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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Come on, was it really? He hit a few deep shots on a couple of wide open throws to Foster sure. But was his deep ball really better? And it was a small sample size, and he spent a lot of time throwing to Foster in camp and preseason while running 2nd and 3rd units. Thats a very poor counter to indicate his deep ball won't improve, especially when his deep ball started improving last year once dead weight at WR was out of the lineup and he got better timing down with the guys here.
  2. Let me start by saying a lot of people discussing Allen's accuracy are...well for a lack of a better word...wrong. Even in instances where their conclusion is probably say the most accurate one, the logic they used to get there is often incomplete and got the right answer really because you had a 50% chance to do so given there are only 2 answers to the question at hand. First issue: Season total stat checking. This is a terribly flawed way to make a determination of a question such as "Is Josh Allen inaccurate or accurate". Stat sheets lack context, and worse yet, everyone is obsessed with YEAR END TOTALS versus tracking progression, identifying outlier games that heavily skew end results not properly reflecting the week to week performance of said player, especially when in relation to a young player. Second issue: Failure to factor in all the variables that impact an individual's numbers/performance. QB is the most complicated position in all of team sports, and the individual success can be impacted in any given game or moment by a number of mitigating factors. Fans have an utter obsession of putting all the blame or praise on a QB in every single moment without taking into context of what was really happening. So lets address this question: Is Josh Allen inaccurate to the point its a problem? The answer is likely NO based on his first 2 seasons. But with any young player, no definitive answer can be concluded today as he is still developing and that could go either direction. But its clear as day, he is trending in the right direction and that Josh was pretty accurate last year despite the naysayers and the year end comp %. Like all developing players he has things to work on, but he clearly demonstrated last season that his accuracy concerns really shouldn't be there and that he has what it takes to be a 64% or better QB in the NFL. The stat sheet shows under 60%, but thats an incomplete and lazy analysis of what REALLY happened. Lets look at the mitigating factors that lead to a more accurate assessment. Start with the obvious and most glaring area of improvement Josh needed to focus on: The Deep Ball. Without question, this was a struggle, especially the first half of the year...but WHY is the better question. Starts the season with two WR's he had no experience with and timing takes time to develop, not to mention 9 new players on the offense overall. That was Brown and Cole, and Cole isnt a deep ball WR. Opposite these two guys were utter scrubs who lacked any real deep ball skills or threat. Josh started the season trying too hard to get the ball downfield, like to that scrub Zay who often made poor efforts on balls as well, and the combo of this resulted in too many turnovers the first 4 weeks of the season. NE Game - Can not over state this enough, this game changed Josh both for the good and a little bit for the worse (but minor and he eventually readjusted). This is the game that even he says was the turning point. After this game, Josh would only have 3 turnovers over the rest of the season. He got smarter with the ball, and stopped making as many risky throws. However...the negative, was that he also too worried of the INT and was trying to put the ball too far out in front where only his guy could get it way too often. And this led to a lot of bad over throws downfield and further hindered his deep ball. But once, the season wore on down the stretch and he started connecting on some, you could see the confidence come back and he was improving on the deep ball and hit some amazing throws. BOTTOM LINE: Josh's deep ball down the stretch of the season was significantly more successful than the first 2/3's of the season. This was due to better personnel on the field, more timing with the newer additions, and more confidence in putting the ball in the right spot. Had Josh been that way the whole season, he easily would have been over the 60% completion on just this alone. Now add in elite WR Diggs who is also an elite deep threat, and its VERY EASY to be optimistic that he will again continue to improve in this area. Bills led the NFL in dropped passes. Nothing to say here other than duh, this clearly impacted his comp % and had we been average or above average instead of the worst, he would also have been above 60%. And with a much improved arsenal of weapons for Josh in year 3, I think its a good bet we wont be anywhere near the bottom of the league in dropped passes this year. Touched a bit on this in point one above (sub point 3), but the first 4 weeks and especially the NE game changed Josh's approach to in game decisions. After the NE game, it forced Josh to be more careful, and this resulted in a lot more throw aways which of course impacts his comp %. Instead of letting his competitive drive push him into more risky or low % opportunities that could lead to turnovers, Josh was smart and threw the ball away more. But, with Josh expected improvement and development with reading the D faster and also having better weapons who can get open quicker, this should result in less throw aways. Josh was 4th in the NFL in downfield throws, meaning he takes more lower % shots than almost all other QB's. And more importantly, we did not have a great personnel group to help Josh have more success in this area. Personally, I love this about Josh. I would take a 62% passer who pushes the ball down field constantly over a 71% passer who is a game manager and check down artist every single time. We did not have the right group of guys around a QB like Josh the last 2 years. We had some pieces, both veterans like Brown and a raw rookie like Knox, but ultimately, our group was not ideal for Josh's game as a full unit. Seeing Cole running 25 yard routes makes me cringe every time, thats not his sweet spot. Or watching him throw a 20 yard out to Roberts, McKenzie or worse Zay made me cringe as well. But now, Knox should be better (too many dropsies as a rookie) and the WR group on paper looks to be one of the better units in the league for someone like Josh. Last, but not least, and probably most importantly: IMPROVEMENT. Josh made significant strides at every stop of his career and in short bursts. Coming into the NFL, he never had top coaching or a talented roster around him. In HS, he was a multi-sport athlete and didn't take football as a serious as it became for him. Then he was at a JUCO and a weak school like Wyoming where he lacked real talent and high level coaching to harness all those gifts he has. But once he stepped off the field for Wyoming for the last time and started working with Palmer, he made huge leaps leading up to the draft and rocked the combine too. As a rookie, he was raw, and split reps in a 3 way QB battle yet preventing him from getting better prepared to start early. Then he got put in halfway through the first game. After getting hurt and sitting 4 weeks, he comes back looking like a completely different player and really showing great improvement. Year 2 he comes in and makes substantial improvement in just about every area of his game from one season to the next...DESPITE the fact he had NINE new starters around him on offense, his weapons group to throw too was mediocre overall at best and had turnover throughout the season at WR where only McKenzie was a guy he had any prior experience with after Zay was traded (Foster didnt sniff the field much). Has a terrible game week 4 and too many turnovers over those 4 weeks just to turn around and go for 21 TDs and just 3 turnovers from weeks 5-17, second in scoring ONLY to Lamar. Add all this up, and IF just ONE of those factors last year were different, he was already a 60% passer. This kid is an f-ing gamer, is highly coachable, and is constantly improving. Now Beane has also been constantly improving the roster around him and has fully set this kid up to start really taking the next steps. So, for me...sorry, if you think this kid is inaccurate, then based on the evidence you are more than likely wrong. I fully acknowledge that is an opinion (as it will be for everyone until we see what he does on the field this year)...but that opinion is rooted hard in the facts laid out in front of us all to see BEYOND an uninformative and nearly meaningless year end stat sheet number of 58% completions. I will bet anyone here (and I pay my bets) he will easily eclipse 60% this year without question. The evidence is OVER WHELMING that he will be in that fabled 60%. He has too big of an arm and will take to many deep shots to ever lead the league in comp %, but who cares...he will be a nightmare to defend.
  3. I hate the new logo way worse than the uniforms. At least the new logo still somewhat looks like the ram helmet from before. But yeah, don't like these uni's other. Just think the logo and fonts on paper look worse. The color fade numbers and number font are the worst part of these uniforms for sure. My GF knows someone who was one of the leads and worked on this. She wasn't sure if it was on the logo design too, but definitely on the uniforms she said...she told me last night. I told her, I need a word with him as Rams are my 2nd team. I have so many questions for him, and even made a list in preparation: How many mushrooms did you guys eat during the creative that convinced you this looked good? Follow up: Can you get me some too? What elementary school did you recruit design consultants from? How long have you been a 49er fan or a fan of some other Ram rival? Who do you think you are? How long have you been Mark Davis barber? I think these are fair and reasonable questions given the results of his work.
  4. This was quite informative and insightful. So much of this makes senses now...how a guy with no injury history can go to dealing with so many things like this. Not taking care of his body, partying, and ripping his cast off, etc. One thing I will always stand by is that the talent and gifts are there. But he was clearly a troubled soul between his personal demons and his off field troubles, struggles, and distractions. I feel bad for him, reading this just puts into perspective how difficult his journey has been both thanks to self sabotage from fighting his own demons, to the struggles and problems with those around him he cared most for. I will say this...if Sammy can get to a place where he has peace off the field...peace within himself...he could still be quite special on the field. That being said, I don't know if he will ever find that balance though. Reading this I just kept thinking about Cris Carter. A guy with all this talent but his demons were holding his career back. But once he broke through and got to a good place the rest was history. But thats not an easy task to do...and only time will tell. I will continue to hope for his success and he finds his way out of all these dark places. But, having read all this now, the original trade of him to the Rams not only makes perfect sense, but was pretty significant foresight for Beane and we got great value in return. It also makes sense why Rams did not want to keep him, and instead traded for Cooks. Moral of the story: Beane is a wizard.
  5. Saw this thread back up on top of front page. Already previously commented it. Commenting again because I forgot just how much I loved this article. I am ready to run through a damn wall for this season! Can it just start already damn!?
  6. Yes, was a great pick for a 5th round guy. Those are the rounds you take chances on talent that has some red flags. Sometimes they work out big, sometimes they have a short stint of success, and sometimes they never work out. But he had a heck of a rookie season before his demons off the field addicted to McDonalds got the best of him. Also, we did NOT have the culture and accountability in the locker room back then for a guy who needed strong discipline. Had he been drafted by Beane and McD, I would bet he would have a much better shot of being his best self. Agreed. This guys issues were MINOR compared to other players looking for redemption. He absolutely deserves a second chance, and I for one hope he finds success where ever that is. Im mostly aligned with this. Personally, I think we are gonna be set with Devin and Moss for a while and just wont have a roster spot for him. But I also would not be opposed to give him a shot if he explodes in his next stop. But I do agree we are in a different place. No reason to take a chance on him before he's proven anything, we already have Wade who fills the spot of having a long shot, but high upside guy on the PS. However, if he explodes and shows all that promise, then I think its less of taking a chance, and he becomes a potential value signing. That I would support, but there is no room for him to earn his redemption on this roster. He needs to earn that in the CFL and then I am fine signing him if Beane sees a spot for him.
  7. I don’t disagree with you there at all. But teams need to go through that to grow, we were really young and also not a fully built and missing some key weapons. I think this year is the year we are ready and adding an elite proven veteran weapon like Diggs will go a long way in us taking that step this year vs say maybe not til next year if we had drafted a rookie to start opposite Brown. I haven’t been this excited and confident in a Bills team in over 20 years. Our coaches are smart, so I think they will learn from their mistakes too. Especially Daboll needs to or he will be replaced if not. Of course If he does, he may be replaced also because he will prob get a HC job if we are a top 10 offense with a deep playoff run.
  8. The GOAT QB at age 97 on a new team? Of course it’s 5 times, it should be. Only has one or two season left, they should put him on TV as much as they can. People are going to want to see that. Even if it’s just to root for him to fail.
  9. I see at least a 10 win season and potentially 12/13 wins if Josh really takes a solid step forward. I got us 5-1 in the division. And it’s not out of the question that we could sweep our division, we have the best roster and are well coached. Likely beat Raiders, Rams, Cardinals, Chargers. Will Get at least 2 to 4 wins from Seattle, SF, KC, Titans, Pitt and Denver. While tougher, we are capable of winning any of these games. So my final prediction: 12 Wins, division title, at least make the AFCC game. I think we are going to surprise some people, even here.
  10. The best part about that stupid mono argument they have is that Josh was not the same player that game as he was after the week 4 Pats loss either. Josh went on to account for 21 more TDs and just 3 turnovers from week 5 on, second only to Lamar too in TD's. Not to mention, they are grossly over exaggerating the condition of Darnold week 1. F the Jets...cant wait to curb stomp them and watch our deep DL dominate that poor OL and put Darnold on his back in between the plays our secondary is feasting on him seeing ghosts and picking off his passes.
  11. There is nothing you said here that I necessarily disagree with. I am just grading the last 3 years among all the GM's because thats the only time he has been a GM. And for me, what he has done with this roster is top 3 in the league in that short time. I get it, results include playoff wins, conference titles, and SB trophies. But, he has only 3 years, and in those 3 years he has built a roster that has made the playoffs twice after missing them for 179 years straight lol. When I look for a GM, I am looking for all the things above. At the end of the day, what separates a GM from being seen as good/solid vs elite is a single player or two, with QB being the big one. For all of Beanes work to pay off in the trophy case, his one key selection of Josh Allen needs to officially pay off. All the signs are there that it will, but we will not really know the answer to that question until this year when we see what Josh does in his 3rd act with a properly stocked arsenal of weapons. Like you, I am quite optimistic on Josh taking another big step. I fully believe Josh is our future and the franchise QB to lead us to consistent playoff success. But again, the only thing I look for in a GM is can they rebuild my team and roster, and do so for long term success not some quick 2 year window like the Rams did trying to buy a SB and see that window start closing so fast due to cap issues. And what I have seen from Beane checks every single box I am looking for in a GM. So for me, I rank him higher for that. I get others wont agree...and maybe my opinion on this is premature in terms of conclusive proof...but I will bet anyone that I am proven right on this topic when we revisit in another 3 years hahaha For the record: Thoroughly enjoyed the conversation, and honestly we dont really even disagree that much on this other than I rank him higher today than you would. Except Eagles, not a fan of that GM.
  12. That SB roster was not that good, you are over exaggerating it based on the result. That was a mediocre team who had a career journeyman QB go on a streak of games like he sold his soul to the devil as it was so above and beyond his norm. Truth is, if Wentz was in there, not only does he likely not out duel a 500+ yard Brady, but they likely wouldn't have even advanced to the SB as Eagles needed every inch of what Foles produced, and I dont see Wentz having that same run, especially what Foles did in the NFCC and SB games. Again, I get it...I would trade anything for a SB win too like that. But there is 0% chance I am trusting that GM, who every Eagle fan I know wants gone, to build me a roster over Beane right now. If you would hire him over Beane, well thats your choice and its all good. But I think if both were available, Beane probably gets hired first IMHO.
  13. It happened, I saw it happen multiple times. But the overall success rate was pathetically low, and I know at one point was like under 5%. Don't know where the season finished, but it was a rare overturn to say the least. I can think of more instances where the call clear as day that the challenge should 100% succeed and they still didn't over turn it. This was a hard tank by the Refs and NFL allowed it to happen.
  14. It only did not work because the officials decided to kill it and the NFL allowed that to happen. There were so many bad PI calls or non-calls that were challenged and the answer was clear as day to over turn the call on the field, and they simply refused. Refs get an F for the borderline criminal handling of the challenges, and the NFL gets an F for allowing it to happen and persist. They clearly decided it was not something they wanted and ran it so poorly so that no one would ever want it back. There is 0 room for debate on this, Refs tanked this rule and NFL let it happen. Teams on the field paid the price for this. Just appears to be something they did to pretend they cared about the horrible mistake in the Saints/Rams playoff game with NO intention of seeing it last. It was an utter waste to roll it during a season and allow coaches to waste timeouts by believing the challenges would be taken serious and decisions would be made all above board on calls.
  15. No disrespect, you focused on cap space so I addressed it. I said a lot more about Beane than cap space, but you got stuck on cap space convo. In no particular order, these are all the things I said about Beane, but I will start with the cap point since you keep talking about it. Yes, cap management has been phenomenal by Beane so far. You talk about him not yet having to deal with paying big contracts to retain, but doesn't matter. Everything he's done to date has been excellent, including extensions like Poyers. There isn't a single bad contract on this roster right now. He even restructured Star, who had a contract that was probably exceeding his on field play, although he gets more hate here than he deserves. Since you talk about that the most, we will start there. Finding value in under the radar signings Creating depth, and at the right positions Drafting, he has had excellent drafts thus far, and this years looks to be another stellar one on paper, but we wont know until they hit field. He has found quietly players up and down the draft. Trading, has anyone been able to execute as much value in trades the last 3 years as Beane? I dont think so, he has obtained a substantial amount of draft capital that was used to get premium players by trading guys no one though had any trade value what so ever. Finding the right players who blend perfectly into the team and culture We are, in 3 short seasons, one of the deepest rosters in the entire NFL right now. He found the right Josh...he managed to trade up 3 times in the first round of a single draft without giving up ANY future picks and landing what look to be two studs in the making in Allen and Trumiane. I mean we went from 21 to the 7th pick without trading a future first or our other first that year...I cant remember another trade where a team moved into the top 7 from the 20's without giving up a 2nd first round pick. So, you can keep saying all I am focused on is cap management, but its not true and didnt read the substance of my previous posts. Yes, I did write a big section on it, but that was in direct response to you focusing on the cap part of the discussion. Its cool you don't think he's a top 3 GM because you want to compare guys with 15 years, 20 years, etc on the job GM resumes to only his 3. I get it, hard to overlook a SB trophy. But we made playoffs 2 of his 3 years, and that was with a scrub roster he inherited and had just started putting this stamp on and with a young roster with 9 new starters on the offense and a 2nd year QB still developing. But if you ISOLATE the last 3 years, he's done as good as job as any and IMO has been a top 3 GM over that span. And there is nothing you can say that will make me agree with you on the Eagles. That team is a mess, every Eagle fan I know wants a GM change and he built that mess. Dumb luck SB win, great for him, no one can ever take that away and I would honestly be on cloud 9 if we had a dumb luck SB win behind some scrub journey man QB catching fire. But, there is 0% chance I would hire him over Beane to build me a team...if both were available to be signed.
  16. Again, enjoying the dialogue, sincerely. I respectively disagree with almost all of this about the cap. Nothing is a bigger killer to a team than cap management. And cap management is MORE than just contracts. Its literally one of the single most important parts of a GM's job. Is Jimmy G's contract good or bad cap management? Anyone believe the Niners dont regret that contract right now? The Rams have had god awful cap management trying to buy a Super Bowl and they are likely going to see a down turn instead of more success. Ryan Pace went from a hot GM to a joke with terrible cap management and roster decisions. Yes you always have to pay elite players...but great GM's know who, when, and how to pay those players to complete a talented and balanced roster. Beane has been a master at contract structure and talent discovery on the lower price tag to continue to leave us fully prepared to retain talent. Beane has also been excellent at drafting to replenish affordable talent once we have to start paying bigger money for player retention. I would argue, Beane has been one of the best, if not the best at this during the past 3 years. Sorry, Eagles are a mess. Roseman built the mess. You can give him a pass because a scrub QB had the 3 games of his life he will never repeat with some dumb luck all you want, but I won't. We have without a doubt a better roster than Eagles, and our roster is better than the Eagles super bowl roster. They won because a scrub journeyman somehow went into some zone where he summoned his best Kurt Warner impression in the playoffs and out dueled a 500 yard performance by the GOAT Brady. Roseman gets his ring and they get that trophy...its real...it happened. But like I said, Dick Jauron was COY one fluke season, did not make him a great coach. And yes, I asked about the roster MINUS the QB because the QB position is the most important, so comparing rosters to teams with Brees, Wilson, and Mahomes will distract you form the question about the whole roster. And Allen only has 2 seasons under his belt, but coming off a 30 TD performance while also adjusting to a 9 player overhaul on offense and marginal weapons last year before Beane added the missing pieces to the offense this off season. So Beane may have also found his gem already, its just about a season too early to know for sure. And yes Saints offense is better because it includes a first ballot HOF QB leading them. But I would take the other 10 guys we have over the 10 guys they have. Its not like its a landslide...but I think our depth is just better, especially on the OL. And Beane built that over 3 seasons...Loomis has been there since 2002 and already has seen Beane build, at the very least, a comparable offensive roster outside the First Ballot HOF QB. And Allen may get there himself, hes on a very good trajectory right now. More importantly, Loomis has just utterly failed to build the right roster around Brees. The only SB was the emotion charged Hurricane Katrina year when they actually had a defense for once. Outside of that, the Saints have too often underperform, especially on the road, in bad weather, and in the post season. At the very least, Beane is in the top 5 conversation in comparison to what the other GMs have done the last 3 years. And I would still argue for top 3 personally as I think there are things he does better than most GM's out there in terms of finding talent, managing contracts, and his already impressive draft record.
  17. My thoughts: Daboll has a lot to prove as OC still. He has flashed brilliance at times and utter stupidity at others, and unfortunately those stupid moments have often come at critical moments of games. Daboll strikes me as someone who cares more about being viewed as a genius than he does at making sound decisions in those moments. Feels like he outsmarts himself at moments where he just needs to call a good play. Running a draw with a 35 year old RB at a moment he thinks no one would expect him to run a draw (because its utterly stupid) is a good example, and one he's unfortunately on several occasions. I have been up and down with him. But the on thing I will say...I think he finally has the personnel to do better with his system. Adding in Diggs is an obvious major impact because its not just about Diggs. John Brown no longer will draw the top coverage. You got elite speed on the outside, elite quickness in the slot in Cole, an athletic TE that can pressure the middle and seams, and now a run game that should be dominant between a young stud in Devin, Allen as a major threat to run as a QB, and now Moss who has substantial potential. All with our OL staying in tact with more depth. So I agree, I think Daboll is going to be on a make or break season personally. If the offense isn't taking the steps it should with this roster, he may be replaced. If he has great success like I think we will, he is a top HC candidate next year without question.
  18. First good convo, and enjoying the dialogue. Most of the guys you mentioned best days are behind them, not whats going on in the NFL today. I get why you say Veach because they won a Super Bowl...but also, I don't think hes as good as he is lucky. What had he really done there outside of Mahomes? You cant take away the SB, he earned that no doubt. But, did he really build a great roster or did he get lucky finding a once in a lifetime QB that really carries a roster than isn't as good or deep with most other QBs leading that team. They have also had cap issues. Roseman? No. Not a chance I would take him over Beane. Cant even believe he is on your list as someone better than Beane. Eagles roster is a mess. Catching lighting in a bottle with a scrub journeyman backup QB having the 3 most improbable games in a row in history doesn't make you a great GM. Lynch is another guy on the rise, I like him. But there is no way you can definitively put him ahead of Beane. He also gave a BUTT LOAD of money to an unproven QB who now looks more like a mistake than a successful decision. I mean Niners seriously considered replacing their over priced QB with a ancient Tom Brady this year. No way Beane would ever make that mistake. Now Lynch better hope Jimmy G isn't just the most over paid game manager ever and can actually lead them somewhere. Schneider is absolutely in the top 3, I think he is a top tier GM. No disagreement whatsoever from me on that one. DeCosta? Sorry, majority of that roster was mostly built by Ozzie, including Lamar, and the genius behind Lamar is on Roman, not the roster decisions DeCosta made. He has proven nothing yet, and most importantly, they haven't even proven if the system and style they are playing is sustainable. That Ravens offense started getting figured out after the Niners and Bills games and wasn't as unstoppable after that. There is still a lot to prove there, and he has yet to really put his stamp on that team. Loomis? The guy whose wasted the best years of Drew Brees career? The same team that couldn't get to .500 for many seasons and rarely made the playoffs despite Brees eclipsing 5000 yards every year? That Loomis? The same Saints team that keeps folding at end of games in the playoffs? The same Loomis who couldn't build a defense to save his life for years which will always be the sole reason Brees hasn't been a multi-super bowl winner despite being one of the greatest of his generation at the most important position in football? Sorry, Beane for me has built a better BALANCED OVERALL roster than almost all the GM's you mentioned. Many of them have more years than Beane and have future HOF QB's already in place, hence more opportunity for the trophy case. Beane has gone out and maximized value better than any of these guys. He is smarter on contracts, he is smarter with the cap, he is substantially better at trades. He completely revamped not only our roster, but our cap in his first 3 years as a GM. I stand FIRMLY by my top 3 claim on Beane. I get it, you and others I am sure only want to measure it by the post season right now. But thats honestly not a very accurate or reliable way to measure the value of the GM, especially against long time GMs and one whose been a GM for 3 seasons. I mean Dick Juaron won COY too for having one lighting in a bottle season, doesn't make him a great coach. Eagles GM has a mess of a roster and getting one SB where a Journeyman QB had the best 3 game stretch of his career where hes mostly been a scrub doesn't suddenly make you a great GM. Here is a question for you: If you take away the QB position on every team...would you swap our roster and cap situation with any of those teams? Again, not factoring in the QB so you aren't getting Mahomes, Wilson, Brees, etc. I can honestly say I would not. Our OL and DL depth is superior to any one of them, our WR group right now is probably the best of the bunch outside of KC (which I give them the edge because of Kelce even though his position is TE, he is a monster receiving weapon), our secondary is easily the best unit of the group. Our LB group is arguably as good or better than most of those teams too. And our cap situation is better than all of them IMO. And we are full of YOUTH giving us a longer window moving forward as well. And basically our entire roster outside a couple players, plus our cap situation, was all built and orchestrated by Beane. And in just 3 seasons. He is a top 3 GM right now in 2020. At least IMHO he is.
  19. 1. Name 3 GMs who are unquestionably better. I tried and I can’t. I can’t find a GM that i would feel is better suited for this team across the NFL. 2. Pro Bowl? Come on Gunner, you very well know we have had deserving players that don’t get the respect because they have been in Buffalo. Pro Bowl is not the barometer to use in grading what he has built. Those will come once Buffalo continues to earn respect as a winning team after being irrelevant for 20 years. Even last year we lacked respect because the perceived ease of our schedule.
  20. Ive been saying this a while now...Brandon Beane is a top 3 GM in the NFL right now and we need to extend him. Honestly, there is not a single GM I would swap him with personally. I am not worried about losing him though, I genuinely believe Beane loves being in Buffalo, loves the team, city, and McD. I think he plans to be here for the long haul. But still, extend this man now for 5 years please. He is just an excellent GM and there are not that many to go around. Then...extend McD. He is the right coach for this team and even city. He is already IMO one of the best young coaches in the NFL right now and expect he is both going to get even better as this roster has really come together now, and be highly sought after if we let him get near the end of his contract. CONTINUITY! Lock these guys down now, they are the real deal and should be here for the foreseeable future!
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