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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. No worries, but I was just talking excitement things, not mind bending convo
  2. Out on a limb? I’m supposed to be excited things that would be out on a limb? Lol, don’t even follow that logic.
  3. Week 1 is finally here! Can’t wait for kickoff and here are the things I’m looking at this week and can’t wait to watch! 1 - Obviously, Josh Allen and his development is top of the list. I’m curious though to see how much he runs this week. With better pass pro, weapons, and run game around him, he shouldn’t NEED to run as much, but also coaches said they don’t want to take that part of his game away either. So will be interesting to see how many times they use it as a weapon and how often he has to take off. 2 - WR group. Seeing if John Brown can showcase all that was hyped during camp is going to be fun to see. We didn’t get to see a lot of him in preseason. Will the Cole and Allen connection be as frequent as hyped too? Zay, can he prove on the field that he should be starting over Foster and hold that role down with consistent play. Foster we learned was slowed by a toe injury, so can he battle back over the early weeks this year to challenge for the starting job? Will McKenzie get more than a few gadget plays? RB rotation - This should be a tough week for our run game, Jets front 7 is stout. I’m not expecting a huge day on the ground, but I’m interested in how the snaps are divided up. I have a feeling all 3 RBs will get a decent amount of snaps each. Edmunds - Outside of Allen, Edmunds is my next guy I’m most excited to see this year. Can’t wait to see him in a live game with a year under his belt as he leads this talented D. And they got a tough test with Bell this week, so looking forward to seeing him anchor this front 7 this week. Oliver - Can’t wait to see if he can come out fast in his first game and be problem for this Jets OL. If this kid has a strong rookie campaign, our our D is gonna be legit.
  4. Moss and Welker = Better Bruce and Holt = Better Harrison and Wayne = Better Rice and Taylor = Better Moss and Carter = Better And there are more, but no need to list them all. Antonio Brown is amongst the best ever, and best of his era, but Gordon hasn’t done anything but have one great season like 90 years ago. Edelman is a great player in their system, but he’s not nearly as good as the WRs in those other great duos.
  5. Seriously don’t even know what you are arguing anymore or why you’re bringing up AB in the duke thread so much. Clearly Mayock did something wrong cuz they had to cut AB and now he’s gonna help Pats win another SB. And you said I like to argue? LMAO. And geezus, who cares about AB anyway. My opinion is Mayock contributed to the problem too. Who really cares, I mean it’s my opinion and I don’t have to justify it to you.
  6. Lol, that was before he release a video taping Gruden. Gruden was allowing him to play week 1 and then AB put a video out that changed things again. So just stop dude
  7. Most fun Ive had in a long time watching a train wreck that wasn’t the Bills. This is amazing
  8. Lol who said I was going all in on Grudens judgement? Discussing what happened does not mean I support what happened. I think AB should be suspended. Not sure what you are even arguing about anymore. And as as far as dialogue goes, I respond to those who respond to me. I don’t drop a comment and avoid replies.
  9. Lol, you’ve been in here arguing with all kinds of people this whole thread...and about a player not even on the active 53 with some agenda to prove he can’t play in the NFL like he stole your girl. And you say I like to argue? Haha And you can say I was wrong in the AB thread too, that’s your right. Except, Gruden just proved my point and is now backing AB and over riding Mayock and not suspending him and having him available week 1. If Mayock had no role in the turbulent relationship, then he would have gotten his way and suspended AB. But like I said, Gruden, his other coaches, and his teammates have gotten along just fine with him. Only Mayock has butted heads. But keep telling me that Mayock couldn’t have handled it better himself as well as AB.
  10. McKenzie is good on overall ST, just hard to trust as a returner though.
  11. I restate my original comment you just quoted. You’re using semantics now to say you didn’t say he can’t play WR while saying he can’t play WR good enough, which literally means the exact same thing. You’re saying he can’t play WR in the NFL. So I didn’t put words in your mouth, it’s literally what you are saying. And I see you’re still stuck on your comment that he didn’t make a 53 last few years when he only had one tryout as an UDFA as a rookie with a bad reputation coming off an injury. The reality is that teams were not interested in him because of his off field stuff and he had to go prove himself first and redeem his image. Which he did, and that led to him being picked up by the Bills. And he earned high praise and a PS spot with his play. We had 5 WRs locked in on the roster already, he was competing for one spot. McKenzie played well too, and in the end they also needed ST player out of that spot too and that’s what gave McKenzie the edge as Duke hadn’t played ST before. Beane thought enough of him to bring him back until we get an opening via injury or poor performance from the other guys. If he can show he can play ST too, he may get brought up faster. So no disrespect, but a lot of your “reasoning” and evidence on why you think he isnt any good is pretty off base with the realities of his journey and story. Not sure why you’re so obsessed with a guy you think can take play. PS: He ran the same forty time as Jerry Rice. So enough already everyone with he isn't fast enough nonsense. Doesn’t mean he will be great, but it’s a made up statement to say he isn’t fast enough. Not all WRs are speed burners. There is more than straight line speed to get separation and get open.
  12. I know right! Can’t wait until we get back to the “Fire Beane” and “Wrong Josh” threads the first time we don’t break 20 points lol Ha touché
  13. How many AB threads do we need lol? Thought this was a Bills board, but this board obsessed with AB like a scorned ex girlfriend.
  14. You are wrong again. He’s not on the 53 because McKenzie is a good ST player and NONE of our other WRs will contribute much to ST outside of Roberts who only returns kicks. Its not because he can’t play WR, otherwise they wouldn’t have kept him on the PS.
  15. Refs don’t intentionally screw the Bills. This notion we get screwed over more because we are the Bills is some tin foil silliness. All teams get bad calls against them or missed calls. Just ask the Saints about that last year. Every fan base thinks their team gets screwed the most, even Pats fans think NFL is out to get them. Refs aren’t out to intentionally screw the Bills. Nothing to see here.
  16. This isn’t really fair though. 32 NFL GMs didn’t give Foster a chance either. People over exaggerate this part because the reality is that all teams already have their own “Duke” projects. It’s rare a PS squad guy is in high demand. I mean Bills led NFL with most guys claimed during cut downs, and that was 3 guys out of 37 cut players. The truth is, there are very very few roster spots available after cut downs. Teams already made their own tough cuts with guys who already know the system and playbook. Very few get claimed and put on the active 53. Then it’s players choice if multiple teams want him for PS. For all we know, lots of teams could have invited him to their PS and he chose to stay with the Bills. And the number 1 reason he didn’t make the Bills 53 is special teams needs. McKenzie had a strong preseason too, but he also is a good ST player. None of our other WRs outside of Roberts whose only a returner has much to offer on ST. Cole and Brown will never play ST, and Zay and Foster have no real experience there either. I would bet that Duke will be in a 53 sometime during this season if he keeps fighting the way he is.
  17. Lots of talk all over the radar in here...let me simplify the state of things because there are some wacky statements on both sides of this discussion: Duke made a roster, he is on our practice squad. So those mocking him for that shouldn't be as PS spots are not easy to get, ask the 400+ other guys who got cut and didnt get one and guys get activated all over the NFL from the PS all the time. Guys get added to the PS because teams believe they have something and need more time to develop, learn, or coach up. No one should ever talk about a WR on a PS in the same breath with an all time great like Hines Ward...thats just wacky...let alone claim he is a bigger receiving threat. If Duke keeps doing the things he is doing, there is a STRONG probability he will at some point be on the active 53. The reason Duke did not make the 53 out right is simple: SPECIAL TEAMS. McKenzie had a strong preseason too worthy of a spot, and while Duke brings a different type of WR target to the WR group, McKenzie is also an experienced and valuable ST player as well. Brown and Beasley will NOT be playing ST. Zay and Foster have almost no ST experience and Roberts is solely the returner. Who ever got that final spot NEEDED to be able to be a strong player on ST too and Duke had no experience there while McKenzie had a lot of experience and is quite good and versatile on ST. Anyone trying to sell the narrative that Duke didnt make the 53 because he isnt good enough at WR is 100% misguided in their thoughts. In the end, Duke proved he can make plays in the NFL and continues to show that even after going to the PS. If he keeps playing with that same fire, intensity, and drive then he is going to find his way onto a 53 one way or another.
  18. Yeah, why aren't there any TE's on the list? I still chose Singletary as I think he will score on a run between 5 and 10 yards out.
  19. Its all good, I don't honestly care about AB since he is not on my fantasy team lol. Although I have really enjoyed watching hard knocks, Gruden is hilarious. In the end, I just think Mayock should have taken a more personable approach with his relationship with AB like Gruden did from the get go. Had he done that and demonstrated he had AB's back during the helmet thing instead of expressing frustration and a back handed ultimatum in the media, then I think their relationship wouldn't have been as volatile where something like this blows up this big. Again, in no way am I excusing AB's crazy behavior, just saying when you trade valuable assets and invest big money into a personality like AB, then you better understand how to best manage it and work with him to minimize these types of incidents. Mayock I think took a risky approach and its not working out.
  20. Again, you missed my point. Did not say to shrug shoulders or not hold him accountable. I talked about how Mayock has handled the relationship and handled holding him accountable.
  21. Ok this is my last comment because you guys care a heck of a lot more about this than I do, but got like 30 replies. ??? You and the others are completely missing the point. I didn’t say not to hold him responsible, I said how he handled the relationship with AB. You guys can’t seem to separate the difference in holding someone accountable and how you go about holding someone accountable. I have literally explained my reasoning at least 10 times now and everyone keeps replying with the same comments that aren’t even what I am saying. Mayock took a hard line stance with a diva player. Never going to work with a guy like Brown. AB doesn’t respond well if he doesn’t feel like he can trust someone like Mayock or if he feels disrespected. As a GM, you have to understand that and taking those comments in August to the media was a big mistake by Mayock. He shound have kept it private and talked to AB man to man only. He could have sat AB down man to man and discussed their stance in the fines instead of sending him a letter too. It’s just my opinion, but I called this when Mayock made those comments in august that he was going to lose the trust of AB and something small was gonna set up a blowout. And I honestly don’t care at all about the Raiders, AB, etc. But also just trying to respect posters here and respond but now it’s too much to keep up with. My simple opinion is that Mayock handled AB poorly and while AB is obviously to blame, Mayock also hasn’t helped the situation and contributed to turbulent relationship with AB. And, why is it only Mayock has a bad relationship with AB? I mean no one else on the Raiders has this bad relationship with him. All his coaches and trainers seem to love him and players have all seem to have taken to him too.
  22. Except they didn’t. Jordan and Pippen never made the finals before Phil and neither did Shaq and Kobe. Both teams made and won the finals in Phil’s first season as HC and would three peat each.
  23. In ABs eyes, how do you think that landed? It’s a passive aggressive threat to call AB bluff on how he would retire if he can’t use his helmet. As a CEO, I hold everyone to the same rules and standards. But I also go about how I approach each person differently and manage them as individuals. Mayock chose to manage everyone the same...that’s not a good approach if you’re taking on massive personalities like an OBJ or AB. Just my opinion. Again, AB is still a problem and not defending him. Just feel that Mayock could have managed the relationship smarter that may have prevented it going this far.
  24. All good, and I think it’s justified to suspend AB. My point is the way Mayock has managed AB up until now was not the right approach and it’s contributed to the problem.
  25. No Mayock took this to the media first back in August when he threw AB under the bus. That’s was a colossal mistake and no GM should be issuing those kinds of statements to the media. Not defending AB, saying Mayock has been a Catalyst and more of an adversary than a GM who has his back. Huge mistake making those comments to the media back in August and I said right there it was going to lead to bad things. Again, AB is definitely also an issue, but they knew that and if you’re going to trade for a guy with his personality then you better understand how to manage him, and Mayock has done a poor job IMO.
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