trek to Vegas.
  11. And what WR did you want them to take at 9? You do realize a lot of you on this board were campaigning to take Noah Fant at 9 right after Hockenson went 8th? Marquise Brown was the first WR taken at 25 and not a lot of people liked him and Ed Oliver is a better player than him. So, lets not pretend Oliver was a bad pick at 9, in fact, of all the players who graded high enough to go 9th that year, Oliver is probably the best one and the only one I believe still on the team that drafted him. Not to mention, a lot of people had Oliver going before the 9th pick too.
  12. I have not once used comments from Diggs 2 years ago. All the comments I referenced Diggs said were made THIS offseason. Hey, I offered you a wager, you think it is so possible and Minn vs Buff scenarios are so similar, take the wager. Truth is, youre not as dumb as posts, so you know the situations for Minn back then and Buff today are different and he is most likely not going to be traded so you won't take the bet. WHAT? LMAO...I just gave you a chance to commit to him being traded, you backed off and refused the wager. You are doing what you always do...you pretend to take a stance but don't really. You already told me up thread multiple times he won't be traded this year. You just said it again above and declined to take my wager on it. So you don't get to say "he won't get traded" then come back and gloat if something changes and he does get traded as if you told us so. Here is your chance: Stop waffling like a coward. If you want bragging rights, then make it clear now that you are saying he WILL be traded THIS year. Otherwise, GTFOH with the kiss the ring nonsense. Don't even think about claiming a victory lap if he gets traded because the only decisive thing you have said is actually that he most likely won't get traded this year...same thing I and others have said. And as far as that one take 12 years ago...It is utterly hilarious to me that you don't seem to realize that only being able to hold that one take over my head from 12 years ago is actually quite the compliment to me and the quality of my posting. If I was to hold all your bad takes over head in a post it might crash the site lol. And being wrong about Spiller being a RB1 after he put up something like an 1800 combined yard season the year before is something I can live with.
  13. Lol, youre just being ridiculous now. But hey, if you think that info is so solid...wanna bet on it? I will take he will be a Buffalo Bill week 1 and you can bet that he won't be and will start the season on another team. And we can make a friendly wager. I am not even saying its impossible he won't get traded. I mean the only untouchable player is Allen...I just don't believe Beane will do it unless the situation blew up or he got an offer he couldn't turn down even that made the cap hit worth it. But...until I see something blow up, or I see a team that wants to send Beane a bounty he can't say no to, I think I like my odds he will be here week 1.
  14. Did I say 100% of all smoke was manufactured by you and that media or other posters have had no part in it? LOL That isn't smoke...the media is the one selling a Diggs discontent, trade, etc the hardest for clicks, shocker that a media reporter might call that a rumor. You and I have very different ideas of what is reliable information and just unsubstantiated nonsense that goes around every off season.
  15. Well there you have it. Its a done deal. He is as good as gone. How could anyone ever doubt that.
  16. There is not the same smoke flying around, that is the issue. You are manufacturing smoke that isn't there. You know it too, hence why you have said you know he isn't getting traded this year.
  17. Sticking to facts and direct statements while ignoring click bait and social media nonesense isn't a projection though.
  18. Why? You already showed your hand that its your personal desire he gets traded, not that you think he wants a trade. You also stated he WONT be traded this year. Literally you are only interested in confirmation bias info that leads to him being traded...a trade you already said wouldn't happen this year. Yet you here you are still trying to talk like he is despite saying he wont be. You have no interest in discussing any facts that could suggest you are not going to get your wish.
  19. Convenient you left out the context of the cap hell Minnesota found themselves in and couldn't afford to pay 2 WR's top dollar anymore. But hey...who cares about full context right.
  20. Can't stand Travis, but Jason is great and he would be fun to have here. That being said, it ain't happening, makes no sense for us, and if he does go back and play it will 100% be Eagles as no one is trading draft assets for an old center on a 1 year rental.
  21. Yup. Until we hear REAL information that is confirmed and says otherwise. He was an excellent teammate all season and he declared his desire to retire here this offseason amongst all the nonsense rumors. Beane stated the same. If others want to fall for social media click bait, thats on them. LMAO you are the one who just told me to stop wearing rose colored glasses. Me telling you to stop wearing a tin foil hat makes me arrogant but not you for your comment? lol ok bud
  22. Allen will just run right past Poyer, he is probably faster than Poyer at this point.
  23. You see...this is your issue. You think direct answers are fake and if you believe facts its looking at it with "rose colored glasses" and that its less reliable than the confirmation bias conspiracy theories you tin foil hat wearers come up with. So maybe you should stop wearing the tin foil hat. It was this offseason where he stated he wants to retire a Bill, hopes he isn't traded and that Josh is family. He made it clear like a month ago he doesn't want to be traded, he directly stated that and directly stated he wants to retire a Bill.
  24. Lol, as if that would change anything. Didn't stop any of you when he came out and said he wants to retire a Bill and hopes he isn't traded...you ALL still piled on him even then and just called him a liar. So maybe stop making up stupid narratives off meaningless tweets
  25. He stated last year during the season and again this offseason how he gets tired of answering the same questions every time he has already directly answered. The media keeps trying to bait him into to saying something they can twist to be a click bait, he knows it, and he is over it. It doesn't matter what he says, no one believes anything other than the conspiracy they are searching for confirmation bias on which is why they clip pieces of an interview to make it look like it was "cryptic" where if you listen to the whole interview it wasn't. He made his stance clear on wanting to remain in Buffalo...what anyone else tries and decipher from every little thing he does is on them, not him.
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