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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. One thing I will say: If anyone harbors resentment towards Kap because he did not stand during the National Anthem...then you better be standing for said National Anthem when you are watching the games at home, at the bar, etc too. Otherwise, you're just a hypocrite. Thats like claiming to be "pro-life" while rushing your daughter to the abortion clinic the second she gets accidentally pregnant in high school.
  2. Again...worst roster in the NFL...worst coaching in the NFL (and one of worst ever in Chip Kelly). With Harbaugh, he was pretty good. The last 2 years his HC's were Jim Tomsula (someone no one here even knows who he is) and Chip Kelly (one the worst to ever roam an NFL sideline). So again, its pretty silly to put it all on Kap with an awful roster and worse coaching around a young QB. Now I am not saying he is a top tier QB or anything, but the stats over his career show he was worthy of an NFL roster spot. I mean we are talking about a league that still employs Nate Pickerman and Mike Glennon (on the same team mind you) for instance. Its not like someone is arguing he should be the corner stone of a franchise...but he is undeniably good enough to play in the NFL, and when he last played it was still better than several of the QBs who have seen the field this year. Thats my point. Its pretty unfair to validate denying him a job just because he is not part of the highest tier of said job. Their are over 70 QB's on NFL rosters right now, its not a stretch to say he is better than more than half of those QB's and worthy of a backup QB spot.
  3. Fair question, so happy to answer. Yes, its football, I would still support him. I don't care what a player thinks off the field and what he stands up for as long as its not hateful or evil. I mean I am not going to support a player who peacefully protests for White Nationalists for instance. Perfect example: Trump. I hate the man, and has nothing to do with Red vs Blue, Right vs Left, or the media. Its 100% about the man and who he really is, and this goes back long before he ran for office. I know people who have first hand horrible experiences with him involving racism, sexual assault, lies, and basically fraud/con jobs. He is a terrible person in general, long before he ran for office and my opinion on the matter was set back then too. HOWEVER: I do not hold that against athletes or other celebrities I may like who come out and support him, argue on his behalf, or spin the scandals because they have a different view of him formed in different ways. So if Kap was kneeling to support Trump for example, I wouldn't feel he doesn't deserve to play football. Just like I don't hold it against some of my friends and family that voted for him. Bottom line: Every one is different. IMHO, its ridiculous to black ball a player because you may not agree with his personal opinion on a controversial subject matter. Plenty of people here think Trump is a Saint while I know him to be the polar opposite of that (and no need for any of us posters to discuss the merits of Trump...I hate him, others love him...no one is changing anyones minds so please no one respond defending Trump to me). End of day, Kap stood up for something positive and something he believed in...that was equal rights. That should not keep him from having a job even if someone disagrees with his opinion. Especially in a league where people like Tyreek Hill not only have jobs, but huge contracts despite choking out his baby mama while she was pregnant with his baby.
  4. Except thats not true. But its cool, I get it, you dont like him. 18TDS to 4 INTS in his final 12 starts with a QBR over 90 says otherwise. Was he Rodgers or Brady...nope. But he led a team to the SB, played well enough to get a massive contract, and then...the entire Niners organization and team utterly imploded on itself leaving the roster as one of the worst in the NFL just 2 years removed from the SB. But keep overlooking the facts that he had the worst Head Coach in the NFL in Chip Kelly, his entire team was dismantled in a 2 year window due to all the player losses from suspensions, off field stuff, early retirement, injuries, cap issues, and free agency. Its hilarious that people want to blame how bad the Niners record was over his final 2 years when he played on the worst roster in the NFL with the worst coaching.
  5. Even though I jumped in here late, I would agree that this thread is one that has been discussed numerous times here and didn't really need a new thread. Then again, we can say that on just about any topic on TSW lol.
  6. His coaching staff was a train wreck, the offense was completely devoid of any remaining talent, and the defense was awful after losing all of its best players early to off field stuff, injuries, and early retirements. He had 18 TD's to 4 INTs in 12 games his last year, he wasn't nearly as bad as he is being painted to be...especially given the talent around him was worse than what Josh Allen had to work with last year. That Niners team was one of the worst rosters in the NFL in 2016.
  7. Actually, I dont support him because I agree with him. I do absolutely agree with his stance that social injustice is a problem in this country, and thats really an undeniable fact. I mean its statistically proven without any room for debate, not to mention countless piles of in your face evidence as well. I mean look at the African American woman who was just murdered in her own home by a white cop while playing video games with her child all because her door was open. Social injustice and prejudice against the African American community is an undeniable fact. However, thats not why I support him. I support him because of who he was off the field before the kneeling and for how he peacefully protested something without violence. Even if the subject he was supporting was not something I agreed with, I would still respect how he did it and what he stood for off the field before all this went down. At the end of the day, he spoke up for those he felt needed a voice. I can respect that regardless of my personal opinion being aligned or not. And his ability on the field is such that he is worthy of an NFL job and should have one.
  8. So someone "believes" he did and now its true. These same types of internet people "believed" Clowney was being traded to the Bills, Frank Clark was headed to the Bills, Stefon Diggs was headed to the Bills, and so on and so on. Again, you want to take hear say and internet gossip as fact to support your own bias. And he became a Free Agent at the end of the 2016 season...which is in calendar year 2017 when the season ends. But again, lets assume it is true. It was once again BEFORE he was black balled. Seattle had an entrenched franchise QB in Wilson and Kap was still looking for a starting opportunity given he just became a free agent and believed he could start especially coming off a massive contract, recent SB, etc. So you want to jump to this conclusion that TODAY he doesn't want to play because he didnt immediately take a backup job to Wilson right when he became a free agent? Come on dude No disrespect, but you are just doing everything you can to reinforce your negative bias on him. I am not even claiming he wants to play, I am saying its pretty silly to assume he didnt want to be a backup 3 years ago when he first became a FA 2 years removed from leading the Niners to a SB.
  9. I support him because he is an NFL quality player who stood up for something he believed in and did so peacefully standing up for the social injustice...which is a massive issue in our country. Before the kneeling, Kap had given more money and time to his local community than anyone can fathom. He was falsely painted a monster for standing up for others rights. He deserves to still have a job, and he doesn't deserve the hate he has received. And honestly, it was Trump that turned him into a monster for his own political pop. Sure he was controversial, but it wasn't until Trump (who openly admitted to this) focused on him and the kneeling as it was one of the few things he was getting a positive boost from at the time. Trump turned the kneeling into meaning something it didnt and social media justice ate up the BS in spoons full. Trump literally does not even know the words to the national anthem and dodged the draft and called POWs losers for getting captured. Yet somehow he spoon fed this nonsense to being about Kap disrespecting America and our Military which it had literally nothing do with any of those things. He kneeled to stand up for social injustice at a time where there were many unlawful killings of innocent and unarmed African American individuals caught on tape in a short window by armed officers. It was never about the military, America itself, etc. That was a false narrative by Trump because he got a "boost" in the polls when he did it, and he said so himself. So I support him for starting a conversation that was important and needed to happen. I support him as he is a NFL quality player who should have a job. I support him because he was a good person off the field before and AFTER the kneeling.
  10. Lol...he turned down Broncos 3 years ago when he just became a FA, has nothing to do with the black balled stuff. And the AAF was shown to be a rumor and shot down. And who can blame anyone turning down the AAF, it folded mid season. And just because he did not want to go down to the "minor leagues" does not mean he doesn't want to play in the NFL. You are just making your own assumptions that fit with your negative view of Kap.
  11. Again, I made a post about his ABILITY to play...and you keep responding with your own personal belief that he does not want to play. Has nothing to do with what I wrote and what you keep responding too. I don't know if he wants to play or not...its absurd for me or anyone else to pretend they know the answer to that question as only Kap knows that. I do know, his agents have been aggressively trying to get him a job in the NFL...which indicates he wants to play IMO.
  12. Lol...and why are you dwelling on that? Dude, that was when he was first a FA, long before the black ball thing really sunk in. Players turn down teams all the time as free agents, because they think there will be a better opportunity they prefer. Its silly to suggest that he does NOT want to play TODAY because of something he turned down literally THREE years ago when he thought he was going to have other opportunities...I mean that article is over a year old already and its talking about something that was 2 years before that. This is a really silly and ridiculous thing to apply to him today. Dude that was over THREE years ago man. Its utterly ridiculous to apply that on him today when he "allegedly" turned down a Broncos offer over 3 years ago when he first became a free agent. Using that article is clearly just a tool to prop up your negative biased on him as it literally has 0% relevancy to what has been going on since then and his situation today. Especially since his agents have been very vocal about finding him a backup job and not looking for a starting opportunity.
  13. What does that have to do with anything I just said? I talked about his ability to play, not desire.
  14. I didnt realize the 49ers started Kap by himself against 11 defenders and then rolled him out there on defense by himself abasing 11 opposing offensive players. I mean you are putting their record solely on him with this statement like he was the only one on the field. Also you carefully glanced over his personal stats and performance. Kap was not the reason the record was bad...the record was bad because the 49ers had their ascending roster disappear faster than any team I have seen in NFL history. Lost players to off field issues, early retirements, free agency, etc. It was one of the most stunning roster decimations I have ever seen and was done over 2 seasons. Check Kap stats and you will see their record wasn't because he couldn't play. In fact, he's better than several teams starters are. His last season, in a partial season he had 16 TDS, 4 INTs, and another 2 rushing TDS with a QB rating over 90. For his career, he had 72 TDs to 30 INTs and a career QB rating of 88.9. This made up notion that the demise of SF's winning was somehow his fault is utterly absurd and mere fan mythology based on biased of not liking him. They lost many pro bowl players and all his offensive weapons in a 2 year period and the roster became one of the worst in the league after being one of the best young rosters when he led them to a SB a couple years prior. Kap may not be Mahomes, but this dude is easily better than a lot of QB's starting and backup QB's across the NFL. He absolutely should have a job in the NFL. He may not ever get back to being a starter, but its utterly false and absurd for anyone to say he sucks and cant play. People on this board have 2 speeds...Pro bowl or he Sucks. He may not make a Pro Bowl, but he doesnt suck to the point he shouldn't be in the NFL.
  15. I think we will be 9-2 or 10-1 on Thanksgiving. I believe we will beat the Cowboys on thanksgiving. And with that being said I think 13-3 becomes a real possibility. We only have 4 challenging games left (Phi, Dal, Balt, NE). And I think we go no worse than 2-2 in those games. Every other game on our schedule is one we absolutely should win. Doesn’t mean we do, but those are games where we will be decisively the better team on the field.
  16. Yeah it’s a popular myth that people have just decided in their heads like the one where people said Duke was slow as molasses and can’t get open in the NFL. Just not accurate assessments at all. But the more people say it the more they believe it.
  17. Here is the thing...look at Manning, Brees, and Rodgers. For how prolific they were, they only have 4 SB titles combined and only Manning has more than 1. And in all their title years they had a good defense while the rest of their careers they struggled in the post season (or even make the post season) mainly due to bad defenses. Manning has an NFL record for going one and done 9 times as a #1 seed in the playoffs. As the most prolific offense in history, he got blown out by Seattle in SB 41-8. Got his second SB on the back of an elite defense in 2015. Rivers, Stanford, Ryan, etc have struggled to even make playoffs and SB all together. For all the love having an elite QB gets, its teams that win championships most often. And I don’t like the way KC is being built in terms of long term success. Questionable moves on defense, over paying risky players like Watkins and Hill, etc. Soon Mahomes is going to break the bank too and it’s going to be hard to build a balanced Team with how much money they have in the offense and guys like Clark. Chiefs remind me of the D’Antoni and Nash led Phoenix Suns (Or even what the Rockets have been too last few years under D’Antoni). In that system, Nash and that offense were prolific scorers and could run anyone off the court...until the playoffs where their Achilles heals of defense and rebounding became a bigger issue. And despite multiple MVPs for Nash, he never won a title. And I still think Allen is going to prove to be a franchise QB, so I very much like how we are managing our cap, finding value, and building a long term success plan. None of this is a knock on Mahomes, he’s legit and will make Chiefs perennial contenders. But contenders aren’t always champions, just like Rodgers, Brees, Rivers, Ryan, etc an attest too. Takes more than just an elite QB to win titles in the NFL.
  18. Well if you want to talk about reasons to feel better, this isn’t it. All you did is highlight other teams mistakes. Want real reasons to feel a little better about it, then here they are: Our Elite defense is a direct result of not taking Mahomes. 1. Tre White - obviously we gained Tre on the trade down. 2. We didn’t use the extra first round pick on Allen, we used the extra first round pick on Edmunds. So we gained Edmunds and we did so in a trade up without having surrender the next years first. 3. Becaus we already had two first round picks to use on Allen and Edmunds, we were able to trade up to get in position to get both without using our 2019 first rounder. That 2019 first rounder was then available to use on Ed Oliver. So not only do we have our own ascending young QB with immense upside still, but we built a top 3 elite defense along the way as well. Allen isn’t near where Mahomes is, but he also has the potential to be not only a franchise QB, but a high end one for years. But we also have put Allen in a position where he doesn’t have put this team on his back because we have a young and nasty defense on the other side of the ball. At the end of the day, the reality is the trade has worked out quite well so far for both Chiefs and Bills. And to be honest, I like our chances at sustained success right now a lot more than the Chiefs. That defense is a liability, and they are losing talent thanks to overpaying people like Watkins and have a lot now invested in Hill too. Im sure Mahomes would be fun to have here, but honestly I love the way this team is being built a lot more than I do the Chiefs. And TEAMS win championships a lot more than QBs forced to carry their team to make up for a weak defense.
  19. I think the opposite. He’s come so much further than even where he was back when this happened. I think this piece even further strengthens the belief in him because of that. But I get your side, you’ve been vocal on not being a believer previously and one of the more reluctant ones to buy in on him even now. And there is nothing wrong with that, but just saying you’re going to look for reasons to support some of the still lingering skepticisms. It’s one game, so it’s fair to have some lingering skepticism or just not being totally sold on him yet. So not knocking you for that, just pointing out you’re viewing the video with those type eyes versus someone who is more excited/optimistic at this stage about what they have seen and his potential. So of course you’re going to try and find some “salt” as you put it. But I think in this case, the video actually furthers my confidence in him being a positive factor for this team moving forward because everything we have seen and heard about him since being in Buffalo not only displays what he is saying in this video, but exceeds it in terms of his change, dedication, commitment, work ethic, etc.
  20. I’m going golfing with my friend Maddi. She’s been wanting to go on Saturday mornings, but I already play basketball every Saturday. So we were going to go before the Bills game last week, but told her no way was I gonna risk missing part of the game with THE DUKE making his debut hahaha. So going out this Sunday with her instead lol
  21. This is a great piece for those who don't know a lot about Dukes backstory, pedigree, and potential. Might help some understand why some of us were so high on Duke from the get go.
  22. What drops? He caught every single pass in preseason from what I saw. Seen you reference several things about him in preseason that I don't think are accurate. In his limited opportunities, he made the catches, got separation and made some highlight TD catches. Never understood some of the things you kept saying about preseason, to be honest, all your comments sounded like you are talking about Zay who dropped a TD, made some mistakes on routes, etc in preseason.
  23. 6 take aways article was poorly written. Lots of silly assumptions. Dad thing is...well...him just being a dad. He’s gonna defend his son and stand by him, so not really shocking he’s throwing some shade in support of his son.
  24. Well you have commented 33 times since I asked you the original question 6 pages ago...thats a lot of posts for someone who has "moved on". Wasn't seeking attention, just an answer.
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