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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You treat everyone equally, but you manage how you do that differently. That’s CEO 101 stuff. This is why Phil Jackson is the greatest basketball coach in history, no one was ever as good as him at that. Which is why he won championships with the same teams other coaches couldn’t.
  2. Didnt say that, it’s how Mayock has handled it. He should have sat down face to face with him and not send a letter. He shouldn’t have thrown AB under the bus in the media over the helmet while Gruden was saying they have his back.
  3. How is Davis and Boldin a reflection of Beanes ability to manage personalities? I don’t see any correlation of any kind between them and Beanes ability to manage player personalities. And honestly, it’s pretty ridiculous to blame Beane for those guys retiring.
  4. Agreed, and Gruden loves AB and wants AB. I think this current situation is as much on Mayock as AB. People are going to pile on AB, and I get it, totally reasonable. But, Mayock has handled his relationship with AB poorly and that has led to this being so turbulent IMO.
  5. Beane is smart enough to know how to handle his personality. Mayock has decided to rule with an iron fist in more of an adversary way. Sorry, but you have one job at the top of the food chain, and that’s to manage, and no two people are always going to be handled the same way. It’s not about treating them different and letting them slide, it’s about how you approach the situation and how you talk to them. Mayock has been taking a confrontational approach and that was never going to work with ABs personality. Look, I am not defending AB, but at the end of the day he is who he is, and it’s up to Gruden and Mayock to manage what they traded for, and they haven’t taken the best approach IMO and have been saying it all along. Mayock set this up when he took a jab at him in the media during the helmet situation. As a GM he should have kept that in house and said it to ABs face, not the media. Mayock should have met with him face to face on this and not sent a letter. Especially after taking a jab at AB in August in the media.
  6. Mayock has not handled the situation very well from day 1 IMO. If you’re gonna take on a personality like AB you better know how to manage it, and to me Mayock has been going at it poorly this whole time helping lead up to this meltdown. Not deflecting responsibility from AB, but they knew who he was and then have tried to play the iron fist with him instead of managing the situation better.
  7. While I’m glad he’s not our headache, I also don’t think this would be going as bad if he was in Buffalo as I have that much more confidence in Beane and McD than I do in Gruden and Mayock. I love watching Gruden on Hardknocks, he’s fun to watch, but I don’t think the combo of those two can hold a candle to our combo in terms of running an organization on and off the field.
  8. Again, your analysis isn’t correct here. All good you’re not high on Duke, that’s fine. But you’ve just been making these irrational statements to try and make your case. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but you also don’t seem to understand how hard it is to make another teams active 53 on cut down day. Some other posters addressed and explained this already but you seem to keep glossing over that. And no one claimed Foster last year either and he became a pretty impactful player for us after coming back up off the PS. Again, no issue that you’re not sold on Duke, but also don’t quite understand your obsession over him either. You just won’t stop railing on the guy even when he does some positive things. Why do you care so much about a WR on our PS?
  9. Not sure why you are so invested in discrediting Duke, but no offense your take here is pretty out there. Those were literally designed plays and calls for Duke. His route and read were the primary. So yes, absolutely 100% they make those calls and throws in those situations in a regular season game. Your proposed analysis of what would happen makes no sense and more importantly would be vastly different on any given play against any defense because it 100% depends on what play the defense called. How you can just make up some make believe scenario about the safety without knowing personnel, play call, defensive scheme is puzzling. Its cool if you’re down on him, but you’ve really gone off the rails in a lot of these comments that really make no sense all for the purpose of selling your hot take on Dukes NFL future. And no disrespect, but you’ve done this several times now in this thread.
  10. He won’t be on the PS long if he keeps doing this. Either our 53 or someone else’s.
  11. It’s one game. Doesn’t matter that much. Would be foolish to freak out if we struggle or lose with 9 new players on offense making their first start together. Just like it would be foolish to over react if we look great too as Jets have their own question marks and new pieces. My personal opinion is that we will likely have both ups and downs this game as the team learns to feel its way through so many roster changes but will ultimately win the game as the D should be stingy throughout and I think our offense will be stronger in the 2nd half. Bills 24 - Jets 16
  12. I think so, report said Bills hope to put him on it, so I assume so.
  13. We got a 6th round pick and made the Patriots worse at the same time... F-ing Sorcery I fell ya
  14. Agreed on Clowney...if they trade Zay (or McCoy or anyone else for that matter) I think it will simply be for a pick or picks not Clowney as nothing is really out there substantial that really links us to Clowney.
  15. True, and you are right, those are fair point...and you having said that, it now makes more sense than my initial harsh reaction. So good reply and you swayed my initial reaction on this one. I will add a caveat though...this only makes sense if Fitz only starts the season off and then they get Rosen on the field at least midway through the year to get some more experience and give the Dolphins a good look at him before next years draft. While I totally agree with you about the locker room, the front office is a different story. You don't expect to win a lot after gutting a team and adding nothing back when you are a GM. Gutting the team and rebuilding was the right move for them, so not mocking that decision, but they know in the front office its more likely that they are picking inside the top 10 then outside of it next year. So its going to be important they get a long enough look on Rosen before the draft next year.
  16. Agreed...there is no value in starting Fitz...none what so ever. Dolphins are still a clown organization. I mean why trade a 2nd round pick for Rosen if you aren't going to play him and see what he has? Not like they are trying to contend this year. Dont get me wrong, I think Rosen sucks, but still...whats the point of using a 2nd round pick on him and not get on the field and see if you still need to draft a QB or if he can show you the potential to be a starter for them long term.
  17. And to be clear, I never said he would make and they would cut Zay. Others are talking like Zay will be cut, but I think it’s more likely they both make it. Plus, Zay would be traded before he would be cut.
  18. Come on bud, Jackson has been hot garbage. Stop with the stats tonight. Jackson won’t even likely make our practice squad, he’s awful. This ^ Or keep 6 and it’s between Duke and McKenzie could also be what the scenario is
  19. Guess you missed the key blocks he made, including with the first team to help us score a TD.
  20. Keep in mind, I’ve always said it was doubtful they would cut him. Others are speculating they would cut him. My stance was I thought he could be traded during preseason if he wasn’t rising to the challenge of the WR competition. What I do know is that Zay has not made the most of his limited opportunities and hasn't really outshined the guys he’s competing with. And that’s the reason he’s earned the speculation, even if he still makes the team, he has earned the criticisms on the field again himself by making the same mistakes he’s made in the past.
  21. Merlin and the Red Witch have nothing on Beane and his Beanery...dude is just a wizard like no other. Beane’s nickname should be “The Fleece” the way he be out here fleecing fools
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