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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. R.I.P. to a true legend and class act. Much respect to him and his family.
  2. Im not telling anyone how to be a fan. I sure as hell dont jump through tables. But you and others are slamming this kid for being hyped about being a Bill and playing for Bills Mafia all because he showed clips of what other fans do? Thats absurd man, really absurd to take it out on Trey because you don't like Bills Mafia antics. All your whining is 100% misguided at Trey. You want to complain about the tables, start a thread addressing Bills Mafia. Not a rookie excited to play here whose never even stepped on a Bills field yet.
  3. But why hold it against Trey Adams? He has nothing to do with that. He was paying homage to Bills fan base and showing his excitement. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this video just because the Bills Mafia reputation or the music isnt to your taste. To poo poo the kid because of your own fan hood style and tastes is just unnecessary.
  4. Most interesting part of this thread...the OP has by a massive margin the most positive reactions in terms of the emoticons. All the whining in the thread about the video are all full of confused, sad, or meh reactions. Nuff said. Stop being so damn stiff people. The tables, Bills Mafia, etc are all part of this fan base. Accept it and move on. The kid made a video about the excitement of the Bills fan base and his excitement to be part of this team and play in front of Bills Mafia. Stop acting like someone peed in your Cheerios. Bunch of wet blankets here. And if you dont like the music, who the heck cares...there is NO SONG in the world that everyone likes. The point of video is NOT the soundtrack, its to showcase his excitement. Anyone slamming him for this should really ask themselves why they are even a fan anymore. There is nothing negative about this what so ever, even if you dont approve of the Bills Mafia reputation or the music. Not everyone has to be a fan in the way you are...get over yourselves and just be excited that this kid cares enough to have made the video in the first place even if its not to your taste. And 0% chance the coaches or FO will have an issue about this either.
  5. Does it hurt to go through life with such a large stick stuck up the backside? Geesh lol
  6. I feel pretty good about my stance on him back then...he had question marks I wasn't thrilled with to risk with the 10th overall pick. And had we gone QB instead of trading down, I preferred Watson at that time. And coming off a season where our defense was pathetic, I was quite happy picking up an extra first and landing Tre. Im only posting it to show why its ok to not be high or sold on a player, but also totally foolish to not recognize the upside and raw talent and condemn a players career before getting their shot on the field. ESPECIALLY during training camp or preseason. Which this board LOVES to do...and this thread is a great example. I was critical of the idea of picking Mahomes at 10, in fact I down right hated the idea of taking him that high. Would have been fine if we took him in the 2nd, but was very against the idea of him at 10 and I loved that we traded down, especially since we got White. However, criticism aside, he has a lot of upside. I just wasn't comfortable with what I felt his risk level was and preferred to work on the D than gamble on a QB at that point. But now he is in the NFL...hes a first round pick...he has a cannon for an arm...Chiefs felt good enough about him to send Smith away. I think its pretty reasonable to NOT fixate, good or bad, on the first week of camp. Over stating mistakes and under valuing positives only serves to feed a biased opinion. Its going to be interesting to see what this kid can do, he got to sit and learn and has a good staff and incredible array of weapons to work with. He's made some eye popping plays just like he's made some bad mistakes in camp so far, but thats what camp is for. Im still not sure about him, but he is definitely setup well for success.
  7. I guess you missed the part in the original post asking the question that says also "successful". None fo those QB's are eligible for comparison in this question. They all sucked and none were successful, not even FitzCraptrick. Im glad I had a cooler head in that thread...first page, right there...my comment: So I follow the Cheifs on Bleacher Report just because I have Hunt as my keeper in 2 leagues and like to see how Sammy is doing. So while this report has been on those mistakes, I can tell you that I have also got several notices on huge plays to Hill and Sammy as well. I did NOT want to draft Mahomes at 10 as I thought he was too risky there and I loved our trade back. But just because I thought he had a lot of risk doesn't mean the first week of Training Camp is going to prove who he is or isnt. Like with Allen, there will be some whoa moments and some cringe moments. Only time will tell if either, both or neither can get rid of most those cringe moments and be a consistently good QB in the NFL. This is just another reason why its utterly stupid to overreact about training camp or preseason struggles or successes. I mean there are people in that thread trashing Mahomes who were also prompting up Peterman that offseason and calling for him to start. LMAO.
  8. Anyone think they are over analyzing a 5th round pick here? I mean, if he makes the team and provides value, it’s a great pick at that spot. If he doesn’t, nothing really lost. All reward, no risk pick essentially. He was NOT drafted to challenge Allen. He was drafted as the value was too good to pass on and he will be given a chance to push Barkley. If he succeeds, he could also be flipped for a higher draft asset if he shows well in preseason or any chances he gets if he has to fill in for Allen. This is Allen’s team without question.
  9. There is just no way Bills are signing Clowney. This prove it deal thing was out there before they signed 2 DE's and drafted one. People can wish for it all they want, but the chances of this happening are almost nil. It would have happened already as Beane doesn't fool around if he wants to bring someone here, but Beane clearly has moved on, if he even ever had any interest in the first place. I think its pretty safe to say that everyone is most likely wasting their time here.
  10. This conversation starts and ends with Barry Sanders. He is numbers 1 through 10. That being said, the original Hall video to start this thread was impressive!
  11. Here is the stupidity of this thread and the "nepotism" nonsense being spewed here. There is NO nepotism. Beane and company have a FIRM grip on who deserves to be here from their job performance and who doesn't. If a "Brandon" family member still works for the Bills, its because they choose to keep him based on how he is doing in his respective job. Case closed. Thread dead. Peace.
  12. Not really a shock to be honest, they did a ton of high level scouting on him, maybe more than any other player I can recall hearing or reading about. Im sure Dugger and AJE were closely graded, doesn't really matter who was the one slightly higher. But, I think 2 things: 1. I do believe Dugger May have been the pick instead of AJE if both had been on the board simply because we signed Addison and Jefferson already, so it’s not like AJE was a must draft position for us and Dugger is very versatile all over the secondary the way he projects. And when eyeing teams like Ravens and Chiefs as who we now have to focus on (instead of Pats), adding that kind of versatility makes a lot of sense. We have some explosive players to cover in the secondary, including at TE with those teams and Dugger could plug into that nicely if he is as good as they believe. 2. AJE is the safer pick given how well he played against top competition and I think will have a bigger impact if he hits than Dugger would. While I was intrigued by Dugger, he just didn’t make the kind of impact I would expect in D2. I’m always a little more down on players who you have to make excuses for or explain while their production didn’t quite match their potential, especially against low level competition. The two exceptions for me where I am more accepting of the lower production vs perceived talent are QB and WR because both are so highly dependent on other positions to individually succeed.
  13. This is on the Athletic, good read. I know it’s a paywall for some, so not sure the rules on Copy and posting the actual article text in here. So I’ll just put the link here and someone who knows the proper etiquette can add the body in a follow up comment if they like. “A.J. Epenesa and the ‘walk-on mentality’ that led him to the Bills“ https://theathletic.com/1782998/2020/04/29/a-j-epenesa-and-the-walk-on-mentality-that-led-him-to-the-bills/?source=user_shared_article
  14. Olsen gushed about Cam as they both moved on from Panthers this year when saying his good byes and thanked everyone
  15. Greg Olsen was very close to him. My 2 cents: Some of you are being overly critical of Cam and still leaning on the bias of his persona coming out of college. This guy is no where near as bad of a teammate as some are painting him to be. Its more than OK to not want to sign Cam, but people are going way over the top to smear him to make that point. There is literally no interest from either party...Bills or Cam...for him to be a member of the team. Cam, rightfully so, is going to want to be in a place where he can at least compete to start. Bills are 100% behind Josh and would not open up the competition, nor do they want to bring anyone in that might send the wrong signal and inadvertently create a question of their overall confidence in Josh. At the end of the day, I fully agree Cam has no place on this team right now. But at the same time, the reasons many are giving are being way over exaggerated IMO and Cam would have been a good addition to this team IMO if we did not already have Josh Allen. Personally, I am stunned he is not a Chicago Bear. Pace is doing a terrible job up there, and trading draft assets for a scrub in Foles to battle with another scrub in Trubisky was foolish. They should sign Cam and they would immediately be a better team and could contend for the division between the defense and the offense having more life to it under Newton. I think he ends up being a Redskin, Giant, Steeler, Bronco, or Raider soon enough. Steelers could use the insurance given the talented roster, the terrible backups, and Big Bens injury potential. They would remain a contender with Newton if Big Ben went down. Broncos and Giants could use the veteran around their young QB's. Elway wants to contend this year, if Lock isnt getting the job done by mid season, he could have someone like Cam that could help turn things around. Redskins are obvious why. Raiders...well Gruden loves offense, and I am not sure he loves Carr. They have been reloading pretty nicely and could be a surprise team this year if Carr isn't holding them back. And it wouldn't surprise me if let Carr and Cam open batter for QB1 before the season started either, again because I am not convinced they are committed to Carr and they want to start winning this year.
  16. I agree totally with this...and TBH, speed rushers are more often less complete EDGE players as the are far too often all finesse. They can struggle with containing the edge in stopping the run or are easily neutralized if they dont get past their blocker. Im not saying a dominate speed rusher cant be great, but too much emphasis is put on the sack total. I mean at the end of the day, if a guy gets 14 sacks in a season, thats not even 1 a game. And almost certainly didnt even likely get one in 14 different games, as they more thank likely had one or more multi-sack games too. People way over value those 14 total plays on a season. For me, the question is what he is doing the rest of the snaps and games? I care more about that than double digit sack totals. You show me a guy with 8 sacks but also is good tackler and good against the run...and you show me a finesse guy who gets 12-14 sacks but isnt strong in run stopping or tackling...and I would take that 8 sack guy every single time who is a more complete player and will make a bigger and more consistent impact on that defense. And thats not to say AJE cant get more than 8 sacks...but people are hung up on that number because that moron Booger said it and someone else on draft coverage said he would probably be an 8-10 sack guy. Especially on this defense, once he starts each week I think he potential is not limited in the kind of impact he could make.
  17. No problem I wouldn't normally start a thread about a topic already going, but just felt this was a different take and was buried in that beast of a thread and was worthy of its own dialogue. Glad you liked it too! Comments from his peers who had to go up against him, especially guys so highly regarded in their own right, are IMO a good source of quality and insightful analysis on him. Obviously scouts were high on him too as many had him going round 1 and Beane had a first round grade on him too he said. But as usual, there were quite a few people here upset over this pick, which was quite surprising given the combo of the need and great value at where we got him.
  18. Well until FA breaks them up HA. If all 3 of those guys and another speed guy all become studs, we wont be able to afford to keep all 4 ha
  19. I am not worried about his strength, and not sure why you say he is a strong dude but wont be in the NFL. I mean the guys talking about his elite strength are all now in the NFL. Its not like once you get to the NFL people become 10 times stronger. If he was that strong against NFL level players, including first round picks, then he will be plenty strong in the NFL too. I think the bigger question mark will be can he develop enough moves and be athletic enough to be a consistent disruptor to go along with his strength. If he has to rely only on his strength, he can be neutralized much easier. I really do think he is going to be a good to great starter for the Bills personally. But thats just an opinion, so we will see what he can do on the field soon enough.
  20. Two things: 1. The amount of joy I had watching this is off the charts. I just love watching Allen play, I cant remember a player I enjoyed watching and rooting for as much as I do for this kid. 2. Please please please...while working on the deep ball...also work on holding onto the football better. He was better down the stretch, but just needs to protect the ball more on runs.
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