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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Leading all NFL WR's in catch % and yards per target by a large margin is not something JAGS typically do. Labeling a young ascending player who excelled as soon as he got the reps half way through his 2nd season a JAG makes no sense what so ever. And Samuel has on multiple occasions put up more receptions than Gabes best season while playing with JAG QB's while Davis had Allen in a pass heavy offense his whole career. If you want to say Shakir is still unproven in an expanded role, sure that is fair. To say he is a JAG because we had an idiot OC in Dorsey who didn't use him much the first season and a half of his career isn't really a fair labeling or analysis of him.
  2. We do have the extra ammo between having two 2nd round picks and three 4th round picks right now if Beane wants to make a move next year either for a player or move around the draft. However, I can't see us making a move for DK unless the top end of the WR room underwhelms this year...which is obviously possible as this group is untested as a unit. But, if Keon makes an impact and Shakir takes another step along with Kincaid, I am doubtful he makes a big splash move for a WR. I think its more likley with Von's deal gone we might see Beane make a move for a proven pass rusher next year.
  3. In years past, with a deep and talented roster Beane has found some value for a guy who either finished further down the depth chart at a crowded position or was someone that they were going to cut. But this year is a little bit different with a bigger mix of vets and youth than we have seen in the past, so it's a bit harder to project right now. We also have three 4th round picks next year, which might open up the possibility for Beane to pull the trigger to bolster somewhere if another team makes an interesting player available as we also have a little cap flexibility too. So, is there anyone or even a positional group on the roster where you think Beane may try and trade someone out and get a little value for? And do you think Beane may make a trade to bolster a positional group, and if so, which one?
  4. Meaning you are on the more common reaction side of not loving the Coleman pick...like how preferring Rosen was the more popular stance over Allen. You are just furthering my point agreeing that all these "analysts" have done no where near the work NFL Scouting departments have, don't have the skills, and draw off a few other hobbiest who made a website for people like us to read. And every argument you made against Coleman was quoting one of these analysts who you just said rarely do their own analysis in the first place and mostly base it on highlight videos. None of this matters...we will see what Coleman can or can't do soon enoughj
  5. Yet, your view put you in the minority. Ironically, your view now puts you in the pro-Rosen camp in that comparison this time. Wrong. That is how you get just more OPINIONS from less informed and less qualified football fans who turned their fanhood into a website to make some money. They do not have remotely close the "research" that the Bills scouting department does nor do they have even a fraction of the time scouting them. Doesn't mean that they can never be right, just means the info they provide is not better info than professional scouts who have more data, more time, more skills, and more experience. So I guess that means 70% of this board are pro-scout level analysts because they too thought EJ Manuel was a bad pick and was gonna suck. Second of all, It is fine that you have a different opinion of Keon, but don't start making up false facts to sell your opinion...you have literally no idea what insights pro-scouts had on Manuel because the NFL and their pro-scouts do not share their notes publicly. So to say they produced insights that "no pro scout produced" is a totally baseless claim. Personally, I feel like most often the people who feel the need to prove an unproven rookie who has never stepped on the field won't be good are doing so more so because they are more vested in being right and want to say "see I told you so". And of course, they never bring up all the other rookies they were wrong about either, they just like to revel in the guesses that they guessed right on. We will see what Coleman does or doesn't do this season...but for me, there is nothing anyone has put in writing today, good or bad, that I trust to predict this kids future. Trying to come up with a conclusive decision of how good or bad he can be today before he has played one snap of NFL football is a fools game. And no matter how down you want to be on a player because of something you read on some website, there is still a lot of positives analysis on him and potential you are choosing to ignore instead of just looking forward to seeing what he can do.
  6. Keep in mind probably 75% of this board and most the "analysis" said...even yelled..."Wrong Josh" too. So the real lesson is that it is nobody really knows, that is why they play the games. And given most these people loved Coleman before his combine 40 time again tells me they are over valuing what was not even his best 40 time, but also one of the least important stats in the first place for measuring on field live game speed And I don't agree with the contested-catch theory being disproved, that was significantly impacted by how Florida St use him and Wilson last year. So I do not at all agree it is flat out false, especially coming from PFF.
  7. Agreed and posted it already here in this thread which is what brought this thread back up as I started it beginning in April right after Diggs was traded. It’s a really good watch for sure. Imagine if Moulds had better QBs
  8. I disagree. One, most “draft profile sites” are not run by real scouts and are mostly born out of fantasy football fans and research who made a job out of their passion. Which is fine, but they aren’t the definitive source, don’t have anything close to the data, info, interviews, or even skills to really accurately break these guys down, otherwise they would be working in the NFL. In the NFL scouts were split on him, but there were a lot of them who felt he was one of the most ready to contribute early, and a lot of that has to do with his high football IQ and how much a junkie he is for football, learning, and development. Doesn't mean he doesn’t have things to work on to excel on the field, but that’s true for every rookie coming into the NFL, it’s more about do they do enough fundamentals correctly to where you can spend more time getting them ready for the NFL vs having to build the kid up first. And Coleman checks a lot of boxes for a lot of people. Even Beane praised things like his footwork and understanding of the game as traits they saw in him and how he could come in and play the X this year. Truth is…if you disagree with the Keon pick and doubt him then you can find all the confirmation bias on the internet you want for that. If you think it’s a good pick and are excited for him, you can also find all the confirmation bias you want on the internet, because people were spilt on him. But…the thing that stands out for me is that MANY of the sites negative on him were NOT negative on him until after he ran his 40 at the combine. What that tells me is that they aren’t grading him on all the data, they are letting the combine 40 paint a picture and tell a story where now they are fitting the narrative around that. They aren’t factoring where he excelled or his much faster 40 at his pro day, etc. There were a lot of people who had him a lock for the first and ahead of guys like Thomas until his 40 time. And it’s why Beane said “good” when he didn’t put this best 40 time at the combine because it would make it easier to get him.
  9. Exactly…but lots of people here couldn’t get over the incomplete pass in the playoffs bs the Dolphins and decided to over look that and exaggerate the tiniest sample size of a rookie and make it a thing. Not only was it a narrative leading up to the season where I had to keep defending Shakir, but it persisted into the season as well. I put this thread up early in the season this year and still was getting this false narrative of he can’t catch among other things. Lot of doozy takes in this thread and fun read ha Shakir should be given some of Gabe’s snaps…prove me wrong
  10. Yeah, it was a pretty remarkable stat…especially for a guy so many people told me earlier in the year “couldn’t catch” lol.
  11. He’s already penciled into job though, he’s not so much battling for it like how say Hollins, Claypool, and MVS are battling for their place in the pecking order. He would have to either get hurt or have a pretty disastrous camp for someone in the bottom half of the WR room to over take him while they simultaneously had a sensational camp. And Coleman was one of the more NFL ready WRs in the draft and has already shown early signs that make the concept of him having a disastrous camp feel pretty unlikely. So you’re not wrong, he hasn’t proven anything, but he’s shown enough that the idea that anyone but him will be playing the X WR1 position week 1 feels pretty unlikely.
  12. I put this thread up early in the season last year calling for more Shakir and less Davis...some interesting takes in here hahahaha Shakir needs to be given some of Gabe's snaps...prove me wrong
  13. He was #1 in catch % amongst all WR's in the NFL, the guys ahead of him were RB's. And it paid off...so now its time to go to the next level
  14. Ha, I didn’t realize it wasn’t more widely known. I knew just from various press conferences or interviews like this one where it was just casually mentioned in the past. But I do also listen to like every Beane or McD interview as well as some of the players like Allen, Diggs, etc or any of the team/player pieces like embedded and the recent Shakir and Moulds piece. My wife teases me all the time about it and says “well there’s worse things you could be addicted to” hahaha
  15. Im not sure which one of your guys comments I laughed harder at…the box art or the Taylor Swift. Bravo…both of you win the internet today 😂😂😂 One of the few people ever who I could say with confidence was gonna be a bust before ever stepping on a football field. I was praying we weren’t dumb enough to draft this guy. When you are that big of a deuche there is only one outcome lol
  16. Are you referring to say target volume or the actual X WR role, your WR1 spot? If it's the actual WR1 spot, then that is Keon barring some sort of injury or disastrous camp. If its target volume, then that is probably a 3 way battler between Keon, Kincaid, and Shakir on who is kind of the go to guy in terms of targets per game. For me the bigger question is who takes the bulk of the snaps opposite Keon as the other boundary WR. We know Shakir will mix in some there, but I think its pretty clear he will take more snaps from the slot and attack all over the field from there more than the outside. So will that be Samuel when Shakir is inside, or will someone like Chase, Hollins, or MVS rise up and get those snaps is the question I am really intrigued by.
  17. CB: Can Elam rise up or not is something I’m interested to see. S: Does Bishop push to start early WR: More so just want to see if Chase Claypool can play his way up the depth chart to start opposite Keon IOL: Mainly the battle to see who starts at Center Im also excited to see how Carter and Solomon mix in on the DL and what Ray Davis does in the backfield.
  18. Thanks for the further insight on Clayton, I had not really done any looking into him and only thing I knew was the Rugby connection and his athletic talents from just some of the buzz when we picked him. So didn’t realize it was the 8th tier. Hopefully football turns out to be his calling. The little footage we got to see of his workout didn’t look like a guy who never played, so hopefully he can find his groove here. And yeah, that stretch of All Black teams was ridiculous and just absolutely loaded. I mean McCaw and Carter have cases to be the best players of all time in Rugby, and to have them on the same team was wild. I’ve met and hung out with Carter at the USA 7’s tournament in Vegas, he’s a really cool dude and incredibly nice guy. I don’t know if you are familiar with Todd Clever, but he is probably the best American Rugby player of all time…he’s a good friend of mine and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He said that era of the All Blacks was the most dominant team in sports history.
  19. Hahaha perfect description of a night out with ruggers. Last time I was out with a bunch, they thought it was funny to keep handing me another full gin and tonic before I was half way done with my current one. I pretty much was slamming and two fisting G&T's until 5am lol. Yeah, the journey wont be easy, but what an athlete. I have to say the little footage they showed of his workout wowed me, his footwork didn't look like a guy who had never played the position before. So I am excited to see how he comes around.
  20. Yeah, they really are and they are just good people too. It would be fun and amazing if Travis Clayton can eventually make the roster here. He’s an unreal athlete too. I’ll be pulling for him.
  21. Haha...yeah, they be fast. Very fast. In fact, they would play a Rugby match, go to the pub and pound drinks with the opposing team until 4am, and then still run you down. Not sure if you or anyone else remembers, but in 2018 I actually bought an expansion team for the professional rugby league in the US is called MLR. Named the team Vegas Burn after the media network I owned called BurnTV. Unfortunately my lead investor defaulted on the follow along operational capital 8 months into it, so had to pull out and MLR gave me back my deposit. Couple years later, the expansion slot I had ended up becoming the Los Angeles Giltinis instead which is still a team today. But before all that happened, I approached the head of the All Blacks and we reached an agreement to be the US team for some of their players. MLR only allowed 3 foreign players on each roster though because they want to grow the sport in the US and wanted to prevent the teams from being over loaded with players from outside the US. But before my investor defaulted, I was at the 2018 Rugby 7's World Cup in San Francisco where the All Blacks won the World Cup and got to go to their private party at a SF bar they rented out for the night. It was a total blast, the whole World Cup weekend was incredible. The community or Rugby and its players are incredible...but your liver will be miserable trying to keep up with them at the bar lol.
  22. Hahaha same! LFG! Yeah, some of this was in the embedded episode, so was great to see a bigger piece on him and Moulds. Fun seeing the few Moulds highlight clips too...what a shame he didn't have a Josh Allen or prime Jim Kelly and got stuck in QB purgatory.
  23. IMHO its an easy answer for me...the New Zealand All Blacks (Rugby) The New Zealand All Blacks are the winningest sports team in history of any sport in the world Over 112 years they have a 77% win percentage which is not only the best all time of any sport, but pretty insane. Past 4 years their win % is 95% They also dominate women's Rugby too. They are the most dominant sports team in world history and have a plethora of the greatest to ever play the game in their history. No team has dominated a world sport to the degree that they have. Fun fact: Rugby despite being one of the bigger sports in the world, is currently the 2nd fastest growing sport for both men and women. PS: If anyone is interested, Amazon Prime does a series called "All or Nothing" which is very similar to HBO's Hard Knocks style of show, but they have done all kinds of sports and not just football. And the one on the New Zealand All Blacks is quite a good watch, even if you aren't that familiar with Rugby.
  24. Maybe its one of the other WR's trying to earn a spot for the Bills or our PS outside the top 6 guys (or Isabella as that ain't Isabella HA). I honestly couldn't pick those other guys out of a lineup haha.
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