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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Whoa, Lids is offering free Kobe embroidering on any hat, dont even have to buy one can just bring one in, in honor of Kobes passing! Pretty cool https://www.complex.com/style/2020/01/lids-free-custom-kobe-bryant-hat-embroidery
  2. Not that it matters, neither were good enough...but, I would argue the stats and facts seem to support Tyrod having the better tenure as a Bills QB than Fitz. Under TT, he led the Bills to the 2nd highest scoring period in Bills history, 2nd only to the Bills first 3 SB years. We scored more points and he had way less turnovers. He also was at the helm of a winning season and a playoff birth, to go along with 2 Pro Bowl appearances. They were polar opposites as QB's, but TT led offenses scored more points and won more games. End of day, neither were a good answer to the Bills QB issues...but I think its pretty clear to say TT had a better tenure here than FitzCrapTrick did. Fitz I will say has had a better career so far given he's managed to keep finding ways to start as a journeyman around the league where TT thus far has been bench fodder since leaving B-lo.
  3. I have several contacts inside, both Spectrum who works closely with the Lakers because of the exclusive broadcast deal here in LA and with the Lakers PR team (I am also friends with Jeanie Buss herself). Now I have not spoken to Jeanie since this happened, although I did reach out and express my condolences. But my friends in PR at both Spectrum and Lakers said on Tuesday the target was 2 weeks and they want to do it at Staples Center but they fear its not big enough. So they are also considering the Coliseum and the Rose Bowl. Also, wasn't confirmed yet, but one of them told me there may be 2 services...the big one and then a private one for immediate friends and family only. Ironically, Jeanie Buss is about to become my neighbor. I introduced her to a neighbor who was selling their beach front condo and she bought it. So she is about to live 100 yards from me down the beach. She is SUPER sweet and just soooooooo nice. If you did not know who she was, you would think she's just a nice lady who makes a modest salary...she is so down to Earth and you would never know how much money she has and she is an owner of a massive sports franchise. Super excited for her to be moving right there. Sadly for her, she will have one psycho neighbor 2 doors down, which is Anthony Michael Hall who is a total a**hole who is basically hated by everyone. He has been arrested multiple times for going off the rails here, including pushing my friend down and breaking his arm which was on TMZ too lol.
  4. Wow, they are putting a Kobe Jersey on every seat at tonights game for those in attendance. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2874036-lakers-to-honor-kobe-bryant-with-nos-8-24-t-shirts-for-fans-vs-blazers
  5. These are always good, but yeah I saw this one earlier today and thought it was one of the better ones. I loved every one of the Brady ones hahaha.
  6. 100% I would bring him in. We have two young TEs with upside he could really help mentor. However, I thinks it’s most likely he is going to retire especially after the Kobe tragedy. He has daughters and has already pondered retiring and spending more time with them prior to this. He was one of many who spoke out about the Kobe tragedy and was posting pics of his own daughters. So I think he was probably already leaning to retirement before Kobe, but after I think it probably sealed it to start that next chapter where he’s just with his family. This Kobe tragedy has affected a lot of people deeply and put a lot of things in perspective.
  7. Yeah he was nearly as divisive as Fitz was. Although, to be fair, TT was better here than Fitz was. Not much better, but at least made playoffs and didn’t give him a contract that made us stuck with him. That was the best part of how they handled Tyrod, we paid him but did so in a way where we could get rid of him at any point if he didn’t take the necessary steps forward. Handling TTs contract was one of the few things that Whaley did right as opposed to that utterly stupid contract the old guard gave Fitz.
  8. Hooper doesn't seem like he is likely to come here given he already said he doesnt like Buffalo.
  9. I was not a guy who wanted to trade Sammy when it happened. I did feel we got fair compensation, so I wasn't bitter, but after seeing what Sammy did early here I was looking forward to seeing him healthy and back in the fold. Once he got to LA, I gave Sammy the benefit of the doubt as no one on the team had crazy stats as they spread the ball around so much. I watched him get doubled a lot too. However, since he landed in KC, I feel like several things have become a lot more clear about Sammy. From a talent perspective, he has loads of it. But the reality is, he is just soft and lacks that drive to be great and live up to his abilities. He just doesn't have that extra gear. I think if KC had cut him over his massive contract, he would have had a good market and could have gotten another deal at $10M+ per year still. HOWEVER...these latest comments would be quite the turn off and red flag to me if I was a GM. Might take a year off? Clear sign football isn't his passion or priority to sit out in your prime and "chill". Not a good look for his commitment or drive even if he doesn't actually sit a year. And his comments about how valuable he is because he shows up to practice? Come on, thats your job Sammy, that doesn't make you "special" like he said. Personally, I think he really hurt his value if he became a FA due to KC cutting him over his contract. And there is still the option of renegotiating his contract to stay in KC, but honestly, I am not so sure KC will want given how little he has produced and these recent comments. They got other good WR's and this is also a loaded WR draft. I can't see KC wanting to pay Sammy even on a reduced deal when they have cheaper WR's on the roster now and an opportunity to draft more cheap talent in a loaded WR class. PREDICTION: KC does NOT renegotiate and just cuts him. He is forced to sign a one year prove it deal for like $8M somewhere.
  10. Ryan FitzCrapTrick. Funny, I like him a lot as a person and as a player on someone else team. But I hated the era he was our QB for these reasons: He wasn't good. Lets get this clear, he was not a good QB. He was a below average QB at best. He would have one or two crazy games and then suck the rest of the year. Expanding on point 1...he was never going to deliver us a playoff birth, he just isnt good enough. He also was not bad enough to lose us enough games to find a stud prospect in the draft to replace him. Our stupid FO paid him like he was a good starter and married themselves to a journeyman level QB. This board was unbearable with the utter nonsense people would spew to try and paint him as a good QB. The only other time I saw this much delusion was with Trent Edwards, who is coincidentally #2 on my list. Like I said, love his personality, him as a person, and like it when he has a good game for other teams that aren't playing the Bills. I won a fantasy football championship this year thanks to him and his monster first half in week 16. I dropped both Josh Allen and Kirk Cousins in week 16 to add Fitz and Perryman...and they won me the Fantasy championship for consecutive years and 3rd in 4 years. So for that, I love him ha. But...his time as a Bills QB wasn't personal, I liked him a lot as a person, but hated seeing him as our starting QB because I always knew we would still suck, but not enough to get a good draft pick, and people here were going spew nonsense to spin him into something he wasn't.
  11. Yeah, it’s definitely a breed I always take more caution with, especially if my dogs are around. Not because I’m afraid of the breed, but because a lot them are rescues and it’s hard to know what they went through before the current owners got them. So you always want to err on the side of caution given the damage potential if one got unexpectedly triggered for something. Most the ones in my neighborhood were acquired as baby puppies, so all they have known is being social on the beach with people, kids, and other dogs. And they are the most loving and sweetest animals and have been for years. But if I meet one out that I don’t know, I certainly err on the side of caution, especially in LA where you never how the dog was raised to be. At the end of the day, they are mostly a wonderful breed where tragic instances like this are rare compared to the amount animals that exist. Just when there is an incident they are a strong and powerful animal. Truth be told, they aren’t even the most dangerous dog. Just like I said about great whites earlier not being the most dangerous shark even though the public generally believes they are. For example, Rottweilers are actually more of a threat (although everyone of them I have known has been super sweet too).
  12. Man, gut wrenching...Vanessa Bryant just made her IG public and spoke out for the first time.... https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/vanessa-bryant-breaks-silence-husband-kobe-bryants-death-i-wish-they-were-here-us-forever-1274754?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=THR Breaking News_now_2020-01-29 17:21:14_kkilkenny&utm_term=hollywoodreporter_breakingnews
  13. Ive been around a lot of Pit Bulls in my life living in Los Angeles. In my tiny beach neighborhood alone there must be a dozen or more. To this day, never had one even remotely show aggression. In fact, every time I have been bit by a dog, its been a small breed dog. There are tons of breeds substantially more aggressive than a Pit Bull, but the issue is that in the incident when a Pit Bull is aggressive, they are so strong they can do more damage than most breeds. Much how Great White sharks are really not the shark to fear as humans. Its other breeds of sharks that account for most bites, injuries and deaths. But Great Whites are feared the most given pop culture and their sheer size and damage capability in the incidents that do occur.
  14. Here is the deal. Players who have an issue with "Buffalo" and make it about "things to do in Buffalo" proximity to other major cities etc, are not the type of players Beane and McD are looking for in the first place. The only guys that they will have interest in are players whose drive is football and winning. Not guys who prioritize recreation and partying. I have no worries about our organizations ability to attract the types of players they are looking for. We are an ascending team with a rabid fan base and great staff top to bottom with the best training facilities in the league. We will attract the right players.
  15. Well good thing there is almost no chance Beane has any interest in inconsistent and pass dropping Amari anyway. Amari is going to be over paid no matter who he signs with. He’s a guy who puts a handful of big games up a year while the majority are duds. Seasons totals look good cuz of it, but week to week he lacks consistent impact too much and he has shaky hands too. We already led the NFL in dropped passes, I don’t Beane wants to add the highest paid pass dropper too.
  16. Yeah especially given Hughes age, I would agree with that as well
  17. Thanks for the detailed info, appreciate it. Yeah, in your scenarios and the way you describe it, I would agree with you that #2 does sound like a more likely scenario than the other 2. I do still wonder if something happened to the pilot though as well still given the point the other poster mentioned of not having any evidence of distress communicated over the radio if he had say lost control. Obviously, could have all happened so fast that he just didn’t radio for help either while he was frantically say trying to regain control. Question: In a case like this, let say number 2 did happen...or maybe something like cardiac arrest did happen. Would be there be anyway they could discover that was the case in an investigation and reach a conclusive decision on the cause of the accident?
  18. I am going to go out on a limb here a bit, at least feels like I am out on a limb. I have a sneaky suspicion that this game is going to be early similar to the Seahawk vs Broncos game in 2013 when the Broncos were the favorite with the highest scoring offense in NFL history. They went in and got punched in the throat by a Seahawk team that was fielding a nasty defense, a menacing ground game, and a QB who could make plays when needed but wasn't being asked to carry the team. They blew the Broncos out like 43-8 or something crazy. Not saying it will be that lopsided, but I think we could see a game where SF dominates the game for the most part controlling the clock and ball and really slowing down KC. My prediction: SF 31, KC 13 My dark horse MVP will be Richard Sherman with 2 INTS. He was friends with Kobe who played a big role in Richard Shermans path back to high level play after his injury. And he is one of those rare players who I think rises to occasions like this and will ball out of his mind Sunday with the extra fire in him from this tragic loss.
  19. This. I am all for bringing in Hunt in, just not in a way that costs us draft asset like a 3rd. Plenty of places to grab another RB without the baggage. That being said, I don't think Hunts baggage is all that big of a deal as I think the "incident" got grossly over exaggerated in the media to be more than it was. However, the recent issue suggests maybe some judgement and maturity issues, and because of that extra layer of risk, I wouldn't want us to surrender an asset to get him. I wont be upset if we did, the talent is there and I trust McD and Beane to do their homework before they would add someone like him. But just sitting here now, my preference is not to risk a draft asset and use that asset on someone in the draft they feel can be the guy to compliment Devin. Eno would be a great target and I kind of expect him to be a Bill once the draft is complete.
  20. Wow some interesting Jerry West info: 1 - He gets no royalties from the NBA for being the "logo" as the NBA refuses to admit its him. F-ed up man. 2 - He just told a story about how Kobe called him to tell him he was going to sign with the Clippers and committed to them. Jerry told him no way you can go play for that owner (which was Sterling still) and talked him out of it despite Kobe already verbally committing to the Clippers. Amazing
  21. Ok, so just found some info out on the postponed game from the inside. Turns out the NBA was being really difficult with the Lakers on postponing it and did not want to do it. One of main points of contention, is that tonights game was a rare exclusive for TNT, meaning Spectrum did not have this game exclusively tonight (Spectrum having the Lakers deal is a pain in the a** here in LA). So TNT was furious and looking to lose millions tonight, especially given the magnitude of the game and was fighting having it postponed. Ultimately I was told, it came down to the Lakers organization basically begging the NBA to work with them on this because the players were utterly devastated and in no state to play, let alone the organization putting on a game. NBA ultimately did the right thing, but it was no easy task and they were initially not willing to do it.
  22. Yeah, thats a fair point too. A friend of mind brought the notion of what if something happened to the pilot, like a stroke or heart attack and it just all happened so fast? What if he lost consciousness almost immediately? A close friend almost died a couple years ago when he was driving and had sudden cardiac arrest causing him to immediately lose consciousness and his car go off the road and hit a sign. He got lucky there was an off duty officer who witnessed it and got to him immediately and resuscitated him. He ended up having a 2nd bout of full cardiac arrest as he was being loaded into the ambulance and took a couple days before he woke. Looked bleak until then as they had no idea yet if he suffered brain damage or the extent of the damage if so. Turns out, the off duty officer being there ended up being the difference between life and death. So yeah, thats a good point you make, but the descent also still seems awfully like the helicopter was out of control and falling from the sky. They also seemed to hit a relatively flat part of ground at the elevation they were at as opposed to flying into an edge of a mountain. Feels like either his instruments failed him, some kind of equipment failure, or maybe something just suddenly happened to the pilot based on how the reports I heard the copter was descending. Again, I am definitely no aviation expert...just at first look it just seems like the descent indicated something more than a pilot error to me.
  23. Yeah that was hard man watching him talk and go through his emotions and other losses. CP3 IG message was hard to read too.
  24. Like I said, I am no aviation expert by any means. But my thoughts come from what I was commenting on earlier. Based on what data showed, it seems like the helicopter might have been falling (instead of flying) given its rate decent at time of crash. If that’s true, then equipment failure would be a distinct possibility I would assume.
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