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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Loved this, thanks for sharing! Reading this just makes sit back and wonder how anyone can not be both optimistic and excited for both this teams future and specifically Josh Allen as well.
  2. I am a big fan of continuity. So I would not hate it if Daboll was still a Bill next year strictly due to that ONLY reason. But in terms of continuity...Daboll sucks at this in season in his offensive schemes and play calling. Like I have said before, he is two different people...one that looks brilliant at times...and another thats a total moron who looks like he has no idea what he is doing. So, for me, even though we lose continuity in terms of the coach, I feel a better OC can bring more week to week continuity in our use of personnel, game plan, adjustments, etc. At the end of the day, I think Daboll's biggest flaw is he seems to try way too hard to be seen as some sort of mad scientist or genius. I don't know if its ego, because he wants attention for a job, wanting to show himself to be a mastermind like many of the big coaches he worked with were, a combo of all of those things, etc. But at times he looks like he is more focused on looking brilliant than he is calling the right plays. And when it works, he does look brilliant...but he does it so much and it doesn't work enough that I feel that its actually cost us some games, including the playoff game. Third and short and he runs a 5'8" WR 25 yards down field? Less than 30 seconds at end of half of a playoff game with 1 timeout inside Redzone on 2nd and 10 and you run a draw with a 36 year old RB? I could go on and on, as I am sure we all can. But for me, I want someone who CONSISTENTLY puts our players in the best position to succeed and best utilizes the skills sets and talents of the personnel CONSISTENTLY. Please hire Daboll Cleveland. I am sorry Josh Allen, I am a big believer in you and I know you say Daboll is your favorite OC of all time...but we need a guy in here who will you take this offense to the next level by making sound decisions week to week and throughout the game.
  3. Haha touche! Ok I will actually give you that one. But this was a clear Duke thread you chose to opt into
  4. Thats easy. Stop opening the threads and it magically stops for you
  5. Wouldn't say that yet. I think he will be pretty good once moved to guard. Point was, everyone said last year "No way Cody Ford lasts to the 2nd round". A lot of people said that too about Dalton Risner, DK Metcalf (I was one of those people), etc etc. Its impossible to say who will or wont slide to where at this time of year.
  6. Lol...I see the BPA vs Needs senseless argument still persists again...new decade, same story ha BPA is not LITERALLY only the best player available REGARDLESS of need. Every GM in the history of all sports on this entire planet has team needs and areas of improvement built into BPA.
  7. Thats what everyone told me last year when I mocked us taking Cody Ford in the second. Just saying
  8. Yeah someone posted his stats in his first 5 games this year to DK Metcalfs stats through 5 games, and they were pretty similar. Makes you wonder what he could have done had been a starter a full year. What I do know, is that Duke out produced the combined stats on the year of Zay, Foster, Roberts, and Mckenzie and did that in just 5 games. Seems silly to think he wasn't out there more given no one else was performing to the point to warrant the reps.
  9. I agree, that play was the most disturbing because it was 100% in our control and not something out of our control like the multiple gaffes by the refs in OT that also cost us dearly. There was so much room for Allen to seal that game and Morse and Knox ignore the lone tackler. Personally, that is way more on Knox because Morse has one more would be tackler to block downfield and Knox is right there with nobody to block but the one guy and runs right past him to open space like he was the ball carrier.
  10. So neither of John Browns failed catches he should have made from poor sideline technique didnt cost us the game too? One of them would have had us on the 3 yard line with a first down and a probable TD. I find it interesting, you are blaming the loss on Duke yet he didn't really make any big mistakes other than fail to come down with a catch that was of a high degree of difficulty while also being interfered with prior to ball getting to his hands and then having his left arm hooked by the DB during the catch attempt. Yet, there are many plays where other people made critical mistakes that basically directly lost us the game that were either much easier plays or just really stupid mistakes. Again, you are searching for reasons to prove your opinion rather than focusing on what REALLY lost us this game.
  11. He was a projected first round pick entering his senior year (with some buzz as the potentially the top WR in the draft)...but his final season was a disaster as we all know. Just meant, this wasn't some scrub college WR who had no NFL potential that went to CFL and found success. He was a legit prospect with high potential before his senior year turned into a disaster. Point was really just that the kid always had potential. But I agree with you on I think that potential is probably as a #2 or #3 WR right now. Sad part was we needed a #2 WR all year and neither Foster or McKenzie did anything and Duke crushed their stats combined despite just playing 5 games on the year. Wished they would have used him all season so they would at least know better what he could be week to week. My guess is he will be given every chance to make this roster next year, however, there will most likely be stiff competition from a highly drafted rookie and possible another mid-tier guy from FA (I dont expect Beane to make any high profile WR signings in FA based on his end of year PC). I have a hard time seeing both Foster and McKenzie being on this team next year.
  12. Why don't people post the videos of John Browns poor sideline technique that cost us 2 critical catches that could have been all the difference in the game? Or any of the easy catch drops Brown, Cole, Knox, and everyone else made this year for that matter? We led the NFL in dropped passes. This is a case where people have made their mind up about a particular player. So they obsess over a mistake while ignoring the positives to somehow prove their already decided opinion. Its what people do to Josh Allen all the time too. And in this case, it was a difficult pass where the DB also had hooked Dukes left arm during the catch attempt that he couldn't quite hang on to. It happens. I watched DeAndre Hopkins and Julio Jones drop an easy TD pass right in the numbers while all by themselves. It happens, yet Duke detractors are obsessing over this one difficult catch attempt as if it somehow proves he doesn't belong in the NFL. The reality is, Duke made some important catches and impressive ones too on Saturday, and a great one in a key moment that was also negated by a penalty that was total BS by the refs. No one is saying he is the next great WR in the NFL, but the detractors are just over the top here. I mean he did substantially more this year than Mckenzie and Foster combined despite only appearing in 5 games.
  13. No...I said scrub or a guy with "upside". Where did I say "elite"...confused how you took that statement to read that I said he is an "elite" player. I have supportive of Duke for a while, but never once have I claimed he is an elite player or even a bonafide starter. Its about potential and upside with him.
  14. ?This. Besides, he is not the answer to our problems. He is a gadget player with value, don't get me wrong. But that is not what we need...we need a menacing receiving target opposite Brown that has size and speed. If we somehow ended up with Hill this offseason, fine...no issues with it. But that is definitely not the "key" piece missing from this offense. We already have gadget type players and a freak QB...we need a stud WR target who is big, has good hands, and is fast. And the solution is to draft one as there are some potential stud type WR's in this draft after we made the mistake of not taking a freak like Metcalf last year.
  15. So should John Brown be cut too? He's dropped much easier passes than that this year. Same with Cole. Same with Knox. Same with everyone.
  16. Then you should start a thread to bring Whaley back and fire Beane. It’s apparently all the same in your world.
  17. First, not true, fan mythology that McD walked in with absolute power. Second, that doesn’t even matter because Beane is in charge of the roster today, not McD. Both have literally said this. They work together, BUT Beane makes all final decisions regardless of McD. Again, both have literally said this multiple times. Basically you are telling me it doesn’t matter who is GM, so we can fire Beane and replace him with Whaley and it will all be the same. Seriously this line of thinking is astounding even for TSW that a few of you can’t separate McD/Whaley and McD/Beane as if there is no difference. Yet everyone slams Whaley and praises Beane at the same time lmao.
  18. McD was quite complimentary to Duke actually. I would expand and say they didn’t make it clear that they are cleaning house at WR or going to make a huge move. The press specifically pressed them on questions about WR. And they downplayed the urgency that was expressed in the question by saying its one of many positions they will look at. Clearly WR will be a priority, but I do not think they are going to look at a big free agent signing at WR based on his comments about the position and also the comments on the approach to free agency this year. So I think it’s going to come down to addressing WR in the first or second round depending how the board falls if I was to predict now. They may add some lower tier competition is FA, but i didn’t come away thinking they would go after the likely top 3 FA WRs in Cooper, Green, or Anderson this year like some are hoping.
  19. Yup, same reason Frazier isn’t getting much interest either
  20. This is not at all the same regime of McD and Whaley. Y’all are crazy if you think otherwise. And no, Beane fixed the cap. The entire roster was over hauled and only Shaq really remains from the era prior. Weird, I thought Brandon Beane was our GM. geezus. It’s utterly comical some of you are trying to argue that McD and Whaley are the same regime, decision making process etc as Beane and McD. Its so stupid that we might as well fire Beane and hire Whaley back. It’s all the same to you people.
  21. Ok well that makes more sense then. I misunderstood from other Duke threads, I thought that 730 yards came out of his last season when someone had posted his college stats up. Thanks for the clarity on that Still, he was out of shape at the combine after getting kicked off the team, that part is still accurate. He did enter the season as the talked about top WR in the draft though.
  22. But come on, McD/Whaley is no where near the same regime and decision making process as McD/Beane. Not to mention, our cap situation is quite different too (also thanks to Beane). There is no comparison to McD's first 60 days on the job with Whaley compared to today with Beane. Beane is without a doubt in full control of his GM duties. He works with McD and gets input, but its been made crystal clear that Beane is the final decision maker with personnel. Both McD and Beane have publicly stated this. So again, its not the same regime at all that let Gilmore walk nor are we anywhere near the same cap situation either, something Beane also cleared out to both build our team and retain talent.
  23. Beane is the GM. Beane was not the GM then. Our cap situation also is not the same either. So I still say this regime today has nothing to do with that first offseason where Whaley was the GM.
  24. Every players situation is different...Duke not only got kicked off the team, but he self admits he was immature and also considered quitting football all together after getting kicked off the team. He had to find his love for the game again and by the time he did there wasn't much time before the combine and was out of shape. Players kicked off teams who have maturity issues and show up to the combine out of shape don't normally get drafted. And it wasn't at one point, it was based on how he was playing during the actual season. Barkley fell out of the first round BECAUSE of his play during the season. Duke was being projected for first round, and top WR in draft BECAUSE of his play during that season until his poor choices during the season derailed his future for a while. There is a big difference there. It isn't like he was "projected" to be a first rounder BEFORE the season started then fell off because he didn't live up to expectations. Barkely was projected to be a first rounder going into that last season then played his way out of his draft slot.
  25. You are missing the point...DURING the season he was a certain first round pick, and potentially even the first WR taken. Getting kicked off his team and then getting out of shape before the combine all in the same season is why he wasn't drafted. He went on to the CFL and got himself right first...his actual game speed is faster than his timed combine because he was out of shape at the combine from the depression of being kicked off the team. He has admitted this already. His combine is not an accurate representation of his abilities when he is in shape. That would be like me going out and running a 40 after a holiday season of getting fatter compared to running one this summer when I was outside and active all the time.
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