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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yeah, its like when 2 people break up...its easier to try and find things to hate to move on. Its human nature. The fact was that Diggs play tailed off because his usage completely changed under Brady, not because at 30 he was suddenly a washed player. But, end of the day...I am glad we traded him now where we could still get a 2nd round pick for him. Another season and a 3rd or 4th would have been best case scenario, especially if he wasn't seeing 160 targets here in the way Brady wants to run the offense.
  2. Honestly, I don't even know...I mean I think a 4th rounder is probably about the most they could get and I would guess offers would start with a 5th. Personally, I think Knox is a pretty good TE, I think from a talent perspective a 4th or late 3rd isn't unreasonable, the issue is he doesn't have the resume because he was not used as a primary weapon here which was a combo of the OC's in Daboll and Dorsey as well as the weaknesses in the OL where Knox had to be an extra blocker a lot. Daboll forgot the guy was on the team until the 2nd half of the last season Daboll was here where Knox finished with a career high 9 TD's and it looked like finally Knox was going to be used more. Then Dorsey did the same thing his first season until later in the season he remember Knox played on this team and he finished with 6 TD's. Last year was the arrival of Kincaid who is the better weapon, but not the better overall TE when you factor all the duties of a complete TE...at least not yet. I just can't see Beane considering a 5th, he has more value to us than that this year IMHO. He might think hard about it for a 4th, but we already have three 4th round picks in the next draft, so not sure he feels the need to pull that trigger. I honestly think it is unlikely he gets traded unless someone is willing to something like this in which I will use the Giants in this example: Giants send us their 3rd round pick and the Bills send back Knox and one of our three 4th round picks. If someone was willing to do that, I think that would get Beanes attention. But ultimately, I still think it's most likely he is a Bill for 2024.
  3. Keon is a dawg, and he is what this offense has been missing. Whether he has the skills to excel in the NFL we will still need to find out, but the way he plays, his size, his mentality, his swagger, his toughness, and his attitude are all upgrades from his predecessors and something that the offense needed more of. Shakir and Kincaid are Dawgs too out there, never taking plays off, blocking way down field, etc. They are always around the ball. I really can't wait to see this group together on the field.
  4. Ok, by your logic I guess Dan Marino is the reason Miami didn't win a Super Bowl given Don Shula won a Super Bowl without Dan Marino but never did with him. All good, but we can agree to disagree here, no biggie.
  5. Progress...you at least admit your initial mistake. But ok, this is still wild to me. Everything you just stated is your opinion...and you are entitled to it. But there are no "facts" that Diggs "dogged it", there are no facts that in 2023 their relationship was "horrific". In fact, all the actual facts available can also suggest that was not the case with Diggs being chosen as Captain, Diggs and Allen always laughing, dancing and dabbing each other up on and off the field throughout the season. Neither of them has thrown each other under the bus either at any point in the entire 4 years together. And that doesn't mean there wasn't still tension either, doesn't mean they both didn't welcome fresh starts. But the point is, you just tried to slander my character for having an "opinion" that you basically said spit in the face of all these facts and insiders...when it was really just you misreading my post. So I just find it ironic your opinion is justified here and me having a slightly less negative opinion is somehow not ok to the point you tried to attack my character over it.
  6. Couple of things I think you should know: Andy Reid was also the GM in Philly, and their achilles heal were all the bad draft picks they invested in weapons for McNabb that became busts. Sounds familiar in KC. You do know these guys are Super Bowl champions right..Jeff Hostettler, Trent Dilfer, Doug Williams...And I can keep going...but the point is there are many SB winning QB's who were not near as good as McNabb was. So to say BB couldn't win a SB with Donovan McNabb is wild...especially as a fan of a team that lost to Jeff Hostettler with Jim Kelly, Thurman, Reed, Bruce and other HOF players on the roster. You do know that Reid took McNabb and Philly to the Super Bowl and nearly won it right? So I find it wild you think BB could never have won any Super Bowls coaching those Eagles teams, especially given BB resume is far greater than Reids and consider the GOAT at HC. Im not even saying Reid is a bad coach, he is an all time great. I just don't get this notion that you think McNabb, the best player on those Eagle teams and a borderline HOF player was the "reason" Andy didn't win one sooner. Especially win one of the biggest knocks on those teams were personnel decisions led by none other than Andy Reid. Again, Reid is an all time great, but don't think for a second that things he learned and mistakes he made in Philly didn't make him a better coach in KC. And that was the other persons point, that sometimes it takes time and lessons before a Coach, team, or player breaks through to that next level.
  7. To be honest, I am not totally clear what we are really discussing here. Well there is only one Mahomes but over 50 Super Bowl winning coaches, so clearly Mahomes isn't a prerequisite. A lot of QBs who are worse than McNabb have won Super Bowls. To be fair, that was near the end of his career too. Honestly I am really not seeing the correlation that the Eagles not winning a SB was all about the QB just because Reid won some Super Bowls with a completely different roster and a guy who may end up the GOAT.
  8. You can't be this stupid. All you had to is admit you misunderstood my post. You know when you challenged me for saying it was "undeniable" not realizing that I was AGREEING with another poster about that the TENSION between them was UNDENIABLE. I can't be responsible for your poor literacy and comprehension. So...after pointing our your complete whiff at a gotcha moment...you want to further double down now? LMAO...ok...so lets continue with this debacle... Not only did I AGREE and state its UNDENIABLE there was tension...you also apparently missed this below by Gunner (cuz you care more about trolling than reading), which actually contradicts HappyDays first post to a degree saying they obviously patched things up for 2023 and he didn't know how their relationship ended up...which...wait for it...was the only opinion I had that really differed with Happy where I said I have a hard time believing there was major a locker room issue ahead of 2023 and still named him captain last year. Maybe next time just admit you made a mistake and move on instead of doubling down on a mistake. The only place I differ is the degree of the tension heading into 2023 where Diggs was CHOSEN as a CAPTAIN and I don't believe they hate each other today like others seem to think.
  9. LMAO, this is hilarious...I mean what are you even talking about...I literally just responded to someone else's opinion and comment that said there was tension in their relationship and AGREED with them saying that its undeniable...which absolutely aligns with the other 3 separate posters you just referenced that you think I am somehow contradicting by agreeing that its undeniable there was tension. I mean this is such a bad take I wouldn't blame you if you deleted it. Maybe you should read more, because if you did you would have read a post by one of those "3 posters with proven inside info" that just literally wrote...in this very thread...that his info was about 2022 and does not details of what their relationship was like in...wait for it...here it comes...2023.
  10. I mean he still had McNabb in Philly, who may be the most disrespected QB of his time. That dude could ball and deserves a lot more respect as a QB who was a top 10 QB most of his time in Philly with Reid. So I cant give Andy a pass in Philly for not having Mahomes. QB was not his issue there. And McNabb's career was saddled with utter gutter trash at WR...most season his best Receiver was a RB...Someone like Gabe Davis would have been one of the best WR's he ever played with. John Brown is better than most the WR's McNabb ever played with. Yet he took that team to 5 straight NFCC games and 1 Super Bowl throwing to guys like James Thrash, Todd Pinkston, Freddy Mitchell, Hank Baskett, etc. His only legit WR1 in his entire career was the brief time with T.O. before T.O. ruined his 2nd locker room and got shipped to Dallas to sink a 3rd locker room. And he was tough...he broke his ankle in a game and still finished the game. So I very much do think Andy vs Andy is a fair comparison because people wanted Andy gone for not winning a Super Bowl with one of those teams, people felt like he couldn't win.
  11. Yeah, I think this is undeniable. The way I see it...could they have played together this year again? Absolutely. Did they both prefer a new direction and fresh start, most likely. Are they both happy with the outcome while not carrying any hate or animosity for the other, almost certainly.
  12. We lose to the Chiefs 100% because of what happens in the trenches, not who is lined up at WR for either team. It's undeniable despite many attempts to do so. I think in the past, the culprit was Fraziers defense and his soft approach. In 2023 however, I have to say I think it was less our DL as McD was more aggressive and more our LB injuries that were the issue. Not having Milano and Bernard hurst our pass rush and going into that game we were decimated at LB. Leading up to it I kept saying I was nervous because I expected a monster game by Kelce with XFL level LB's on our team and for the Chiefs to just attack that weekness all day, which is exactly what happened. Kelce was not the same guy he once was last year, but against our rag tag group of LB's he looked as vintage as ever. We just had no answer to the Cheifs going hard to exploit our injuries there both in the run and pass game. Attacking that are of the field is what the Chiefs do best too. We still lost by 3 and were maybe a half second and one stepped on foot away from what could have been the go ahead TD to get past them finally despite the major issue at LB. So for me, if Milano and Bernard play in that game and I am 100% confident we would have won that game and I think we beat Baltimore too. Heck, even if just one of them play I still think we win that game. And I am not making excuses...in 2020 we were not in their league of team yet. In 2021 we were neck and neck. In 2022 all we know is we beat them in the one game we played them. In 2023, we showed we can beat them again and then played them severely short handed and took a very narrow loss where I think the outcome would have been different if we werent missing 2 of our best defenders who were from the same positional group too. I think we are already a better team, but a bad DC and some bad injury luck have been our handicap in the postseason.
  13. You are barking up the wrong tree...I have nothing to get over. He is gone and I think it is good for both teams. You don't want to talk about him...well cool story bro...then don't. You are the one who on his own accord jumped into the thread.
  14. I agree and realize that which is why I am not advocating to trade him nor do I expect him to get traded...just saying why I won't rule it out either because there are factors where it could make sense for the right offer.
  15. I never said poor him...but hey, keep carrying around the scorned ex-girlfriend energy around about it, hope that serves you well lol.
  16. Ha, sorry about that. It is an interesting scenario only because of his position. Any other position the answer would be simple, yes we would at least try and extend him if he was coming off multiple good seasons. But that is the conundrum of RB right now...just has not been a good outcome paying a RB a big contract in the modern NFL. So be interesting to see what his market is and where that falls in where Beane is comfortable or not comfortable getting to.
  17. Yeah he was on pace the over 1400 yards which would have been 2nd highest of his career and was on pace for the most TD's of his career during the 10 games under Dorsey. Which is why I never felt he was "washed" like some did, I think it was just the different styles under Dorsey and Brady. But, my biggest issue with Diggs is his lack of playoff production over his 4 years.
  18. I highly respect you and like you as a poster, so absolutely no disrespect here...but I just can't buy that they elected Diggs to be a team captain if there was some ongoing major locker room issue with him and Allen. Obviously the relationship wasn't without speed bumps, but nobody puts a locker room cancer in the position of leadership, especially under this regime and especially when the issue is with the maybe the most talented and important player in the organizations history. And while I respect those other posters too, saying they can "confirm" this big rift is a bit a strong IMHO when they were not in the locker rooms. I get they heard some stuff about some incidents, but most of that was prior to 2023 where they made him a captain, so whatever it was had to have been hashed out. And look, I have no doubt though that both Diggs and Allen are enjoying their mutual fresh starts. I just think this was one of those situations where they were both on board for a change, but would have had no problem making it work if no trade had been reached and played this season together. Diggs gets to go to an ascending team with high SB aspirations and Allen gets an array of young talent to build the next chapter with where he can play more free without that Alpha personality to consider.
  19. Yeah, I agree with this and I think the issues between him and the staff came down to Diggs losing faith this group was gonna get it done before his career was over. And staring down the barrel of a bloated cap and big personnel changes certainly wasn't going to help ease those concerns and probably only further fueled them. I think Diggs biggest concern was being somewhere in the last years of his career that didn't legitimately give him a chance to win a ring. The one area I think Diggs is misunderstood is I don't at all think he was that "get me the ball over all else" WR Diva that guys like T.O. were that became locker room cancers. I think Diggs genuinely cared more about a Championship than personal stats. But being the competitor and talent that he was, that was easier to swallow when we were winning, but in losses where Josh missed him, or he wasn't as involved, etc I think then it became the mindset had he been more involved it might have changed the outcome and that was where he got frustrated and the most heated. But not over the ego of stats...over the belief he had in his ability to affect the game. I have no ill will towards Diggs...I am happy with the trade, never thought we would get a 2nd for a guy on the wrong side of 30 who didn't finish the season strong last year, so kudos to Beane for getting that kind of value. I think its addition by subtraction because that pressure and frustrated energy I think Diggs carries with him to get a championship became unhealthy for the locker room. With that gone, I think the fun comes back and Josh can play with not having things like that in the back of his mind of what kind of reaction or temperament Diggs is going to have when things aren't going right.
  20. Once he was out of NE he was a lot more likable. And like @H2o said, beating Mahomes made him more likable. And for me, watching him get hammered and throw the Lombardi tropy from a boat to another boat to Gronk made him a lot more fun, relatable, and likable than he had been in the past. While I enjoyed watching everyone slam him during the roast, I also thought he killed it too when he closed the Roast out. The bit about mocking Goodell for spending $20m on deflate gate where he said he should have just gave him the $20m and he would have just admitted he did it was legendary troll job. The Bills Mafia joke was savage yet hilarious..etc etc. I am a die hard NFL football fan too on top of being a die hard Bills fan. So I have always had a great deal of respect for the all time greats even when they played for hated rivals or were arch enemies.
  21. Not sure I follow here...Elam will be competing to take Benfords job, not Rasul who is the best CB on the team. The tandem would be Rasul and Elam if in fact Elam came on and earned a starting spot.
  22. Douglas extension - probably 2 years, maybe 3 Reserved amount for Hyde or another S if Hyde doesn't come back Potential CB signing as we are pretty thin $3m-$4m held in reserve heading into the season
  23. The "drama" here IMHO was still over blown. People tried so hard to make this huge riff between him and Josh, and it was just never to the degree of what it was IMHO. I think the downfall of the Diggs era here had a lot more to do with Diggs losing patience and faith this team had enough to get over the hump at the back end of his career, especially staring down a lot of cap casualties creating a transition period here. Not saying Diggs wasn't a distraction, but I think a large part of that was the media never letting go...always trying to push the issue which led to Diggs toying a bit with them as his way of pushing back. Not saying that was the right approach, but its been who he's been a while now. If we listen to what Beane, Diggs, and others have said, a trade does not appear to have been definite. Sounded more like a trade was being explored but only if it had made sense and both sides seemed open to a new start. I don't for a second think Beane would have traded Diggs if all he could get was a 5th round for example. I mean the fact they elected him a team captain for 2023 says the rift between him and Josh wasn't this huge thing people assumed it was. No way they make him a captain if him and Josh are on the outs. However, I do think both Josh and Diggs though are equally enjoying the fresh start though. I just don't believe there is some deep rift, long term feud, or bad animosity between them like a lot of other people think. I think there is still a lot of mutual respect and love for what they did for each other on the field and their time together even if they a fresh start was really the best path forward.
  24. Let me open by saying I am not advocating for or expecting a Knox trade, but I also would not rule it out. First, under Brady the team ran a lot less 12 personnel last year, so keeping him just for that isn't as critical at this stage. Although, to be fair, we don't actually know what a real Brady led offense is going to look like yet either, so he could have a lot more 12 personnel plans this year. But...and most importantly...Knox carries a reasonable cap hit this year at $7.7m, but that balloons to $14m next year which there is no way we are paying Knox $14m next year. Obviously, there are multiple options to deal with that, and trading him is one of those. Cap wise, it's probably easier to find a trade partner this year. And Knox absolutely has tradable value as he was a productive TE before we drafted Kincaid despite not being a featured part of the offense. The 2 years prior he had 15 TDS and avg nearly 50 rec and 500 yards. He is a good all around TE and would absolutely be an upgrade on a number of teams around the NFL, some with playoff aspirations this year. So right now might be the best market Beane will see for a Knox trade. Another season buried on the target priority list behind Keon, Kincaid, Shakir, Samuel, and our RB's means another down year for production do to lack of opportunity (unless injuries change that) here which puts him next year 2 years out from when he was last productive while carrying a $14m price tag. But...Given our plans, the continued SB aspirations this year, the amount of turnover already on the offense, etc I still don't expect to see a trade happen. But, I would not rule it out for the reasons I already stated, especially since this may be Beane's one shot of getting decent value for him via trade.
  25. I think it may be a typo as teams are not starting their mandatory OTA's.
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