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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I think a fair ranking for the Bills would be anywhere from 15 to 21, all depending on how you took the game in. Anything above 15 is premature, and anything worse than 21 means you haven't paid that much attention to this team or probably didn't actually watch the game and just wrote based on predetermined bias.
  2. Yup, 1 game in, absolutely has a long season to insert himself, and hope he does. I am not condemning him for the season, and I have been critical of every WR not named Brown week 1. I do find it weird though in a game where we threw an entire first quarter and 37 times, that Zay was not a big part of the game plan and didn't see a lot of snaps for a starting WR...especially with Foster and McKenzie barely seeing the field. And its more than fair to claim that thread and prediction was "premature" if you want, I mean I made that bold prediction before even FA began and before Brown, Cole, etc were part of the team. But, what someone really cant do is disprove the criticisms I provided and others did too that led to the belief he wasn't a lock and was gonna have to compete. In fact, his preseason was really in line with the criticisms he has faced. And 18 yards week 1 was just more of the same in terms of his typical production. Its all good, but before people jump to criticize my thoughts from that thread, then Zay better show it on the field first. And he hasn't unless you think a shaky preseason highlighted by dropped TD, blown 3rd down catch for first down, and 18 yards in week 1 is somehow him "silencing" the criticisms.
  3. One of the things I have been most impressed by this offseason is...The Athletic. Big thanks to whoever put that one day big discount for the year thread on here as that got me to buy it, and I am very impressed with the quality and depth of writing on there so far. Also impressed by the volume of great articles and write ups on not just the Bills, but the other teams I follow and sports in general. Big fan of the Athletic.
  4. Yeah, he was just not a guy who got a lot of attention or credit. He was actually quite a good overall football player. John Brown is our Troy Brown this year for us. I still think our Brown puts up 80+ catches, 1200+ yards, and 8+ TD's this year assuming he remains healthy all year.
  5. I said this in another post, but this team legit reminds me of the Patriots team that won its first SB. Before anyone freaks out at the mention of the Pats, keep in mind AT THE TIME of this, they were not hated...they were not known as cheatritots, etc. They were an over looked underdog for the most part with a young coach and QB that would go on to be two of the GOATS but were still unproven then. That team was made up of lots of lesser known names, a team led by an unproven QB after Bledsoe went down. They were introduced at the SB as one unit, not individual. They were facing one of the biggest offensive juggernaught teams in history in the defending champs, the Rams. That team was just gritty and played together. Yes, stuff came out later that sullied the reputation of the organization, and even that season. But that year, before all that happened, there was just something different about how that team gelled and fought. Troy Brown was playing offense and defense, the WR's were no one very notable, the QB was constantly being scrutinized once Bledsoe was healthy but didn't get his job back. Anyway, this team feels like that team did that year. A gritty team led by a rising HC and QB that has fully bought in and fights for each other. I hope history repeats itself and we are starting what will be a run where we not only win a SB, but remain a dominant team for years to come behind some of our great young pieces and HC.
  6. These writers don't have time to watch each and every game in full, although they are watching some of them. And you can tell reading the rankings who did actually watch the game and who did not and either just scanned stat boxes, other write ups, or highlight clips. Anyone coming away from that game and feeling like Josh is doing the same things clearly didn't watch the game. We had a few miscues that were not all on him, but Josh for the most part was making accurate throws and moving the ball while going through his progressions all game. Once the miscues went away (as a team), we started consistently scoring like we should have been all game. If not for the miscues, we win that game like 31 to 6 as we dominated both sides of the ball most the game.
  7. Nah all the lawsuits and misconduct over his life span before getting into politics told you that, CNN just reminded you of them
  8. 40 yards or less in 10 of 13 games with Allen in at QB the majority of the game...including 18 yards in week 1 where Allen threw 37 times, the entire first quarter, and went through his progressions a lot. I think its fair for him to have "detractors". And he has 22 yards or less 4 times in the 7 games going back to when Allen came back from injury. Not to mention all the drops in his first 2 years and even this preseason. Between a shaky preseason and minimal week 1, Zay has yet to show any signs or measurable "growth" in his 3rd year. At some point, the excuses need to stop for a lack of involvement, productions, and consistency in the passing game with a 3rd year WR taken in the 2nd round who set NCAA records for receptions. Most confusing, is in a game where we threw on every play but one in the first quarter and 37 times total against a weak Jets secondary, why was Zay not on the field a lot for being a starter and only got 3 real targets (2 others were basically throw aways)? Why did Daboll not feel he needed to be more involved and on the field more in a game we threw so much, and against a team that Zay had a good game against with Barkley last year? Its great he blocked well, important part of being a WR. But when is he going to start being a dependable receiver too? All I know, is he most often is not making much of an impact with Allen led Bills games...so why is that? Is he not beating the defense enough? Does Allen not trust him enough? Do the coaches not trust him enough? Is it something else or a combo of all those? Don't know, but as or right now he has yet to really be a key factor in the majority of Allen led football games both before and after Allens injury. New week this week...and a Giants defense that should let our offense keep progressing. Lets hope he does more this week, as someone other than Brown needs to step up as Cole made two bad mistakes last week that almost cost us the game, and Zay, Foster, and McKenzie had little impact as well all for various reasons.
  9. A measly $75,000 lawsuit is a hard thing to argue is a "money grab" on a multi million dollar athlete being accused of rape and sexual assault multiple times.
  10. Not sure how much of what I am going to say has been covered, but no time to read the latest 20 pages. But here are my updated thoughts. Previously, did not want to jump to any assumptions or conclusions. Athletes, Celebs, etc are all vulnerable to money grabs and opportunistic scandals, so its never wise to just assume all is what it seems to be when these come out. HOWEVER: I like to try and look for clues and information that will help lend itself to what likely makes more sense. And now, there are a couple of things I find interesting that I think are going to really work against AB now. Lie Detector Test - If she really did take and PASS a lie detector test, that is certainly going to be very problematic for AB and obviously makes him look guilty before any real investigation or due process plays out. And with the NFL, thats not going to go well and substantially will up his odds of both going on the exempt list and even being cut by the Pats. $75,000 - She apparently only sued for $75,000 and that alone certainly makes this look LESS like a money grab and more about justice and principal. If she was all about the money, seems her and her lawyers would be suing for a lot more money. To be fair, this could also be a "strategic" move too for the purpose of painting that very picture. To also be fair, I guess AB could also use this as "proof" he feels he is innocent because its such a small amount and he didnt just pay her off as $75k is nothing to him. Ultimately, I feel this helps her the most and works against AB here. His messages certainly seem to acknowledge some of what she is claiming, so now he has to prove it was consensual which is what they are claiming. Honestly, I have changed my mind now 3 times...First, yesterday my first reaction was wow he is screwed. Then after things calmed down and digested the info, I started getting suspicious of the motives. Especially when some reports suggested she still went to work for him after these incidents. Although, to be fair, I have seem plenty of people deal with bad things and awful situations for the purpose of advancing their careers, so if she felt training AB could do that its not entirely absurd to think she swallowed her pride and still took him as a client. Especially if maybe used that as some sort of an "apology" to her or something. So I wouldn't discount her claims just because of that timeline. But now, I am back to thinking AB is screwed here and I will be pretty surprised if he isn't on the exempt list within a couple of days. I am not even talking about if he's guilty or not...talking about how what is out there will impact his career at this present time. There was already enough by his antics to warrant consideration for the exempt list technically, even though I didn't think it would actually happen. But this certainly is enough on its own, and when combined with the AB s**t show this offseason, I think the league is going to have no choice here. Question is, will the Pats cut him while on the exempt list? If he had been a long time Patriot, then I think its a tougher decision. But given he's never once suited up for them, I would think they would just cut bait with him and relieve themselves of the distraction while this is on going. If AB clears himself, then I would assume Pats would bring him right back in. So I think he is most likely going on the exempt list and then will likely be released at that point. F the Pats, and F AB!!! GOOOOOO BILLLLLLLS!!!!!!!!! #WeGotTheRightBrown #WeGotTheRightJosh
  11. True, but not to the extent that has been here for months
  12. Well the free play he isn’t credited with an INT, negated by a flag
  13. Lol, AB has more threads than Josh Allen on this board
  14. Morse was the responsible one on his fumble and hard to fault Allen on the other fumble when Dawkins whiffed on his block too. Honestly, he had one bad turnover that was totally on him. And the INT that was over turned, it looked more like Allen saw the flag and knew he had a free play, so hard to say if it was a bad decision or just taking a shot on what he knew was a free play anyway. QBs do this all the time
  15. Im not over board on him though. In no way do I expect him to be a pro bowler here. But I think he has value as a big catch radius target. Allen has a big arm and he has great hands to both catch the ball and fight for balls. We need WRs who can run fades and use their body on slants in tight windows. It’s especially important in the Redzone and on 3rd and short where there is often not room to hope for a small WR to find said soft spot. Also, lots of pressure is coming from the D and having a guy he can throw the ball up to and give him a chance to make a play would be nice. At end of day, I was fine with McKenzie making roster as he earned it and liked how they used him. But we also need someone who can make that catch Beasley dropped that could have cost us the game. I have no doubt Duke makes that sideline catch which was Allen’s best throw of the game. So if they aren’t going to involve guys like McKenzie, Foster or Zay heavily in the passing game plan, then it might be good to bring up a guy who at least has strong situational value to use in those moments over guys sitting on the bench too often. My overall bigger concern though is someone opposite Brown to draw attention from the secondary...and right now that needs to be Zay or Foster that step up and hoping one does this week.
  16. Question: Wasn't AB being sued or something earlier this offseason by a "former trainer" for unpaid invoices? If thats the case, is it the same person accusing him of rape now? I hate the Pats and AB, but people jumped to a lot of assumptions that McCoy was done last year, but nothing came of that. Wondering if this is a money grab or a woman who saw an opportunity to get paid by someone who scorned her after he went nuts in the media the last few months.
  17. He is crazy, but I do wear my Apple Watch in pickup basketball every Saturday at the part and it was $450 haha...blinging! Actually, its like the only heavy cardio I get, so I want the workout to be counted hahaha
  18. That was my point, Browns are not as in bad of shape, so its Bills best interest to see them lose again as they are by far a bigger threat to a playoff spot than Jets will be who at best will have 1 or 2 wins likely after 7 weeks given their schedule. Personally, I want Jets to lose, but point of this thread was who to root for to help Bills playoff odds, and a Browns loss does more for Bills than Jets loss likely does. I cant see anyway (even with a win in week 2) that the Jets can be anywhere near .500 come week 8. Browns on the other hand still have a better roster and just lost to a very good team people were sleeping on. They more likely bounce back than Jets.
  19. WOW...they must have over reactional TSW posters running the Texans haha. Seems a bit excessive off of a loss in a tight game lol
  20. Oh yeah, believe me I got my apron and dinner plate on to feast on those tears hahahaha. Just meant for the purpose of this thread, Browns losing is probably more helpful than Jets as the Jets will likely lose most of the next 5 games after the Browns. To be fair though, I dont know Browns schedule over same stretch either though, that was a hot take based on what Jets are facing for 5 weeks.
  21. Honestly, I would root for the Jets over Browns. The Jets have a murderous 5 weeks after the Browns game where they will be lucky to win one more time. So I think Jets schedule will take care of them, so be better if Browns also keep losing. So even though Jets are divisional, I would root for Browns to lose based on their forth coming schedules.
  22. Hmm...if they sign him, who is out? Or would it mean Foster is still hurt maybe?
  23. Thats exactly what I took out that too...more like, WOW, WTF...thats pretty pathetic actually.
  24. Wheres my popcorn...this gonna be a fun next 6 weeks where Jets face potentially starting 1-6 or 0-7
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