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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Yeah this isn’t a move that would be good for us. People worried about Hughes getting older yet he’s older than Hughes and has a big contract.
  2. I like all these same guys too, and same concerns about Shenault after also previously being sure he would be the pick. I also have Higgins and Jefferson pretty close as well. I also think Mims is a good prospect as well and wouldn’t be shocked if he was picked at 22. But if I had to place a bet on what WR we would pick if we did go WR and stayed put at 22 (Big 3 off the board too), then I would put the odds as: Higgins: -120 Jefferson: +100 Mims: +220 Shenault: +400 Basically today, I have Higgins a slight favorite over Jefferson. BUT: If say Juedy or Lamb slip to Atlanta, I think Beane hits the phone looking to move up. Im also not ruling out taking taking someone else at another position at 22 or even trading up for day Chaisson if he slips near our pick either. But if I’m just assuming we take a WR at 22, I have a feeling Higgins is a slight front runner right now.
  3. Probably paid her to do this to try and repair his image of his public feuding with her.
  4. For the record, if you run under 4.59 or better in the 40, you are fast enough to be potentially still be an Elite WR still in the NFL. If you are a talented route runner and excel in catching, body position, etc your 40 time isn’t the end all be all. Hopkins and Thomas both ran 4.57 for example as I said earlier. I’m not saying don’t try and find speed at WR, but it’s just over focused on to find these amazing 40 times. I mean we have speed in John Brown, so it’s not like if we drafted a guy like Higgins we are suddenly “slow” at wideout. People are so enamored with “speed” yet when you look around the league there are Elite WRs at all speed ranges including between 4.50 and 4.59 currently and throughout history. Game speed and straight line 40 speed with no gear on are very different. Is having elite speed like sub 4.4 nice, sure is. But it also doesn’t mean squat to your success if you don’t run consistent routes, if you can’t beat press coverage, if you can’t make contested catches, if you have shaky hands, etc. This obsession of focusing so hard on 40 times is an unreliable and misleading way to evaluate a WR. Now if you are good in other areas and blazing fast, well even better and that could be a special player. But it’s not the end all be all it’s blown up to be if a WR isn’t challenging speed records. Look at last year alone on our own team. So many people pissed and moaned about the Singletary pick and said he was slow over his 40 time despite looking fast and explosive in game film. Yet he averaged 5.1 YPC as a rookie because he’s very good in all aspects of the game and that makes him game fast. I want a 6’3” stud who runs a 4.35 forty as much as anyone, but that’s a rare find and it ain’t the only way to find an impact WR. PS: We had our chance last year at that guy and we passed...see: Metcalf, DK.
  5. When I say physical I am referencing Boldin type of physical. I agree he’s physical at point of attack and uses body position to do versus out muscling guys. Higgins has some of that in his game too IMO. Thomas is more physical overall than Hopkins.
  6. I think he’s a possibility in the 2nd. And he would be a great 1-2 punch with Singletary if he lasted to our pick and took him.
  7. Certainly possible, but I still think one of those big 3 WRs drop to 16. Let’s hope I am right and let’s hope it’s Lamb or Juedy ?
  8. This is my exact stance too. I think Beane is hitting phones hard if Lamb of Juedy hits Falcons pick. And in a copy cat league where Tyreek Hill is an elite player on current SB winning team, I think it’s quite possible Ruggs is one of the first 2 WRs taken. And if so there is a reasonable possibility that one of Lamb or Juedy could reach Falcons pick at 16 in that case. I can’t see all 3 top 3 WRs coming off the board in first 15 picks. It’s possible, but I don’t think very likely as I expect some of the tackles and over reaching on QBs to help push at least one to 16. But even so, I would expect some competition for that pick or one in that range to go get the WR still there. Like Eagles for instance.
  9. I don’t hate this. I think he’s a potential depth guy and now will be healthy for camp and again. He either makes a case to make the roster, or easy cut still.
  10. Totally agree, which is why I said he is smooth. He’s excellent route runner and using body position rather than physicality. Higgins reminds me of Hopkins and think that’s who he best compares to at the next level in terms of type/style of play. Of course doesn’t mean he will be as good as Hopkins, just saying when people look for a top NFL comparison, it’s who he reminds me of. Honestly do not understand the hate for Higgins. Truthfully, of all the guys expected to go in first 2 rounds, there isn’t a WR the Bills could take in that range where I’d be upset.
  11. That’s a fair counterpoint, length of contract I could see being different. But also, there is value to him not locking in a longer deal at a lower price given his high level of play prior to the bad luck last 2 years. And given his last injury was a less concerning one (in terms of lingering) chest injury, I am willing to be bet he’s got self confidence that he’s not going to be injury prone and may prefer a shorter deal to prove that so he can get paid more like his talent level in a year or two. I mean he really needs that big contract in next two years before he starts getting higher in age and won’t ever see it. This will already be his 7th season.
  12. Hopkins is not physical. He’s smooth. Thomas has definitely got some physical aspects of his game. But Higgins is great at high pointing himself. He’s made a lot of contested catches. All I’m saying is that people can criticize whatever they want about him, but it’s factually incorrect to say he’s not fast enough for the NFL.
  13. I don’t disagree with that, but I wouldn’t under estimate our facilities with how much the players have raved about it and how much it’s helped their careers. A guy coming off 9 games in 2 seasons isn’t gonna get paid what he’s worth talent wise, so I think the offers are all going to be reasonably close to each other in value. So I don’t expect Bills offer to much lower (if even lower) than say the best offer, so I do still think the potential to prove he can stay healthy to get that bigger deal next will play a large role in his decision.
  14. Was not aware the other time was dismissed or not confirmed or what not and amended my previous post, but the point still stands. I mean even his worst time he ran the same time essentially as the two best WRs in the NFL in Hopkins and Thomas. SPEED IS NOT AN ISSUE. Move on from speed concerns.
  15. Since when is 4.45 range run slow for a WR? http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/deandre-hopkins?id=2540165 What’s your opinion of DeAndre Hopkins? Seems like he’s an Elite WR to me. RAN A 4.57 40 YARD DASH. But please keep telling us how Higgins is too slow who is significantly faster than one of the 2 best WRs in football. Maybe you’re blind and don’t think Hopkins is a good WR. So here’s another one... How do you feel about Micheal Thomas? RAN A 4.57 40 YARD DASH. http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/michael-thomas?id=2555347 Anyone saying Higgins is slow or not fast enough, whose has significantly faster 40 time than the best WRs in football Hopkins and Thomas, should probably not evaluate WRs. If you don’t like Higgins for other reasons, fine, but he’s MORE than fast enough to be an Elite WR at the next level. Doesn’t mean he will be, it means SPEED IS NOT AN ISSUE for Higgins and everyone needs to move on to discussing something OTHER THAN “is he fast enough”.
  16. I would love this signing, and I have a feeling he will sign here for the same reasons a lot of you already said. 1 - Personal strong connections to the team, so he has great insight on how close our locker room is, how much of a rising team we are, Bills mafia, culture, etc. 2 - McD is the kind of head coach guys want to play for and he’s quickly become one of the most respected coaches around the league already. 3 - We are without a doubt seen as a young team on the rise with a great cap situation so should be good or better for foreseeable future. 4 - Probably MOST important reason, we have the best medical and training facilities in the league and guys like KJ have already come in with injury history and had a healthy season and got their careers on track. So for a guy whose played 9 games in 2 years after 4 healthy ones, I think this will matter quite a bit.
  17. Well you are not really understanding what I said. I didnt say he has the as good a chance as any to be the BEST WR in the draft. I said he has as good as any to be a Pro Bowl WR. More than one WR in this draft can become a pro bowl WR. I mean Higgins can be a pro bowl WR while Lamb and Juedy both are too. Heck, Higgins can be a perennial pro bowler with both Juedy and Lamb still having better numbers and career. Making the pro bowl doesn't mean he's the best of the bunch, just means we got a pretty good WR on our team. So I stand by my statement, he has as much chance to be a Pro Bowl WR as any guy we could take in the first 2 rounds, especially before hitting the field. And while I totally agree Juedy and Lamb are the best of the bunch in terms of prospects, elite top end prospects don't reach the expectations all the time. I mean Watkins was by far the best WR in his draft class at the time of his draft, mostly unanimous. And he's been surpassed by a lot of guys in that draft. Spiller was the best overall offensive weapon in his entire draft...and he fizzled. So I dont like to over inflate success chances of even the elite prospects. And Higgins is not exactly a reach here, he is a top end prospect himself even if not graded quite as high as Juedy and Lamb. Again, I am not saying in anyway Higgins is a lock to be a stud, just saying I dont see why so many people are certain he wont be.
  18. I could see them doing it maybe for Chaisson if he got to an acceptable cost range. And yeah, no way Young gets anywhere near a spot where Beane would spend to go get.
  19. Trading up for a WR, especially Juedy or Lamb would be great (assuming price is right)...but I think Beanes is going to make a move to get a premiere edge rusher either via FA or trading for one, or trading up to get a guy he covets (if any). This draft is rich at WR, we can get a premiere prospect without making a big trade, but landing a good edge rusher is going to be a tougher task without making a big move IMO. So think this could indicate a more likely move for someone at EDGE.
  20. Out doing people physically means nothing. Combine warriors mean nothing. Im not knocking those prospects, I am just saying its meaningless information to say those guys performed better physically at the combine. I dont get the hate on Higgins at all. I dont have a crystal ball and cant tell you who will bust or hit at WR in this draft, but I can say with upmost confidence that this is a quality prospect and has as good a shot as any at being a pro bowl WR in the NFL. There is a reason he is ranked higher by most accounts than Mims, Claypool and Jefferson. And nothing against those guys, they are all intriguing and quality prospects themselves. But a 40 time is no where near as important to the success of a WR at the NFL level. Some of the best WR's in history and in the game now ran much slower 40's than Higgins. Bottom line, Higgins is more than fast enough to be an elite WR at the next level. That in no way guarantees he will be, but his speed is definitely not an issue.
  21. I rather enjoy it. To each their own, but think its interesting for the first 3 or 4 rounds where guys are on the board I really want to see us get and even more so now with a GM in place that isnt afraid to trade to go get those guys. So, I have really enjoyed the last 3 years of the draft personally.
  22. While good news for the league it can move forward, feel bad for those players who were going to be there in attendance and will lose the love experience. Work so hard for that moment they dream of on stage, but now won’t get that. But at least it will happen still and rookies won’t lose time getting their playbooks and meeting their new teams ahead of the season.
  23. I like this move...he either delivers a reason to keep him this year, or he is done and off the books right after. Kroft benefits getting guaranteed money with his injury history. Win Win here. Another great move by Beane. Honestly, odds are he will be gone by 2021 anyway, Knox is our future most likely assuming he shows improvement this year of course.
  24. Day 3 But they are not early round OL prospects, so these guys are not targets or likely options on days 1 or 2.
  25. Here’s funny guy Gobert touching all the mics 2 days ago This dude really gonna go down as the man that brought coronavirus to nba...hes the new Bartman of the NBA lol. He wont live this down anytime soon ha
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