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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. You see him lead them down a for the tie/win before Marrone blew the game?
  2. Soooooo...whose going to be the first poster to make another excuse for Zay Jones whiffing on the TD...again?
  3. I’m still high on Knox and Sweeney. That being said, OJ is a beast and wouldn’t hate it if this somehow happened. But it won’t.
  4. I’m not hating, just saying gotta get the kid more involved, more upside, more big play ability.
  5. Yes that was an incredible throw, one of the best of Allen’s young career. Reminded me of that TD strike he threw in back corner of end zone last year during preseason
  6. FEEEEEEEEEED THE ROOKIE!!!! Dont make Gore the new Tolbert!!!!
  7. PFF ranked them below average too. Then again PFF gave Motor a “poor” score too because he bobbled 2 catches that he still caught. Lol
  8. He was never “that good” to begin with in terms of a passer. He was definitely a good QB with his duel threat capabilities. But as a passer he never really got a point of reliable consistency outside his MVP season. IMO, his arm talent was never good enough to over come a slight drop in efficiency. And now with the injuries seeming have taken a toll, it’s really taken him from a top 10 QB (again, top 10 due to his duel threat abilities, not top 10 passer) to a Jameis Winston type tier. I’m sure he’s still capable of having some big games, but he just doesn’t look like a guy you expect to lead this team to another SB anymore. Long season, and I actually thought he was going to make a nice bounce back season this year with him being healthy. But two games in and he still looks like he did last year IMO. Maybe he just needs to find his rhythm still and get his groove back. So not gonna say he is “done”, but he certainly doesn’t look like he is bouncing back yet either.
  9. I did and sadly I’m not in one (I’m in CA), but shows legislation is in progress, so hopefully soon!!!! Thanks
  10. It’s simple really: Fans follow this team closely through all offseason, practices, preseason, etc. Media get crib notes, probably less than crib notes really. They only go deeper on the more relevant teams, whether that be big name acquisitions (Browns, Raiders, etc), most popular teams nationally, proven beat teams the previous year, storied franchises, etc. Buffalo has been none of those things since the Kelly era. Outside of local reporters, they aren’t going to expend as much energy on a team that’s isn’t going to be talked about as much. So they rely heavily on previous years performance and common bias until it’s proven different on the field. Bills keep winning and they will get media attention and respect.
  11. This probably wont be a popular sentiment around here, but honestly this is the truth and the core of this country. Good comment bud But yeah, F the Pats and F AB!
  12. Simple, don’t drop the ball and you won’t be on the video. Come on Hapless, that excuse is just silly. His appearance of drops compared to his target number over just those 12 Allen games is bad. And again, that doesn’t even account for the other games without Allen. ??? And he had the most catches because he played the most games, but his catch total was still not good. I can hand you five babies diapers and one will smell better than the others, doesn’t mean it smells good though.
  13. I have been consistent and I was harder on Cole. But no one talking about Cole with me because there is nothing to disagree on. And Cole has a better resume, so no one is freaking out either off one bad game by him that nearly cost us the game twice. Y’all the ones obsessed with talking Zay, not me, I am tired of it. All I have been doing is not hiding from the comments talking to me. In fact, I only listed Cole as a bad game, not Zay in week 1 recap. But again, no one pays attention.
  14. See my previous reply. All good brother, youre a good poster and I respect your reply as its full your thoughts, and not just silliness. You are just catching me when my Zay jones gas tank is on empty now and I am just over debating it any more. No disrespect intended, and I have no issue at all with you having a different opinion on this. I still don't agree with it, but thats heart of a debate, always two sides. Go Bills, Go Zay...really hope those standing up for him win this debate as that would be good for Allen, the Bills, and all us fans...and especially my AFCC game bet, along with my 100-1 Super Bowl bet And nothing would be sweeter than if Zay was the SB MVP.
  15. Wow, the excuse train on him is getting long with you. Tell you what, I have explained myself plenty on Zay for anyone to read and know the answer to any question. Lets just agree to disagree on this. I respect you as a poster, its cool we see it differently. But I don't really have the energy to reply to this Al Capone accounting of his meager time here. We all want the same thing, and honestly hope your more optimistic view on his future is correct, even though your accounting of his performance thus far is not IMO. And your last question is a pretty silly question...you know me well enough as a poster to know the answer to that. And I have been high on the Josh Allen train since the moment they called his name. I even said I liked how they used McKenzie in preseason and hope to see more of it as he didnt get many snaps. But hey, no one wants to read that and focus on Zay...all good. But at this point, its played out. Enough excuses, enough talking. Just play some damn football Zay and I will be your biggest fan. But next time someone wants to come at me about Zay, maybe wait until he has done something other than drop passes and miscues in the preseason and show up with 18 yards in week 1. PS: I was cheering him on when he made that 4th quarter catch. Y'all make me seem like I hate him because a few are obsessed with defending his meager career thus far to me over and over again. I actually WANT him to succeed...nothing is more important to me than Allens success, and anyone who can help him on the field is great. PPS: I had all the same push back when I said Trent wasn't good, Fitz wasn't good, Stevie was over rated, Josh Allen was the right Josh and Rosen was the worst of the 5 QBs, etc etc. I was badly wrong on sticking up for Spiller though, I own that. But like I said...its all good, at some point these debates play out on the field, and lets all hope your side wins. Go Bills!
  16. You mean our rookie QB who missed 4 games last year, had a terrible OL, no run game support and a 5 min video consisting of dropped passes by his bad collection of WRs last year (which Zay made the most appearances I might add)? The same Josh Allen that is tied for most 4th quarter comebacks since start of 2018 season despite all those factors above? Come on, it’s not really comparable. Look, I keep trying to leave Zay alone, and I was honestly more critical of Cole week 1 than Zay. And was also critical of all WRs not named Brown and said the most disappointing player to this point is Foster whose been slowed by turf toe. But I get it, I started a controversial thread that wound up being a great thread and I have no regrets and can take the criticisms over the prediction. It’s all good, I earned the heat and I can take it. But one thing thing though is my criticisms were accurate, and been accurate so far during a shaky preseason and minimal week 1 involvement. So maybe people should let Zay actually prove the critics wrong before they try and take a victory lap off another sub 20 yard day...which is his norm. PS: There were a lot more people who agreed with my criticisms than defended him, it’s just the same handful of defenders want to keep engaging me. Which again, it’s all good, I started a controversial topic and won’t run from the heat. Although still waiting for Zay to show me what they are defending. And hand to god, the moment Zay does something good I will be the first praise him. And I was doing that after his 20 yard catch in 4th quarter Sunday too. I don’t want him to fail, it just seems that way because so many want to combat me on my opinions of him thus far. Go Bills! And honestly, Go Zay! Let’s have a big week!
  17. If Zay was a better player he would be on the field more. Wake me when Zay does something in an actual game that isn’t against the Dolphins. PS: We weren’t running 2 1 sets last year...yet Zay has 40 or less yards in 10 of the 13 games with Allen, and 22 or less yards in 4 of the 7 games since Allen came back from injury. Seriously how many excuses are you going to make for a 2nd round pick putting up 40 or less yards in 23 of his 32 careers games in which he started almost all of them? A guy who was still dropping passes and making mistakes in preseason as a 3rd year WR too. Its up to Zay to show the coaches he needs more reps...it’s up to Zay to silence the criticisms on the field. But keep the excuse train flowing, haven’t seen this type of spin work since people kept trying to convince me Trent and Fitzpatrick were good when it was clear as day they weren’t.
  18. To be fair, I was harder on Cole than Zay. Cole almost lost us the game twice Sunday. I hope Zay had a good year, but I am also done making excuses for his lack of production. He did nothing to dispel my concerns in preseason, and he was barely involved in a pass happy gameplay week 1 despite the fact neither Foster (turf toe) and McKenzie saw the field much. I will be the first to praise him when he goes out and shows me it on the field. Until then, my concerns about him remain. Its all good man, I am not intending to be that. But I keep having the same excuses thrown at me and challenged, and I am just not afraid to address. I was harder on Coles performance week 1, but that was overlooked. And this all about Allen...my passion is Allens development. I just want him to have the tools to succeed.
  19. Bad take? Come one man lol. If you are going to call it a "bad take", why don't you actually tell me what he has done on the field to prove its a bad take? Was it his shaky preseason with drops and miscues? Was it his limited involvement in a pass happy week and 18 yards receiving? Was it his 22 yards or less receiving in his last 7 games with Allen since he came back from injury? Was it all the appearances in the Allen drops video? Is it the less than 40 yards in 10 of 13 games with Allen as the QB? Sorry dude, but the criticisms are not coming from just me. You like to focus on me because of one thread, but there are a lot more critics than defenders of him at this point. Yes the "prediction" part was not accurate, but so far the criticisms have been validated on the field his first 2 years and so far in preseason and week 1 he has to prove them wrong on the field. You want Zay to get some breathing room and the quiet the critics...great, then call him and tell him to do it on the field. 3 years of excuses...and I am done with the excuses. Time to be a WR and produce. I am cool if you want to keep defending him and making excuses. All good. But its pretty silly to call the criticisms bad takes and for you try and twist words to create narratives I am not saying just to try and discredit the points that were actually made.
  20. Yeah, but that kind of math still doesn't really help his case. It just further shows that in a game where we intended to pass a lot (the plan was to throw a lot early in the game) to exploit the weakest part of the Jets defense, Zay (our starting WR, in his 3rd year, who was a 2nd round pick) was not really a big part of the game plan. At some point, the excuses need to stop and the production needs to happen. 22 yards or less in 4 of his last 7 games with Allen tells me something is off. A shaky preseason and minimal impact week 1 tells me this (so far) is just more of the same with Zay and right in line with what we have seen from him before. He doesn't need a bunch of excuses from a few posters to change critics minds, he needs to show it on the field...so far, shaky preseason and minimal week 1 usage an impact isn't doing that. I mention 5 targets to show the MINIMAL amount he was involved in. I did not say anything about his catch rate, not once. I did consistently highlight his lack of involvement. So no disrespect, but you're forming your own narrative on that and putting words in my mouth not consistent with I actually did say.
  21. Except I did not do that once. He had 4 legit targets (one which was tipped and picked by defender) and 1 throw away by Allen where Zay got the target for being closest to the ball. Show me where I criticized his catch rate as if that was the issue. And I criticized Cole even harder than I did Zay this week. I literally just said what was interesting was this was a game that we threw 37 times and for the entire first quarter, Zay still saw limited snaps, was not heavily involved in the offense, and was a game where neither Foster or McKenzie saw the field much. Not one time did I mock him for not catching 3 passes, 2 of which I am well aware were not catchable and were Josh throwing the ball away in his direction. So sorry, you're wrong in what you say I have criticized.
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