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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Not sure how you can blame our FO. We have no idea if we tried for one. And second, why would they send Hopkins to the very team they just faced in the playoffs and barely beat? I mean we are a direct threat to them and really widely seen as missing a top end WR opposite Brown to take an even bigger step. Just because a guy is available doesnt mean they are willing to send to any team.
  2. Agreed. I am sure many are gonna look at Beane as to why he didnt get this done...but I dont think anyone can blame him. Sounds like Houston moved fast and probably didnt want to send him to a team they just faced in the playoffs and barely beat in us. I mean it was just today that news broke he "could" be available and poof he was gone. I don't think Houston spent much time seeing what other packages were out there and probably over valued David Johnson at this stage of his career. I mean they keep recycling RB's there like Miller, Hyde, etc. So between that and getting him out of conference was enticing to that fool BOB
  3. No matter what happens, I appreciate all that Jordan gave here. Nothing but a class act and I will root for his success anywhere he goes if its not here (except when we play him of course).
  4. Oh yeah, does not mean Beane didnt try or anything...not sure what we send in place of DJ to Houston to compete if they wanted him.
  5. Damn I would have done that deal in a heart beat
  6. What did Kiko Alonso do for the Eagles super bowl run? Probably eat some wings from home with his fellow Dolphin teammates.
  7. I might be in the minority here, but I think his deal is relatively fair. I don’t see him as fair to be labeled injury prone when his last injury isn’t the kind of reoccurring and just bad luck most likely. He was healthy first 4 years. Stafford was labeled fragile because he had a couple bad luck injuries to start his career. Then went a long time before getting hurt again. Sometimes in a violent game you get a couple injuries close to each other. I’m not so quick to label a guy injury prove over that, especially if it’s not consistent ticky tack stuff. But I also won’t lose sleep over this, but just do think his contract was reasonable based on his level of play before the last 2 years got shortened.
  8. He’s been maximizing his money every step of the way. Very smart moves throughout his FA going back to Washington.
  9. No matter what anyone thinks of him as a QB, dude certainly managed to max out his money earning potential every step of the way. Mad respect for his ability to line his pockets, smart moves his whole career in this regard indeed.
  10. Agreed. Freeman is a better “name” than player lately. Like I said in the Howard thread...Jordan might be the most disrespected player in the NFL. He is a lot better than he gets credit for. He may not be flashy, but he moves the chains. And chain moving is what wins games. So give me a reliable guy who can compliment Devin and help us keep the chains moving. Help us avoid 3rd and 8 or longer so often.
  11. I wouldn’t hate it, but I prefer Howard. More reliable and better compliment as a chain mover to Singletary.
  12. I wouldn’t be surprised. Howard might be one of the most disrespected players in the league. He’s much better than he gets credit for. I think he and Singletary would be a potent duo. IMO, people are too enamored with break away speed rather than moving the chains. Howard moves chains. And Devin may not have elite speed, but he is plenty fast enough and more importantly game fast and averaged 5.1 ypc for a reason.
  13. I don’t think they would, that was just a witty response and fun
  14. Ah gotcha, that I would agree with too. I don’t think there is any need to send two firsts either, nor would I with this draft being so rich at WR. Our staff has drafted very strong, so I would not want to give up an additional first even for Hopkins. But I would certainly send #22 this year for him.
  15. @ALLEN1QB I said send our #22 pick for Hopkins. You gave skeptical response. Are you saying you’re skeptical that wouldn’t be enough or skeptical he’s worth that? Cant imagine anyone not willing to send our first for him and his reasonable contract for his talent level.
  16. I’d send #22 in a heartbeat for him. ????????????
  17. If they could have gotten a 3rd pick, they would have. Not like they turned it down for a 5th lol
  18. He’s 34, they all hit cliffs. Manning was great in 2014 with 39 TDs and 15 Ints. In 2105 he had just 9 TDs and 17 ints. And he played a way less physical position. 34 is pretty old for a DE. And once again he’s coming off his third worst statistical season of his long career. Is he going to magically find the fountain of youth at 34 in a new system and double his sack totals? I mean come on, it’s not realistic and it’s more like the will have a similar or worse season.
  19. Just like Ziggy was gonna be so key last year too right? Peyton Manning was elite every year until that one year he wasn’t. All players hit a cliff. 34 years old for a DE is old. Their are no assurances he will be nearly as good as you and others are making him out to be next year. And sorry, some of you are exaggerating him right now in terms of last year. I get it, people know his name. But doesn’t mean he’s as elite as some are making him out to be. He has just TWO double digit sack seasons in his whole career. His sack totals went down each year in Jax too, including just 6.5 last year after he had his best statistical season as a pro his first year there. He is no where close to the best DE option in this years market nor is his 6.5 sacks hard to find. And now he will be even a year older and on a new team so good chance he doesn’t even match last years numbers. So IMO, some of you are over reacting to a player who at this stage of his career is being over exaggerated.
  20. BREAKING NEWS: Free Agency and the Draft have NOT happened yet. Not to mention, trades can happen anytime still too. Geezus, why are so many people dwelling on this as if we missed our ONLY chance to get a DE end this year as if there was no Comparable or better option than 34 year old DE on a 2 year contract? R.E.L.A.X. Beane and McD have on many occasions stressed how Edge is one of the most important and highest paid positions after the quarterback position. So I think it’s pretty clear they will prioritize the position and will be focused on finding some good help there this offseason given Shaq seems likely to leave and Hughes is getting up there in age himself.
  21. Tom wasn’t 97 years old for the last decade. McD and Beane wasn’t our coach and GM for the last decade. This current roster wasn’t our roster for the last decade. This obsession to look backwards into things irrelevant today to make decelerations about tomorrow is a waste of time. We should have beat them both times this year. Going into this next season we are a serious contender to win the division with or without Tom Brady. The lowly Dolphins beat them in a must win game for NE this past season, and yet you think we are guaranteed 2 losses??? Sorry your post you’re defending was ridiculous.
  22. But we don’t need a one year rental. We aren’t 1 34 year old DE from a SB. And everyone freaking out about this hasn’t considered we haven’t begun FA or draft yet. How do you know we won’t find a better and longer term player? I mean, I’m not losing sleep we didn’t pickup a 34 DE for one year.
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