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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. He isn’t available, signed with Cleveland. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cleveland.com/browns/2020/03/kevin-johnson-3-things-to-know-about-the-new-browns-cornerback.html%3foutputType=amp
  2. Crazy thing about Gordon was he literally watched Bell attempt it the year before and not get the deal he wanted nor will he ever make up the money he lost. I would fire my agent if I was him. This was as bad a decision and as bad advice as LaVar Ball convincing his son to turn down Nike to instead make his own shoe...that no one wants because his son isn’t really “Better than Steph Curry” as he loved to say for so long.
  3. Gurley will finish season as top 5 fantasy football RB. His demise is over exaggerated, I mean he has only missed 4 games in last 4 years. Rams OL was not the same OL he flourished behind and had fallen off a lot mostly due to losing players to FA. His knees aren’t so much about being shot today, it’s about how many more years he can play as it’s a debilitating issue. That being said, I wasn’t losing sleep over any free agent RB. Love Devin and there are several running backs in the draft I would love to snag as a compliment. One of my crushes is AJ Dillon.
  4. See: Brown, John. See: Diggs, Stefon. I am more concerned about our RB's moving chains then just homerun speed. I mean the obsession with the home run long TD runs is crazy to me. That happens a few times a year at best. But moving chains happens on every drive on every carry. Get me the guy who gets me the most consistent YPC and is a TD threat in the Redzone. Homerun long TD runs by a RB is over rated and the least important part of a RB's job.
  5. No, even McVay said it was his biggest mistake not using him in SB. You only play to reach the SB, so you dont limit Gurley to save his knees for future seasons while in the SB. Gurley and McVay have both said he was good to go in the SB, it was a blunder by McVay, and said so himself, like the bone head moves Atlanta did to blow the SB. And this past year, Gurley was good and wanting more touches. McVay said he was good and he needs to be better to get him more involved. Rams cap is totally screwed and they need to fix it. Goff's contract might be the worst in the NFL and they are pretty screwed after wagering everything on a 1 or 2 year push. They need to plan for the future, they know their window is basically closed. So they cant move his bad contract, the only way to repair the damage of it is to cut him and save later. Gurley getting cut is all about his massive contract and the bad cap management the Rams did trying to buy a SB win. He was paid to be a bell cow and focal point, and with his knees that is no longer wise. He has plenty left to offer in a shared role, the talent is all still there. Also, the Rams OL has taken a big dive too and isnt what it was when he was dominating.
  6. His knee is not so much the issue now as later. Its more about limiting him to extend his career vs he is gonna go out on any given play and be done. I think he will be quite fine and dangerous in a 2 headed monster.
  7. I can assure everyone Gurley is not done. Rams went away form leaning on him, he wanted more touches and was ready. McVay didnt even use him in the SB and has regretted ever since. His demise is greatly exaggerated by fantasy football people who got burned drafting him as high as they did. He isnt going to be a bell cow, and shouldn't, but he can be part of a 2 headed monster and be just fine. His knees aren't shot, they just need to reduce wear to extend his career. People also forget Rams OL has been getting worse and McVay has been hyper focused on letting Goff throw a ton. Gurley was under used, not shot. I would take Gurley in a heartbeat. Him and Singletary would be awesome. But I’m also not losing sleep if we don’t, I love Devin and love several backs in the draft.
  8. Sorry, didn't realize they had that many carries. My bad. I saw them but thought they had a lot less carries.
  9. Coaching is seen as high level here now and the type of coaches guys want to play hard for. GM is seen as one of the better ones in the league already and smart with his cap, drafting well, and aggressive still. We are set up to sustain success, not go all into cap hell for a one or two year push like Rams did for instance. Josh Allen is seen as a gamer who will put it all on the line and players love that. And he’s surrounded by young talent and not a team with a rapidly closing window. Our training facilities are the best in the league and guys have come here who have had injuries and been able to stay healthy while our roster has been overall relatively healthy since the changes too. Bills Mafia is becoming legendary and guys want to play for fans like that. In other words, we have a LOT going for us right now that’s attractive to people serious about football and winning.
  10. Flacco makes sense as a backup IMO. I would have more confidence in him starting if Josh got hurt than Barkley, but also would never feel like Flacco should ever start OVER a healthy Josh. Most importantly, he has playoff and Super Bowl winning experience to share with Josh when we make our post season push this year. I would more than welcome a Flacco signing as a back up upgrade. Nothing against Barkely, like him as a person, but he really hasn't shown much when he had to play outside that one first game against the Jets in 2018.
  11. Yeah I do not get the utter hate for Murphy. Is he a stud and pro bowl level player? No of course not, but he has been a solid player for us and much better than he gets credit for, especially last year when he was healthy. It basically reminds me of what people say about Jordan Howard. Everyone loves to say Howard sucks or is trash, but thats just not the case as he is a lot better than some make him out to be. I think we have a pretty darn good DE rotation right now with the guys we had already and the guys we just signed, Murphy included.
  12. I don't get this post, no disrespect and this reply isnt only directed at you, but I have seen others say this in some other threads too, so kind of an all encompassing response by me here. But what players on offense need to be badly replaced so far in FA? I mean we didn't lose anyone on offense and lost a large amount of our sack totals through Shaq, Zo, and Phillips. Not to mention we are likely losing Kevin Johnson, so needed to add a CB too for more depth. You cant look at stats last year and go D is fine and ignore we lost 4 solid to major contributors from it. Back to offense: Because I have seen a couple others say this (complain number of D players vs O players added) lets look at the our guys and tell me who needs to go and more importantly, who did we need to bring in from FA to replace them: QB - Josh Allen RB - Devin Singletary WR - Diggs (NEW), John Brown, Cole Beasley TE - Knox, Kroft, Sweeney OT - Dawkins, Ford, Ty C - Morse G - Spain, Feliciano, Ford What guys on that list need to be replaced as starters? I have Ford double listed since he is not for sure a G or T yet. The only real argument is we could maybe use some competition at RT for Ford to determine where he will be full time. We still have 7 picks in the upcoming draft too. They traded up for Knox, so they aren't looking for a guy like Hooper at TE when they want to develop Knox. So even if they looked at TE it would be more of a vet to help mentor him and develop him like how they showed interest in Olsen. By far the biggest area of need was a top end WR. We got that. Everything they will add on offense will be complimentary and rotational players to our young talent. We can get a lot of that in the draft as well and at a lot cheaper cap hit with a lot more upside. Plus, early days of FA guys are always the most expensive. So it doesnt make sense to try and sign a bunch of depth and rotational players early as it chews up more cap space.
  13. If Brady isn’t shot, Bucs will win 11+ games easily. Pats aren’t winning 11+ games IMO no matter who they put at QB. Losing Brady and key defensive personnel is too much to remain a top 5 team. I say Bucs are a super bowl contender as of now until Brady shows what he is or isn’t on the field. There’s no moves Pats can make that I think puts them into that category today.
  14. He isn’t a fit for the culture of our locker room. He’s going to want to start, so could make him worse in the locker room. Bills fans are not mature enough to handle this kind of back up QB. First incomplete pass by Allen people would be crying to put Winston in. I know this is true as I watched people many times idiotically clamor to bench Josh for Barkley during games that we were behind in...yet still won...thanks to Josh. Bills fans don’t deserve a better backup than Barkley, they can’t handle it.
  15. I live in LA. Let me clear something up, Gurley is NOT broken. Again, NOT broken. He was available whenever needed. Does he have the ability to be a bell cow...well maybe, but if he was, his career would end much sooner. Fantasy football people think he’s completely done because the Rams offense didn’t use him like they had and people didn’t get value in their fantasy league. But this is the real NFL where it’s about being a better team and winning championships, and Gurley can still absolutely contribute to that if used properly. In LA it wasn’t so much because they couldn’t, it was because the Rams offense was changing away from leaning on the run game to keep from wearing him down. Gurley even kept saying he’s ready to go and ready for more, but McVay has been moving away from him even in the playoffs and Super Bowl during a season Gurley was dominating. You play to get to the SB and you have a healthy Gurley you don’t use which he said was his big mistake. Sure, he has issues that need to be managed, but he’s absolutely capable of thriving along side another RB like Devin. If we brought him in, I have no doubt McD and Daboll would use him effectively and Gurley would deliver. Having Devin here means he won’t have to be leaned on for 20+ carries a game. One more thing...Rams OL has been on decline every year since his last big year too. That being said...I’m skeptical we are in on him when we can draft a guy now early if we want since we shored up holes at WR and DL, and who would also be cheap and not have his contract. But just saying if we did, our team would definitely get better upon his arrival.
  16. Yes, people keep acting like we lost a first. Its baffling how they see it when we do this. We were "losing" our first this year to acquiring a player, which we now know was targeted to be a WR. One way or another, the first pick was going to be used on a WR. Beane "drafted" a 26 year old proven stud who is already a top 10 WR instead of a rookie who crapped the bed at his pro day for instance. No one should be upset we "used" our first to acquire Diggs when we were already going to use our first to draft the 4th or 5th rated unproven rookie WR, who most likely based on statistical history of the draft wont ever be as good as Diggs.
  17. Um you lose a first round pick every time you use it to draft a player. We essentially just drafted a proven stud and top 10 WR with our first round pick in Diggs. Draft pick = 1 player. Instead of drafting an unproven player at same position who statistically odds are won’t ever be as good as Diggs, we drafted an elite proven talented instead in Diggs. So why do you hate “using” our first to get 1 PROVEN player vs using the same first to get 1 unproven rookie at same position who most likely won’t ever be as good as Diggs?
  18. First 3 picks I got were: Dugger Claypool AJ Dillon I’d lose my s**t with excitement if that happened. But Dillon isn’t lasting to the 4th. In fact none of those players may last to where I took them lol.
  19. THIS!!!! Michael Irvin seems to be the culprit here. I mean look, BOB is an idiot, no denying that. But if you read what he said, he did NOT compare Hopkins to a murderer. He said the last time he had to have a talk with someone about being a locker room distraction was AH, and that talk obviously before AH was a convicted murderer. Irivn for his own narcissistic reasons seems to have really sensationalized it as if he literally compared him to AH. Its just a bit of a stupid story at this point. Dont get me wrong, LOTS to criticize about BOB...but this particular story is even been down played by Hopkins and I am sure he is not happy with Irvin for stirring this all up. Sensationalism at its finest.
  20. Clowney makes no sense. We just paid starter money to Addison and signed Jefferson too. Thats a lot of dough to pay guys to sit on the bench while also paying Clowney to start. Had we not just signed them both, I would think we may be a potential landing spot still. But I just don't think Beane signs both those guys if he has any intention on pursuing Clowney. My guess is they aren't interested at all, or initially were and just were not going to get to any where near what he wanted in money and moved on to other options. Bet same thing with Quinn...once he saw what he was going to make, I am sure Beane lost interest on that bloated contract.
  21. "I will take Worst offensive line in NFL for $500 Alex" Alex: "They sound like the Mets of the NFL"
  22. Pretty much how I feel too. Covering Brown and Diggs with Cole underneath is going to be a tough assignment. I think this will open up a lot for our run game and definitely Knox. And Singletary out of the backfield is going to be a nice weapon too on top of his running threat. Plus I expect to add another playmaker at RB along side Devin. And after all that, you still NEED to account for Josh running. I mean, this offense could be special next year.
  23. Well this makes sense as to why they would look to trade vs draft one at 22 if they weren’t enamored with who they believed would be there. His forty times are fine, it’s faster than Hopkins and Thomas. But wow, dead last or near bottom in the other areas is not a good showing and now I could see him slipping in the draft and could see even multiple WRs leap frog him. And forty time isn’t as critical as people make it to be, the other agility drills and stuff are more important to getting separation than a 40 time. I am skeptical they take a WR in the second after spending a first and 3 other picks on Diggs. But certainly think they could snag one in rounds 3 or 4. But if the right WR is there in the 2nd like Aiyuk or Shenault then it may be too much value to pass up.
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