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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Agreed. Be nice if people would not over react from one game. Every week there is some over reaction to something that happened in one game as if it’s chronic, been happening all year, etc. Let’s not panic over some big defensive plays by a great defense as if it’s now a chronic issue for Singletary.
  2. I looked up “wet blanket” in the dictionary and this was the exact definition, word for word.
  3. I voted no...because I wanted my answer to be as ridiculous as this thread.
  4. Yes. /End thread. Is this literally the most unnecessary thread of all time on here? Its gotta be a contender
  5. But how come no one edited the tweet posts to make sure everyone knows it’s not Duke the WR though?
  6. Can we take just one loss...just one...without someone starting some stupid thread about getting a new QB? I mean we just took the best team in the NFL down to the wire. STOP.
  7. I have no issue punishing the center later. I just don’t think there is anything wrong trying to a fool a team at the end of the half. And it’s all good, we don’t all have to always agree But I feel like people turn this game into a kiddie game too much and worry about players feelings too much.
  8. That’s just it, that’s not the situation. This was end of half, game was not “over”. That’s the point. Any of the 22 players on the field half a**ing on a live play like that are choosing to put them selves at risk. So the OL needs to lineup prepared for an all out blitz, even if it doesn’t come. Just like the defense needs to be ready for a fake.
  9. You are the one saying they don’t go all out on kneel downs at end of games. So of course no fumbles really. I’m saying if there was pressure it may happen more often. All good, we don’t have to keep going round and round. Bottom line, this wasnt end of game, it was a legal play, and Ravens did nothing wrong. BOTH teams should be lined up there ready to play a meaningful snap period. All this whining about a legal play is laughable to me. Some of you act like this is a pop Warner game in a church. Geezus, they are grown men playing a violent game for a lot of money. No excuse to not be ready in a opportune time for the offense to try a trick play to increase odds of winning a game.
  10. I didn’t compare it, I mentioned it to show a QB can fumble while directly under center. It happens.
  11. Josh Allen fumbled the ball on 4th and 1 against Dallas. Fumbled handoffs are rare like that but do happen. If it’s a one score game, both teams should be playing hard on a kneel down as the QB could fumble the snap, especially if he fears pressure from the D. It’s football, not patty cake. But end of half, the offense can and should be looking for any way to score still anyway. Defense better be ready and the OL better be ready for the D to take the play seriously too. Any player on that field not taking a play seriously is putting themselves in danger, that’s on them. Two score game, a kneel down at end of game should be a gentlemans walkoff. But I’ve always found it silly to surrender down one score where a mistake can still happen. So OL are somehow more fragile on a kneel down than on the goal line? Come on man. This is football, not a tea party. If you are on that field, you better be ready for contact at all times...period.
  12. You can’t separate end of game with end of half. They are NOT the same play. Dude, these guy battle on goal lines. They aren’t defenseless unless they choose to be. That’s their choice, and it’s a bad choice. When did lineman become precious dolls that can’t handle contact?
  13. I actually believe you Gunner, but you’re one of the few I would say that would say that.
  14. BUT this was not the same thing...not end of a game. And these guys play a violent game, they are an injury risk every play. So I find this injury excuse a bit silly. Its a wide open game with time in the clock. Be ready as a defense...period. Anything else is being undisciplined and you deserve to be fooled.
  15. It’s the same thing. The DL isn’t expected to come hard if the QB is signaling to set up for a spike. Again, it’s the defenses job to be ready...period. Everything else is just an excuse. End of game is different, but this was a love play. Be ready or get burned, end of story. Except it’s not, so there’s that too. May not be common, but it’s happened a few times the last couple of years. Then again, it’s pointless to discuss anyway, because this was NOT at the end of a game. Every single one of you whining 100% would have loved this play if McD did it and scored off it.
  16. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you when lining up to spike the ball that the QB doesn’t actually have to spike the ball and it’s the defenders job to be ready for a fake too. I mean you gotta stop calling it a victory formation, it was not. ITS LITERALLY THE OFFENSES JOB TO CONEAL THE PLAY ON EVERY SINGLE SNAP OF FOOTBALL. (Not yelling, emphasizing). It’s the defenses job to be ready on every single play. Trick plays are fair game and their ability to work comes from NOT EXPECTING THEM. Its just ridiculous to whine about this. These are grown men playing a game for millions of dollars for a living. Again, all caps was not me yelling, just emphasizing those statements. It’s all good, but I totally disagree with the outrage on this play. It’s just silly. You haven’t been paying attention. There were several incidents the last couple seasons.
  17. Come on, how is it any riskier than any other play? That’s total nonsense. If the defense takes the play off and isn’t ready in case of a fake then that’s undisciplined football and they got hurt by their own mistake. Period. This was not end of game, there was time on clock and game was in first half still with game on the line. Any defender not paying attention there is playing undisciplined football.
  18. That’s victory formation at end of game. All bets are off when game is still in play. Teams do blitz kneel downs.
  19. NOPE. You can’t have a Victory at halftime. It’s called “victory formation” when you’re kneeling to win. AT HALFTIME...you’re still doing everything you can to win. Sorry bud, you’re way out there on this one. All good
  20. Except you missed a key part. This was NOT in any way shape or form a victory formation. Can’t have a victory at halftime ? Game was nearing halftime, not the end of the game. I mean this isn’t a pop Warner game at a church. It was a close game and a battle...offense should take every opportunity to surprise for a big play to either score or get into scoring position to add some points before half.
  21. This isn’t all directed at your reply, but others too. My question is why is it an issue? I mean it’s literally the entire job of the offense to fool the defense on every single play. That’s why you make sure your defense is alert and takes no plays off. If the offenses sees a chance to get a big play and maybe get a score or get into scoring position in a tight game, then they should do it. The complaining on this by so many is comical to me. If McD did this and we got an extra FG or a TD, and it was the difference in the game, everyone here would be crowning him COY. This reminds me of when people complained in 2007 that the Pats were scoring too much. You don’t like it, play better. These are grown men being paid a gazillion dollars to play a game and for the purpose of winning games. Fans get so sensitive as if it’s 8 year old kids playing out there. Bottom line: Don’t take plays off and you got nothing to worry about. Treat every play seriously. I mean this wasn’t a victory formation, the game was very much in question as it was only half time. You better be ready for fake spikes, fake kneels, fake punts, etc. Really shocked at the complaining on this play. Kudos to Harbaugh for trying to catch us sleeping and maybe steal a late score.
  22. Why are people upset? It’s silly to be upset that an opposing team tried a trick play. Your job as a defense is to take each play seriously for just this reason. It’s the offenses job to fool the defense literally on their intentions every single play Of every single game. Pretty silly for people to be upset about it. A kneel down is a play like any other and by no means does it require to actually kneel down. If you can catch the opponent sleeping and surprise them and maybe score then good for you, do it. If we did this play successfully, everyone would be raving about instead of complaining
  23. Why are people upset? It’s silly to be upset that an opposing team tried a trick play. Your job as a defense is to take each play seriously for just this reason. It’s the offenses job to fool the defense literally on their intentions every single play Of every single game. Pretty silly for people to be upset about it. A kneel down is a play like any other and by no means does it require to actually kneel down. If you can catch the opponent sleeping and surprise them and maybe score then good for you, do it. If we did this play successfully, everyone would be raving about instead of complaining.
  24. I respectfully disagree. Both should be conference record as it’s a conference playoff. Common opponents have too many variables and are not all relevant to within conference as it includes out of conference opponents.
  25. Duke has actually already topped Fosters season and has double the catches in just 3 games played and has a game winning TD to go with it.
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