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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Says who? Just asking as I haven’t heard but been thinking about adding Ito Smith thinking he may win the job outright or Devonte could be a surprise trade.
  2. Didn’t read this thread. But I will just flat out say it: It was NOT an illegal forward pass and was a valid TD. Was it close, yes it was. But it’s been categorically proven it was not forward. At worst it was a judgement call as it was so on the line. People need to let this go. We were not likely going to win another game anyway, we weren’t that good. People hold on to this like it was a Kelly led team in his prime. Why does anyone even still care about this game so much? We weren’t close to the best team in the AFC, not to mention in the midst of a QB controversy between two not very good QBs.
  3. I would just like to point out you never once addressed my comment to you. You dodged it multiple times, but never addressed it. So let’s try again: ALLLLLL NFL QBS get lots of yards, TDs, etc from plays just like this and other things like short screen passes. It happens every single week in every single game by every single QB. So...WHY are you trying to discredit Allen and take this production away from him as if it’s some unique and rare occurrence? Not to mention, the execution of said play is greatly helped by Allen being a threat with his arm and his legs making it difficult for the defense to try and jump or cheat this play as they can easily be torched somewhere else on a fake. You ran from this very simple and accurate comment before because it completely breaks your entire argument. But gonna give you another shot to address it. I’ll wait. Thanks.
  4. I actually watched this whole thing, thanks for sharing, great interview. Loved what he said about the team, Duke, Josh, etc.
  5. Hahaha so true, good call Best part was last year there were a handful insisting that Alabama's defense was one of the best ever and Alabama would beat the Bills...then that alleged legendary defense got lit up by a Freshman QB in the Title game who quite frankly has not been very good as a sophomore. Let me know when Alabama can handle their college opponents before we start this make believe notion they can beat an NFL team. Its a silly notion, always has been and always will be.
  6. Yup, and I posted some stats earlier to show he has played better than Tre actually. He has faced 17 more targets than Tre, yet given up 7 less yards (and Tre gives up 5 more yards per catch against him than Levi) and has a lower comp% against him than Tre does. Tre has an advantage in INT's as Levi doesn't have any yet though. Both have been very good this year and massive kudos to Beane and McD on how they rebuild this secondary and defense. And best part, they are deep too with some quality players behind them. They have done an excellent job of finding quality players, even great players via late round picks, UDFA rookies, and unheralded FA signings. Then adding in 3 straight blue chip prospects the last 3 years in Tre, Edmunds, and now Oliver to go with them. We are young, deep, and affordable right now...I think this D will be stout for years to come.
  7. Thanks, and thanks for sharing the story, thats pretty cool. Yeah, wish him well in Oakland, Zay always seemed like a good person off the field and I never had anything personal against him.
  8. Whoa Whoa Whoa...you are bringing too much logic and common sense into this annual nonsense. At least this time they aren't arguing Alabama would beat the Bills like these same people were this time last year.
  9. Oh boy...this again. At least this year its not someone on here asking if they would beat the Bills like last year, so guess that is progress. But as just about everyone said already: NOPE.
  10. WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!? Are you saying someone other than stupid Rex actually gave Rob a job???? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Redskins are terrible LMAO
  11. I need this train wreck in my life. Please make this happen and please let him hire his utterly worthless DC brother. I have friends who are Redskin fans that I can’t wait to rub this in. One of them bet me straight up $100 that Redskins would have a better record than the Bills. Same guy also bet me and took the under another $100 on 6 wins for the Bills. He kept saying he didn’t know how many wins the skins would get, but probably would be 8 or 9 and that he did know that was more than 5 the Bills were going to win. I was like I’m sure and knew it would be the easiest $200 I’ve ever made.
  12. I love Milano and he’s great out there. But his coverage stats aren’t as good as as Edmunds. Facing same number of targets, Milano is giving up more yards and a comp rate of of 68% compared to Edmunds at 52.6% which is second on the team only narrowly behind Levi Wallace at 52.3%. Also they are the only two on the team under 53%. This post is not meant to diminish Milano, he’s been great and I love him and think him and Edmunds are one the best duos in the league right now and still getting better. Intent here is to showcase how excellent Edmunds has been in pass coverage, he’s going to be special for a long time in this league IMO.
  13. There is zero percent chance this was about a starting job here. Our staff is fully behind Allen, developing him, and his potential. I think its not true at all and someone who doesn't follow the Bills throwing us in on an assumption because they have bias towards Allen and Barkley for that matter. The only way they may have kicked the tires was when Josh was in protocol and looked into it versus of having to activate someone like Webb where Eli could also be an additional mentor in the QB room like DA was last year. But I would bet everything I own that ZERO percent chance they called (which I doubt they even did in the first place) because they saw Eli as someone who could challenge to start over Josh.
  14. Bahaha, I wish I could give you more than one emoticon of the trophy, beer mug and laughing.
  15. Yes it really is deep and its awesome! For fun, I went and looked at the deep analytics of our starting secondary in Hyde, Poyer, Tre, and Levi. To no surprise, all having excellent seasons. No one is giving up a comp % rate in our starting secondary over 56%. All of them are between 52% and 55% with Levi having the lowest. Even Edmunds is in the same range as a LB. Levi has been targeted 44 times compared to Levi's 27, yet he has given up 7 less yards than Tre despite the 17 more targets he has faced. Tre is giving up 5 more yards per completion too than Levi. Levi won't get the love because he doesn't have the INT's that make people gravitate towards accolades, but he has been excellent. Tre has been quite good too, just showing how Levi is playing so well under the radar and trying to get him the well deserved attention his play deserves too.
  16. Agreed. We have without question the best secondary in the NFL IMO
  17. Love Tre. But if Hall is going to say Tre has been top 3, then his next line should be “And Levi Wallace has been top 2”. Because as good as Tre is, Levi has been even better this year.
  18. Simple. Houston helped me win a bunch of money in my suicide pool by knocking all remaining players out but me in upsetting the Chiefs. Since I am all that matters, I called in to the NFL and recommended him for the award while eating Lobster with some hookers and a pocket full of Tony Montana's finest. NFL felt this aligned with their image and obliged.
  19. LEVI is the best corner on this team and has had the best season on this defense. That being said, Tre, Poyer, Hyde are also excellent. So not a knock on them at all, thats just how good Levi has played.
  20. Yeah, his boasts and posts were off the charts hilarious and ridiculous. Anyone know if he is still here under a different name?
  21. Without question, the first Bill that should be chosen is none other than: LEVI WALLACE He is quietly having the best season of any player on this elite defense. He doesn't get near enough credit, and there are a couple games I am not sure we win if not for a couple of critical plays he made. He has been our best corner over Tre, and thats not to disrespect Tre who is also very good, thats just how good Levi is playing. He is what Milano was to us last year, a guy playing at an All Pro level and mostly totally under the radar. There is a lot of football left, and I do think there are other guys who could make their case over the rest of the season...of course Edmunds, Hyde, Poyer, and Tre will probably get the most attention and have a shot. Hughes and John Brown also could make their case too as the season progresses.
  22. I stand corrected Really? Didnt know Crayonz was still here lol...I mean I assumed he was, just didn't know it was confirmed to an exact screen name
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