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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. They could sign a solid FA like Teddy, Rivers, Tannehill, etc for less and for shorter then draft a QB. This is one of the best off seasons ever to find a solid vet QB in FA. If they are gonna sign one, Dak makes the most sense given he’s a QB. But still, he’s not the kind of player I want to break the bank for personally. I’d rather let someone else over commit and find a QB in the draft while using a Vet FA to keep them competitive. I mean they spent all that money on Zeke, find a guy who can be solid and doesn’t need to be great at QB while focusing the offense around Zeke. Then draft someone like Eason or Love this year to groom. But I get it, this is what happens today. Guys get over paid all the time. But then you look at Beane whose being smart on his signings and managing the cap about as good as I’ve ever seen vs adding talent. And Dallas, well Jerry Jones, isn’t gonna wanna rebuild. So I’m sure Dak stays a Cowboy. But I don’t think he’s going to live up to the contract.
  2. I’m not paying Dal $34m a year personally. Nor am I paying Cooper that either. Dak isn’t a top 5 QB, he’s not special IMO. Cooper isn’t even a top 10 WR. He’s good for a few big games with majority being mediocre or worse. Again neither is bad, and in fact would say both are even pretty good. I’m just saying I’m not gonna pay this duo a cap choking amount of money as if they were top 3 players at their positions. I don’t see them getting Dallas over the top. It’s one thing to pay one, but both is a bit too rich for me.
  3. Bold: Bills sign Clowney despite Beane saying he won’t spending in “the deep end of the pool” this year. I don’t think it’s likely, but if Beane does spend on one big FA then I think it’s a DE.
  4. Personally, I think if I had to guess today, based on how I currently expect the board to fall and what I think happens in FA...I think we stay at 22 and draft Tee Higgins. There are only 3 players I think Beane trades up for and only if they get to at least 15 as higher than they is too rich. Those are Chaisson, Juedy, Lamb. But even then, I’m not sold Beane trades UP for a WR given depth at that position. I do think it’s possible we trade down, but unlikely. Beane covets talent above all else, and at 22 there is gonna likely be someone he loves on the board IMO. I do think it’s quite possible Beane trades up at some point in draft, maybe even more than once though. More likely somewhere in rounds 2-5 though.
  5. Any team who makes Dak a top 3 paid QB is a fool. So I hope they do it cuz F Dallas. He’s not terrible, but no way is he worth that money IMO. $43m for Dak and Amari??? Bahahahaha OMG I would love that. Not that either is “bad”, but talk about over paying for them.
  6. I don’t see this happening. They are quite happy with Dawkins and plan to keep him. And Trent doesn’t play RT. Don’t Beane spending a draft asset to get a 31 year old LT to play RT and also pay him when he can draft an actual RT or sign one in FA if they feel a need to upgrade competition for Ford.
  7. Its so bad, everyone here in LA hates it with a passion.
  8. I’m not saying don’t develop him, and neither are Beane and McD. But ultimately it wasn’t a banner year at tackle for him. And you don’t need me to tell you or anyone that, McD has made that abundantly clear but still to this day not committing to a position for him. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is what the best group of 5 guys is to protect Josh and open up the running lanes too. And it’s a legit possibly that 5 guy group includes him at guard, just like it’s a legit possibility it includes him at tackle. But at the end of the day, he had better play as a rookie at guard than tackle. Doesn’t mean he can’t get better at tackle though, just means he did not lock down the job at tackle and Beane will never hesitate to make this roster better which includes finding a better option at tackle if he sees an opportunity to do so.
  9. FWIW he was a better guard than tackle in his first NFL season IMO.
  10. I’m still high on Higgins. Honestly, there isn’t a WR they can take in rounds one or two that I would be disappointed in. Lots to like about all the guys projected in those areas. I think people made a way bigger deal out of the combine decision than they needed to. I mean he is gonna do all that at his pro day. If he didn’t feel his best at the combine, it’s a smart decision to not hurt his stock and wait until his pro day.
  11. Oh yeah, he's getting a job somewhere for sure. Honestly think he ends up in Houston. He will not get paid what he wants IMO either, but he will be a good starting RB for someone.
  12. But they still have Jackson too who is a good runner himself. So its a two back set still and both are multi-dimensional weapon.
  13. AJ Green and Perriman are the only ones who interest me. And even then, they are not my main preference. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against those signings, but just think this draft is so good at WR, let’s go get some young talent to pair with our vets and let Josh grow with them. I don’t think we should sign any FA WRs and should look to spend more at the edge, LB, and OT spots. We have 2 quality veteran starters right now in John and Cole. Go get 2 WRs in the first 3 rounds of the draft and let Duke, Roberts and McKenzie battle for the remaining spots. I would love to see us draft a stud prospect in the first and then draft another in round 3 like Claypool, Pittman, Mims, Hamler, DPJ, Reagor, Aiyuk, Edwards, etc. I know some of those guys will go in second, but odds are not all of them will and someone Good will be there in the 3rd round. Last year guys people expected to go earlier lasted a round to 2 rounds longer than expected. Even some mocked to go mid rounds were not even drafted. It’s a deep group, I would double dip and take 2 in first 3 rounds. Heck, I would have even trade back into the 3rd round if need be like last year. Take Jefferson/Higgins at 22 (assumption top 3 guys gone). Take Claypool or DPG in the third (I think good chance they could be there). Or go a different direction first and take back to back WRs in rounds 2 and 3 or even 2nd and 4th.
  14. Ditto and so did Fitzpatrick. I benched Cousins and Josh Allen in week 16 do to bad matchups (actually dropped them both) and added Fitz for the title game and he had 4 TDs before halftime. Whatever Gordon gets, it wont be from the Chargers IMO. They still have another good RB in Jackson. They dont need to spend more money on Gordon. And honestly, I think Ekeler is a better overall player IMO. Just more of a weapon.
  15. Certainly possible, but I still think a run on other positions will push at least one down. Now that could mean a team tries to leap frog both us and Philly to get one of those 3 too.
  16. I don’t see Philly taking him over Juedy, Ruggs, or Lamb. And I don’t see those 3 all being gone before Phillys pick. If they are, then yes, I think Jefferson is a near lock to Philly. But i have a hard time mocking 3 WRs in the top 20 picks this year. Could happen of course, but just not seeing it as likely especially with how deep the WR class is.
  17. I’ve started boarding the Jefferson train too. I think there is a decent chance he will be the pick at 22 if: Juedy, Lamb, and Ruggs are all off the board and so is Chaisson. I could still see them taking Epenesa or Matos too given the depth at WR and maybe target a WR in round 2 too. But are those two edge guys really that much higher grade than say Anae on Beanes board will be the real question. Especially after Epenesa didn’t have a great combine in terms of speed/agility. If not, then think they go for WR and look to snag someone like Anae in round 2 or even 3 (although I don’t expect him to last to round 3 anymore after the combine).
  18. Personally, I think it’s entirely possible we trade down if a guy they covet isn’t on the board at 22. They could trade down and get a guy like Dugger for example. But the power of trading down could also lead to them trading back up, maybe even multiple times to land even more 2nd and 3rd round players this year. I could honestly see Beane parlaying our draft assets into as many as 5 or 6 picks in the top 3 rounds. Trade down picking up 2 there and some change potentially and then another trade up or 2. Im NOT predicting this, I mean honestly there is no way to predict our draft this year with any accuracy, especially before FA. I can just as easily see us trading up if we can get to a spot at a price Beane can stomach to get a premier talent he covets. There are just so many scenarios that could play out that have us landing a guy they covet at 22, trading up, or even trading down. But a trade down I think is a legit possibility if they stand pat and they get a good offer to move back and their top targets are already gone. That being said, there is a 0% chance they trade down regardless of the offer if he a high priority target is on the board at 22. Beane will for sure take the talent over the picks.
  19. Like others have said, draft and FA will really make this determination. BUT...if you ask me my opinion today...then no, I do not think he will be our starting RT next year. I feel like he can be a better player at guard and I have a feeling the staff knows that too otherwise they would have said he is a tackle instead of saying they still haven't decided yet. So IMO, we will bring in someone for that spot and slide Ford inside where he has the potential to be very good.
  20. Why are people against workouts? Lol. Yes let him workout. If he doesn’t have it, not harm caused. If he shows something of value, he can come in and compete for a roster spot. And he will either earn one through his performance or be cut. No risk at all. What’s he gonna do, potentially take a camp bodies spot in camp? Big deal. He probably wouldn’t make the team, but it’s not gonna hurt to check under the hood and see if he’s got something to add
  21. Good post and Atlanta is the key spot I’ve been looking at as a trade up position too. I don’t think all the guys you listed as “for sure” going top 15 are really locks for that. For example, I’m not sold that both Lamb and Juedy go top 15, it’s not even a lock they are the first two WRs taken either as Ruggs has a case to be in that convo. But the main issue with you post is the guys they would likely trade up for at 16 you have off the board already. I don’t think they trade up unless they can get one of these guys: Juedy, Lamb, Simmons or Chaisson. Maybe Ruggs, but I’m skeptical they trade up for WR that’s small. No doubt they would consider Ruggs and even likely take him at 22, but not sure in a deep WR class like this they trade up for a WR under 6 feet tall given current make up of the team. Main reason is they would still need to probably draft a big target for Josh, so trading more of those draft assists to get a shorter WR would affect their ability to do that and still fill other holes. I do think that it’s quite possible one of Juedy or Lamb could fall to 16, especially if there is a run on QBs and if Ruggs if one of the first 2 WRs taken. Simmons is not going to fall that far, but Chaisson could again if there is a run on QBs and a couple WRs go in top 15.
  22. I’m starting to board the Justin Jefferson train personally based on who I expect to be available at 22. I don’t think he will last to our 2nd round pick after his combine personally. Then again I never thought Metcalf would drop out of the first round either last year, so you never know. Now that being said, I think it’s still more likely we do NOT go WR at 22. Beane has repeatedly stressed the incredible depth at WR and also said part of what they weigh when they pick is just that. Is there a guy at another position where they need help that has a big drop off later vs one that has a lot of depth. I think unless one of the top WRs he absolutely covets drops to within striking distance of our pick to where he can make a move to get ahead of Philly to grab, then he will more likely try and get one of the edge guys in the first. I won’t even be surprised if he trades up for one of those top edge guys or even someone like Simmons if they start to slide into a reachable range that won’t cost the farm.
  23. I think these guys are certainly on their radar. I don’t think pick 22 will be Dugger though but can see them taking him in the 2nd or even making a small move up from their second if he gets within reasonable striking distance. But yeah, they do love versatility. This is a great draft for Beane, lots of talented and versatile players all over it. Yeah I can’t see him getting near our pick and think he likely doesn’t make it to Atlanta even personally. I’d love to land him, but his combine I think locked him into going well before our pick. But the wildcard will be QBs and WRs. If a run on both goes early, some major talent is gonna slide then who knows, he could start sliding down.
  24. Here is an interesting read that was posted on TSW last draft cycle. It shows the bust rats, pro bowl rates, all pro rates, etc by position in first round and also specifically the top 10 selections. Interesting that the bust rate for the first round last 25 years for a WR is 30% yet the bust rate for WR's taken in the top 10 is higher at 35%. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2441018-which-positions-are-the-safest-riskiest-at-the-top-of-the-nfl-draft
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