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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. The most valuable NFL franchise will always be the one that is up for sale.
  2. Huh? Panthers signed Eric Reid and it has not been a distraction and he Sued the NFL with Kap. And Eric Reid is STILL kneeling. Sorry, this just isnt accurate. Again, nobody cares anymore...the only reason it got as big as it did is because Trump relentlessly trolled this issue for his own personal boost at the time. Trump does not even know the words to the National Anthem, literally, and only dwelled on it because Trump said it was the only thing he got a boost from at that time. Trump isn't tweeting about it anymore and now no one cares that the guy who sued the NFL with Kap is signed, playing, and still kneeling for the Panthers. The outrage was stupid when it happened, it was manufactured and manipulated to mean something it wasn't for political reasons, and now its back to no one even cares. If anyone here still was so outraged by it, then they should be ranting and raving about Reid not Kap.
  3. Was not an over buy though. All professional sports franchises sell for a lot more than what they are claimed to be "worth" by articles such as Forbes. The reason is simple, they are a very very rare commodity as they almost never come available. And when they do, there are many interested parties bidding. The Dodgers were in financial shambles before Magic and his investors paid a ton more than anyone expected. The Clippers were considered the least valuable franchise in all of the major sports and still sold for $2B when they were reportedly worth well under a billion. Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay. And if Bills were on the market today, I bet they would easily sell for north of $2B as well.
  4. Lets clear some things up: He is NOT asking for $20M, a poster here made a joke and some of you took it seriously. He IS willing to come in as a backup and his agent is working on that. He SHOULD be in the NFL...he stood up for people he felt needed it, and did it peacefully, and has given more money to charity than many posters here will make in a lifetime PRIOR to the kneeling. He was and is a MODEL citizen off the field for his community and various charities and movements. Nobody cares any more about the kneeling, he isn't going to continue to kneel, him being on a team will be a NON story within a week or two of him arriving to the team. The only reason anyone cared back then as much as they did, was because Trump used it as a platform to try and get a boost and even told Jerry Jones this very thing and that it was the only thing at that time that gave him a boost. Trump literally does not even know the words to the National Anthem.
  5. Its honestly just splitting hairs anyway, I mean the stumble was clear, the reason is almost irrelevant really. It just really shows that TT threw the ball to the right spot, I mean even Zay took 100% responsibility for the play after the game. Probably pretty tough to find the right footage today anyway given that was 2 years ago. Maybe in our own thread archives might be a place to look if you want to find out for your own curiosity. My biggest issue isnt the one drop, its all the other drops. I mean this one in question was also his 2nd game as a pro, and at the time I just shook it off as no big deal in terms of his career arc. But, the rest of that season he couldn't catch a cold, so I think thats why some are wondering if that play rattled his confidence to where it just compounded on itself every time he let that lack of confidence affect another play.
  6. Im not taking your post personal at all bud. You’re just responding with your thoughts. I totally get your point here based on this angle, but when this play happened there was closer and clear footage that I believe it showed the LB and Zay did not actually make contact and Zay actually stumbled on his cut over his own foot. Thats why so many are were adamant about it, there were other clips that showed clearly his feet on that route. In this clip, the LB is in between Zays feet and the camera, so you can’t actually see what happened. Can we please stop this false claim that Zay only dropped 3 passes last year? How can anyone claim that with a straight face when he is on the Josh Allen dropped passes video last year dropping 8 passes? And that doesn’t even include the 4 games with Peterman and Anderson.
  7. I’m skeptical he will play Sunday, and honestly would rather him not even if they think he can. Hamstring injuries are easily aggravated and can linger all season. We should beat the Bengals without him, so let him rest and try and make sure he is 100% before putting him in the field. Week 4 will be a much more important week to have him than week 3 too.
  8. First, I think Davis made the right decision to walk away. If you’re mind isn't right and you play scared then you can get seriously hurt. It’s an unforgiving game if you lose your drive and focus. He struggled in the preseason too, so wasn’t a shock that he realized he was done. Second, I think he also made the right decision to take himself out of the game when that moment hit him and became clear. At that point he is going to be a liability to himself and teammates and shouldn’t be on the field. Third, I think he absolutely made the wrong decision to bail on his teammates and coaches like that ducking out of the stadium. It’s one thing to pull yourself out the game, but to just sneak out and leave them hanging with no goodbyes, explanations, etc after working together all off season was just a chicken s*** move. I dont fault him for having the aha moment in a game, no one knows when that will hit. But he handled it as poorly as one could and turned his back on everyone who was fighting along side him and the coaches that put so much work and time into getting him ready to be a Buffalo Bill.
  9. Funny, I share the same criticisms and things during the off season and I’m relentlessly attacked, labeled as a hater and having an agenda because Zay is supposedly so good and gonna breakout in year 3. Now majority of the board sees what have I seen and no one gets any grief from the same posters that were still attacking me even last week. Lol
  10. Ha, you're gonna be at Busby's? I used to go there all the time when I lived down the street 11 years ago. I only live like 15 min away now down on the beach in Playa and may actually be there with my neighbor too this weekend! Lets do it! And to clarify, I said I thought Cole and Brown will make that catch more than they won't. Gunners counter point to that he didn't feel they would and cited that he saw Hopkins drop a similar one...and I was just responding to him saying that I still think Hopkins more often makes that catch than doesn't.
  11. Gunner brought up Hopkins and said he saw him drop a similar ball. I wasn’t comparing him to Hopkins.
  12. I also saw Cole make a harder catch than that from Allen. All good bud, I just don’t see that catch quite as difficult as you do. All WRs don’t make every play, but I bet if you threw that play 10 times in a row to Hopkins he makes it more than he drops it.
  13. All good, and I agree it wasn’t an “easy” catch. But I disagree on it not hitting him in the hands as it looked like it hit him in both hands to me, but that’s really just splitting hairs. While I give it to him that it wasn’t a routine catch, it still was catchable and an important down in the game. I just want WRs on this team who make that catch more than they don’t. And Zay is more of a guy who routinely won’t make that catch. For example, I think both Cole and Brown more often than not make that catch. Cole has already made catches like that and Brown may not have had to even dive for it with his speed.
  14. Wait...OBJ and Zay in same sentence? Don't you think thats quite the stretch? Especially since if you watch the OBJ play there is not a chance Zay scores in the exact same conditions as OBJ was nearly caught before he broke away and is faster and more explosive than Zay. But I will bite...lets imagine he makes that catch, reality is he probably gets 12 to 20 yards on that reception as he isn’t known for RAC and doesn't have game breaking speed. So whats that really likely change? Takes him to 2 receptions for about 26 to 34 yards on the day with a dropped TD. So yeah, guess the only thing you can do to prop up Zay at this point is imagine things that didn't happen because he isn't doing it on the field.
  15. IMO Zay’s issue isn’t the one drop. I question if the issue is that he just doesn’t have the mental toughness to handle the rigors of the NFL, ups and downs, focus, etc.
  16. It was a great ball actually, it was not a clean route where Zay tripped on his own feet slightly on his cut that threw him just off where he he didn’t get a clean turnaround and wasn’t where he would have been if he hit the route clean.
  17. Well the All 22 is up, did you see it? This play did not go the way you thought above. Zay ran his route and one of only 2 routes on the play. Was no extra working to get open, it was his route and Allen read him all the way and dropped back and fired. I will say that it was not an easy gimme catch since it was a diving catch. But it still hit him right in the hands and was catchable. The guy just doesn’t make plays, and at this level in the NFL you expect a guy to make that catch most the time when it hits him in the hands. And especially late in a one score game, you want your guy to make that play. Wasn’t as bad as his drop in preseason, but still another moment Zay had a chance to make a play and came up short. And so far, there are just too many of these moments and not enough impactful moments.
  18. I have actually been a bit frustrated at times with Dabolls playcalling. It hasn’t been all bad by any means, but I found myself frustrated last parts of 2nd quarter and early 3rd qtr week 1. Week 2 I felt he got too complacent and conservative in the 2nd half where it allowed Giants to get back in the game too. But, that being said he also made nice adjustments after those spells where I was frustrated and got the O back on track in each game. So still quite high on Daboll overall. I would also add Singletary to your list and yes, I did expect 14 catches by Brown first 2 weeks. I thought he was going to be a 80+ catch, 1200 yard season with 8+ TDS this year.
  19. I have a theory: Gase secretly was hired by Terry to infiltrate and destroy their rivals from the inside out. Terry knows Pats clock is winding down, so he hired Gase to help derail the other teams trying to build a contender so we can be basically unchallenged like the Pats were for years once Brady is gone. Hmmmm...might be on to something here. Quick someone check Pegula’s flight records and see if it was ever in Gase’s home town!
  20. I thought he had surgery to repair and make full recovery? I honestly did not follow his situation that closely though. Are you familiar with his injury? Is it something that’s hard to fully recover? If it’s something problematic then yeah that would certainly raise the risk level and reduce the compensation further to risk on a trade.
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