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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Nope, I didn’t. I left the board for a bit before I got warning points for losing my cool on some of the utterly ridiculous comments by a few certain people... Shocker, your comprehension was off again on something regarding Zay.
  2. I know I said I was leaving, but got several DM's and responding to them first, so this is why I just saw your notification pop up while returning some and giving you a courtesy reply. So, here is the thing, I was not wrong about the things I was critical about, and Zay keeps proving that. What I WAS wrong about was a prediction that I thought he could be traded in preseason, but I said from the get go that wasn't a guarantee and that I could be wrong on that. You guys can't let go of a "prediction" made in February before FA even began. You want to focus on that part being wrong and ignore that all the critical statements about Zay as a player were actually spot on and shared by the majority of this board. Doesn't matter...I am not allowed to even mention Zay without the same 5 people just freaking out and going on and on and on and on about him. 100 people can say cut Zay or he sucks...no one says a word to them. I mention I feel he dropped a TD, and I get 1000 messages from the same 5 people. Its utterly stupid. So I am just not having fun anymore because I can't even openly discuss this team, and Zay is part of this team. All good, but this Zay nonsense has killed my enjoyment here now, and I spend WAY WAY too much time on this board to not enjoy it anymore. Who knows, maybe it will be a short lived exit, I mean I have been on this board constantly daily and 365 days a year. But right now, its not fun anymore so I am out. I just want to get back to enjoying the season. GoBills!
  3. Geezus, this is comical and unbelievably annoying at the same time. I LITERALLY said prove the CRITICISMS wrong, I did NOT say prove he made a play one week. One catch or a couple blocks does NOT prove the criticisms about him that the MAJORITY of Bills fan have on him. He is in the NFL, he better make at least one play or he should be bagging groceries. The criticism was not that he has NEVER once made a play. But you know that, just doesn't fit your very poor attempt at a smart a** answer to my question earlier. This stupid a** game you want to play now with it is ridiculous. And its even more hilarious that YOU started this with me, not the other way around. The same few people keep coming at me about Zay...even in a DUKE thread. All I do is respond back as I am not afraid of your spin cycle non sense to validate an underachieving player. SO WTF ARE YOU EVEN ARGUING ANYMORE DUDE? Worse yet, its freaking YOU people that wont let this Zay convo f-ing die! I am done with this board for a while...would MUCH rather enjoy this great season so far, but f-ing trolls constantly want still debate a stupid WR who has THIRTY FOUR freaking yards in 2 damn games. Bunch of whiney posters started trolling ME after he had 18 freaking yards. You people are obsessed with me on this, I am sick of talking about it, but you keep coming. So...peace out, Go Bills, Im done with this board right now, I dont even enjoy being here anymore. So Im done..see y'all.
  4. Dude that thread died months ago. People tag me, comment at me, etc. I respond. That simple. Not a crusade, but I will defend myself when people come at me, and only me, about Zay despite way more people originating criticisms on Zay.
  5. Lol, I love that almost all my comments are in direct response to the same few people commenting at me and who won’t let this go. So responding back to others comments makes it a crusade? Got it. Heaven forbid someone engage back on a message board. Maybe if the same few people discussed Zay with other people instead of me it wouldn’t require me to respond nor would it seem like a crusade? I mean Zay has LOTS of critics on this board, yet none of them are getting their exact same opinion challenged. Sorry, it’s not a crusade...y’all trying to make it that though.
  6. Who else is excited for the eventual 30 and 30 on the self destruction of Antonio Brown?
  7. It’s all good, but once again, I challenged you to show me something that proved the criticisms wrong, not prove he played in weeks 1 and 2. The criticisms have been he doesn’t produce enough, he doesn’t come through in big moments enough, he has shaky hands, he is inconsistent, he doesn’t have good chemistry with Allen, etc, etc. He has not proved any of those things wrong in preseason or regular season thus far. Maybe he gets it going, and hope he does, but so far he has done nothing to dispel the critics opinions (And it’s way more than just little ole me). And for the record, you are the one who engaged me on this and kept engaging me on it. Not like I tracked you down and went after you. And 95% of my comments on Zay are in response to like the same 5 people who keep bringing him up to me. There a LOT more people on my side of the fence, but no one is challenging their same opinions about him, just mine. And this is a thread about Duke impressing and some of you still can’t get off the Zay subject. Bottom line, we can agree to disagree.
  8. Good as we need him badly for the NE game, so would rather rest him and see if he can be 100% next week than rush him back and have him aggravate it again.
  9. Except that’s not true. He was aggressive frequently at end of halves last year with Allen under center and on 4th down.
  10. Minshew and his pornstache are fun to watch. I don’t know if he will be good or not, but I’m enjoying watching him for the time being
  11. Lol, I said prove the criticisms wrong about Zay. All you did was very poorly try and validate minimal contributions and even stooped to trying discredit a PS player to somehow form another excuse for Zay. Now I’ve seen it all, using a PS player play to somehow validate and excuse Zay. Fail. All good, but wow this was a poor attempt. Let me know when you can PROVE the critics wrong. PS: There a LOT more people on this side of the fence than yours. I wonder why...
  12. Miami is just bringing him in for intel so they can try and lose by only 30 this time instead of 40+
  13. I know he isn't practicing today, but did anyone see if McD or anyone gave any further updates on Singletary?
  14. I hear what you are saying, but it also is best for an organization to build a winning franchise versus sticking in mediocrity or worse. One bad year to rebuild for 10 good years is worth more in the long run. Just my 2 cents though, and I actually dont really think Dolphins are doing a good job actually. I just think its their right to try what they think will get them on the up swing fastest. Yeah my thoughts exactly
  15. Why do people care? Whose to say what is the right way and wrong way to rebuild a franchise? Whose to say if coaches see certain players or not as guys that fit their plans, scheme, culture, and system? I think Miami is foolish for trading their young talents like Minkah and Tunsil. But it’s also just an opinion without having any sort of knowledge or reasoning from Miami’s side. End of of the day, they should be free to reboot and rebuild the way they best see fit. Competition committee should only be involved if someone is violating something. Trading players for first round picks violates nothing.
  16. Personally, I think he already is. But...in the media and around the nation's eye...a good season of throwing the ball which would be in 4000+ yard neighborhood with 30+ total TDs, 60+ comp %, reasonable or less amount of turnovers... ...and most importantly...playoffs with at least a playoff win. Again, my eye test tells me he already is. But non-bills fan will want to see the above first.
  17. But it didn’t really for the vast majority of the other WRs on the list.
  18. His record in college doesn’t mean much though. Have you looked at the all time receptions leaders list? There’s like 5 real NFL WRs in the top 50 and only two in the top 10. I mean the vast majority are guys who never made the NFL or didn’t last long. So its not really a good indicator of future NFL success...and to be fair, most CFB records aren’t either. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/leaders/rec-player-career.html
  19. Yeah I agree with this, Zay definitely blocks better than Foster. I’m starting to wonder if Foster is going to regain a size-able role here. His disappearance after how ended last year has to be the most disappointing story line of the early season.
  20. Lmao. Show me anything in 2019 that proves any criticism I said about Zay wrong. Anything, and I will never mention him again. Hint: You can’t.
  21. Yeah leaning on Gore makes me nervous too. Still think we can beat Cincy without Singletary, but I do totally agree he will be missed if he doesn’t play.
  22. Lmao, except everything I criticized him for was spot on and he’s proved you wrong on the field. Sorry, try again. Film doesn’t lie.
  23. “I’m not saying I’m number 1, oh I’m sorry I lied. I’m number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!”
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