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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Definitely probably the worst game of the year for the D, but I also dont think it was really that bad. Mainly because when the game mattered, the Bills D gave up 14. That last Miami TD, Bills were up 2 scores and were playing softer to run the clock down. Onside kick conversions are at 0% for 2019 and nearly impossible to convert under the new rules. So they were working the clock more on that drive than anything. They did still allow the score, so not excusing them...but to get down the field, Bills let them have some cushion to chew clock. So I think the defensive woes have been a bit exaggerated around here and during the game. We had some huge defensive plays too that turned the game and even sealed it for us. Now the first half, both sides of the ball were struggling and flat. But in the 2nd, Jordan Philips single handedly turned the tide of this game with his sack on Fitz near the goal line which led to the Tre INT the next play.
  2. Meh...in the live speed action, there is no way he can know the ball is out. For all he knows he is rolling over Fitz foot or something. Just was a fluke thing, people are making too big a deal out of this. It was a sensational play and it literally changed the entire game as was the single most important play in the 2nd half.
  3. Yeah and its irritating that people act like wining was a fluke because one of the top corners in the NFL forced 2 turnovers. That his job, and this defense did its job. A fluke is losing to NE from a blocked punt thats rare. Its not a fluke when a turnover prone QB goes out and turns the ball over against a top flight defense and against a premier DB. First half was ugly, but this team rebounded on both sides of the ball and made the plays it needed like it has all season to win this game.
  4. They have a pretty darn good RB in Chubb too...and now have Hunt coming back. I don't think they need a RB at all, they are stacked. Using hindsight, if they were going to forego a QB at 1, the obvious choice would have been to take Quenton Nelson #1 then taken Josh Allen at #4. Had they done that and still made all their other moves, they would very much be the threat everyone thought they were going to be going into this year.
  5. Thats true, and it makes sense for them. I would not have wanted to give up one of our seconds though, I dont think he makes enough difference for us and would rather use that pick to move up and get a stud in the draft to go with this young roster. NE is in must win now mode with Brady so old.
  6. Wow that’s an over pay. Way better WRs have been traded for less. I like Sanu, but no way would I have wanted to give up a 2nd round pick for him.
  7. I’m not concerned about Allen’s future, however I am growing concerned with the Daboll/Allen combo myself as well. And I’ve been a supporter of both, but Daboll this year has been very frustrating way too often. I look at teams like Baltimore and Seattle as you mentioned, and those schemes are built around the QB to the strengths of the QB. At times I do feel like Daboll is more trying to fit Allen into his system as opposed to designing a system around Allen. I am still supremely confident in Allen’s future, I’m just gaining more and more skepticism that Daboll is the right fit. Don’t get me wrong, Daboll has also had some good moments and smart play calls too at times, he isn’t a total train wreck like some of our past OCs were. But I do wonder if Daboll is going to limit/slow Allen’s growth rather than expedite it. In everyone’s defense, we still need more offensive personnel help too, but we also have reason to be optimistic moving forward that some help is coming. Kroft just played his first game as a Bill and coming off injury, might take a couple weeks to find a groove and timing. Knox is promising but has too many drops and mental mistakes to go with a couple of big plays but should get better and easier routes with Kroft back. Singletary just got back and didn’t see a lot of snaps yet. Duke just played his second game. So I do think there is reason to be optimistic still as more of these guys get more time and experience with Allen and give him more weapons to work with at different levels.
  8. Our defense is excellent in this years NFL. Doesn’t matter where they rank historically. PS: We were missing one of our best defense players today in Milano. PPS: Vaunted Bears defense was lit up by Saints team with no Brees or Kamara. It’s the NFL, guys are paid to score on the defense too. So I’m not worried a fired up Fitz got some scores on us.
  9. There is so much wrong with this bolder text right here that I don’t even know if it’s worth discussing. Have some Young QBs had immediate success? Yes. BUT: Plenty started with struggles, mediocre stats, etc before growing into the position and dominant players. And few have had as many clutch drives as Josh has. Ever hear of Drew Brees? How about Kurt Warner? How about Ben Roethlisberger? How about Steve Young? How about Peyton Manning? I mean I could go on and on, but I don’t think it’s really necessary. This bolded comment was utterly absurd.
  10. He already had it week 17 of 2018 where he put up 5 TDs and embarrassed the Dolphins.
  11. He came back in the game but wasn’t targeted after as we didn’t throw much after he came back in
  12. Why the F*** are you fan? Way to root against us...suspend this troll.
  13. I’m sure the whole NFL is interested in Levi Wallace, he’s a damn good DB. Just like interested in Eva Mendes coming over and spending the night tonight...but she ain’t coming over.
  14. I hope Zay does have a big game, never had anything personal against him and he always seemed like a good guy off the field. However, here is what I do know, he was never going to have that big game here, or find any consistency. So hopefully the change of scenery will help him get on track and be a better player. It’s happened plenty of times before where a guy goes to a new situation with a fresh start and finds success. But...that being said, F the Raiders and GO BILLS!
  15. This is really 7 pages? Any given Sunday, anyone can win. But odds of Jets beating Pats is minimal at best. Pats will likely win by 3 scores
  16. Which shows what I have been saying all along...a QB is more likely to get hurt staying in the pocket than out on a run. Look at all the running QB's over the years, most of the injuries didnt come while running, most occurred on hits in the pocket. With todays rules where a QB can give up his body to avoid hits or simply go out of bounds, the likely hood of an injury is less compared to staying in the pocket and taking a big hit. Plus, on a run, a QB is usually running away from the impending impact (players chasing him rather than running at him from the front) as any defender directly in front of them, they would simply slide or go out of bounds. Not to mention those defenders would likely be smaller DB's and Safeties too. But in the pocket, the defender is usually coming fast at a QB that isnt moving away from the hit and sometimes even stepping into the hit if making the throw. This is why I have been saying not to freak out over Josh running in terms of worrying about him being hit. Yes he can still get hurt, but the point is, the odds of getting are not increasing like so many fear when he is on the run. The one problem Josh has though is that he's tough and big, so he does initiate more contact than he should, but I think he's learning the hard way not to do that now.
  17. Exactly my point...nobody cares enough about the National Anthem to even watch it when its shown. So its even stupider for those same people to piss and moan about how "personally offended" they are that someone else isn't standing either. If someone is going to claim they are so outraged and offended by someone not standing, if the Anthem means that much to them, then they ought to be showing the Anthem the same respect they are demanding from others by also standing and listening to the song. If not, they should just shut up about it because they are full of s*** like everyone else on the internet pretending to care about things that they don't actually care about.
  18. Well supposedly a trade was in place but fell out as well. I think a significant factor to not trade Zay then was Fosters turf toe issue. Beane even said its all about timing as to why he didn’t do it then, so I think not having a healthy Foster was probably a relevant factor heading into a season where we already had 8 new faces on the starting offense for Josh to adjust too.
  19. This is a discussion about Kap and whether or not he should be in the NFL. Not going to go deeper into the validity of social injustice in this thread. You can DM me if you want to carry on a convo about that, I’m fine talking further with you about it if so. BUT I will say, you clearly don’t understand social injustice if you’re sending someone this to prove it doesn’t exist. First, it’s one of a thousand different crimes people get arrested for. Second, social injustice is the difference in frequency of arrest or conviction between a minority and a Caucasian defendant. The conviction rate on a minority of the same crimes is substantially higher than a Caucasian. Arrest rates for the same infractions are substantially higher for minorities than Caucasian’s. Lethal and unlawful police shootings against unarmed persons are substantially higher against minorities. General traffic stops are massively higher frequency rates for minorities than Caucasian’s. Anyway, I am happy to discuss this topic offline in DM if you want to talk further.
  20. How is it a stupid take? If someone is outraged about him not standing then they better be standing or they are just another fake internet vigilante. It’s pretty stupid for people to piss and moan how “personally” disrespected they are by someone else not standing when they aren’t standing either. You don’t, no one does, because no one really cares. But when an athlete, celebrity, or some other known person does it they suddenly freak out like the anthem is the most important song to ever exist and everyone must stand at all times. Funnier yet, I bet less than 5% of the people complaining even know the words to the anthem. The outrage is silly, he should have a job.
  21. What does that have to do with cops murdering unarmed African Americans and the massive statistical anomalies that show minorities are convicted at massively higher rates than Caucasian’s? You know, that thing Kap was actually kneeling for, social injustice.
  22. All good, and I agree with a lot of this, but I do have to say I greatly disagree on the bolded. Just because he was raised by a white family doesn't mean anything though. You don't have to be raised in a bad situation to stand up or others who are in a bad situation, so I fail to see any relevance with that point. I grew up in a normal blue collar family, with white parents (I am half white and half Portuguese) and I think our justice system is flawed and broken in how it relates to minorities too. In fact, I am still pissed off with recent events. Black woman murdered by a cop in her apartment through a window while she played video games with her kid just because her door was left open? A black juror getting 10 days in jail because he was late to a trial? I mean its not shocking to see why people are jaded and upset in how minorities are treated in our justice system, and the stats are scary too. I mean this stuff is crazy and pisses me off too when I see this kind of thing still happening far too often. And the last thing I would add in response to your hoping he did it for the right reasons: Kap donated millions of dollars and his time for a long time to his local community and kids long before the kneeling. In other words, he was living the life of someone who really did care about others and his community and put his money and his time in as proof of that...and long before the kneeling started. So IMHO, I think he actually gets the benefit of the doubt about him having the right intentions here as it matches his actions before it.
  23. Its all good, and look everyone has different views and opinions. So I have no issue with your feeling differently about it and won't try and change your mind either. Doesn't matter to me that we don't agree, its all good, and I do respect the way you have discussed this thus far and appreciate that. I do feel a big part of the issue with Kaps story was the media and Trump. Between the medias appetite to push divisive stories, even elevating them to outlandish versions of what they really were to sell views and clicks, plus Trumps political agenda to keep going hard after this story for his own (and self admitted by Trump) political boost, the truth of what Kap stood up for got lost and mangled along the way. Because of that, people grew to hate him and the story more because now it was sensationalized to mean things it wasn't like a direct attack on all Americans, our country, military, and that all white people are racists. None of this was accurate or true. All this muddying up of what he really started this for really blurred the lines making opinions on this story that more divisive and also more about their own personal connection more than what Kap actually said and did. Last thing I will say: Its not fair to project ones personal connection with the flag onto others. Just because the Flag means something specific to one person does not mean the person next to you is any less American for not sharing the same emotional connection. His kneeling was never a disrespect towards anyones feelings of the flag, his kneeling was his message that he is not content with where we were as a country, specifically on the matter of social injustice. Its everyone else that decided to change it to mean he hates Americans and claims all white people are racist. Something he never actually did or said. Again, respect to your and your dialogue with me on this today, good convo from two people with differing opinions.
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