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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. He said before the draft he wants to come to Buffalo and play with Josh Allen too and he also told the whole Bills staff on his 30 visit, even the girl at the front desk, they shouldn’t even let him leave because he knows he’s coming back. Buffalo was his top choice and where he wanted to be, so yeah, don’t think the cold worries him.
  2. Yeah that was my point, they have all been working together on the board. Beane isn’t targeting guys that don’t fit what McD wants to do. Just saying on draft day, Beane is the clear decision maker and it’s his room without interference. You can see how everyone keeps asking him what his plan is or who he is gonna pick. Even with SVPG Beane said he’s taking Davis first then SVPG if he was still there. It’s one of the best relationships between a HC and GM in the league IMHO.
  3. I mean all GMs take into account the thoughts and wants of the HC, at least the good GM's. Nothing worse than a GM forcing players that don't fit the mold of what the HC wants and utilizes in the team and style he runs. But make no mistake about it, Beane makes the final calls, makes the decisions on making moves up or down, etc. Beane runs this draft, and McD runs the team how he wants without meddling by Beane once the players are on the roster. They will always collaborate their thoughts on needs, free agents, draft picks, etc.
  4. See if you can find some highlights on her other roasts too, she usually kills it at roasts.
  5. I do find that a bit ironic to say they have nothing to do with your life while you actually take time out of your life to defend them and how they should be perceived to other people on a message board. But now I am honestly just curious where the line is with this way of thinking. So what about people who shoot up schools and murder kids...because your kid wasn't involved, they get the same "imperfect" should be treated as a "regular guy" defense from you? Or even say serial killers who didn't kill anyone you know? Or heck, even the big one...Hitler, if say none of your family was affected?
  6. She's a stand up comic known for dirty and sexual humor. She had her own show on Comedy Central at one point too where she actually interviewed her parents about their sex life on a lie detector lol. She is also a popular roaster who does a lot of these and always delivers as one of the best of the night.
  7. Wait...are you seriously lumping Brady and OJ into the same "imperfect" category? Where is this coming from? A guy who beat his wife long before she got murdered and committed other crimes after the murders deserves to be treated as a regular guy? The same guy that we all know actually murdered 2 people and got away with it because the prosecution blundered the easiest slam dunk case in history? There is no world or reality where OJ and Brady should be together in any category, let alone "imperfect". As someone whose own father was murdered in 1994, there is nothing "imperfect" about a murdering POS.
  8. So Tony Hitchcliffe runs the biggest live podcast in the world called "Kill Tony". Its also filmed and put up on youtube like 3 weeks later which is where I watch it. The show is actually great if you like stand up comedy. How it works is simple...Tony and his side kick Redband (who helps produce the show live while going and runs some standup shows too) have on celebrity guest panelists every show of mostly other top comedians. Often there are multiple guests comedians too or sometimes one of those guests isn't a comic, but its mostly comedians as guest panelists. Tony then pulls names randomly out of a bucket of 100-200 people who are there that night and signed up to try and get there name called. Its in a comedy club in front of a live audience. If their name is called, they get to come up on stage and do 60 seconds. They are can run over like 15 seconds before generally a hard stop. Then Tony and the panel interview the person for like 3-7 minutes getting to know more about them whether they were awful or crushed it. They get everything from comincs doing it for years to newbies. Many bomb, and the panel roasts them for it. But he has also discovered a lot of top comics on this show too. And if you are really good, you can become a regular on the show too. Every show has a regular open it...one in the middle...and one to close the show. Everyone else is a bucket pull. He started the show in CA, but its in Austin now and shot at Joe Rogans comedy club who is also a frequent guest along with guys like Shane Gillis, Tom Segura, etc. Recently...Joe Rogan had Tucker Carlson on his podcast and then took him to the show not telling Tucker he was bringing him on stage and stunned Tucker and walked him out and sat him down on the panel with him and Tony. One of the regulars is this guy who has been killing it named Cam Patterson and here is a clip of what Cam said to Tucker right after he finished his 60 seconds. It was pretty hilarious...
  9. Love these too, thanks for the heads up
  10. Who cares. TE's can help you win Super Bowls, just ask the Chiefs, Pats, etc. Is it really though? Means Kincaid and Shakir will get more targets, both had a substantially better catch rate than Diggs and Davis. Samuel is here to take some as well and Coleman will get a nice chunk. Spreading out 2000 yards over 4 players is just 500 yards each. Reality is Shakir gets 300-500 more yards...Kincaid probably 200-300 more yards. Coleman probably gets 700-900 yards and Samuel probably 600-800 of those yards. Even if you take the lowest of those ranges, its over 2000 yards. And Coleman I would bet gets at least 8 of those TD's and Kincaid and Shakir should see a bump too.
  11. Yet Beane has used essentially what began as 3 first round picks on receiving weapons for Josh in the past 5 drafts. Diggs, Kincaid, and Coleman which was our first until he swapped one pick back, but it was essentially our first. And don't bother with the weak attempt to remove Kincaid from that list, he was drafted to primarily be a receiver for Josh, not be a traditional TE. So how has Beane shown to overvalue RB's over receivers for Josh and under valued receiving for Josh? Draft: Beane has spent not only those picks above, but also threw in two 4ths as well in the trades to get Diggs and Kincaid. He also used a 5th on Shakir, and a 4th on Davis. At RB: He used a 2nd on cook, two thirds on Devin and Moss, and a 4th now on Davis. Hmmmm...much more on receivers than RB's. How about FA? Well he went out and got quite a few more WR's than RB's in guys like Brown, Cole, Sanders, Samuel, etc. While he has done very little at RB in free agency despite there being a lot of available RB's over the past 5 years. The funniest part of this new take of yours (besides that it suddenly doesn't involve the Chiefs who used a first round pick on a RB and used less premium draft capital on receiving help), is that the biggest gripe about the Bills offense under Daboll and then Dorsey was that we couldn't run the ball and we needed to be able to run the ball to take pressure off Josh. Now in 2023 we finally run the ball, the team finally starts winning by doing so, and now you are saying Beane suddenly overvalues RB's and under values receivers even though neither his draft investments or free agent spending suggests that. Got it. Good talk.
  12. Beane did say he told Josh that it was possible Diggs could get traded ahead of their actually being a trade in place. Based on the way Beane has spoken about it and what’s come out, I think Beane was open to trading him but only if the deal made sense. And it sounds like Beane may have given Diggs team permission to see if they could find a trade that made sense, so Diggs probably made clear he preferred to be traded. But I’m confident that all happened this offseason in terms of really considering trading Diggs. So wouldn’t have left Beane time to prepare for that ahead of time. But I do still think it will prove to be addition by subtraction between both Diggs and Davis done for how this offense best functions. But no surprise people on the outside don’t see it like that. They don’t see Diggs never having a good postseason in 4 years here…or him disappearing 2 years straight in 2nd half of season, just his season totals. They don’t see Davis limitations and frequent disappearing acts, just his season end totals. So I get the doubt or question marks, but I personally think our offense will better overall than in 2023, more efficient, and more consistent personally.
  13. Lol, you’ve been all over the place in this thread. And I’m pretty over the convo TBH at this point and was gonna move on with my day. But since you so badly want to keep going in circles… Why don’t you pick up all your pieces and state your actual point. So far you said things such taking a RB in the 2nd round is a mistake, which means by your words Cook was a mistake. You claimed Bills used a day 2 pick on Davis who was a Day 3 pick. You said Chiefs have done more in draft to help Mahomes with receivers and then try and cherry pick ways to make that appear true. You said kincaid doesn’t count as a receiving weapon yet basically because he’s not yet equal to the GOAT Kelce, and so on and so on. So what is actually your point then?
  14. For the makeup of the current roster…Lee Evans and Mario Williams. Although I might actually consider to go all defense as I think it has more question marks and make it Mario and Kyle Williams (or Ted Washington) Lots of good options though at CB, defensive front 7, RB and WR though. Could go a lot of ways with this.
  15. No, I said it’s a lie to say the Chiefs invested in the draft more than the Bills did to help get Josh more help to throw to. Bills not only invested the same early picks, but also used those picks a lot better. @FireChanswants to cherry pick the “WR” position only so he can ignore Kincaid as if he wasn’t drafted to be a receiving weapon for Josh. He said the Bills had not used early draft picks on a WR in 7 years since Zay Jones. Also a lie as we used our first to get Diggs. Facts are we have used 2 firsts and a second which was actually our first until we did a 1 pick trade down. So really Bills have used 3 firsts essentially on receiving weapons for Josh in the past 5 years. @FireChansand his unbelievably inaccurate boast of we haven’t invested high draft picks since Zay Jones is one of the most absurd statements I’ve seen all off season, and that’s saying a lot around here. He’s trying desperately now to spin just how bad that take was though, as usual.
  16. You’ve been railing on Beane all off season about WRs and not giving Josh enough weapons. Stop acting like this is anything other than that.
  17. And stop moving the goal post. You’ve been whining about Beane not giving Josh enough weapons in terms of the WR issue all off season, during the draft, and since. No one is dumb enough to believe your whole rant is about WR contracts now and not about “Beane not doing enough for Josh”. You spin nonsense more than politicians. The depths you will go to try and salvage something you got smashed on is both hilarious and impressive at the same time. You should consider politics though lol
  18. As usual, you dodged the actual QUESTION I asked you and you answered a DIFFERENT question to avoid having to face your own nonsense. So once again, what is Kincaid primary ROLE? If you say anything other than a receiver for Josh then you’re either a liar or the dumbest poster on the board. So what’s your answer?
  19. Lmao…it’s comical you’re still trying. Whats Kincaid role? If you say anything other than a receiver then you should suspend yourself from posting until training camp. And the fact you won’t acknowledge that to spin a 100% false picture that KC had used more draft capital on “receivers” who feature a literal TE as their factual best “receiver” is comical. But this is you. It’s what will always keep you from actually being a good poster. You want to argue a technicality to push a false agenda and then act a fool about it on top of that. You want to sell “Beane doesn’t do enough” and then cherry pick things to paint a false picture. You know damn well Kincaid is a receiver for us, as much as Kelce is for KC and maybe more because Kelce does other non-receiving TE things better. On the flip side, you make dunking on you easy with these absurd takes like LeBron on 8 foot rims lol
  20. Except they haven’t There it is…the good ole reliable @FireChanswhite flag of gibberish you throw up every time you run out of ways to spin nonsense. Lol, like clock work
  21. Bahahaha...so lets recap your hilariously absurd stance of KC has done more for Mahomes than Bills have for Allen rant: Chiefs over the past 5 years are geniuses and done more for Mahomes by investing 4 picks in the first 2 rounds over the past 5 seasons in Clydes Edward Helaire, Skyy Moore, Rashee Rice and Xavier Worthy. And one of those was a RB in the FIRST ROUND. Bills are losers and done way less for Allen by ALSO investing 4 picks in the first 2 rounds over the past 5 seasons in Diggs, Cook, Kincaid, and Coleman. And you make this claim because Kincaid is "not a WR"? Your point is so flawed and stupid that I cannot even believe you're still trying to argue it. I mean I do because its you, and its what you do when you go down one of these rants based solely on your biased agenda than facts, but even still I am still a bit surprised you're still trying. The funniest part is that you are trying to do so by disqualifying Kincaid as a weapon because he is a TE when in fact the best weapon on the other team in question is literally a TE. Especially when Kincaid was drafted to literally be a receiving weapon and as they put it, "Our Kelce". Tell you what...go find any one person over the age of 3 years old who would take CEH, Moore, Rice, and Worthy over Diggs, Cook, Kincaid, and Coleman.
  22. Didn't mention Knox once, but that is you deflecting again like always when you fail to make a point and spew nonsense but still try and save it. The funniest part is the Bills have literally invested more into weapons for Josh than the Chiefs have for Mahomes. Over the last 5 drafts starting in 2020 (Allens prime years)... Bills: Used TWO firsts and one second on pass catching weapons for Josh (Diggs, Kincaid, and Coleman). Chiefs: Used ONE first and two seconds on pass catching weapons for Mahomes (Skyy Moore, Rashee Rice, and Xavier Worthy). LMAO - You aren't even right about Chiefs investing more, not to mention they did a worse job at it. And here is the best part...the Chiefs ALSO used a...wait for it...FIRST round pick on a running back, and a crappy one too that got replaced by a 7th rounder a couple years later. You know, that position you just said was a mistake to even use a day 2 pick on. And yeah...rookies generally dont come out and are the greatest to ever play the position as rookies. So yeah duh he isn't Kelce yet, but that doesn't mean you don't draft him lmao. And Kelce lost a step last year, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kincaid has a better year than Kelce this year and every year moving forward. So I wouldn't be so quick to say he isn't him yet in terms of a receiving weapon.
  23. Lol...just when I thought your post couldn't be any worse than your last one you go out and top it. Impressive. What is so funny to me is that when I mention the fact that the back to back Champs have had a worse WR room the last 2 years than the Bills (and one of the worst in the league)...the FIRST thing you and all of them say is BUT KELCE. But with the Bills, you want to downplay Kincaid at TE and over dramatize WR. The fact you want to ignore a first round TE who set team records as a rookie as a "weapon" for Josh says all anyone needs to know about how bad this post is. But why stop there...you dumb it down further by now saying Cook was a bad investment...Literally 1 post after you just said the run game was fine with Cook and we didn't need another RB? Ummmm...Ok. And I can promise you no GM in the NFL thinks a day 2 pick on a RB is a bad investment. Literally one of the most absurd draft-isms I have ever heard.
  24. Ah, typing I was only recalling some of the comics, but either way, I don't blame them and would have too.
  25. I wasn't comparing us to the Chiefs...just pointing out that we aren't "slow" either like most people think. I listed Kincaid as a mismatch, because that is what he is. Is he faster than a WR...no, but he is fast for a TE, and more importantly game speed fast with his fluid movement and precise routes to go with his fast TE speed. And Cook as explosive because he is just that, he is a big play threat as a runner and receiver. He isn't as "fast" as Pacheco, but he is fast and has great burst and acceleration. What is the only sure fire way to keep Mahomes from scoring? Keep him off the field. This obsession to score in a play or two by some (not saying you) doesn't even make sense. There is only 1 way we are going to beat the Chiefs and that is converting TD's when on their side of the field. And where do you do that the most? The redzone. What did we just go out an and add the last 2 drafts? Guys to elevate our play in the redzone, including running the ball better outside of Josh Allen, better trench play, etc. I personally care a LOT more about the many many many more redzone trips and converting those than I do the 1 to 3 potential 60+ yard TD passes over an entire season that are even less likely in the open air bad weather stadiums we play late in the year at home and the postseason.
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