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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Was not aware the other time was dismissed or not confirmed or what not and amended my previous post, but the point still stands. I mean even his worst time he ran the same time essentially as the two best WRs in the NFL in Hopkins and Thomas. SPEED IS NOT AN ISSUE. Move on from speed concerns.
  2. Since when is 4.45 range run slow for a WR? http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/deandre-hopkins?id=2540165 What’s your opinion of DeAndre Hopkins? Seems like he’s an Elite WR to me. RAN A 4.57 40 YARD DASH. But please keep telling us how Higgins is too slow who is significantly faster than one of the 2 best WRs in football. Maybe you’re blind and don’t think Hopkins is a good WR. So here’s another one... How do you feel about Micheal Thomas? RAN A 4.57 40 YARD DASH. http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/michael-thomas?id=2555347 Anyone saying Higgins is slow or not fast enough, whose has significantly faster 40 time than the best WRs in football Hopkins and Thomas, should probably not evaluate WRs. If you don’t like Higgins for other reasons, fine, but he’s MORE than fast enough to be an Elite WR at the next level. Doesn’t mean he will be, it means SPEED IS NOT AN ISSUE for Higgins and everyone needs to move on to discussing something OTHER THAN “is he fast enough”.
  3. I would love this signing, and I have a feeling he will sign here for the same reasons a lot of you already said. 1 - Personal strong connections to the team, so he has great insight on how close our locker room is, how much of a rising team we are, Bills mafia, culture, etc. 2 - McD is the kind of head coach guys want to play for and he’s quickly become one of the most respected coaches around the league already. 3 - We are without a doubt seen as a young team on the rise with a great cap situation so should be good or better for foreseeable future. 4 - Probably MOST important reason, we have the best medical and training facilities in the league and guys like KJ have already come in with injury history and had a healthy season and got their careers on track. So for a guy whose played 9 games in 2 years after 4 healthy ones, I think this will matter quite a bit.
  4. Well you are not really understanding what I said. I didnt say he has the as good a chance as any to be the BEST WR in the draft. I said he has as good as any to be a Pro Bowl WR. More than one WR in this draft can become a pro bowl WR. I mean Higgins can be a pro bowl WR while Lamb and Juedy both are too. Heck, Higgins can be a perennial pro bowler with both Juedy and Lamb still having better numbers and career. Making the pro bowl doesn't mean he's the best of the bunch, just means we got a pretty good WR on our team. So I stand by my statement, he has as much chance to be a Pro Bowl WR as any guy we could take in the first 2 rounds, especially before hitting the field. And while I totally agree Juedy and Lamb are the best of the bunch in terms of prospects, elite top end prospects don't reach the expectations all the time. I mean Watkins was by far the best WR in his draft class at the time of his draft, mostly unanimous. And he's been surpassed by a lot of guys in that draft. Spiller was the best overall offensive weapon in his entire draft...and he fizzled. So I dont like to over inflate success chances of even the elite prospects. And Higgins is not exactly a reach here, he is a top end prospect himself even if not graded quite as high as Juedy and Lamb. Again, I am not saying in anyway Higgins is a lock to be a stud, just saying I dont see why so many people are certain he wont be.
  5. I could see them doing it maybe for Chaisson if he got to an acceptable cost range. And yeah, no way Young gets anywhere near a spot where Beane would spend to go get.
  6. Trading up for a WR, especially Juedy or Lamb would be great (assuming price is right)...but I think Beanes is going to make a move to get a premiere edge rusher either via FA or trading for one, or trading up to get a guy he covets (if any). This draft is rich at WR, we can get a premiere prospect without making a big trade, but landing a good edge rusher is going to be a tougher task without making a big move IMO. So think this could indicate a more likely move for someone at EDGE.
  7. Out doing people physically means nothing. Combine warriors mean nothing. Im not knocking those prospects, I am just saying its meaningless information to say those guys performed better physically at the combine. I dont get the hate on Higgins at all. I dont have a crystal ball and cant tell you who will bust or hit at WR in this draft, but I can say with upmost confidence that this is a quality prospect and has as good a shot as any at being a pro bowl WR in the NFL. There is a reason he is ranked higher by most accounts than Mims, Claypool and Jefferson. And nothing against those guys, they are all intriguing and quality prospects themselves. But a 40 time is no where near as important to the success of a WR at the NFL level. Some of the best WR's in history and in the game now ran much slower 40's than Higgins. Bottom line, Higgins is more than fast enough to be an elite WR at the next level. That in no way guarantees he will be, but his speed is definitely not an issue.
  8. I rather enjoy it. To each their own, but think its interesting for the first 3 or 4 rounds where guys are on the board I really want to see us get and even more so now with a GM in place that isnt afraid to trade to go get those guys. So, I have really enjoyed the last 3 years of the draft personally.
  9. While good news for the league it can move forward, feel bad for those players who were going to be there in attendance and will lose the love experience. Work so hard for that moment they dream of on stage, but now won’t get that. But at least it will happen still and rookies won’t lose time getting their playbooks and meeting their new teams ahead of the season.
  10. I like this move...he either delivers a reason to keep him this year, or he is done and off the books right after. Kroft benefits getting guaranteed money with his injury history. Win Win here. Another great move by Beane. Honestly, odds are he will be gone by 2021 anyway, Knox is our future most likely assuming he shows improvement this year of course.
  11. Day 3 But they are not early round OL prospects, so these guys are not targets or likely options on days 1 or 2.
  12. Here’s funny guy Gobert touching all the mics 2 days ago This dude really gonna go down as the man that brought coronavirus to nba...hes the new Bartman of the NBA lol. He wont live this down anytime soon ha
  13. I actually think this is a legit possibility. Depends a lot on how this slows down or grows over next few weeks.
  14. He’s a good player, won’t be in play here with two entrenched high quality starters, but hope he leaves the division.
  15. BEST: Hyde. WORST: Hard to say, they haven't had a lot of major gaffes in FA. I think if I had to pick one...it would be Kroft. Nothing personal against Kroft, but he was hurt again last year which has been a problem for him. So he wasn't able to contribute a lot to the team, and there were some other TE's on the market at the time I felt were better targets. Kroft is one of those guys who seems like he has some upside, but injuries always interfere. And with a young QB, a nice reliable veteran TE would have helped Josh. Then again, maybe they tried to get one and they weren't interested. Like Cook got to go play with Brees...doubt the Bills with a mostly unproven rookie QB who plays in the snow were going to be more appealing to him than Brees with 8 games in a dome on a SB contending team.
  16. I think Beane would look to keep Spain before signing him given Spain has a year in our system and with the other lineman already here. But if we lose Spain to a bigger offer, he would be a good target to replace him.
  17. I voted yes, but it really is way too early to tell. Lots of factors will come into play before that decision is close to being made: How does Poyer play this year? How does someone like Jaquan Johnson play this year? Does he show enough to take over a starting spot if Poyer left via FA? Do we draft someone this year that could be a threat to take the starting spot a year from now? Maybe thats Dugger, who knows, but reports are we have shown strong interest in him. As of right now, until someone shows me someone who can competently take his spot, I think the answer is by default probably yes. But there is a lot of football between now and then, plus a draft and think this will remain a fluid situation until the season comes to a close next year.
  18. Not saying its a "win" per se, just saying I'm cool with the value we got back because it was bigger than the player itself. So I am not resentful of the move nor do I fault Beane for making a mid season move to fuel a playoff push. I will always back and support Beane being aggressive to help us make a playoff run. And mid season, premiere WR's are not exactly dangling around very often, so if you need a WR sometimes you can only get whats available. And there wasn't another WR that was available at that time that was perceived as better option. So thats why I don't hold a grudge nor fault Beane for the move. In fact, I think the impact on the organization, getting Kyle to the playoffs, the impact on the locker room, the energy to the fan base in its first season with a new GM and HC, etc was all far worth the 3rd round pick. Just my 2 cents.
  19. Not one would on Earth outside the idiot(s) who designed and chose it like it. It’s hideous.
  20. As others pointed out, not a free agent signing. But also, we broke the 17 year drought because of that trade. We don’t win a couple games without him that year, especially snow game. So we got value out of it, snapping a 17 year drought with a new regime in what was expected to be a rebuilding year went a long way towards changing the culture here. So I’m fine with the value we got back with that third.
  21. The big difference is the team and cap management. Buffalo is not throwing out huge or bad contracts and screwing their cap up along the way to the day Josh is due for a new deal. Buffalo will be in position to pay Josh and also put a good team around him and keep improving the roster after as well. Dallas has put themselves in a bad spot now and is going to be handcuffed to a tighter cap situation moving forward (especially if they keep Cooper too) because they have dealt out a butt load of money, including to a RB, along the way. Now they get to over pay a QB (which is to be expected) who hasn’t been able to carry that team. In fact, they were a better team when Zeke was the key cog over the passing game. And with the cap space limited, they may struggle to build the roster around him better to put him in better chance of sustained playoff success. So the two situations aren’t the same. Dak isn’t close to a top 3 QB, but as the NFL goes, will get paid like one. And if you’re gonna do that, you better manage your roster, draft picks, and cap well...if not, you are going to be stuck in mediocrity and not able to put the necessary pieces around him to get to the next level.
  22. Im not penciling them in for 8 wins. But McCarthy didn't exactly light the NFL on fire the last few years with an elite QB with Rodgers, so I am not sold hes suddenly going to make Dallas a SB contender on his own. Point is, with Dak and Cooper having their best years, they still won 8 games. And I am more talking about paying them BOTH big money versus say just keeping Dak. And come on, stop with the "predict which QB will be better" from the draft this year or next year non sense. Thats a silly statement/question to make. I agree with you about Rivers, I am not even advocating they sign Rivers. Just named him among several I named they could sign as Veterans who are capable of getting that roster to 8 wins or better. Im not even saying any of those FA QB's available are "better" than Dak. I am saying another route would be not to over pay both Dak and Cooper, sign a FA QB for less to hold the spot down and look to draft a QB for the future in the next 2 drafts. Start rebuilding the team and the cap structure. And keep in mind, I am more against them paying BOTH Dak and Amari. I get QB's basically always get over paid, so like I said before and saying again, if they keep one I would expect it to be Dak. But reports is they are keeping both.
  23. Lol, they are not sniffing the SB next year...they got the best seasons ever out of Dak and Cooper and won EIGHT games in a BAD division. And its utterly foolish to dismiss any QB prospect before they have even been drafted. And they don't have to draft a QB this year if they say signed Rivers. Rivers is a HOF QB. Dak wont sniff the HOF. I dont think they lose much with Rivers over Dak anyway. But again, it does NOT matter. They are an 8 win team playing in a weak division. They are not going to win the SB with this roster, and if they over commit to Dak and Cooper, then this is the roster they are gonna have a for awhile with all the other money they have shelled out already to other players. Again, I expect Dak to stay in Dallas. But no way would I invest this much money in an 8 win team if I was the GM. I would strip it down and rebuild with the new staff. Like I said, but you seem to have completely missed and overlooked: SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO TAKE A STEP BACK BEFORE YOU CAN TAKE A STEP FORWARD. Yet you keep coming at me about being BETTER next year when I am NOT advocating for being "better", I am advocating to tear it down with a new regime coming as this roster and this direction has done NOTHING for Dallas and its not going to change by handing a butt load of money to an over rated QB and over rated WR. Who said he was the best GM in sports? I am simply saying hes doing a fantastic job at managing the cap while stock piling talent through the draft. Dallas has done a terrible job with how they spent money and managed their cap and are now poised to have cap troubles for years after they over pay an over rated QB and over pay an over rated WR. Again, I FULLY EXPECT DAK to remain in Dallas. Which is also why I fully expect Dallas to be a mediocre team battling for 8 or 9 wins for the net 5+ years.
  24. Big money? Those guys would be quite a bit cheaper and on shorter contracts. Sometimes you need to take a step back to improve. Does anyone really think Dallas is gonna win a SB next year with this team that didn’t even make the playoffs in a weak division? So the solution is to throw big money at the same squad who won 8 games in one of the weakest divisions in football last year? Once they pay Dak and Amari their cap is screwed with all the other big contracts they got. And how exactly is over paying Dak and Cooper “making them better” when under Daks BEST season as a pro statistically they won 8 games and missed the playoffs. Not to mention one of Coopers best seasons too. Again...See: Beane, Brandon for what to do next.
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