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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. This is true for all QB's even the greats...there are many times they should have thrown a pick or lost a fumble but didn't for whatever reason. So lets not pretend this is unique to Josh as if its a monster problem. Most importantly, after the NE game...Josh put up 21 TD's (second most in NFL behind only Lamar) and just 3 Turnovers over that span. He certainly got a LOT better protecting the ball after learning some hard lessons early in the season. And like someone pointed out, not too shabby for a 2nd year QB...who also saw the Bills drop the most passes in the NFL and was saddled with a top 3 WR group made up of receivers 5'11", 5'8" and 5'8" tall (and only 2 of them are really worthy of being top 3 guys on any team).
  2. Allens "accuracy" this year was substantially dragged down by the deep misses over 30. It was so poor there, that it really affected his overall accuracy numbers. But he was a lot more accurate this year than last in other parts of the field IMO.
  3. This is the main reason I feel like some sort of equipment failure has to be involved given that sounds like the it was falling out of the sky more than being "flown" that way. But I am not aviation expert by any means, just how it reads to me.
  4. Here is what I think is a LEGIT possibility... I could see us easily going DE in the first given the extreme depth at WR and then looking to scoop up someone like Pittman in the 2nd. If we do that, would not shock me in the least to draft a 2nd WR somewhere in the 4th/5th rounds given their is strong possibility at our picks in those rounds WR may just be BPA on the board. I am all for taking a WR in the first still of course, but if the right DE is there and we didn't make a big signing in FA, then I think that is a more plausible direction and I am fine with that given the talent at WR that will still be on the board in the 2nd.
  5. Well you gave only 2 extremes as vote choices. No offense, but this is a pretty poor attempt at a poll lol
  6. Thanks for the heads up, watching this now. And yeah I’m still in disbelief
  7. Quinn was at the Staples center where fans just originally gathered and did their own. I went to El Segundo to the Lakers HQ and practice facility where the Lakers organization set up a vigil for the public. I know it was still open an hour ago as I had a friend who was there then. There was a massive canvas wall with his pic on it and Lakers employees had sharpies for everyone to write a message on the wall. https://apple.news/AxgMSUXyWQR6lJd5GW2I_WA
  8. Wow, didn’t think they would force him out. Bears should be all over this...and wouldn’t be surprised to see Bucs, Colts, Broncos and Jags show interest either.
  9. This story hit me hard. First, I lost my dog named Kobe after 10 1/2 years of having him. Saved him 1 hour before they were going to put him down too just because he had been at the kennel 3 weeks. Never thought we would be saying goodbye to the guy I named him after just 2 months later. But that’s not really what got me...it was hearing about his daughter being in there and the other young girls and parents on board. I was 18 years old and my brother was a day away from turning 7 when my father was murdered and he was about the same age as Kobe. It’s hard losing a parent so young, especially when they are so close to you. Heart breaks for his wife and other daughters who will all have different levels of grief as well as the families of the other souls lost. My brother was 7, so it hit him differently as he mostly grew up just not remembering him as well given he was pretty young. I had to learn how to be a man fast and deal with one of my biggest hero’s, motivators and inspirations being gone at the same time. Coincidentally, that was November 1994, and he was a massive 49er fan. That’s is why to this day that was the only year I ever rooted for the 49ers to win the Super Bowl, and that was the last time they won it...a few months later behind Steve Young. Now 25 years later the Niners are back in the SB and I will be once again rooting for them for the first time since in honor of him. And in my $100 per square SB Pool I ran, I bought 2 squares. One says “Kobe” which was originally in honor of my dog but now has much deeper meaning...and the other was the 94th square and has my dads name on it. Last night went to Lakers HQ for the Kobe vigil and was honored to pay tribute and leave a message on the canvas tribute wall they put up with his pic to be signed. Got to thank him for all the memories and most importantly the inspiration myself and so many others have taken away from his work ethics and most importantly dedication to his kids and family.
  10. Too bad you don’t know the truth. Man, hate to be you when the Karma bill comes due...
  11. I mean no personal offense man, but you’re wrong about this. Very wrong. You seem to be the one projecting your personal feelings about not giving a crap about the NBA. Meanwhile, fans of every sport in the world are devastated and mourning his loss. People of all walks of life are carrying a heavy heart over this today. He was a huge icon and inspiration across the globe. It’s your message board, so obviously do what you want. But like I said, you’re honestly doing what you are accusing him of right now and projecting what appears to be your disdain for the NBA onto everyone else even though this sad story isn’t really about the NBA. This is as big if not bigger than when people like Michael Jackson, Payne Stewart, Dale Earnhardt, Prince, Tupac, Biggie, etc does. It transcends across the whole landscape, not just to NBA fans...which by the way is one of the biggest global sports in the world, bigger than football. Especially with his daughter and the 7 other people on board. PS: We have had endless AB threads on the main board dedicated to that POS...so I find it weird that this one isn’t capable of being there to show appreciation and respect to one of the greatest competitors the sports world has ever known, his daughter and the other 7 souls lost.
  12. Someone ban this POS for this thread. This thread makes me never want to come back to this board again. Seriously. Cant even put my disdain for the OP into words.
  13. More irony...why do we call it a Touchdown and Rugby calls it a Try? In Rugby the score isn’t crossing the line, it’s force-ably touching the ball down in what would be the end zone in football. If anyone should call it a touchdown it’s Rugby. And why do we call it “Soccer”? There’s no one out there punching girls. Great mysteries of our time
  14. I don’t know that the Bills were ever actually in on him. There was nothing but twitter rumors, and never anything from the Bills that suggested there was any truth to them being really trying to get him. I’m sure Beane inquired, but I never saw anything that suggested we actually tried to get him. I think he stays in Seattle personally. Beane already said he won’t be spending big in new FA and is focused on keeping on our own guys. I am not expecting any big splashy FA signing.
  15. And why is that? 29 TD's where he had no continuity at WR and most the year his top 3 guys were 5'11, 5'8, 5'8...and his TE was a raw rookie and his RB was a 5'8" rookie and a 36 year old guy at end of his career. Bills led the NFL in drops. Our OL was all new guys but one, and had a rotation at one of the starting spots (RT). I would say the odds are quite a bit better than you think.
  16. And if Allen blossoms next year into an All Pro QB with more offensive help and a lot of experience under his belt (put up 2nd most TDs in Bills History this year)...we walked with 3 studs then in Tre, Edmunds, and then Allen...I would take two All Pro anchors of the defense and a All Pro QB over one elite player any day of the week. Our future is bright...people need to move on. Some of you have closed the book on Allen, which is utterly stupid. Lets not forget...Allen in his 2nd year in the league, with a midget group of WR's and 9 total new players on the offense around him...still did this: 2nd most TD's in Bills history. Was 2nd ONLY to Lamar in TD's in the NFL from week 5 on and put up 21 to just 3 turnovers too. The kid can ball...the players and coaches LOVE him and all are supremely confident in him. He had some growing pains at times, he tries to do too much at times, and he was also saddled with a sub par offensive cast that will be much improved next year after another offseason of adding a couple more pieces to it. We will not only be perennial playoff team next 5 years, but a SB contender too. This team fights hard top to bottom. Our GM and Coach love this team and us fans. We have one of the best GM's in the NFL right now who is armed with $90m in cap space plus extra picks going into this offseason to keep our team in tact and add more key pieces around this already dangerous squad. So...sorry...you are choosing to let something sting that shouldn't. We have done quite well under Beane and our future is bright. Why dont you cry about not drafting Tom Brady many different times over those 6 rounds...or Wilson...or any player in NFL history that went on to have a great career that was drafted after we picked someone else because it happens every single draft to every single team in NFL history.
  17. Lets get some facts straight that are getting skewed here: Robert Woods CHOSE to leave. McD did NOT cut him or jettison him, nor was he going to have final say on that anyway being in the building just a month. He wanted to go back home and play...period. Had nothing to do with the QB in Buffalo either, Rams had a 2nd year QB who was coming off a rookie season where he did not look good. They were not a a good team nor did they have a good QB yet. That offseason helped transform them into a good team, but at the time Woods joined them, they had not established themselves as a good team yet...just young and rebuilding. Watkins is talented. Watkins is NOT delivering the value of his contract. Watkins will likely be cut this offseason because of his contract. Watkins will have a strong market for his services once he is cut and still likely get a $10m+ per year deal. Bonus Opinion: Watkins will not be signed by Buffalo as I don't expect either side to be interested. I don't see Watkins wanting to come home to the regime that traded him in the first place, nor do I expect Beane to spend any sizable money in FA unless its for a DE. Landing Prediction: I think the 5 most likely teams he lands on next year are (in no particular order): Raiders, Jets, Eagles, Cardinals, Jaguars. Some other possible teams could be: Packers, Giants, Redskins, Dolphins, Broncos, Ravens, Colts.
  18. Really? This tweet is proof of bad attitude? I guess some people only see what they wanna see.
  19. I’m confused as I think everyone agrees with you Hap. I haven’t seen any love for him or anyone high on him. Closest I’ve seen really is some people assume he will be here next year more so just because the they think the staff will give him a shot to come in healthy. Not because anyone is high on him really.
  20. Good counter post. And I do agree that overall they have done a good job with Josh. My biggest issue with Daboll is his inconsistency in game in how he is play calling. Never seen a team that can look like two totally different offenses in the same game at different points of the game so much. I just wish Daboll would focus on situational awareness and building rhythm out there. Comes across as he is trying to hard to look like a genius and its back firing too much. If Daboll just was more consistently strong at calling the offense through the game then I would have no issues with him. The frequency he gets stupid out there is concerning. I am not sure I will ever get over the Gore draw at the end of the half against Houston. Might be the dumbest call I can remember seeing on the entire season at a key moment in a game.
  21. If you watch Beanes end of season PC, he definitely did not give the impression that he will be pursuing a Tier 1 FA WR, and really wont be going after any Tier FA players and will be more focused on depth and player retention. I think someone in that Tier 2 group is more likely, if any at all. I do expect him to take a WR early in first 2 rounds, and I think Shenault is going to be the guy most commonly mocked to us given his skill set and our draft spot. The one thing I fear about him is that he is the kind of guy physically that could really raise his draft stock at the combine and may go earlier than some see him going right now over some of the other stud prospects. That being said, if he does, that means one of the other ones will be sliding down which still lands a stud prospect (assuming we go WR in the first).
  22. Easy, Brady. I don't hate Brady like others hate him...I hate that he always beats us. I am a huge football fan, so I can at least respect the greatness. The Pats organization deserves to lose with all the "rule bending" they do. And more importantly, the Pats would still be in our division where Brady would not be as there is no job for him in the AFCE. Bills and Jets have entrenched young starters they are building around and Miami is about to draft one and already has a seat holder they like who is way cheaper than Brady. Brady is obviously better than Fitz, but Fins are not competing next year and early in rebuild, so no way they hand Brady a big check for one season.
  23. Normally I would tend to agree with you on this particular point. HOWEVER, all the players have stated that Daboll runs the most difficult and complicated offense they have ever experienced. So, I am not so sure the switch would be as difficult in this situation. On one hand he stays in an offense he knows, yet its still difficult and overly complex and Josh is still a QB learning the nuances of the game. Then on the other hand, you have a new offense he has to get accustomed to yet may not be so difficult to grasp and master. Feels like a bit of a trade off potentially, so the adjustment may not be extreme and could work out even better as the season progresses next year. But that is also a wildcard statement given we don't have any idea who would replace Daboll and how difficult of an offense it would be to learn. Just basing this on how the extremes veteran players have gone to describe how complicated Daboll's system is to learn and assuming the next OC's wont be nearly as hard.
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