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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Nathan Peterman started games for us the last 2 years, doesn’t make him a good NFL starter. Being the “best” WR on a team with the worst receivers in the NFL the last 2 years doesn’t make you a good WR. Where do you get he was the best WR here last 2 years? His rookie year was atrocious and he by far had the worst season of any Bills WR his rookie year, both on and off it. And last year, he was not the best WR here, Foster was once he came back. And most importantly, the two worst parts of this entire team last year were WR and OL. If I hand you 2 bags of dog poop from 2 different dogs, one will smell worse than the other. That doesn’t mean either smells good.
  2. This will be interesting to follow given the following: Texans cant trade Clowney until he signs his tender. Clowney doesn't want to go to Miami. If Clowney sits out the season he loses $17M this year. The moment Clowney signs his tender, the Texans can trade him to whoever they want. If Texans trade him somewhere he doesnt want to go, he could still just sit out there and that team would have wasted whatever they traded to get him and he would still lose $17M...or he plays and then they have a Clowney issue next year still. Feels like Miami still seems unlikely if the reports of him not wanting to go there are true...but does he hate the idea enough to give up $17M this year? Thats the question in that scenario really. Seems like a game of chicken between Texans and Clowney on who will blink first...Clowney has 17 million reasons to blink first though.
  3. Lol...Living in LA I am thrilled to be done with the LaVar ball era. Someone should let Robert Jones know that he aint LaVar and neither him, his son, or even Buffalo is relevant enough for him to get the attention he seems to be seeking lol. At the end of the day, maybe he should keep quiet until his son can backup his fathers bravado on the field and not drop perfect TD strikes in preseason and maybe look for the ball on great passes for what should have been a first down. Just saying.
  4. Nope. Its one game, its not worth stressing about. Reality: We have AT LEAST 7 new starters on the offense this year...thats insane turnover from one year to the next. The only players we know for sure (barring any surprise cuts, trades, or injuries) that will be starting this year that started last year are Allen, Dawkins, and McCoy. The other 4 OL, the TE, and at least 2 of the 3 WR's (if someone other than Zay/Foster starts opposite Brown). And our biggest FA signing on the OL has missed all time with the Allen and the other OL guys through the preseason. It takes reps and playing time for WR/TE's and a QB to gel and get in sync. It takes reps and playing time for the OL to come together and gel. So, at the end of the day, week 1 will be no gimme game, Jets are potentially an ascending team too and Darnold has a year under his belt with his receivers and TE's for the most part. If we lose that game its not going to be the end of the world, speed bumps could be a plenty in the early part of the season as this team starts to learn how to play with each other. So...grab some devils cabbage and relax the nerves, week 1 isnt an end all be all game. Hopefully our guys start to click and gel fast and we win the game, but its also not something to stress over. All that matters in 2019 is that Allen and this team progress, and the most important games to indicate that will be how we play the final 8 games.
  5. Lets be fair and pump the brakes on "character issues" as he put that behind him a long time ago when he was an immature kid. And I think the point others are tying to make is that the Bills absolutely need a WR who has demonstrated the things Duke has been showing the last couple of weeks in blocking, high pointing, hands, and just flat out going up and getting the ball no matter what. No one can say with a straight face there is another WR on this roster that has been doing those things. The question is, has Duke convinced the coaching staff that he can do those things consistently enough to keep over one of the other WR's. And right now, some of the guys ahead of him like Zay have not done themselves any favors and not stepped up in their opportunities like Duke has. In fact, Zay blew a great throw for what should have been a first down early in the game and previously flat out dropped a perfect TD strike. And combine that with his resume of dropping passes or not making enough plays and its not hard to see why some feel we "need" a guy like Duke. And the other cuts around the league have nothing to do with who we keep or cut right now. They could always claim another guy after cuts, but when it comes down to our final 53, it will be 100% about the guys on this team currently. And Duke has certainly made quite a compelling case for himself to make this team by demonstrating a skill set NONE of our other WR's have...and its one that is quite valuable to a team in Redzone and 3rd down situations if they believe he can consistently do it.
  6. I was shocked at 2 pages. Floored at 5 pages. And now losing hope in humanity that it’s at 8 pages. With this kind of silliness, before you know it we will have a reality TV star as President...
  7. THANNNNNNKKKKKK YYYYOOOOOUUUUU Its amazing some of the other narratives going around.
  8. Man, you’re a broken record. You realize he can go to NE next year no matter what team traded for him?
  9. Seeing Duke blocking and making the catches guys like KB, Holmes, and Zay routinely have dropped last 2 years makes him a must keep IMO. I can think of multiple games we win had Duke been on the other end of the pass instead of one of them. Reliable hands, high pointing, contested catches, and blocking. It’s a need on this team.
  10. Lmao, some of you need to stop over reacting from one bad throw. I mean he had 6 pass attempts lmao and one of his incomplete passes was a great first down pass to Zay who blew it.
  11. The only thing more shocking than this bad take is that one other person hit the like button on it.
  12. Reading your posts like this one is like watching a badly scripted and badly acted reality show pretend to be real.
  13. Thanks John for the reply Great question, my guess to an answer would be simple. And don’t mean this rudely, just answering your question. I would assume you don’t sit on the phone 24/7 to facilitate a trade. Making a trade doesn’t require someone to be at a desk and phone all hours of the day. Not really hard in my mind to assume he is capable of answering some questions or doing some other things throughout a day while a trade may be brewing. I mean at that point a trade may already be agreed to, or an offer may be on table and waiting for response, etc etc. And there is more than Beane who can field an inbound call too for an update if it comes in while he’s in a press conference. So for me, talking to reporters for a half hour has no real impact on the validity of a possible trade. To be clear, I’m not saying it’s likely, I’m doubtful a trades happening too. Just was answering your question
  14. Texans don’t have the leverage that you are implying here IMO. And Clowney is no Mack either as you alluded too. Texans have a need at RB, WR and DE (if they trade Clowney). Those 3 players are better value than they are likely finding on the scrap heap for what they hope is a SB run this year. I think that offer could work, and I also think it’s possible it may need to be a 2nd or 3rd round pick too. But most importantly the major difference is Mack could be signed to a deal, Clowney can’t until next year and that’s great risk to who trades for him. Chicago traded so much for Mack knowing he was going to there 5 years. So IMO, you are over valuing Clowney in comparison and under estimating the lack of leverage Houston has. All we need to do is beat the best offers of other teams as Houston has no leverage other than potential competing bids.
  15. We only threw 6 times...but Zay blew an easy first down catch in the first quarter of that game that killed a drive. Zay was with the first team offense all preseason...and dropped a TD pass, blew a first down catch, and didn't do anything in game 2 where other WRs did show up. He had a nice grab in the 2nd half this weekend against reserves, but he didn't do himself any good with the 1's.
  16. I have had a love and hate relationship with this trade idea throughout the offseason. But...fast forward to today, and I am really for it now that we have seen everything shake out so far with camp and preseason. Adding him to this DL would instantly make this defense one of the best in the league, something that could help carry us deep into the playoffs. We still have great defensive potential without him, but with him it just seems like a certainty. We have WR's to spare if Houston truly wants a WR in this deal, and Zay or Foster would make easy sense here with guys like Duke and McKenzie having strong preseasons. Personally, I think Zay might make more sense for Houston in terms of the type of WR and more versatile WR Zay is. Singletary is too good to keep off the field and Yeldon has really played well in the preseason. We flat out have a log jam at RB, sending them McCoy makes a lot of sense for both teams at this point. Adding Clowney means we can also easily include Shaq or Murphy if they want to get back a DE too. Send them a 4th round pick plus McCoy, Zay, and either Shaq or Murphy. I would love this trade!
  17. Yes...although I already think Duke will make this team regardless if we trade with Texans.
  18. 200 Votes in...the results are still the same but close...6 WRs according to this poll would be: In the order of most votes: Brown, Cole, Roberts, Duke, Mckenzie, Foster But only a small amount of votes separating Foster and Zay. Seems the community feels Duke and McKenzie are gonna make it while only one of Foster and Zay will be here.
  19. Thanks John, always appreciate your posts. Couple follow up questions Is this person someone that for sure would know in the first place, or is it possible Beane is working on this and source wouldn't necessarily know yet? Lets assume he would definitely know, wouldn't it make more sense for them to say no at this stage since its not done? Or would this person always tell you the true answer no matter what? Just curious to the weight of their response...thanks again John!
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