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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yeah, Motor is gonna be a nice and needed boost when he is back. They need to set the deep shot up by carving up the short and middle of the field as opposed trying to force the ball downfield so often
  2. Yeah he hasn’t been, and honestly we are taking too many deep shots too. I think Daboll has not been calling games well. We have 8 new players around him, focus should be getting Josh easier and shorter throws to get in a rhythm earlier before they start flicking it down field. Definitely need more Knox and passes to the RBs out of the back field too.
  3. That’s fair. I would however add to it though to make it more accurate as your line is a bit overly simplified. The WR #1 job is to get open and to the right spot he is supposed to be and during the QBs progressions through his reads. QB then also like you said needs to do his part too. For whatever reason, Allen and Zay are not in sync enough with this. And Zay himself said Allen pulled him aside during camp to tell him he wasn’t happy with how he was running his routes. Thats the biggest issue, the lack of chemistry between them. I mean why is it only Zay that Allen has a hard time throwing better balls too? And why has this been an issue for Zay with all the other QBs we have had too? And more importantly, how do they fix it? Something is clearly off between them.
  4. I hear ya, but the bigger question for a lot of us is could someone like Duke do more if given the same reps given the apparent lack of chemistry between Allen and any receiver not named Cole or Brown. Basically would his better hands, size and larger catch radius be of more value to Allen at this point? Honestly, Zay’s 7 rec for 69 yards over 4 games isn’t hard to replace. So there isn’t a lot of risk to give Duke a shot at this point. And they don’t even have to get rid of Zay to get Duke on the active 53 either. Im also hoping Foster find his way back to relevancy too, I mean he is easily the most disappointing story of 2019 so far. I just tremble at the thought of either Cole or Brown getting hurt and missing time right now. PS: Can someone please tell Daboll to freaking get Knox more involved early and often moving forward already as well?
  5. But, there were more catchable balls than they are saying. The TD drop against the Giants was catchable. The failed scoop pass against the Pats was catchable, even watched a backup TE do it for Mason Rudolph on MNF. Just to name a couple. One can’t just say the perfect throws or easy throws only count as catchable. He’s a professional NFL WR and he needs to make some of these catches too, not just ones that hit him in the chest (which he’s also dropped before). I mean both of those were critical moments in games. Thats one of the bigger issues with Zay, he doesn’t make tough catches and doesn’t come through in those big moments. Any WR in the NFL can catch 7 out 8 passes thrown in an easy to catch spot, especially since all of them to Zay were short to mid range throws. What separates one WR from the next is consistency and making more of those tough catches. But the biggest problem is clearly Zay and Allen also have no apparent chemistry.
  6. I played HS and some college until I hurt my knee and then left college early to pursue some business opportunities. Was never going to have a real shot at going pro, I wasn’t fast enough before I hurt my knee let alone after lol. I did later also play in a flag football league with former NFL guys like Chris McCalister and also some lesser ex players and former college guys too. Damn Chris was so fast still. Imagine some middle aged average joes who were never very fast even in their prime trying to cover Chris and his friends lol, it wasn’t pretty hahaha. Let’s just say we changed leagues to the Venice co-Ed two hand touch league instead where we became champs lmao.
  7. My thoughts: Mariota is streaky, so don't matter if he was effective against blitz one week, not really afraid or Mariota or his decision making We have the best secondary in football, so I have full confidence in our ability to play tight coverage on any blitz. I actually wouldn't bother sending too many guys after Mariota, we can create a little pressure bringing one extra guy and letting our secondary and either Milano or Edmunds take the throwing lanes away and get him to make mistakes or take sacks. Focus on stopping Henry and this offense will struggle. Only player that scares me is Henry, only because he is hard to bring down if he gets to the 2nd level, and we can't lose sight of him as a receiver out of the backfield. Tenn WR's are good at blocking down field too. If we can contain him up front and mitigate him as receiver out of the back field, then we can slow this offense down a lot IMO.
  8. Im quite skeptical of a deadline trade this year, but if I was to guess it would be for a WR. We need to get Josh some help. But this draft has some special talents in it at WR, feels like Beane would rather make a move up and land one he covets and would prefer to save his draft ammo for something like that.
  9. Yeah, and I have been a fan of Daboll. But there are times he has been maddening this year in his use of personnel and play calling. Sometimes I feel like he is getting in his own way trying to be too cute and creative. Even Brown said its the most complicated offense he has ever been in. Nothing wrong with that, except we have a 2nd year QB who doesnt even have a full season of games yet on his resume and 8 of our 11 players on offense are new. Think it would help the offense find a rhythm more if he just focused on putting the right players out there to best execute a given play and keep it simpler early in the games. I mean, its silly how little he has used Knox, especially early in games as well as guys like Yeldon out to the backfield to help Josh get into a groove. Yeldon does little for me as a runner, but he's a pretty nice receiver out of the backfield to give Josh a nice safety valve, especially while Devin was hurt. Not using Knox enough or early in games, not trying to get Foster and McKenzie more involved, not getting Yeldon involved earlier in passing work, etc has been puzzling.
  10. No joke...I was screaming at the TV all first half yelling for Daboll to get Knox and Yeldon involved to give Josh more easy places to go with the ball and get in more a rhythm. I had a BIG issue with how Daboll called this game and his personnel choices. Second half, he does this exact thing...Touchdown. I mean this isnt rocket science Daboll. I almost threw my beer at the TV when on a critical 3rd down passing play in first half. He went EMPTY backfield with 4 receivers (2 on each side) and the left receivers were none other than Gore and DiMarco. WTF Daboll!!!!!! We all said before the play is snapped there is no way we convert this...which we did not. How is Gore and DiMarco our only 2 receives on the left side of the field? Why the hell are they not actual receivers or TE's or even Yeldon?
  11. They might be today if I jump off the no carb bandwagon for a day...in my living room.
  12. hahahaha I mixed up Jimmy Johns with Jersey Mikes hahahaha. OOPS Had not had either in a while since I have been trying to limit carbs haha...both sound great right now
  13. Because the idiocy of a couple posters who were about to trigger me to lose my cool, so left before I got warning points, suspended, or banned for the annihilation of said individuals. But had a lot of posters, even mods, privately reach out to me in DM asking me to stay and brought me back sooner than I had planned. So I was actually still around, but stayed off the boards and only chatted in DM.
  14. I find it hilarious you are trying to sell this agenda narrative again because you do realize you talk about him more than I do right? I mean, I left a week and a half and you were still talking about him too. You are in all the Zay threads too, and more often than me. And again, you continue to not answer a very simple question, one of which has been asked of you by other posters. And I think its pretty hysterical you think my dissatisfaction with Zay, something probably 90% of this fan base feels too now, is about a dumb prediction. Bottom line...you cant prove your claims right, so you resort to trying to create this false narrative that its about me having an agenda...hahaha, thats the most classic TSW move in history. You can't counter the facts against you, you cant disprove the criticisms, and you cant support your claims...so you TRY and spin it to an infamous "agenda". All good...you clearly can't and won't answer a very clear and simple question. Tell you what, I will let you off the hook. I mean no point chatting anymore if you wont just answer a very clear and simple question. Everything else is just more dribble to avoid answering a question asked of you multiple times now.
  15. Lol, nice cop out. I mean I get it, you can’t answer that question in any way that supports your clam, so I see why you’ve dodged it twice now. I mean it was a pretty simple question. Nice, Jimmy Johns, hopefully you got the classic Italian and told them to grill the meats and cheese... Hopefully you enjoy your meal and don’t think about Zay while eating, wouldn’t want you to drop it on the floor too ?
  16. Really? Another thread on this? Couldn't you have added this to one of the MANY Zay threads?
  17. Lol, there it is...I knew that was where you would go...there was no place else for you to go. Calling it crusade now because I think Duke has something to offer. You just said you dont believe Duke is capable of 12 yards receiving a game and you think I am on a crusade and I cant be reasoned with? Hahaha come on man, this is just some funny stuff now. All good, to each their own, like I said not much to discuss here anymore.
  18. We already know we dont agree here...so not trying to beat a dead horse. But I have to believe you see why this excuse is pretty weak right? I mean, isn't Zay catching passes form the same guy that Foster, Brown and Cole are? As a rookie, Zay was 5th on the team in receiving yards despite starting all season...catching passes from the same guy the other guys above him were. Year 2, he led the team in yards, only because no other WR started nearly the amount of games he did...Foster technically was active for 13 games, but he really only played in 7...which he nearly doubled Zays yards over those 7 games, and more than doubled Zays yards in the 6 games with Allen. Allen came back against JAX and looked like a guy who can finally throw. In the 10 games since then, he has the longest 250 yard game streak since Kelly, Foster has 3 100 yard games, Brown has a 100 yard game and leads the team in all receiving categories, and Cole has a bunch of catches...meanwhile Zay has averaged 33 yards per game during the same 10 game stretch where Allen has been better as a passer. Why didn't the "garbage" QB play affect the other WRs as much as its supposedly affected Zay then?
  19. Clearly you refuse to apply any real logic or reason to this discussion. The fact you think Duke is incapable of averaging 12 yards per game in the NFL is so utterly ridiculous that I can't even bother to continue discussing this with you. In all honestly, one of the most ridiculous things I have seen yet this week during a time where there is almost a record high of ridiculous threads and comments this week. All good, to each their own. But nothing left to discuss here.
  20. WOW...hahahaha this is the most ridiculous response I have ever seen...did you really just try and use his "ranking as a WR only" in yards to try and make him look good because his actual stats dont? Again, not actual receiving yard ranks on the team, just his rank among the worst WR groups in the NFL to TRY and manipulate it to look impactful hahahaha. Fun, I want to play this game too... I mean look at all these STUDS!!! 2018: Deonte Thompson #1 WR in receiving yards 2006: JP Losman #1 in passing yards 2018: Derek Anderson #2 in passing yards 2017: Nate Peterman #2 in passing yards Now lets get back to Zay...and his REAL ranks on receiving for this team 2017: 5th in receiving yards despite starting 15 games. Only had 30 yards more than Jordan Matthews who barely played and only even was active for 10 games. 2018: #1 receiving yards only because the other starters were cut week 10 and was out gained by over 200 yards after Foster was brought back from the PS over the final 7 weeks of the season. 2019: 5th in receiving yards behind even Yeldon Again...the criticisms and frustrations are not about one game..its about a WR averaging 2.5 catches and 30 yards a game for 35 CAREER games and a career catch rate of 46%.
  21. Yeah, almost all of McKenzies entire production is essentially a run play for a TD qualified as a reception since Allen tossed the ball 3 inches forward. If not for that run counting as a pass on the stat sheet, the 3 WRs have combined 9 rec for 78 yards on the season. Allen needs help...badly. And yes, I know you are one of those posters lol, and its fine you still believe in him, I dont have an issue with that. I don't, and many others have lost faith...but the one thing we can all agree on, Zay and Allen are not demonstrating any sort of chemistry.
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