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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. First, Brown had only 10 targets, which is typical of a #1 target. Not like he force fed anyone. Second, the coaches came into the game with the plan to throw constantly to start the game. Are you suggesting they made that plan with no intention of involving the other starting WR Zay Jones? Would that make Zay the least threatening decoy ever? Guess that would make Zay a frequent decoy since he has 22 or less yards in more than half of Allens starts since returning in the Jax game. This excuse of "He cant catch what isnt thrown at him" is not one I subscribe to. To get targets, WR's need to win their routes and do so during the QB's progressions. Its a two way street and this notion its all on the QB and who he chooses to throw to is a fallacy. Foster you can make an argument for since he barely saw the field. But at the same time, thats no excuse either for Foster because he clearly isnt showing the coaches enough in practice yet for them to feel they need to make him a bigger part of the game plan. Once again, this is NOT just about Zay as some posters are focusing on. Like I said above, Foster is a ghost too and that is a big issue as well. In fact, Foster is probably the single most disappointing story line of the 2019 season so far given how he fell off the map after quite an encouraging 7 game stretch to end the year last year. I dont know if the toe injury is the cause or if he has just fallen that out of favor with the coaches. All I know, is that Brown needs help, and that help cant just be Cole Beasley because his focus is mostly the short and underneath stuff. We need another guy who can draw secondary's attention out there or Brown is going to get a ton of attention. At the end of the day, we are through week 1 and so far none of us can point to anyone and say they earned the starting spot opposite Brown with their play on the field. Next week is a new week though, so hopefully someone steps up as this week only Brown made his mark from the WR room. The good news is that the next 2 opponents don't have very good defenses, so the opportunity is there to be seized and hopefully someone does.
  2. Their next stretch of games is brutal. Gase might very well open the season 0-7 as someone started a thread about. He’s actually someone who should be high on the list of “Whose gonna get fired first” list this year. I honestly am skeptical he lasts more than this year and wouldn’t surprise me to see him fired during the season. Funniest thing, best player on offense for them was Bell, and reports were he didn’t want to sign him lmao
  3. 2 bad drops in 9 targets, both of which almost cost us the game isn’t a bad game? He was fortunate in the drop in the 4th the offense bailed him out or we might have lost the game. That was for a first down on one of our game winning TD drives. I love Beasley, but he’s not above criticism when he makes mistakes. I am also not worried about him either and believe he’s gonna have a strong season here. This ^ I am in full agreement with you on this. I was just stating that it’s fair to say the ball could have been better placed, but ultimately that was more than catchable and should have been caught.
  4. That’s fair, pass could have been better. But IMO, it was still on Beasley because it was catchable and one you expect him to make. But I won’t argue the pass could have been better placed. I actually considered Morse but omitted him solely on the turnover. But agree, he definitely made some plays out there
  5. 100% agree, but the D had so many good performances on it that my OP would have been twice as long if I singled them all out. But Shaq has himself a game for sure. I felt he struggled in the first half with some of his play calling. I also felt he stuck too long with Gore and should have looked to get Singletary involved earlier as well as I thought we had a real opportunity to get our RBs more involved in the passing game early too. The first play in the second half was terrible too, and honestly will admit that stuck with me a lot and led me to lend towards the bad. But I did give him credit for adjusting in the second half and I still feel good about Daboll, was just being honest on how I felt about this one game. Just like I feel real good about Cole too despite the rough game.
  6. Did you NOT read my post where I called out Foster and every WR NOT named Brown? Lmao, it’s all you focusing on Zay, not me
  7. You ignored what I said in the last post. And stop about Zay...you are making this about Zay. I literally criticized every single WR on this roster not named Brown. Cole was listed in the bad and we challenged anyone not named Brown to step up. You want to make it SOLELY about Zay then go ahead. I said SOMEONE needs to step up. You came back with 100 excuses again for starting a game and not contributing. 3 years in, and we are still making excuses for 22 yard games. Unbelievable.
  8. Wow, had not checked their schedule...YIKES thats a murderous row for sure to start the season. You could be right
  9. Dude come on...do you even know how an offensive play works? There are MULTIPLE options out there and WR's get the ball when they beat their man on the read. If Zay, Foster, and McKenzie were beating their guys, they would not have combined for TWO catches on a day Allen threw THIRTY SEVEN times. Zay and Foster had plenty of snaps on the field collectively. You act like all 37 passes went to Allen first option and the only reason the other guys didn't contribute was because of that. Go back and watch every pass and tell me how many times Allen dropped and fired on his hot read. HINT: It wasn't very often, he had to keep going through progressions until someone was finally open. Are you claiming Zay is like the 4th option and didn't get more work because one of the first 3 came open every time before him? If so, thats pretty sad for a starting WR. Foster too...he couldn't garner a single target? Never seen so many excuses for mediocrity or less. McKenzie is less of an issue as he just isnt going to get many opportunities like the others. But Zay now has 23 career games out of 32 (all of which he mostly started) with less than 40 yards. And in the final 7 games with Allen since coming back from injury he has FOUR with 22 yards or less as a STARTER. I dont care what excuses you make, we need more out of the WR position opposite of Brown and that means either Zay or Foster need to make an impact.
  10. How many more excuses are we going to make for all the holdover WRs no showing in a football game? Serious question, they never end.
  11. You do realize Allen threw the ball 37 times right? We didn’t even run until the final play of first quarter. That’s a lot of balls for just Brown to show up. We need some help or Brown is going to see his job get harder.
  12. Good: Teams heart: This team never gave up and kept challenging the Jets on both sides of the ball the whole game. I am going to say this right now, this teams makeup reminds me of none other than the PATRIOTS the FIRST year they won the SB and upset the Rams. They didnt have the flashy names, they had no egos, they did no individual intros at the SB and came in as a team. I know we all hate the Pats today, but THAT year, they were a team that was easy to root for (before we knew what would be coming later from the Cheatriots). Bills truly are a team first team and they seem to genuinely love each other and fight for each other. McDermott: Credit him for #1 above, but I said it at halftime to everyone in the room...McD is a good halftime adjuster and we always play hard in the 2nd half. This is fact, not an opinion, and proven by how many 4th quarter comebacks Allen already has as a guy who just started his 12th game. These guys seem to love playing for him and he is already IMO one of the best young HC's in the NFL and will be in the COY discussion this year. Allen: Yes he was good, I get the 4 turnovers he was linked to might counter that, but honestly, only 1 was truly his fault. Fumbles were on the OL more than him, Cole INT was all on Cole, and the tip ball was just one of those things that happens from time to time to all QBs as those DL are big dudes. There is even reason to believe on the overturned INT that he saw the flag and knew he had a free play and threw it up. In the end, he kept moving the ball, never got rattled, and was excellent in the championship rounds when it mattered the most leading TWO 85 yard TD drives. Defense: DOMINANCE. End of story. Singletary and Brown: Performance speaks for itself, Bad: Daboll: I think Daboll struggled to find a groove this week. I dont care about the all passing first quarter, that was by design and I am good with that against a stout front 7 and short handed secondary. However, the use of Gore and lack of use of Singletary was a mistake as was a lot of play calls that were questionable. Quite honestly, the safety was a STUPID call by Daboll. You got a monster QB, why not just run a sneak to get a couple yards and some breathing room? Running a draw with an old RB who had done nothing to that point in the game was averaging less than 2 ypc was puzzling to me. He did rebound later in the 2nd half and made adjustments, so credit him for that. Gore: Hard to say what the issue was here, but he looked good in preseason, but yesterday he did not look like a guy who had the ability to start for this team. Not going to over react to one game, but I think Singletary will be starting sooner rather than later, and hopefully week 2. Beasley: Love the signing, love the potential still this season. But there is no sugar coating this, he had a bad game and made two huge mistakes, both of which could have cost us the game. The pick 6 put us in a hole, and then the best pass by Allen on the day he dropped in the 4th quarter. Both plays almost lost us this game and the offense as a whole bailed him out or we would have lost this game and either play would have been big reasons why. Missing: Zay Jones: Obviously he made the roster after I felt he may be a trade candidate. And yes, that prediction was wrong, but Zay validated a lot of the concerns that had me thinking that in the preseason. His biggest supporters still talked him up, but here we are again, and 5 targets for 2 rec and 18 yards despite starting again. He did make a key catch in the 4th, so give him credit for that, but someone needs to step up opposite Brown or life is going to start getting tougher for Brown. In the last 7 games with Allen (the final 6 after Allen came back last year and week 1) he has 22 yards or less in FOUR of them. I was told Allen and Zay really started to gel last year, but in more than half the games, he has 22 yards or less while Allen has had some big games with Foster and Brown. Robert Foster: Where was he? I saw him on the field a couple times, but he didn't get a lot of snaps and wasn't targeted once. Same case for Foster...someone needs to step up or life will get tough for Brown as the season moves on. I don't know what Fosters health situation is, but as far as I know he is healthy. Talk about falling off a cliff after a strong end to the season last year. Easily most disappointing Bill so far leading into week 1. McKenzie: Same question, where was he yesterday. Don't expect as much from him, but for a guy holding a WR spot over someone like Duke Williams, they better get something out of his spot. HONORABLE MENTION: Duke Williams: I am sure I will get flack here, HOWEVER, watching the game yesterday I could not help but think Allen could have really used someone with a big catch radius who goes and fights for the ball. If the above 3 cant start making an impact, I think Duke may get his chance sooner than some think. And I don't expect Duke to come in and make a Pro Bowl, but his big catch radius and reliable hands could be useful to a young Allen IMO. I think this team is going to be a gritty and tough team for each opponent most weeks and we will be a tough out in the Playoffs this year.
  13. Guarantee they read game recaps and stat boxes and did NOT watch the game other than a highlight reel.
  14. Thank you! You literally just saved me the time I was gonna take to create basically this exact post. Well said and written! Like I mentioned in other threads, Allen wasn’t as bad as his critics will pounce on and actually played pretty well outside a few miscues, most of which were not on him. Honestly, his worst play didn’t even count and that was the INT overturned by a penalty. But there is also reason to believe he knew there was a flag and had a free play and took a chance. So may not have even been as bad as it looked at the time. Neither fumble is totally on him, and 4th and 1 really isn’t on him either. First one he got blindsided like you said. One could argue throwing the ball away or securing the ball better, but really that was his OL failing to do his job. Cole pick is all on Cole, end of story there. And the batted at the line INT is just one of those things that happens to all QBs, and not a play that makes me concerned about Allen. At the end of the day, he had the offense moving most the day and once they as a TEAM eliminated the mistakes, they punched in the ball in twice from 85 yards out each in the 4th quarter. This is why I am not in agreement with those who said it was only because Mosley got hurt. We moved the ball with Mosley in there too, just a few miscues by the TEAM created 3 self inflicted turnovers and one good play by the Jets DL to create another. I strongly feel we will be 3-0 when we face NE.
  15. Agreed and he also had some bad luck with injuries early on and also played with a lot of bad QBs too due to injuries to the starting QBs too. Talent always been there.
  16. I was impressed by Oliver and he showed that he’s got both a bright future and likely going to be an impact player as a rookie. This draft could prove to be special for the Bills, as well as last years. Love this team.
  17. I strongly feel that Brown will turn in a 1200+ yard season with 80+ catches and 8+ TD’s. And that’s not because of yesterday, that was my thoughts before week 1 and he went out and just made me feel even stronger about that.
  18. No joke, took my sunglasses off my hat and gave them to my girl to put on top her hat and literally everything changed as it was late in the third. Told her my red sun glasses are now for her to wear every Sunday and my friends all said the same hahaha
  19. McD has this train on the right tracks. Post season station is along these railways and look forward to pulling in again soon.
  20. This. Nothing left to discuss. It was ruled a safety and there was not a single angle that showed the location of the football, which is all that matters. Refs made the right call even though it seemed he may have been out of endzone, can’t over turn without seeing the football.
  21. And that includes 2 drops by Cole which also led to one of those turnovers. And only 2 turnovers were on Allen.
  22. Allen had a better game than he's getting credit for. 2 of the turnovers weren't his fault, and he had a couple passes that got batted. He still put up almost 300 yards and put in 2 TD's. Kid is a gamer and didn't let some bad breaks take him out of the game. If not for the few breaks that went the wrong way in the first half, we likely win this game by a large margin. I think we will be alright moving forward.
  23. He will be a COY candidate late into the season IMO
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