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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. This is easy for me…my first Bills Mafia tailgating experience at the first and only game I’ve ever been to in Buffalo! The home and season opener against the Steelers in 2021. My girlfriend, now wife, bought me tickets as a surprise for my first birthday dating her. Little did she know, I had already purchased an engagement ring and would propose to her a couple weeks after my bday. So it was also our first trip together as engaged and the whole trip was just incredible. Thanks in part to a lot of good tips here on the board as well. Tailgating and getting to meet some of the posters here in person was really cool. I had also lost a dear friend that June who was a Steelers fan and got to wear a Steelers color patch of his initials on my Allen Jersey to honor him at the game too. So was fitting that one, my first game in Buffalo was a loss and it was to his favorite team. Also got to meet Diggs family and Levi Wallace best friends who I am still friends with today on social media. It was just a great trip and experience regardless of the outcome.
  2. Exactly, they tried to make him a WR when he was a gadget player. He is fine as a WR4/5 gadget guy, he is terrible as a top 3 WR on a depth chart where you need to rely on him to try and get consistent production and move chains.
  3. Lol it was a joke referencing when everyone ran wild with some social media nonsense Diggs was mad at Allen because he knocked up some waitress or something that never happened lol
  4. While I agree that there could be some adjustments made, its a very challenging problem to deal with. What you don't want to do is make it worth it for DB's to just tackle or blatantly commit PI on every deep throw because the penalty is far less severe than the catch being made would be. It would completely eliminate deep ball throwing as a DB would just grab any WR starting to run by them rather than get beat for a TD or just severely interfere on what looks to be a sure catch if not. On the flip side, you don't want it to be something so easily exploited by a QB to bail a team out by heaving a ball down field to try and get PI called. To me, there is one BIG culprit in this regard, and that is the PI that is called when a ball is short and the defender is in the path of the WR trying to reach back or jump back towards the ball. And quite honestly that is the MOST exploited play from an offensive point of view. QB's know that if they throw behind the WR and DB that PI is highly more likely unless the DB gets their head around on a throw they don't even know is coming or coming short. Result is incidental contact by the DB who has forward momentum running while a WR is reaching back or trying to jump up and reach back to get the ball. To no fault of the DB, it causes contact that creates an automatic PI call unless he managed to time it perfect and get his head around to make a play on the ball, something very difficult to know and do as they most often don't know the ball is there or short. So that is where I would start. I would eliminate automatic PI calls where a downfield WR makes contact with the DB trying to come back for the ball. I would only allow PI to be called there if the DB intentionally holds, tackles, etc, and not throw a flag because the DB and WR incidentally collide because the ball is short of the WR and he is trying to reach back for the ball. You take that out, and downfield PI calls will go way down. You could also make the PI call at the spot of the foul, or 20 yards, which ever is less. 5 yards is wayyyyy too little and so is 10 yards to discourage blatant PI on deeper throws. Im not sure you need to change it being at the spot of the foul if you take away the cheep PI calls which are the ones thrown behind the DB and WR and get called because of the incidental contact.
  5. This reminds me when they made the 2nd Star Wars Trilogy (Episodes 1-3) and went from puppets, costumes, modeling, stop motion animation, etc to over the top technical CGI and it sucked all the life out of the movies. "Moving the chains" is football...stop over modernizing the game and keep its character in place
  6. Personally I think he opens week 1 as the starting Center. I loved this pick, in fact, I think Beane really nailed his first 5 picks and believe this draft class has a legit shot to go down as Beane's best overall.
  7. I have to disagree...I think Daboll signed him because McKenzie knows the system and I am not even sure he makes the roster, and if he does, its doubtful its a meaningful role. McKenzie is just not a good WR, and for a guy whose speed gets talked about so much, he really does not play that fast on the field. He is more quick than fast, and when "speed" is your only sign-able trait (because its definitely not his hands, route running, toughness, or special teams play), being more quick than fast is why you bounce from team to team. I mean being one of the most desperate teams in the NFL for WR's and speed is probably why Giants signed him, and may be the only reason McKenzie has a real shot at a job this year as he likely would have been nothing more than camp fodder on any other roster outside maybe the Pats with no real shot to make the active 53 most places because he just doesn't add much on ST's.
  8. While I don't disagree with your sentiment, he is a lot more than Andy Isabella. He has elite traits and ability, Andy does not. He had a blazing start to his career posting over 850 yards both seasons with a broken Big Ben as the third WR. When he was traded to the Bears, the Steelers got back a first round pick. He got in the doghouse in Pittsburgh thanks to immaturity which persisted in Chicago where he fell down the depth chart over it on a team that couldn't pass the ball well. Tired of the immaturity, Bears dumped him for pennies on the dollar to Miami where he was deep on the depth chart for a team that just didn't have a role for him. If this kid can get his head on straight he has top end WR1 talent and potential...Isabella is a gadget or role player at his best. Now...that is a TALL ask that someone who had previous immaturity issues and effort issues can change their spots long term, so nothing is for sure with him. But I will say this, if he can continue doing what he is now, which is accepting his humbling, remaining focused and committed in all facets of the game (which includes ST's) and put the work in as a team first player, he very well has the potential to emerge as a starting boundary WR here in Buffalo. The test will be can he keep that effort, enthusiasm, etc up if he doesn't find that success or opportunity early. If he is still running with Trubisky late in the preseason and looking more like a WR4 or WR5 to start the season who plays ST's mostly, will he keep that positive energy and attitude up. Its easy to be all smiles now and say the right things while the potential to get a bigger role is still there, but he would likely have to surpass Samuel to get any relevant WR minutes as Shakir is set in the slot and one of Allens and Beanes favorite players.
  9. Get rid of Sudden Death OT all together. Give each squad the ball on the 50. No XP allowed in OT, only 2 point conversions. Play it like college each team gets the ball until the game is no longer tied after equal possessions.
  10. Not only allow touchdowns, but allow taunting, smack talk, etc. These are grown a** men playing a game for a living. This need to protect their feelings and egos like they are kids is ridiculous. Let them have fun...let someone talk smack and chirp all they want and either back it up or pay for it later like men, like all men who play any type of competition at home from all sports to dumb bets on mundane stupid things. Its part of the male eco system and to take it out at the highest echelon of male testosterone team sports is so pathetically soft.
  11. He wants out and to be traded to the Cowboys to play with his brother. He is pissed at Stroud for cheating on his girl clearly after he knocked up a waitress and has to keep it now because it's Texas.
  12. Even if they just made it reviewable it would be better.
  13. They already did this…it’s called RUGBY. That’s not bringing back defense, that’s eliminating passing offense. Defenders would just tackle all receivers before catching the ball for a 0% completion rate. So yeah, you need to rethink the absurdity of the extreme this suggestion is or just watch Rugby. I get wanting defense to matter more, a concept I agree with, but it’s impossible to play football without some form of PI enforcement unless you want to get rid of QBs and just make this a run game only sport mostly - just like Rugby.
  14. Obviously its not about week 1 lol, like any OC he needs to show he can do it all year. But the beauty behind Brady is that his style is one that carries over well. The biggest thing he did was incorporate movement with purpose to scheme guys open and balance the offense with a run game. Now this year, we got more weapons who can excel in that style, guys who are smart, unselfish, sure handed, good route runners and we added an exciting young back in Davis who is going to thrive in the run style we showed last year. I think Davis will play more than people think by years end where it may be a 50/50 split by then, if not sooner, with Cook. Especially in cold weather and post season games. I don't agree at all that the general consensus is that the team is all "JAGS", but I do agree that Josh will be seen as having to work with a whole new group where there isn't a proven dominant WR1 like he had with Diggs. But here is my question...especially to someone like you who has been complaining about the weapons around Josh so much. Let's say Josh wins MVP like you said he might, and I do agree this could be his year as I do think there is a good chance this might be his best year of his career. Are you going to admit you were wrong about the group around Josh...or are you just going to say what you just said now that "Josh dragged this team" to success and it was all Josh because he had nothing but "JAGS" around him?
  15. Interesting, for all the melt down around here all off season about the receivers, only 8% of the poll was "worse" or "worst of his career". I for one am quite excited to see this group on the field together. Name of the game is move the chains and then convert TD's instead of FG's in the redzone. And with Coleman here to go along with the additions of Samuel and Davis to play along side ascending guys like Kincaid and Shakir, I think this offense is poised to be even better in 2024 than it was in 2023. Especially with Brady getting to really install his offense the way he wants to run it with these tools he gets to work with.
  16. But Beane can't pick in the 2nd round and isn't a good drafter. And its always a mistake to not take a WR in round 2. Ive read that all offseason here...so your post must be wrong. 🤪
  17. There's a much publicized quote from Beane after the draft where he said something to the effect of "it will be hard for Coleman to start from day one." This is the messaging the team always puts out there for their rookies to hear. But he let slip their real plans in the chaos of draft weekend - Coleman is going to be the early favorite for the starting X receiver. And based on this article I think he's going to quickly earn the trust of the coaching staff and win that role. I mean I think this has been pretty obvious since the second his name was called on draft night that he is without question our starting X WR1. Maybe some people who didn't like the pick thought differently, but there was no other plan for him other than this. It was always going to be his job unless he just has a disaster of a camp or got hurt. There are a lot of people who had some delusion that he was here to replace Gabe and Beane was still going to make some crazy trade for a top end vet, but there was never any reality to that. The only way Beane considers that is again if Coleman just flops in camp and preseason and they feel desperate to add someone. But so far, he has done nothing but wow and impress on and off the field, so that seems pretty improbable.
  18. Most important for me is that we continue to incorporate motion with purpose on offense that Brady ramped up as soon as he took over. And quite honestly, that style of play is exactly why I think our WR room looks the way it does, to be able to continue that philosophy and really scheme guys open. Our stable of weapons now is mostly made up of unselfish, smart, sure handed, good to great route runners where I think Brady is going to really excel at creating movement to create mismatches, opportunities, and easy throwing lanes for Allen. Everyone from the recievers, TE's, and backs are here to be able to excel in that style of offense. On defense, I agree with the OP about the Cover 3, Cover 1, and Quarters balance...but my main question and concern is who is going to be calling the defense. Right now McD said its undecided and probably won't see a decision on this for another 2 months at least. I felt like our defense under McD's play calling was a big step in the right direction. The good news though is that if Bobby does get the play calling duties and struggles, its easy to just switch back to McD until Bobby is more ready or even for the rest of the season if necessary. Heading into last season I kept saying I thought the Bills had a shot at leading the NFL in sacks under McD, and while a lot of people argued with me on that and they didn't lead league, they finished 3rd in the NFL only 3 sacks behind the leader (KC) and that was after they lost Tre, DQ and Milano for the majority of the season and Bernard for the end, otherwise they very likely would have lead the NFL. This year, with Bobby here, I still think McD will have a heavy footprint on the defense, so I expect them to build on a lot of what they did last year, just more of a question how all the new pieces fit into the rotation and how well they play together. We are losing a lot of experience in our defense, so going to be interesting to see how fast the new pieces accumulate and gel with the other guys who have been here. The defense is where I am very excited to see how the camp battles and preseason play out. Want to see how big of a case Bishop makes to start early even though we got some solid guys in Edwards and Rapp that can play week 1 there. I am VERY interested to see how Elam comes back and battles for the starting role this year. And I am very intrigued by Solomon and if he can battle his way into relevant rotational role early as well.
  19. I already addressed this in my last post. I hard disagree that’s been established. Not all 20 yard throws are equal, and you know enough about football to realize that. The concept you want to lump every 20 yard throw into a single category is wild to me. Kincaid runs up field 20 yards and does a curl wide open and Josh has a clear shot at thin he is going to complete that throw nearly every time. Josh throws 20+ yard out down field to a blanketed Davis who also has to worry about not only making the catch, but also getting his feet down, preventing the pass break up or even turnover is a low % throw. Josh drops back at 22 yard line and sees nothing open and throws it away out the back of endzone that’s 100% incomplete rate. Sorry, you’re just being stubborn here to hold on to the point you want to make. And that route and throw to Shakir was a routine throw Josh will make at a high percentage of the time and has made MANY times in his career to lesser receivers. Dude come on, you know too much to post this kind of nonsense. This is so over the top, you know exactly what I said and this is not it. Let’s keep this in the realm of normal conversation rather than ridiculous statements. I gave you many reasons that contribute to that and you come back and claim I said he was stepped on 70% of the time. I shouldn’t have even replied to this statement it’s so ridiculous. Sorry man, I haven’t over exaggerated anything. And honestly I have no emotions about this what so ever, but no disrespect, it does feel like you have quite a bit of emotions about it to the point you are just posting stuff that is beneath the better stuff I’ve come to expect from you.
  20. Personally, I think Josh is going to be better this year than he was the last 2 years and might be in line for the best season of his career. I think the addition by subtraction philosophy is in play here with Diggs and Davis out, who were very inefficient targets for Allen in this offense between Diggs being a target hog and Davis just being a limited player who was an unreliable target. Not only do I like our group of weapons for Josh, I think our run game will be even better between Brady having his full stamp on the offense now and the addition of Davis to compliment Cook who I think is going to be a very good player for us. I also think Brady having the ability to put his offense in now is really going to help Josh spread the ball around more and scheme guys open a lot more to really take advantage of what the defense gives him. I think the result will be a more efficient, less turnover prone, Josh Allen and we will see him possibly put up his best season this year.
  21. Welcome to the first ever "Question of the day" thread proposed by @BuffaloBill! It's an honor to kick this off for TSW and thought there was no better place to start than a question about our best and most important player, Josh Allen. There has been a lot of discussion this offseason about the WR position, but there are more changes around Josh and this offense than just who the receivers are (or aren't). Josh will also have a new center for the first time in a long time, and there is a chance it could be a rookie in SVPG and Joe Brady is going to now truly install his own offense here rather than manage it around Dorseys when he took over last year. So now that we have a pretty good idea on personnel between draft and signings, do you think Allen will be better, worse, or about the same as he has been the past 2 seasons?
  22. Lol, you and I both know that the “he completed 30% of his 20 yard throws” is just a nonsense response to exaggerate your point to support your opinion of the play. I know you are smarter than that. The “30%” includes throw aways, drops, low percentage throws, etc. Allen making that throw to Shakir is not one he completes at just a 30% rate. Allen doesn’t miss wide open WRs like that 70% of the time. Josh completes that pass a HIGH percentage of the time if he doesn’t get stepped on. And I would bet big money you know that too. So I get it, you don’t like the play…but let’s not grossly over exaggerate things here. I mean it’s ok to admit Josh likely completes that pass had not for being stepped on and still hate the play call.
  23. Breaking News: Bills don't trade for big name WR -Shocker (said no one ever) Is it week 1 yet? Can't wait to see Allen out there throwing to Justin Jefferson, Brandon Aiyuk, and DK Metcalf.
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