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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Good, with Oliver, Harry and Star I didnt want to spend this much money on another DT. Dont get me wrong, would have liked him as a player, but the money to tie up in him didnt make sense to me.
  2. Your math is wrong. 53 players, 46 active is the number. Not the total Camp Bodies numbers. You can fill camp bodies with UDFA too. Beane even said we dont have enough roster spots for all the draft picks. Beane was not going to draft 10 players in this years draft and was always going to use them as capital to move around. No one said those late picks dont have value, clearly they do or teams wouldn't trade for them. But people freaking out are severely over valuing them. Some one will name one Pro Bowler taken in those glossing over the thousands who didn't make it in the NFL. I mean Brady was a 6th round pick...does anyone really believe trying to find your QB of the future in the later rounds is a sound strategy to find a franchise QB? No, but yes it can happen. Those rounds usually help identify depth and ST players, all things we got plenty of at most positions right now. Sure there are places to upgrade, but honestly, what we need more than anything is top end talent, not mid tier or role players who we got tons of. So using some of the EXTRA capital we had to find ST and depth guys, we were able to land a top 10 player at a major area of need. Everyone should love this move. And most importantly, we had extra picks in those rounds and still have all of our own picks in this draft except our first (which was essentially Diggs). People are so hung up on the number of picks that its making them think it was expensive. Yet most of those same people wanted us to trade up and get Juedy or Lamb, which would have actually been MORE expensive than getting Diggs as we likely had to trade up to 13 or 14 to insure we got one, and the very least to 16. Our compensation we paid on Diggs was equivalent of only moving up to 18. But guess what else, no one would have taken back a 5th, 6th, and next years 4th to trade back in the first round. We would have actually had to use LESS picks, but MORE valuable picks to make any move inside the first round. This is why everyone is baffled by those who are really upset over compensation. Most wanted something that would have cost us MORE for an UNPROVEN rookie who likely odds are would not end up as good as Diggs anyway based on hit rates in the first round.
  3. Too bad, was looking at him as a nice add. But wont lose sleep over it either. Please don't now sign Lamar Miller. Sign Melvin Gordon or go get AJ Dillon in the draft please.
  4. Well there was a lot of talk Seattle was going to get him, so this could have been the very result of simple competition for the trade. I am certain Beane didn't start at that compensation level, and I am willing to bet he wasn't bidding against himself.
  5. Just cant see how its not an A. 22 pick - Rookie WR with assurances to reach the level of play of Diggs or even become a bigger factor for 2 to 3 seasons. or 22 pick and some left over change (from Beane fleecing some teams for picks on guys he was gonna cut anyway last year) to get a bonafide stud to elevate Josh's growth now, not later. Yeah it was a 4th next year too, but I am not worried, if there is a guy in the 4th next year Beane wants he will find a way to get him, always does. Best part about Diggs is he is both an excellent route runner and excellent at getting separation...but also a stud on contested catches and foot control. He is exactly what we needed.
  6. That would at least be some silver lining if we dont get him, at least make an AFC rival trying to make a playoff push next year pay more for him.
  7. Honestly, you probably are pretty near alone on this comparison. No disrespect, but the situations don't resemble each other in the least. We used a top 10 pick on an unproven rookie yet to step on the NFL field at WR (Sammy) while also giving away the following years first as well. Diggs - We sent the 22nd pick (which we likely would have used on another unproven rookie WR anyway) for a young PROVEN stud top 10 WR in the NFL and sent some loose change along the way in terms of low round draft choices, 2 of which we got as gimme's for scrubs we were gonna cut anyway last year. To compare the two situations is puzzling to me if I am being straight up.
  8. Here is what is SO stupid about this article. Saying Allen cant hit the broadside of a barn is utterly a fireable offense for a writer proving he literally has zero intellect on said subject. Allen completed nearly 60% while: Bills led the NFL in dropped passes. His starting WRs consisted of guys made up of Zay Jones, McKenzie, Foster and Duke Williams His starting trio of WRs for the longest stretch averaged 5'10" in height And his deep ball was off through first half the season He is grossly overlooking the IMPROVEMENT Josh made on the deep ball later in the season and in all other aspects of his passing game through the season. His WR group got better when we got dead weight off the field It takes time to build rapport with receivers, and as the season went on he started connecting with Brown deep and made some big plays Cousins only completed 6 more deep balls than Josh on similar attempts despite all those factors and not having a tandem of Thelien and Diggs to play with for 2 seasons. At the end of the day, if you take the Josh down the stretch and project his connection rate over a whole season...he would protect better at the deep ball than Cousins and with lesser weapons none the less. We all know that means nothing until Josh does for a whole season, but the point is, Josh after starting abysmal at the deep ball both looked better at it as a rookie and down the stretch of his second season. He had a bad start to it in 2019, but also that was when he had to throw a bunch to a scrub like Zay too and was still figuring out his timing with Brown. If he doesnt struggle during that stretch, Josh would have also been above 60% completion. So again...this writer is a moron and knows nothing about Josh Allen and just regurgitating out dated and false perceptions. Does Josh need to keep improving on the deep ball...absolutely. Does he need to keep improving in other areas...absolutely. But he is no where near the stupid statements this author wrote and made a lot of big strides in all these areas last year, especially down the stretch.
  9. This is a weird priority list IMO. I mean...DE, OT, and RB are all pretty widely seen as the higher priorities now, maybe a WR to groom can squeak its way in for the 2nd round consideration too.
  10. I didnt love him two years ago. I thought he was a fool ever since the Mitch trade. Paid a lot to make a move he didnt need to make. SF was never taking Mitch, everyone knew that. And if someone else overpaid to get Mitch by trading with SF, so be it...you keep those 3 picks and take Watson at 3, who some had as the best QB anyway in that draft. Mahomes was not considered for the top 5, so wont count him as an option for Bears at 3 even though he's the best one obviously. Many Bears fans I knew were pretty upset with him too about that trade. The Mack trade was insane too. Raiders fleeced them, hated it from the moment they did it. You don't make that kind of trade when your QB had not looked good up to that point. You might need those assets to try again at QB. Mack has done nothing for them, all that money, all those picks...but unless your team is ready for the next step, he isn't going to change the fortunes of the team. I have not been a fan of most of his big moves at all. Thought he did a decent job getting some weapons at WR, not great, but an upgrade. But even dumping a young RB that had been good for them and gave them a potent run game in Howard was not wise. Replaced him with a lesser version of him too in Montgomery. Beane on the other hand has done a sensational job at both managing our cap situation for now and looking forward while also building and stacking talent. Beane is light years better than Pace IMO and I would love to see us lock Beane up long term soon to insure he stays. Although, I am not that worried of him leaving to be honest, he does seem to genuinely love being here in Buffalo and we seem like a perfect fit for him and also seems to gel great with McD. So I wouldn't imagine he would think about leaving for a bigger offer before he finished what he started here anyway.
  11. Yuck. I wanted Quinn...but no thanks on that contract. Bears are just puzzling some times
  12. Seriously???? Make. It. Stop. Why are people obsessed about a WR on another team that was NOT made available to the Bills? Let it f-ing go and rejoice we got our own stud.
  13. Duke is our #4 right now, and honestly if that’s how the season opened I’d be good with that. He’s got a skill set that still fits. But I also wont be surprised if we draft a WR with size in round 3 or 4 to compete. And that is more a testament to the depth of talent at WR where I can see how a WR will be BPA while on clock. Brown has only 2 years on his deal, so adding a young developmental WR now makes sense to have a guy who can potentially step up if we need him to in 2 years.
  14. Yeah, which is why I actually think they are such good signings. He’s a master of getting that kind of value to get him to the next the player upgrade. Find solid value at the very least and not over paying for it using team friendly deals is what makes him so strong.
  15. For real, people are crazy if they think they are the same player. Watching a highlight tape of him will quickly show Diggs is elite route runner and plays quite big and is open even when not open. He leads NFL since 2017 in contested catches for a reason. Beane had himself one hell of a day 1.
  17. Man Beane is a rockstar! Can we extend Beane now please.
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