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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I actually think Bills would draw good ratings as people like underdogs and to the outside, we are seen as a scrappy underdog team. So many people I know kept texting me last year during bigger games or just games they were watching for fantasy football reasons about how fun we were to watch, especially Allen. I think in past years, no one would have cared...but Josh is a gamer and fun to watch as he can make a crazy play at any moment. Although I would prefer to see us do All or Nothing, I think Bills regime would not want a camera crew for a whole season with a young team and its not likely. But you made a good point about Bills controlling Embedded and not Hard Knocks. But I think that has more to do with the team and FO than a fan. I was talking fans were freaking out about Hard Knocks while also loving Embedded. Just doesn't make sense to me.
  2. Good does not equal "dynasty". I think that is where me and you are not on the same page. I am not saying they cant be good...I dont see Patriots like Dynasty...Cowboys like Dynasty...49ers like Dynasty, etc and is what the point of this thread was as the article is talking next dynasty. Can they be good for a long time, sure, but can they be a dynasty and win 3 or 4 championships over the next 5 to 7 years...I don't believe it, I wouldn't bet on it, and I don't buy it. All good bud either way, all that matters is we all agree Buffalo is setup for this kind of potential
  3. Yet they have been a constant underachieving team and total disappointment. I will believe it when I see it on the field for a sustained period of time. Already acknowledged they SHOULD be good in the short term. I dont see it long term and they have yet to even be good let alone a dynasty with a loaded roster.
  4. Yes he can, and I think he will. 4 primetime games this year where he amasses 500+ yards and at least 4 TD's is gonna jump start that.
  5. Im just skeptical they can keep it in tact personally. And I think Jerry Jones is not a good GM overall and won't manage this team well. And I do agree McCarthy is better than Garrett who should have been fired a while ago. The same things youre saying about the Cowboys were said about the Rams a few years ago...and now Rams are already seeing a down turn without winning anything as a result. Jerry Jones loves shiney objects and I do not think he will manage a thin cap well at all. Again, talent is there on this roster, so not saying they cant be really good near term...conversation is about sustained dominance in terms of a dynasty. And I just don't trust Jones to pull another dynasty off.
  6. As I wrote in my post, I just cant see the Cowboys as a candidate for a "dynasty". Candidate for a near term Super Bowl, sure. Dynasty is multiple Super Bowls and with all the money they have invested in Copper and Zeke, plus they would have to invest even more in Dak...I just dont see who they can keep a competitive team for a sustained period to win multiple SB and be labeled a dynasty. Add in that McCarthy struggled to win more with Rodgers (who is clearly quite better than Dak as Rodgers is one of the GOATS of his generation) because he could never field a complete team, especially on defense, and I just don't see them as a "dynasty" candidate. I think the defense is going to pay the price for all the money spent on the offense, and its likely to mirror the same fate of Rodgers and GB have had for most of his career. I expect Dallas to remain competitive for a while, but a dynasty is multiple SB championships and I think that is an uphill battle the way they are built and run. The only way I can see Dallas having a shot at a dynasty is if they hit a lot on their draft picks on the defensive side of the ball every year. And does anyone really trust Jerry Jones in that regard, especially on defense? I just don't have that faith in him as a GM to find affordable talent consistently in the draft for that defense. Other than that GB, your list is exactly the same as mine, except I have Bills at 3 and niners and browns at 4 and 5.
  7. I think this list confuses potential great teams next year vs sustained dominance which is what a Dynasty is. This list should be WAY shorter. Only teams on this list should be: Chiefs - No brainer, nothing to say here. Best QB in the NFL, only 24, loaded with weapons and will be a perennial SB threat for the foreseeable future. Everyone is chasing the Chiefs right now until proven otherwise. Ravens - Very talented roster (even though I remain skeptical their offensive system is sustainable), reigning MVP at QB and a great coaching staff. The team is young at all the key spots too, something critical to that "dynasty" talk. Buffalo - Not a biased pick, our roster is loaded and is one of the best rosters in the NFL, and its a young roster. One wild card is the improvement of Allen, but given his track record there is every reason to believe that he will again take a big step, especially with the new weapons here and upgraded OL. And if he takes that big step, we are a serious SB threat this year and for years to come. With a 2 team darkhorse list that should include: Browns - On paper, this team is scary talented. It all comes down to what the new staff can do with Baker. Who is the real Baker...rookie Baker that was impressive...or Sophomore Baker who didn't take the step expected? Browns had inept coaching last year, and I think that Baker is better than what he showed last year. So, with all that talent around him, I think this team is in position to be dangerous if the new staff can elevate Baker. And like the 3 teams above, the key ingredient of youth on this deep roster is key to a potential dynasty. 49ers - Another QB issue team...very talented roster, and young at a lot of key positions. But some of that talent still needs to take another step, and Jimmy G has to show he isnt the most over paid game manager in history. Right now, Jimmy G is a poor mans Alex Smith. That isnt going to deliver you a dynasty. But they added more weapons last year and this year, so jury is still out on him. I don't think they have really tried to open it up with Jimmy G, which is why its not easy to see what his ceiling is. With more weapons I think they they will at least try and if he is up for the challenge, this team is built to win. Teams I have taken off the list: Cowboys - Yes I get they are set up to potentially be a contender this year. But with so much money wrapped up into Cooper and Zeke, once they pay Dak they are going to have a hard time keeping this roster together and strong at other positions. This is not a team I see set up for a "Dynasty" which is only earned after multiple championships over a sector of time. Could they win this year, sure...its the offseason, and on paper, they have a legit case to be dangerous. But I also think McCarthy is over rated and did not have enough success with one of the GOATS in Aaron Rodgers. Achilles heal of McCarthy teams in GB all these years has been the defense too...which is they very side of the ball thats gonna struggle with cap issues after paying Zeke, Cooper, and soon Dak. Titans - Anyone who puts "Titans" on a list of potential dynasties needs their head examined. Tannehill is NOT going to lead any team to a "Dynasty". Can the be a tough team, a good team, a team that contends...sure. But no way in hell is a Tannehill team going to win multiple championships in the next 5 years. Eagles - Geezus...how did they make the list. They have a QB made of glass and the roster is not in great shape. Yes, they can be a good team, but sorry...dynasty...not seeing it with this roster and a QB who cant stay healthy. Carson is talented, although a bit over rated based on one stretch of like 10 games 3 years ago. He has the potential still to recapture that level of play he had when he was in the MVP convo 2/3rds through the season. But he hasn't yet...and any team that has a QB that needs to recapture his form from 3 years ago and also struggles to stay healthy doesn't make any "dynasty" list in my book. Not to mention, they have the worst roster of everyone on this 9 team list right now. Chargers - LMAO...come one, they dont have a QB. Yes they drafted one, but it is going to take a couple years to see if he is the real deal or not, and he may not even play at all this year. And even if Hebert works out, what will the roster still look like once Hebert comes into his own is another question. This is just a foolish team to put on a potential "dynasty" list right now. They were not a very good team with a sure fire HOF QB last year. And yes Rivers has slipped, but it may take Hebert 3 years to get to the level of play Rivers had last year, if he even gets to be that good.
  8. I was just gonna post that. You can see him squeeze the cup that is "empty"
  9. Yeah its just crazy...you can barely tells these teams apart now in the same city, and same stadium. And yes, the Chargers did it better.
  10. I love this series! Glad its back! Fascinating thing though: I do always find it interesting how many of the people who were hard core against being on Hard Knocks saying it would be a distraction and cause all these issues. A lot of people were against Hard Knocks, feels like more than half the board...yet this series seems to be mostly loved by everyone. Not sure what the difference is for those people... So I still hope the Bills make Hard Knocks one of these days personally, or even better, All or Nothing on Amazon Prime where they follow the whole season.
  11. Ha yes meant Gaines...not sure why I typed Grimes, or maybe I made a typo and it auto corrected. My bad And is Taron that much faster in that area than Levi? If so, I wasn't aware and that would be a good point.
  12. I like Taron, and dont disagree he's got a leg up on the Nickel. However, we got a real interesting competition all over the CB depth chart outside of Tre. Josh Norman is kind of penciled in given his past resume with McD, and if he can find his old self, or even close to it, then he will likely start the season as a starter. But thats still to be seen, the Norman that was in Washington the last couple of years does not have a lock on that spot. But lets say he does win the starting spot for week 1...we still have some guys like Levi and Grimes I think that not only push Norman for that starting spot, but will also push Taron for the Nickel spot. So for me, I think it begins with how the starting spot opposite Tre shakes out...then how do those guys who lose that battle fit into the Nickel spot. I like Taron, but I think it would be premature to say he would be a better Nickel than either Levi or Grimes right now. He's played well in his chances, but not so well that he cant be pushed or challenged by Levi or Grimes, both of which have had some solid success at times for the Bills too. And lets say someone surprises and beats out Norman for the starting spot, then would Norman be in the competition for the Nickel spot would be an interesting question as well.
  13. I don't really see where there is even room to discuss this. He is without a doubt #2...second only to Zay Jones.
  14. Its more the logo than the uniforms. I mean I have the actual transcript for the Rams design meeting around the new logo. It is: "Ok, so I got this idea for the new logo and look that no one will see coming, so that means it will be great! We are going to make it kind of look like it should be the Chargers new logo to troll them, while also simultaneously making it look like the logo of a minor league soccer team that isn't any good and never wins. Everyone is gonna love it, especially LA fans!" What could go wrong with that?
  15. Yeah, I have nothing against Murphy, I think he is better than this board makes him out to be. But, its a numbers game, and with Addison, Jefferson and now AJE, I fully agree that I think Murphy will be a trade candidate in that "Beane hacks the comp picks" scenario. I know that some people around here think Murphy will get cut...I dont see that. We don't need to cut him unless we just absolutely need the roster spot somewhere else. I think if they cant trade him, he will be in the rotation at DE and I think AJE will be used in a more versatile manner linking up in different spots to get him some reps. But after the draft saw AJE fall to us, my expectation is that Murphy is going to be a value trade for a 5th at some point before the season, assuming there are no injuries along the way to anyone ahead of him.
  16. Its pretty clearly Singletary and Addison. Murphy may not even be on the roster week 1, let alone starting. And I like Murphy, but he's not as good as Addison. So barring injury or drastic fall off due to age, it will be Addison. AJE will be brought along like they do all rookies, slowly and coached up before over taking a starting position. And Singletary is the man, he did great last year, he has a firm hold on the #1 spot, and Moss will get plenty of carries as well, but won't be taking the starting job this year from Devin unless Devin for some reason regresses or gets hurt. I feel like these 2 choices were fairly obvious...you should have started a poll about CB opposite Tre, Nickel Corner, RT and RG. Those would be more interesting battles to discuss as they are not so obvious.
  17. Shhhhhh this is the easiest money I’ve ever made. HA No the bet is on the regular season, but Allen must play at least 12 games to count as the bet.
  18. Welp...here is what I will say. Most people here have done something stupid like this when they were a teenager or in their early twenties. Drove when they shouldn't have. You tend to have a mentality at that age that you can do anything and its no big deal. Doesn't excuse this behavior, but even though I do NOT have a DUI, there were times his age I probably drove when I shouldn't have and figured I was fine to drive. I never do it now, and probably haven't in 20 years (about to be 44 in July), but this isn't exactly a rare mistake here by youth. He is fortunate it was just a DUI and not an accident he caused...and lets hope that this lesson humbles him and makes him realize he can't do this type of stuff and makes better decisions moving forward. Watching some friends get DUI's and one get in an accident humbled me right up about it, and never done it since. And today its even less excusable with more options like Uber and Lyft. Im not gonna write the kids character off over this...young players get to make one dumb mistake, I mean they are still maturing and coming from being stars in college and getting paid in the NFL so young. Not to mention the added boredom of the quarantine. Its how he responds after this that will tell me what kind of character this kid has. And you know McD and Beane are not going to go easy on him about this kind of mistake. I feel fairly confident though that this wont be an ongoing issue and he will be fine moving forward.
  19. Coolio...sent you a DM with all terms to confirm so we dont have to hunt down this thread.
  20. Just regular season, because that is what the comp % tracks. It tracks them separately, so when someone says he is a 60% passer, its referencing his regular season stats. Ok, and 12 games it is.
  21. Ok, I’ll take this bet. I’m gonna DM you for a record of it. We need to have a games played qualifier though just in case Josh got hurt during a small sample size. Like he completed 75% week 1 but got hurt week 2 for season, that wouldn’t be a fair win on my part, and vice versa. I think 10 games would be a good sample size, but let me know if you’re thinking a different number.
  22. No offense...But...Cant really agree with much of anything you said here, and honestly @Dr. Who already responded with a great reply, so nothing really more for me to add.
  23. Lets make the bet. But there needs to be consequences if you don't pay. Ive made several bets here, and I have won them all but one...only one person paid me and I paid my only loss. Your logic above is so silly and flawed that I am not even going to address it as it was already addressed in my original post. I love making bets with people who either don't read or are so invested in their flawed logic that they can't comprehend what they are reading. I love your silly take of "he didnt do it in Wyoming and JUCO" where he had weaker coaching and a terrible cast around him as a raw QB. Not to mention every meaningful metric already said he did it last year, except his weak cast DROPPED enough passes to drop him under 60%. So you are already categorically wrong on that one fact alone as had we been in the top 10 instead of dead last in dropped passes, he would have been a 60% passer already. Over/Under is 60%...lets do $100 and if the loser doesn't pay...their account and IP gets frozen by mods for entire 2021 offseason and not reactivated until week 1 of the 2022 season. Those are my terms.
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