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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Its fun to say "leader" except that doesn't mean he was good, and its actually not really true. Once Foster was activated he put over 200 more yards than Zay did over the final 7 games. The only reason Zay "lead" on season totals was because he started the whole year, and even then he put up just 600 something yards in 15 games. Foster put up 547 yards in the final 7 games alone including 3 100 games, something Zay has not done even once in 35 games. By your definition then JP Losman should have been kept forever and was good because he was the Bills "leading" passer one year when we sucked.
  2. For his career of 2+ years (35 games) mostly as a starter...he averages less than 3 rec per game and 30 yards with a career catch rate of 46% ...and you think this is only about one game?
  3. You wont get a lot of love on this thread, but I will say I have seen coaches say that sometimes they still challenge to make a point to the refs even if they aren't confident they will win the challenge. To draw attention to things they may feel are happening that the refs are missing. Gives them time to yell and get in the ear of the ref. Ive seen multiple coaches talk about this before, so yeah I think it sometimes happens because coaches have said that in press conferences when asked why they may have challenged a certain play.
  4. WHHHHHHYYYYYY does there need to be TWO threads comparing Allen to Trent Edwards? Someone please make this week stop. Trent was NOT good BEFORE the AZ game and was not good after. The fall off is a myth his most staunch supporters hid behind rather than admit they were wrong about him. He scored 1 TD per game in the over exaggerated 4-0 start against the bottom feeders of the NFL that year...MVP candidate hahahaha what a joke.
  5. I simply asked you the question. Your entire argument is that the PS players are worse than the guys on the active 53 or they wouldn't be on the PS...that argument was flat out proven wrong last year alone on this very team at this very position. So my next question was you don't think Duke is capable of averaging 1 catch for 12 yards per game because that is basically what Zay, Foster, and McKenzie are averaging right now a piece.
  6. Why was Foster on the PS last year before we cut KB and Holmes past the halfway mark? Foster went on to lead the team in receiving once brought up from PS and we cut the dead weight. Again, your reasoning is just flawed IMO based simply on just last year alone with this very coaching staff and Front Office. And my questions is simple...THREE WR's have combined for a total 10 rec and 118 yards through 4 games...you dont think Duke is capable of contributing the same or more? Clearly something is NOT working with the guys we are putting out there beyond Cole and Brown...Duke literally could not produce less, so why not see if the has more chemistry with Allen than the 3 guys who aren't impacting the games yet?
  7. Well the good news is that 7 rec for 69 yards through 4 games is not hard to replace Honestly, I think the more plausible scenario is that ether Foster gets back to healthy and in good graces with the staff and starts taking those snaps, or they activate Duke.
  8. Hence why I said pure speculation and just a hope
  9. 2 things I would add in here... Regardless of whether or not passes were catchable or not, there is one clear point...and that is Zay and Allen have no chemistry. Since Allen returned last year against Jax, they have played 10 games together and Zay has 33 yards or less in 7 of them while guys like Foster and Brown have multiple 100 yard games. Zay himself said after practice in an interview during one of our camps this year that Josh pulled him aside and said he didn't like how he was running his routes and told him what he wanted him to do. So we already know that Allen has had to talk to Zay about his route running this off season. For whatever reason, Allen and Zay just aren't clicking on the field. To be fair, Foster and McKenzie have done even less, although at least McKenzie did score a TD on one of his 3 catches. Bottom line: Allen needs more help from his WR's, he cant just keep relying on two small WR's only.
  10. I see you avoided answering my question. Ironically, you mention Foster. You have some poor recollection though: He was not a guy people on the board were calling for when he was on the PS. In fact, I was one of VERY few people who thought he would make the active 53 (which he originally did) and only a small number of us even still thought he had upside when he was put on the PS. So he is not a good example of "people falling in love with a guy on the PS". Our WR's were not getting the job done and we cut 2 and brought up Foster and McKenzie. Instantly our passing game improved, literally instantly. Foster went on to lead our team in receiving yards by a wide margin over the 7 games he was activated up from the PS, including 3 100 yard games. You also just generally seem to undervalue the PS and UDFA's even though nearly half of the NFL is made up of players who entered the NFL this way. Its not easy to make a PS, teams keep guys there for a reason and try and develop them more. So sorry, I dont think you have a good take on this. No one is saying he is the next Cris Carter, but our 3 other WRs of Zay, Foster, and McKenzie have 10 catches and 118 yards COMBINED through 4 games. So I find it interesting that even though our most effective WR in the 2nd half of the season was activated off our PS, that you seem to think Duke cant exceed that pitiful production.
  11. Its a travesty that you and one or two others are still so close minded to giving something else a try when something isn't working. Its clear Zay and Allen have no chemistry (33 or less yards in 7 of last 10 games with Allen). Its clear Foster isn't doing much either due to injury or in the dog house as he barely plays when he was healthy this year too and has literally no catches. Its clear McKenzie is nothing more than a gadget role player getting less than a touch a game. Here are their Season Stats: Zay Jones: 7 rec, 69 yards Isaiah McKenzie: 3 rec, 49 yards, 1 TD Robert Foster: 0 rec, 0 yards That is a combined 10 rec, 118 yards through 4 games. You telling me Duke can replicate any of that? You can claim he missed Zay on some throws, but thats the entire point. Allen and Zay are not on the same page and have no chemistry. We are 4 games in, and no WR is producing not named Cole or Brown. So why not give Duke a chance to see if he can help this team more than those 3 WR's?
  12. Yeah I think Foster is the biggest mystery and disappointment of the season. Especially without any clear answers on why he is not really involved much even when he has been healthy.
  13. Yeah, these guys don't click and maybe someone else will click more with Allen. At this point, I think its pretty clear that for some reason Allen and Zay have no chemistry. Since Allen has come back from injury last year against the Jags and looked much better, he has played 10 games. In those 10 games, zay has 33 or LESS yards in 7 of them and 6 were actually 22 or less yards. I think there may be some trust issues. Zay himself said that Allen had to pull him aside in camp and tell him he didn't like how he was running some of the routes. Zay adjusted that day and they connected for a TD after. Maybe Zay just isn't consistently hitting his routes the way Allen is expecting him to and just doesn't trust him because of it? Don't know what it is, but they haven't been clicking, that much is clear.
  14. This was spot on by Brett Farve. I think he sees a lot of himself in Allen, I mean Allen has all the same arm talent as Brett and is more athletic. I have no doubt Josh will have seen this, I am sure someone will have shared it with him.
  15. Yeah article says it was us sending Zay and a pick for another WR. If true, my guess would have been maybe AJ Green. If memory serves me, news broke towards the end of preseason that his timeline was going to be a lot longer than they thought. So maybe they had a deal in place for AJ but the set back on the timeline derailed the deal?
  16. There are about 8 or 9 posters on this board who should be working the phones for the Bills. If anyone listens to them, we could probably get 4 first round picks for him.
  17. This came out last week and a mod sent it to me via direct message as well as a handful of other posters. Didn't see them get posted here, but found this interesting. One thing that stood out to me is that this seems to coincide around the time that Zay's parents got all crazy on twitter. Maybe Zay found out through his agent that a deal was close and thats why his parents were upset? Honestly I don't know how accurate this story is as I don't follow the Cold Front to know how credible they are. But it is interesting the timeline fits for when his parents got weird on social media.
  18. Yeah certainly could be just that...or maybe even both. I personally dont care who we get rid of to get Duke active. I just want to see Duke on the field on Sundays and see if he can fit into this offense better and produce more than the combo of Zay, Foster, and McKenzie have this year.
  19. McD literally called him specifically out on those plays too in the Presser. So I would think you are right about him being a bit in the doghouse.
  20. Nick Easley is back, signed to the PS. One cant help but wonder if this was a move because they plan to activate Duke off the PS? Just pure speculation, but one can hope
  21. This is a pinnable comment if I ever saw one...
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