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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Gase and company are doing a good enough job on their own jacking up the Jets, they don’t need O'Brien's help.
  2. Crazy AB saga was after Josh Allens rookie year, not after this past year. Big difference from one year to the next with Josh and where he is at now.
  3. There is literally no way anyone can watch this breakdown of Diggs and say Cooks is "similar", "comparable", "essentially the same", etc. Diggs is substantially better than Cooks, and I like Cooks as he is from my hometown.
  4. Football players and people who know football respect Allen as a major up and coming QB. Media idiots who want to force their incorrect early biased on him not so much.
  5. When either Diggs or Thielen was not playing... Diggs excelled. Thielien wasn't as productive. For me, Diggs is more talented and the better player with Theilens production being helped a lot by Diggs drawing the better coverage. This year, I would bet money that Diggs out produces Thielen assuming they play the same amount of games. Dont get me wrong, I like Thielen a lot but he just isn't as good as Diggs in most key areas. Diggs is a better route runner, has faster feet, better deep threat, and better at contested catches.
  6. Yeah I was going to the LA games and had a great time. Football was decent enough as well.
  7. This over paid stuff is getting out of control. We did not overpay. Diggs was cheaper than trading up just 4 places in the draft to get a WR. We landed a bonafide top 10, maybe top 5 WR in the NFL who literally leads all WRs in contested catches since 2017, is the top deep threat in the league and an elite route runner. We gave up some extra scrap picks that we picked up from trading some bad players away last year (Beane is a wizard) and still have ALL of our remaining picks in this draft outside the first we used essentially on Diggs. Furthermore, Diggs contract is substantially better even though he is a much better player. The main additional cost was next years 4th, which is equivalent in value to a 5th this year. Players taken in the 4th, 5th, and 6th rounds are most often guys for depth and ST. Sure, decent starters and even great players are found there, but the odds of that are low in comparison. We essentially threw in some low round picks to guarantee the WR we added to our team with a first round pick was a stud. Never have I seen so many people concerned with a few scrap picks when those picks landed us an elite player. More importantly...Beane was NEVER going to use all those picks to draft players. We dont have enough open roster spots and was always going to use them as leverage to get a big trade for a veteran player or move around the draft. So we didnt lose anything here, Beane used his extra capital to get a stud instead of an unknown.
  8. WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER of best reply of the week.
  9. Cooks is from my hometown of Stockton, CA. So always root for him, but I think his big issue is he is too one dimensional. I feel like he is more of a complimentary piece than a go to weapon. But his contract suggests he's a #1 and I just don't think he warrants his cap hit. Then again maybe there is more to it from a personality or locker room side of things, but I don't recall hearing any negative things about him.
  10. Wait...people actually thought that Bills would try and sign Cam? LMAO
  11. It would most likely cost MORE to get Lamb than it did to get Diggs. Diggs is already a top 10 WR in the NFL, and could arguably be in the top 5 conversation. Diggs is an elite route runner, elite contested catch WR and also a massive deep threat. I like Lamb and Juedy a lot, but at the end of the day, the odds of them being as good as Diggs will be over the next 2 seasons are quite low, and I would even say less than 5%. The odds of them being as good as Diggs over their career are not all that great either historically, and that is just because Diggs is that good and not many get to that level even when coming out, even as top tier prospects. At the end of the day, Lamb and Juedy no longer matter...we have an elite WR in Diggs already whose got 4 years on his contract and is only 26. Why do people still care about any of the top rookie WR's? Lamb could go on to be a great himself...but who cares, we just got a young PROVEN WR is actually already one of the best in the NFL right now that will do more for Allen this year than any rookie would.
  12. Evidence for improvement is there in tons. The kid has made large leaps in his abilities in short windows continuously. There is literally no reason to not believe he will continue to get better at this stage. Stepped off the Wyoming field for the last time. Works with Palmer and makes huge strides and wows at the combine. Comes into the NFL labeled the least ready to play and raw, yet was the starter by the 2nd half of the first game. (And both McD and Beane said going into 3rd preseason game, the plan was to start him until our OL nearly got the kid killed). Has some big wow moments and also lots of struggles before getting hurt against Houston. Comes back week 10 and looks like a completely different QB and ends the season strong. Comes into 2nd season and greatly improves in a number of key areas but struggles heavily with the long ball and turnovers. After some tough lessons in the first NE game, goes on to be 2nd only to Lamar over rest of seasons in TD scored and nearly eliminates all turnovers. Ends the season connecting on a much improved on the long ball than earlier in the season. Tied over the last 2 seasons in 4th QTR comebacks despite missing or not finishing 6 games. This kid has taken large leaps in the offseason, preseason, and in season both years since stepping off the Wyoming field for the last time. If anyone looks at this kid and says he's peaked or cant get better...well...they probably shouldn't be evaluating players anyway. Does not "guarantee" improvement, it just means there is a mountain of evidence to suggest he will continue to improve and literally zero evidence to suggest he won't. Every aspect of his game has improved since entering the NFL and in significant amounts.
  13. Agreed. Brady also had a wife who made more money than him and made a killing in endorsements. Brady's situation was about as unique as one can get in terms of making it easy to take team friendly deals.
  14. Your post is confusing. You paint this urgency of needing a WR for the future, but then talk about how our offense will struggle next year too without one. Sorry, but our starting 3 WRs right now is a top 5 group in the NFL. This urgency isn't as dire as your post suggests. Would I take a top end WR prospect in the 2nd? Yes, if he was by far the BPA I wouldn't hesitate. But in no way do I feel there is a need of desperation to get one there. I am totally fine going with BPA at DB, LB, DE, RB, WR, TE, or OL. There will be good WR's drafted this year in rounds 3 through 5 without a doubt, so I just don't see this need to make sure we do it in the 2nd. I do think WR is possible there given there will be some good WRs on the board for sure in the 2nd, but I also have a hard time seeing Beane use his first and 2nd round picks this year on the WR group. Beane has repeatedly said how DEEP this class is and potential starters are going be there in rounds 3-5 at WR. I think its possible but unlikely he takes a WR in the 2nd personally. Beane has even said that if a guy at a certain position is BPA, but is deep...they weigh that against another position that has a steeper fall off. On offense, I can see us going RB if the right one is there, otherwise I think its more likely on defense with someone like Winfield, Dugger, Chinn, Diggs, or Anae.
  15. Im with the consensus here...Dawkins. I love Milano, but at the end of the day we need to protect Allen more than anything and he's a pretty good LT who I think has his best days ahead of him now with the OL being rebuilt last year and again added to this year. Hopefully we can keep both, but I think its a no brainer if its a choice between the two. Beane is a wizard, so I am optimistic he can find a way to retain both.
  16. I would argue 10-20 yard plays are big splash plays personally. Give me that guy all day long who does that dozens of times a year versus the guy who goes over 40 a couple times a year.
  17. League leader in runs over 40 yards last year was Nick Chubb with 4. Who cares. Devin was 9th on runs over 20 yards despite playing part time. He was 3rd in the NFL in YPC. I will take that over a guy who might run over 40 1-4 times a season. Everything people are saying about explosive RB's is just not accurate. Its MUCH MUCH harder to defend against a Devin than a straight line runner who really only hurts you if a big hole breaks...which we have seen only happened 4 times last year to the guy who led the league in it. Its a LOT harder to defend a guy like Singletary who can make guys miss, who has top end cut, jump, and acceleration.
  18. So Diggs, who is the number 1 deep threat in the NFL and the number 1 contested catch WR in the NFL is not an explosive player? Brown who is a burner himself isnt explosive? Come on, thats a bit short sighted statement wouldn't you say. I mean we have 2 explosive WR's right now and a TE that if he can reign the drops in can really stretch the middle of the field too. And Cole may not be straight line explosive on go routes, but he as about as fast as you can get as fast cut route runner and explodes off the line. I think we have quite a bit more fire power than people think. Not to mention, Devin despite being a part time RB last year was 3rd in YPC and had tied for 9th in runs over 20 yards with 7 (leader had 11). Sorry I still don't buy the Devin is not explosive argument some people insist on making over a 40 time. He is very explosive, and in the most important ways for a RB. Shifty, acceleration, cutting, and exploding through the holes.
  19. I have always felt the criticisms on him were to harsh, before we traded for him. Its just being exaggerated is all I am saying. And I already know that this board is going over analyze every body motion, every word, every social media pic, every word he writes on social, etc. to try and prove he is a bad apple.
  20. What is everyones fascination with this play that happens maybe a few times a season for even the best ones at it. People act like these fabled 60 yard TD runs happen all the time. Its foolish to focus on that versus the guy who is the better runner and will get you a first down more consistently and a TD when in the Redzone. You dont win games and go to the Super Bowl because a RB had 4 runs on the whole season of 60 yards. You win games and go to the Super Bowl because you keep the ball and keep moving towards more points. Now if that RB happens to be good a both, than great that is probably going to be a special RB. That being said, I would love Dobbins...but I just think people are too focused on straight line running which doesn't happen that often over someone breaking tackles or breaking Ankles. We just need another good RB to share with Devin, doesn't have to be a certain "type" for them to pair well together. For instance, I would love AJ Dillon whose a load to bring down and fast and can catch. But I am also not married to it only being Dillon of course, and like I said, I love Dobbins too.
  21. ☝️☝️☝️ This is such a gross exaggeration of the “issues” with Diggs. Where do you guys come up with such an extreme description of “issues”? I mean he went out and played to a high level all year. He carried the offense when Theilen got hurt for a chunk of the season. He had been no where near the level of a “problem” some posters here keep making him out to be. What I fear is going to happen, is that every word, gesture, etc this guy does as a Bill is going to be so grossly over scrutinized so some people can point at him and say “See, told you he’s a problem and it was dumb to trade a first for him”. Diggs is a stud. He’s gonna be a stud here. This is a great trade for both him and us. We needed badly a player with the same level of fire and competitiveness that Josh has. These two are going to be great together.
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