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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. John Brown hasn’t done anything more than Zay the last 3 years? Come on dude...I get you want to defend Zay and I am cool with that, everyone entitled to their opinion, and no issue with you having a different one on Zay and Duke. But that’s a crazy statement. And John Brown has been the best WR in camp by everyone’s account. He sat most of preseason for precautionary reasons. Come on, let’s stay grounded here.
  2. Can you honestly say that you’ve seen Zay grow on the field from last year to now? I can’t, not with a straight face. He dropped his TD pass, blew a first down in a 3rd down throw this week due to poor awareness again, and has failed to stand out in a tense WR competition. A recent article on Duke in the athletic said this: “McDermott lives for competition. He tells his players when they walk through the door that it doesn’t matter when they were drafted or how much they make.” Right now, Jones hasn't made the most of his opportunities in a WR battle he’s very much participating in. Duke on the other hand has and got 2 more reps with the first team offense than Zay had in the 3rd preseason game as a reward for that. Now I don’t know if that means they will keep Duke over Zay, as they can still also keep both. But it sure seems that Duke has a legit shot to be on this roster. Meanwhile, Zay hasn’t stood out and shown some of the same problems he’s had before with consistency in his limited opportunities. I think it’s more than fair to wonder how much more Zay can improve still given he’s still making the same mistakes in a preseason where he’s competing for his role and maybe even his roster spot.
  3. No disrespect, but you’re skewing that to sound worse. He played last two years in CFL because he had to redeem his reputation, but you're phrasing it like he keeps getting tryouts and cut last 2 years. Bills are only his second chance at an NFL roster, and after dominating in CFL he’s done more with his chances than Zay did this preseason. Zay dropped a TD and blew another third down pass that should have been a first down. Duke has caught all the catchable balls thrown his way, caught two TDS and made key blocks on other first down and TD scores. Im not saying he is a lock, that’s up to the coaches. But he’s done more than Zay this preseason and more than the other WRs he’s also competing with. Now it’s up to the coaches who they feel helps this team the most once the real games start.
  4. If Miami trades Tunsil for Clowney then they are total clowns. They have a bad OL as it is, he’s a blue chip player at LT and will need him to protect whatever QB they go get in the draft. You don’t trade a young premiere LT for a pretty good DE who demands a massive contract and has effort questions around him during his career. Clowney to Bills makes sense given he could be piece that puts us over the top. Makes no sense for Dolphins given they just spent a 2nd round pick on a QB and certainly investing more into QB next draft or two.
  5. So you are saying Zay gets open and drops perfect TD pass. Duke you say doesn’t gets open and still finds a way to go get the TD...twice. Give me the guy who may not be as fast but goes up and makes the play and scores. Take that guy every time in my book.
  6. All good to have differing opinions, so no worries. But I’m confused, are you saying he can’t separate and can’t run crisp routes by checking a stat box? Only thing I can say is watch any number of the highlight reels from this preseason in this thread and I see a guy who separates enough and made some impressive catches on precise routes. But it’s not what I think of course, it’s what the coaches see. But given he seems to be recenly climbing up the depth chart, my inclination is to think the coaches see something they have been liking too.
  7. What are you watching? He ran crisp routes and he made multiple slant catches where he separated and got the first down to go along with his 2 TD catches, one of which he beat his man to the corner and laid out for the TD catch. Its like some of you read he isn’t blazing fast and made your own narratives up despite what he’s done on the field here and before here.
  8. Also, she simply could just be posting that as a counter point to some twitter/fan speculation about including him in a Clowney trade or even just some of the fan speculation of wanting to cut him. Doesn't necessarily mean she “knows” something. In the end, her tweet could really mean nothing other than her feeling the need to defend her son on the back of heavier criticisms after Zay didn’t have a strong preseason. Which makes sense she would delete it then after she realized what kind of mixed signal it sent.
  9. I don’t think his mom tweets indicates that Zay is about to be cut, they would just cut Zay, not tell him “we are gonna cut you soon”. They don’t give players advanced notice of being cut. What it could mean though is that the Bills have explored or are discussing a potential trade involving Zay and him or his agent are aware of it and that is what prompted her comment. If that is the case (trade exploration), then he could still be cut if no trade comes to fruition or he could still be kept if they were only looking to move on from him if they found the right value and aren’t prepared to outright cut him. Gonna be an interesting few days to say the least.
  10. For me, it’s always PPG. Object of the game is to score more points than your opponent, so only points matter to me.
  11. Defending Champs. Defense is definitely legit in NE. Buffalo won 6 games and while 2nd in yards allowed, was mediocre in most other defensive metrics. Pats shut down one of the most prolific offenses in the NFL last year in the SB and also beat the most prolific offense in the NFL to get there. Where is the shock? Respect is earned on the field. Bills need to earn it before they can demand it.
  12. Very simple yes/no questions can answer this: Is there a video thats over 5 min of drops (in 12 games) for Flacco/Lamar last year where Brown shows up at least 8 times? NO Has Zay ever had a 100 yard game? NO Has Zay ever reached 1000 yards? NO Has Zay even ever reached 700 yards? NO Has Brown ever nude wrestled his brother and tried to jump out of a window? NO Has Zay ever averaged more than 12 ypc? NO Has a defensive coordinator stayed up late to game plan on how to stop Zay? NO I think the answer is clear. Case closed. Brown >>>>>>> Zay and its not close.
  13. While I love house money, his recent kicking woes still do have me a little concerned. Hope he shakes that off and gets on track for the regular season.
  14. My comment was more about this constant obsession of people trying to blur the line with Duke into a TE. He’s not a TE, he’s a WR and having a WR who can do the things Duke did has a major value. Now the real question is can Duke do it often. PS: Put many of the top TEs outside as WRs and they wouldn't be nearly as effective as a pass catches facing top corners instead of LBs and Safeties.
  15. I think 10-11 is probable, 12+ is blue sky possible (meaning D is elite and Josh takes big leap) and 8-9 is our floor if the offense starts slow before they begin to gel. With 7 definite new starters on offense and possibly 8 or 9 (if neither Zay or Foster start opposite Brown or something like McCoy is trades or both)it’s. It’s possible offense may not hit their groove out the gate. So in that case I think 8 or 9 is more likely.
  16. Our TEs can’t do the things Duke did. There is no correlation and if they could they would be WRs not TEs.
  17. Lmao!!! Someone picked 5 or less????? We won 6 last year with NP and DA starting 4 games, no WR help, a terrible OL, no run game, and a raw rookie QB. We revamped all that and someone thinks we will be worse with an easier schedule in front of us? Hahahaha someone needs therapy to deal with all the negative feelings they are harboring.
  18. Except I have several friends who played in Pros or college and they play like they are a crack addict. I played sports all my life and still play lots of sports at 43 and I have 3 big screen TVs in my living room just because of fantasy football. Bills game is on the 65” and Redzone and another game I wanna see on the two 50” TVs. Also makes it easy on my lady for Night games where I can put the game on the side TV with no volume and watch something together on the bigger TV. Unless of course it’s the Bills playing on the night game, in which that goes on the big TV with volume. Side bonus...Laker game is always on one of the side TVs too if we are watching something else. So...you’re absolutely incorrect. That’s what I said, but in all 3 drafts John Brown and Cole Beasley were there and I couldn’t decide and took Brown.
  19. Always appreciate your posts JW, thanks for coming here Speaking of the other thread, why was it closed in the first place?
  20. No one says he cant get better, but you are downplaying how bad he was his rookier year (way more than just the Carolina drop, he literally was an utter liability the whole season) and you are also exaggerating how much better his 2nd year was. My point is that its easy to say he "doubled" his numbers when his numbers were terrible...saying he doubled them makes it sound so much better than it was. I mean, he had 600 yards in a season as a full time starter and a large chunk of that as WR1. And he got outplayed over the final 7 games by an undrafted rookie WR who had been cut earlier in the year. Coming into this season...we all wanted to see ON FIELD improvement. So far this preseason, he has done very little, dropped a perfect TD strike, didnt even have the awareness to catch the ball in the first quarter this week on what would have been a first down, and made one nice catch against backups. This is a 3rd year WR in the same system with the same QB and he still isnt stepping up or making it known he should be one of the key players, despite the fact he's facing competition for his job. I mean at what point do we stop applauding 600 yards likes its a big deal and stop making excuses for him? Catch the ball Zay, make the play Zay, be consistent Zay...then we will start to believe. Through 3 preseason games, he has only shown the same Zay he was last year. For me...someone wake me when he actually shows improvement on the field representative of a quality starting NFL WR. I dont know who is a better WR...Zay, McKenzie, or Duke. What I do know for sure, that its impossible to say Zay is better than those 2 without seeing those 2 play the kind of snaps Zay did and seeing how they would fair. I am not sold on McKenzie, but he's been more impressive than Zay this preseason. Duke is a guy who hasn't played in a regular season game either, so cant say who is better between him or Zay...but I can say Duke had the more impressive preseason and did more with his chances and moved UP the depth chart while Zay seems to maybe be moving down it if the 3rd preseason game was any indication.
  21. LOL...doubling...oye vey. This argument makes me laugh...doubling an abysmal rookie year is not an accomplishment. You must be really impressed with 600 yards for a 2 year starter with 31 games under his belt. LOL. If you have $10 in your savings and you find $10 on the ground, you just doubled your net worth...still broke though.
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