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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. What if I bring vintage playboys to the treehouse and punch your rich narcissistic brother in his mouth? I could also show you my Randy Jackson autographed Samurai sword and do lots of activities together after like karate in the garage
  2. He wont be back. Part of the reason he was traded was locker room fit. I mean we gave him away for peanuts mid season, they clearly felt he was not a process guy or they would have at least held on to him until end of season to see if they could get more in trade for him.
  3. Allen was the #1 QB on their board overall. So with Rosen 4th...how do you figure Rosen was in their plans to draft in the first? He wasn't an option. He was not a Bill. He was not close to becoming a Bill. Why are we still talking about a guy whose soon to be in the XFL that literally has NO connection to Buffalo on any level other than fans misguided imagining of him being good on draft night?
  4. When I say not on the board, I am referencing for when they are picking. Of course he would be somewhere on the board. And the Bills board was leaked after the draft if memory serves me is how it became known that neither Baker or Rosen appeared to be in the Bills first round draft plans.
  5. Was Rosen "thrown in there" more than Allen though? I mean Allen got thrown in middle of the first game after NP crapped the bed. And this was after Allen spent the whole offseason in a 3 way QB competition, so he got a lot less reps in before he had to step on the field. Rosen should have been significantly more prepared than Allen to step on the field as he got more reps and more time before he stepped on the field. Not to mention Rosen was dubbed "The most pro ready" while Allen was dubbed the most "raw" QB in the upper part of the draft. Rosen had slightly better weapons overall to work with in AZ with the same OL issues and a veteran like Bradford around him during camp and season. Allen had Nathan Peterman around him and AJM who had done nothing himself. Allen had worse receivers and a similar bad OL while also playing in the more complicated offense. Sorry, I mean no disrespect, but this all feels like excuses for Rosen. The reality is Allen earned the trust and belief of his teammates and staff despite all the mistakes and ups and downs...Rosen failed to do that on 2 teams in 2 years. Its not that Allen was given a better plan, its that Allen earned the confidence of his organization to stick with him and the plan where AZ didn't feel he was worth keeping despite trading up for him and using the 10th pick in the draft on him. Then, Miami sends a valuable 2nd round pick to obtain him and in a season where they have nothing to play for other than to evaluate the roster, and they also quickly gave up on him and turned to a journeyman in the last years of his career. I think its time for people to stop making excuses for Rosen and just realize that 2 QB needy teams with significant draft equity invested into him felt he isn't worth the effort.
  6. Yeah Baker if my memory serves me correctly was not on their board either. Rudolph had not stepped on an NFL field on draft night. He is talking about who was higher on Bills draft board that night, not the merits of how they have fared in the NFL so far. Not to draft with our first round pick
  7. I dont know...was it really different? I mean cardinals went and invested a lot in getting Rosen, its not like they didnt go all in on him that first year. Their roster wasn't much different than our roster that year offensively. OL issues were similar, and Rosen had a better cast of weapons to use...wasnt great, but it was better than Bills offensive weapons that year. Cardinals didn't see enough in Rosen to stay the course. Then in Miami, they quickly dismissed him too. Something isnt right here...two teams with significant draft capital investments into him quickly gave up on him. Time to face the truth, he just isn't the guy some thought he would be. Personally, I think it mostly stems from his lack of ability to be a leader, to command the team.
  8. HARD PASS. Cooper drops a lot passes...Bills already led league in dropped passes. Cooper puts up a few monster games a year to make his year totals look good, but the bulk of his games are meh. This year, only broke 100 yards just 4 times. Had 7 games under 50 yards. And this was one of his better years. He is a good player, but he is just to inconsistent for the contract he is looking for.
  9. That’s what I mean, Rosen was never in play for the Bills. They were not taking him over any of the other guys who would be there. And they were never passing in taking a QB in the first. So Rosen was never close to being a Bill. Why are we still talking about him? He’s not even a relevant player.
  10. Its gonna cost more than our second in a trade package to get Lamb. He’s gonna go quite a bit higher than our 22nd pick most likely. Best Hope is that Juedy slides due to a run on QBs. Colts kick will be pivotal and then Broncos at 15. Colts could very well take a QB if they don’t land one in FA. Although I think Rivers May wind up in Indy personally. If Juedy gets to 15, I hope Bills are on phone with Denver.
  11. Real question is: Why are we still talking about next years XFL QB in Rosen? He was never close to being a Bill even. Beane didn’t even have him on his board.
  12. I would have been pissed. I told everyone Rosen was the worst of the top 6 QBs in that draft. He has all of Cutler and Jeff George’s flaws without their arm talent. My board on draft night was Baker, Allen, Darnold, Lamar, Mason, Rosen. Only guy I was willing to trade up for was Allen (Baker and Darnold were never going to be available in a trade up as it was obvious they were going 1 and 3). I also said, don’t mortgage too much in a trade. Better to stay put and take Lamar than give you multiple firsts to go up into top 5. So when Beane made the trade up to 7 I loved it as it got us his guy and the guy I wanted without trading both first round picks or any future ones.
  13. I get where you are coming from but 0% they are bringing someone in to “challenge” their young QB whose been progressing with size-able steps in his first 2 years. He just put up the 2nd highest TD total in Bills history throwing to a top 3 WR group made up of guys at an average of 5’10” in height, and one of those guys is a fringe player in McKenzie. And he also did this with multiple rookies making up 9 new faces around him on offense and all the while running one of the most complicated offensive systems in football. Quite frankly the last thing a third year QB needs to be doing is looking over his shoulder or having someone challenge him while he’s trying to focus on elevating his game. It would make sense at the start of a QBs career where the job just isn’t handed to him. But going into his third year he has earned the right to be the unquestioned starter. If he regresses next year, then the following year all bets are off. But you don’t mess with an ascending QBs confidence right now by looking uncommitted to him and you don’t put another rooster in the hen house for him to be looking over his shoulder at.
  14. I wouldn’t say that. Coaches play players where they are best. If Ford can be a beast at guard but struggle at tackle...guess what, he’s gonna be a guard. Here is what you really DONT do. You don’t keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole just because you drafted him to fit in the round hole. At the end of the day, he’s going to compete at tackle, but he also isn’t guaranteed that spot and if there is better option that outplays him, then he’s gonna lose that gig 100%. Im not personally condemning his future at RT, but he certainly did not do enough in 2019 to say he’s got that spot locked up or we can’t find a better option. I think drafting or signing at RT this offseason is a real possibility. Let him try and win the job and if not, moves him to guard. OL is all about playing as one unit and it’s only as strong as it’s weakest link. And often last year, Ford was the weakest link when he was at RT. I’m not worried about him as I think he will do pretty good a guard if he can’t lock down the RT job. But I am definitely not sold on him at RT yet. PS: I think there is nearly 0% chance we draft Ruiz at 22. Just too many other players who will be on the board still at 22.
  15. Funny, I actually think he will be in this league soon. And honestly, he might do pretty good in the XFL. NFL is just too fast for him, but speed of the XFL could be just about the right spot for him to succeed. I would actually love to see it...dont EVER want to see him in an NFL game again though, its too much for him. I actually think someone like EJ Manuel could surface next year too. XFL has to find a way to get better QB's in there, so I feel like there will be an all out press once this season is over to find more former NFL QB's to go along with some guys who don't get drafted this year. I think some guys like Peterman may look to the XFL as a place to maybe get a chance to play and catch on somewhere back in the NFL with more opportunity after seeing how much buzz PJ Walker is getting for carving it up already. A guy like EJ who is still young enough to play may look for one more run as an on field QB rather than stay retired. I expect as free agency and draft shapes the QB depth charts this offseason, some guys may see the XFL as more attractive given the strong start to the league and buzz its capable of generating if you are having success.
  16. Nah, you get to pull your own links. You care so much about it, do your own due diligence.
  17. DE, TE, OT. I have several I would be quite happy with at each spot. But if we can land 2 at those positions, it would really open up what we can do in the draft.
  18. You weren't paying attention then. Shoutbox was upset, plenty of people complained in threads. People said he was too slow and too small over and over again. There were WR's and other players people wanted there and were upset we didnt take them like Hakeem Butler. If you want to prove the lack of outrage, go right ahead and go through the shout box archives and thread archives. I personally do not care enough to waste time digging it up, but I know it happened.
  19. I think 17 games is unnecessary. Its going to diminish all the records established at 16 games. I get 16 games did the same to the record books when it was shorter seasons too, but that was the early years of the league. Its been 16 games so long, whats the point of adding a 17th game other than a cash grab? How does it make the league a better product? Looking at the seriousness of CTE cases, including looking at a guy like Reed in Washington who has been in concussion protocol for over 6 months and missed a whole season from it, adding more regular season games seems like a bad move. If they want more games, expand the playoffs to include enough teams to do one more round of the playoffs. Have a week where 2 teams from each conference play each other to make the playoffs as the last seed. Why subject the whole league to an unnecessary 17th regular season game? As a fan, I am all good watching a 17th game...but removing my selfish biased to watch more football, I think a 17th game brings nothing of value to the league other than more money to an already immensely rich and successful league that doesn't need the money. It puts players at further risk...adds one more reg season game to get hurt in before the playoffs...and it skews the record books. I would pass on this and focus on getting more teams in the playoffs and one more playoff round where 4 teams play for the final 2 spots of the playoffs.
  20. Ive learned to trust Beane and McD. These guys have done quite well moving around the draft and picking the right players. If we get to pick 22 and they feel he is the absolute best player on the board, then I won't freak out. Now do I think its going to be him? No, I still think its a 2 position race between DE and WR with our first pick in round 1. I could see a trade down if their top choices are off the board, especially with how deep WR is. I could also see a small trade between say 15 and 21 if a guy they absolutely covet slips to that range. You're not wrong, lots of people on this board were trashing that pick left and right. Same with the Knox pick. It was funny watching all the outrage, especially since I thought both picks were fairly obvious based on the lead up to the draft. Several of us called the Devin pick before it was in and same with Knox, neither was really a surprise if you followed who they showed strong interest in leading up to draft. Yet a bunch of people acted like they were blind sided and both were terrible picks.
  21. Yet he’s gonna put up 1200+ yards next year somewhere. Book it.
  22. Huh? How exactly does adding more receivers destroy Josh Allen? This statement makes no sense
  23. That’s where I am at. Absolutely will go to more games, but watching on TV won’t be something I likely plan around. I play basketball every Saturday at the park (or in a HS gym we rent on the occasional rain days) from 11 until 2 or 3pm. Then showered and lunch, so won’t typically be around to catch Saturdays. If i got nothing to do on a Sunday and my girl is off doing something else, sure might throw a game on. But I’m usually doing other things on Sundays, so don’t see me planning around an XFL game unless it’s to go to the game. Now if going to the games makes me a big Wildcats fan or something that could change.
  24. Had a blast last week at the Wildcats game here in LA. Was gonna go this week, but had something else come up. I haven’t really watched it on TV yet as I had other things going on, but live at the game was a lot of fun.
  25. You realize there is more than just next year this move impacts right?
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