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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. When these young stars gonna realize you cant hoe around when married and not think one of these girls isn't gonna try and get paid off it or air your dirty laundry out to be funny or spiteful. Cant fix stupid.
  2. She said: I blew you, so now pay me some money or I will tell everyone. He said: Go F-yourself and called her bluff. Great plan Baker, except she wasn't bluffing lol.
  3. I’m really surprised he did it as a single entity league, not very common anymore. I stand corrected, really didn’t think he would financially guarantee a single entity league for 3 years. That’s quite the capital commitment to say the least.
  4. Yeah, read the same thing that McM has funded them for 3 years and is willing to lose money over that time until they can get to TV rev deals. Which probably confirms the existing deal is a 3 year deal. Also, McM isn't carry all the expense. Each of those individually owned teams will have had to come into the league with enough funding to also survive for 3 years (or could have been even longer like 5 years). And thats gross operations before revenue as they can't depend on revenue projections on something that hasn't launched yet. I was involved in the first year of Major League Rugby, and it was run the same way.
  5. No new sports league will ever have any TV rights paying them money at launch, this is standard. Like MLS, MLR, AAF, etc when they started, they wont make money on their TV deals out the gate. The league/teams will pay for production of non national TV games, and the national TV games production cost will likely be covered by the network. But the network keeps all revenue. League like this usually signs a 2 or 3 year deal like this. They need the exposure to succeed, so they don't really have a choice. If the league exceeds early expectations, its not out of the question the networks will open negotiations early, but also its not likely. From what I have read, XFL is on a 3 year TV deal like this. When MLR launched in 2017, it was a 2 year deal (they just started their 3rd season in January). There is no guarantee money will be offered for the rights even when deal has expired. If the league isn't drawing enough, they would likely just extend the original deal. As does every sports league as that is a main source of revenue for a league
  6. Those numbers are not far off to his numbers this year.
  7. Those numbers are not far off to his numbers this year.
  8. Lamb or Juedy would make sense to me, but only if they fell into double digits do I think Beane considers it just cause cost. He said he doesn’t see us as one player away, so can’t see him paying a bounty for any player to get into say top 10. But you never know
  9. All good, I had already added a note saying you didn’t even have to reply as I could tell by other comments you answered it a lot, but you responded before I made the edit. That being said, there is almost no chance at all Beane moves up to draft Ruggs in this draft class, especially at that price.
  10. So in the deepest WR class in years, we gave up all those picks to move up to get a WR who would have been there at 22? I just don’t see the logic in this. This feels like a personal want than an attempt to mock what Beane would actually do. Cant see any scenario where Beane trades up for Ruggs. Nothing against him, he’s a heck of a prospect, but he’s not even the consensus best WR on the board there. Note: I see from comments at current last page of this thread this has apparently been discussed a lot. So don’t feel obliged to reply. I was just floored with the unrealistic nature of this trade. All good, it’s just a mock for fun obviously. It’s just this happens all the time where whoever has the Bills pick makes some unrealistic trade in these mocks
  11. I loved it when it happened, love it still now.
  12. It’s such a shame that someone who worked so hard to be so great for so long has let the final best years of his career evaporate like this. What a waste of talent. Funny, I followed AB long before he went nuts on social, and I used to tell people he was weird as f***. Like on Snap chat all his stories were like him staring into camera with smiling for long periods of time no matter what he was doing. Usually while in one of his cars going somewhere or walking past fans on way to field or something. At least he barely spoke back then lol.
  13. It’s in HBO for sure, you must have just went past it or something. But hey, Vice Principals is pretty good too. I’m also a McBride fan
  14. Sorry for your lost, sincerest condolences, never easy to lose a parent or loved one.
  15. 103...man, what a life. Funny, I remember loving the movie as a little kid that he was in called "Tough Guys" and he was old as heck then. Never imagined he would still be alive this far along into my life.
  16. Thanks for the info on that, it doesn't surprise me as from what I have seen of the Outsider in terms of comments and trailers, it reminded me of The Night Of.
  17. Im about to start The Outsider this weekend probably. Not sure if this is a mini-series where it will conclude at the end of this season, or if its a show that will have multiple seasons. But, HBO has another show that was amazing that was a mini-series called "The night of" a few years ago. Definitely give that one a watch if you haven't seen yet when you are done with this series.
  18. Season 2 is better. And the final few episodes were really good
  19. Did you finish season 1, or did you finish seasons 1 & 2? I ask because you said (final 4 episodes). But then mention you are gonna watch season 2. The final 4 would be in season 2 as there are 2 seasons out. I finished season 2 of “You” last week. It was one of those shows that I didn’t necessary love but liked enough to finish the seasons that are out. It was ok, but the final few episodes were my favorite and good enough for me to give season 3 a go. Its kind of like a lighter, dark comedy, cheesier version of Dexter.
  20. Nice, I was thinking about checking it out. Heard good things
  21. Yeah, I had the same issue with it until I just accepted the spaghetti western theme. So I got past that part of it a bit, but the finale kinda irked me. The dumb thing is that this character and the universe they can create around him could have been so bad ass rather than cheesy. Wish they would have went and made a bad ass bounty hunter series around him instead of the spaghetti western style.
  22. One of my favorite shows right now. If I had to think of my favorite show (still running) on each platform, these are the ones the first come to mind (and I am sure I am forgetting some other great ones, just these are the first to pop in my head). Succession - HBO. Might be my favorite actually, definitely one of the best out. Ozark - Netflix. Its kind of like the new Breaking Bad, its really good. Marvelous Ms. Maisel - Amazon. Cast and writing are some of the best anywhere right now, and I didn't expect to like this show, but its excellent. Morning Show - Apple TV+. Cast and writing is also excellent and the story is very current and they find a way to make it very compelling. Billions - Showtime. Another great cast Mandaloiran - Disney+. This is really a default choice, as its the only one I have seen. I have issues with the show, but I love Star Wars enough to go ahead and list it here. It will be on a short leash with me in season 2 though. Most of these platforms have other shows past and present I also love, but off the top of my head, these are my favorites. A couple of other shows not as many people have watched, but should because they are great in their own right. Euphoria on HBO is crazy good. And on Netflix, if you loved the move "Chef" then check out the series "The Chef Show", its great. If you have not seen either, go watch the movie "Chef" first, its a great movie.
  23. Curious to what other people who have seen the whole series thought. I just finally finished it. My friend works on it, so I knew going into it the entire premise was to be a spaghetti western set in the Star Wars universe in space. So took a little adjustment when watching it, but once I got used to it I thought it was pretty good despite some fight scenes than can sometimes be a little cheesy. But hey, thats the spaghetti western format. That was until I got to the final episode...AGAIN CLICK AWAY NOW IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT... This is where I got disappointed as it went to some really outrageous and dumb extremes and I hope they dont keep this up next season (which they have already wrapped season 2 and are about to wrap up shooting season 3 in a month). IG-11 is killed with a single blaster shot earlier in the season by Mando, yet once he is a nurse droid he can take endless amounts of blaster shots like nothing and take out most of an imperial army while holding a baby? Come on. Breaking Bad's Gustavo just keeps giving them endless amounts of time to escape? Come on, ridiculous. The whole battle segments were silly too. Then the river of lava? Really? Did you really need to make it something so dumb as lava? I mean their skin would melt being that close to it, not to mention IG-11 walks through it without melting? LMAO. Just make it river, why make it something so absurd as it didnt add to the content, it made it ridiculous. Then Mando just hangs on to a tie fighter like no big deal with all those g forces? He is just a human with some armor on, not like he's some Jedi with special abilities. I mean it was all just over the top and took away from the show IMO. The universe and story are already so rich, don't understand why they need to take it to such absurd levels and bring the quality of the story down rather than elevate it. It reminds me of John McClane in Die Hard vs John McClane who can jumps cars into helicopters in Live Free and Die Hard. There is always some suspended belief in movies/shows, then there is stuff that goes so far past absurd it takes away from the movie/show. Like how Fast and Furious used to be about street racing, now they are super solider spies who can defy physics, gravity, and logic and are practically invincible. I get it with that franchise, I mean they made 100 movies now. But with the Mandalorian, its the first season with so much to offer still...no need to get so stupid.
  24. I’m not trying to sell Lamar short, I’m just saying I remain skeptical until he can prove he can sustain it. I’ve just seen this too much to confidently say he is going to sustain this long term. I still don’t think he’s that great of a QB in terms of pocket passer. His unique offense created a lot of easier opportunities in the passing game due to the run aspect. Once it’s figured out, which I believe we helped build that blue print already, he is going to need to be a good passer to counter. I need to see it before I have confidence in it is all I am saying. I’m not rooting against him (unless playing the Bills of course), just don’t know if he’s going to be able to have this kind of success long term without growing into a better passer. Right now, I think the newness of the unique system benefited him greatly, and now that there is tape on how to slow him down, I question how he will fare moving forward.
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