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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I figured out why everyone is so confused on tie breaker rules: The NFL is inconsistent on the order in different scenarios, which is really dumb. OFFICIAL DIVISIONAL TIE BREAKER ORDER: Has common opponents ahead of conference record. So no, we can’t win division if win out unless NE loses to Mia or Cincy. WILDCARD TIE BREAKER ORDER: This however uses conference record BEFORE common opponents. This is stupid, should be same order for both. And when you google “NFL divisional tie breaking rules” the first listing actually is the Wildcard rule where it falsely looks like it’s conf record ahead of common opponents. It if you click the link it takes you to NFL late where it lists them all. So once again, the official correct answer without question is NO we can NOT win the division if we win out UNLESS NE loses to either Cincy or Miami. https://www.nfl.com/standings/tiebreakingprocedures
  2. Glad you posted this thread OP. Why do other people on this board act like no good QBs have bad games or struggle in games? I mean it’s absurd the way Bills fans panic vomit nonsense out of their mouths after a game we lose. Baltimore is playing like the best team in the NFL. We just lost by one score and had a chance at OT at end of game as we clawed our way back. It’s not so much that Josh didn’t have a good game, it’s more that the very, very good Baltimore defense had a great game. Great defenses not only make plays, but also get you out of your rhythm. As the OP showed, this was no anomaly, Balt been doing this a lot this year to opposing QBs. And now we have tape on them against us and can use it to be better prepared to adjust if we face them again in the playoffs. Some other people need to stop hitting the panic button every time we don’t go undefeated. We showed we can beat the class of the AFC right now in how we played NE and Balt even though the scoreboard didn’t work out in our favor. And going into the playoffs is all that matters now so we can hopefully get a crack at them again in the post season.
  3. Well if you go off of the over reactions from today, I’m sure some Over dramatic schmuck is gonna add Buffalo to your list.
  4. Really? Because of one game where our OL got manhandled? Lmao at the hot takes around here
  5. Sure, it’s easy. Bell: 589 rush yards, 3.2 ypc, 3 TDs. 55 rec, 403 yards 1 TD. Singletary: 553 yards, 5.6 ypc, 2 TDs. 20 rec, 161 yards, 2 TDs. Took like 30 seconds. You’re welcome.
  6. Lol, why do people copy and paste these jumbled up stats all the time that are a nightmare to read instead of just typing the few key stats.
  7. Yes, Busbys is the joint to be at by far both great spots too in general
  8. Simple, no playoffs. Lamar took a losing Ravens team and turned them into a playoff team last year. Now he’s an MVP candidate and widely seen as leading the best team in football and potentially the #1 seed. He just beat an elite defense and a 10-1 team that had been chewing up teams all year. There is a reason he is getting more attention. He’s also been more explosive and had more wow games both running and throwing. I still think Josh will be the better QB and have the better career, but Lamar has earned his praise fairly. Josh will start getting his when we keep beating teams the media doesn’t think we will win. Or when he makes a deep playoff push. Or when he starts dominating statistically. Or all of the above.
  9. Josh Allen, without question. At this point, I’d probably let him give me AIDS.
  10. I call plagiarism!!! I looked up “wet blanket” in the dictionary and this was the exact definition word for word.
  11. Agreed and I was echoing this a lot too when we drafted him and through his rookie year. He was a multi sport athlete in HS and never really fully committed to football which also contributed to the lack of college opportunities. He has had lower level coaching at every stage of his football journey until he got to the NFL. Small school stuff all along, poor talent on the roster around him, etc. Now we are seeing this kid just keep getting better and learn from mistakes. 2 years from now, I think he will be a consensus top 5 QB in the NFL...really think he will get there.
  12. Offense plan: Score more points than Balt. Defesive plan: Hold Balt to less points than us. 60% of the time it works every time.
  13. My friends still think I am crazy when I say we could win out. I actually expect to win the NE, Pitt, and Jets games. Baltimore is the big one obviously, and by far the most difficult. But I do think the #1 seed is obtainable. I think KC beats NE for us, and I am confident we will also beat NE. For me, it comes down to Baltimore (as I am sure it does for most). But its in Buffalo and our defense has to try and defend Josh Allen in practice every week, and while he may not be as fast as Lamar, he is still very dangerous and more difficult to take down. So I think our D is going to be more prepared than most teams are and I think our defensive staff is also smarter than most teams too. Wont surprise me to see Baltimore score early on the first drive, like they did against SF and like Dallas did to us on Thanksgiving. But I do have confidence in our ability to adjust and settle in like we also did against Dallas and other games this year after giving up a somewhat easy drive for a score to start the game. Not saying we are a lock to beat Baltimore, it will be no easy feat...but I do think we can win this game and kind of think we will. And if we do, then I think wining out becomes not only possible, but probable from that point on.
  14. I hate racism. No tolerance for it what so ever. I’ve cut people out of my life over comments I’ve found racist. BUT: Can someone please explain to me when acknowledging the skin tone color of a person became racist? I mean, it’s a fact that Lamar and other black athletes skin tone is closer to the color of the ball than a caucasian player. Why is it racist to make a comment that involves acknowledging this as true? People act like it’s shameful to acknowledge African Americans have a darker skin tone. Makes no sense. Facts: Lamar has a dark complexion. The ball is dark brown. Ravens jerseys are dark. More facts: Read option involves a QB concealing a potential handoff, entire point is to conceal the ball. More facts: The RBs involved in this particular read option offense are also African American with similar skin tone to Lamar and also wearing dark colored jerseys. More facts: Lamar is fast as ****. Lamar is explosive. More facts: Even the camera crew is constantly struggling to figure out which direction the ball is going on read options because it’s just a difficult play to follow, especially when a team executes it at a high level. Put that all that together, and it’s not hard to see how a sports commentator might say something like he did. It was clearly not said with a racist undertone. Its 100% logical to think it’s slightly more difficult to follow the ball in a concealed read option play when Ravens are wearing their black jerseys with Lamar running it than say Josh Allen running it while we are wearing our white Jerseys. And the comment was complimenting Lamar by saying he’s so explosive that even a fraction of a hesitation to locate the ball will make it too late to stop him. Sorry this was not racist. Just wasn’t. I do agree, that he does need to be more aware of the over corrected society we live in now and should have used a little more sensitivity in how he phrased the statement. But it wasn’t a blatant racist comment and he shouldn’t be condemned for it, especially with no history of something like this.
  15. How is this a thread? And why is it multiple pages? Might as well start threads asking if SF will trade us Bosa for Haushka straight up as its as plausible as this thread. #UnderContract
  16. yeah we are wasted at a Friendsgiving and someone said he was past LOS mistakenly, so we all thought was past it
  17. Um, what board have you been on? LOTS of posters been whining about this. In fact a bunch of people here were freaking out after Cleveland loss and started threads about finding a new QB. Lots of very poor QB evaluators around here. It’s gonna happen again too if Bills lose Ravens and Allen has a bad game. Those same people will say he’s beaten no one good and can’t even throw for 300 yards. PS: Fun Fact: Cleveland blew out the Ravens earlier this year.
  18. Wide Pitch is a great play call there. We have QB sneaked it like 98% of the time there and the D was geared to stop it. Motor gets a huge gain there if executed IMO
  19. These are the ONLY teams that wouldn’t trade their QB straight up for Josh because they have a guy they love and winning with that will be there a long time. Seattle Baltimore San Francisco (although I think Josh is better than Jimmy G) Houston Kansas Cit Green Bay Those 6 would 100% not do it right now. There are other teams that probably wouldn’t either, like Jets and Cleveland for instance as they still are high on their own QB. I think it’s safe to say that 2/3’s the teams would either do it, or at least strongly consider it. Teams with aging great QBs would do it IMO like Saints, Pats, NE. I think 20 to 22 teams would be a good estimate that would likely do it. Next year, could be even more teams that would if Josh keeps ascending like this.
  20. Currently 38 minutes into First Take, so far 100% Cowboy coverage. Literally there has been one line before a commercial break where Molly said “Want to give Bills some love here too for winning the game”. THATS IT. WTF??? I don’t even care that they aren’t talking about the Bills...40 min on one 6-6 team???? This show is a joke as usual.
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