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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. It’s not a huge margin, but I do think Bills have best supporting cast amongst Bills, Rams, Seattle, and Detroit. WR - Bills have the best WR of all 3 teams in Diggs. It’s not a wide margin, but I think Diggs is the best overall WR amongst the 4 teams. Brown is right there for best 2nd WR, although it’s splitting hairs between him, Rams (not sure how is actually considered #2 for Rams), and Metcalf...with Metcalf having the most upside IMO. Cole is easily the best 3rd WR of the group. So for me, while close, I give the edge to Bills. TE - I think of this group, Rams have best TE group because they got 2 good ones. Bills have upside, but still young. RB - Seattle has best RB stable, but Bills very well could be there with them or better this year. But edge is Seattle for sure right now. OL - This is the difference maker for me, I think we not only have the best OL, but the deepest OL of these teams and it should even be better this year. So for me, only team with more than one top personnel groups of these 4 teams is Bills. I’d put Seattle a close second, then Rams and Lions are both closely ranked behind them. Just my 2 cents
  2. I’d say we have a better supporting cast around him than Seattle, Detroit, and Rams. Just overall, from RBs, WRs, TEs, and OL...I think we have a better cast than those guys now.
  3. You mean when he was a Democrat, before he pretended to be a Republican?
  4. Hahaha, well great in comparison to what we got. There a couple republican candidates that year i felt were quite interesting yet had zero chance.
  5. The person who started this thread complained about politics in sports. The anthem has nothing to do with sports, was not written for events, and contains lyrics of oppression that are offensive to some people. Bottom line, you dont want politics in sports from athletes, then remove the politics from the game. As long as the national anthem, with its divisive lyrics, forcing people to honor whatever connection brings up for them to the song, it will always remain political. And you are right, song means different things to different people. To far too many, that meaning carries political ties. So, simple...someone wants no politics in sports, the sole solution is to remove politics from sports and that starts with the anthem. Me personally, I dont have an issue with the anthem. I dont care if people argue through the song, kneel, poop, get a beer, have sex, or what not during the song. Why on earth anyone else cares what someone else does during the song is beyond me. If people only cared about their own experience during the song, there would be no issue. But humans are disgustingly arrogant though all of time that feel they MUST force their experience/belief onto others no matter what. See almost every war in history. So when you add a song, that carries different meanings to people that involve politics to the start of a sporting event, you are now forever tying that sport and its athletes, fans, etc to politics. There is no 2 ways about it.
  6. Yes VERY infectious from a QB, a position that has been hand picked to be utterly protected and handled like a fragile piece of fine china at every step of the way. Our man Josh dont give 2 craps about that and puts it all on the line no matter what where other QB's tend to play with a lack of balls and embrace the protections. In a game with violence and impact...to see your QB be willing to lay his body in harms way too for the good of the team, to spring a block, to fight for a first down, to just be a beast out there will fire up an entire locker room. When all is said and done with Josh's career, I think its going to not only be a success, but he will be seen as one of the best, if not the best, leader at his position during his era. He has traits that just can not be taught in this regard.
  7. The 3 games following his OVER EXAGGERATED 4 TD game against Baltimore (in which we literally lost because of his terrible INT's in the 2nd half) where he had 1 TD in each game, and in fact would only score more than 1 TD in a game just one more time that season and against Cincy...the same Cincy game where had no TD"s and 3 or 4 INTS in the first half BEFORE half the Bengals starting secondary got hurt and Fitz came back with 4 TD's after that. Everyone talked about his TD total...ignoring the fact that he was terrible in every game but 2, and even in one of those 2 games we still lost on his mistakes and in the other one, we only came back after all the guys intercepting him got hurt and left for good. Dude sucked right out the gate...was never a question in my mind what so ever and I have never been more pissed than the day I saw his extension. Of course, as time went on, there were other things I would become even more pissed at than that extension, but up until then I think that was about as mad as I have ever been at something utterly stupid by our Front Office...which says a lot in a LONNNNNG list of VERY stupid things this organization did over the years prior to that.
  8. While I agree to some degree with your "why", let me tell you why I think you should reconsider somewhat in my honest opinion... Sports were made political by the forcing of the National Anthem decades ago that has nothing to do with sports at all, and still contains oppressive lyrics to those of color. You want no politics and sports then remove the national anthem from all sporting events and find a new way to open up games that doesn't contain a political message. For as long as the National Anthem is played, sports will always...literally always...have a political connection. We are inherently a really, for a lack of better word, STUPID society that is heavily influenced by shiny objects and celebrity. What I mean by that is simple...as a society, we NEVER elect the most qualified candidates for anything. Our votes trend to those who have a charisma or some other draw. We live in a country where the great candidates the Republican Party had were defeated by a man long known for corruption, lying, sexual assault, etc who was a reality TV star and many times over failed business man. On the democratic side, both in 2016 and 2020 we let a woman no one trusted, with controversy following her and her husband for decades rise to the top of the list and in 2020 we had a deep roster of some really good candidates get over shadowed by a guy with his own skeletons in his closet regarding sexual misconduct, questionable policies on his resume, and who has quite honestly losing his mind a bit with his very old age. SO...where am I going with this. Because we are such a HIGHLY influenced society by news, social media, and even fake news...its become even more important for those with influence in those arenas to speak up for whats right and wrong because we as a society keep burying our heads at the facts in front of us, and seem to only listen when those with influence speak up. I feel like people with ability to reach the masses have a certain responsibility to use that very very very rare podium that less than 1% of the people have at their disposal, to reach out and try and create the change we all know is needed but yet never do anything about. What a waste to have that ability, to make a positive impact on this world and just let it slip past and just collect a check for their play on the field. I realize its a double edge sword, as not everyone with influence spreads a positive message or a proactive message. But that shouldn't prevent us for letting those with something to say that we all need to hear who has the ability to reach the masses from speaking the truth. And that includes, those who may have a message that you don't necessarily agree with, its still in all of our best interests to hear that message and hope that it spurs productive dialogue from both sides to try and better understand the different lenses we all see things though. Without that dialogue, we might as well be a country with a dictator, with no freedom of speech... Again, totally get your reasons...we all watch football for the love of the game, entertainment, fan hood, and even fantasy sports (again entertainment). And keeping that separate from politics is a reasonable request in that regard. But for as long as we are forced to politicize sports through the forced National Anthem and our politicians now campaigning on the reaction to it like Trump, it will never stop being blended with politics. And thats just the truth. If Trump just shut up about it when Kap was doing it, then it NEVER would have been nearly as big of an issue as it was. How do I know this? When Mahmoud Abdul-Rahouf did it in the NBA, while there was initial outrage by those offended, it quickly went away and was no longer a major political point of contention. With Kap and the kneeling, we are STILL here debating it 4 years later because Trump decided to make a huge deal out of it, openly admitting to Jerry Jones he only does because it was the ONLY thing he was seeing a boost in the polls from at that time. He literally, factually, does not even know the lyrics to the song. He doesnt care about whether you kneel or not...he is just fanning the emotions of his fan base, and that is it. So we also need the politicians, which in terms of the NFL currently its pretty much mostly republicans running for election (no offense to anyone thats a republican, but if you look at the list of politicians aggressively expressing their displeasure its predominantly republican candidates looking for the same voter base pop that Trump gets trolling this subject). So it also needs to stop being politicized by them, which leads to the media also politicizing it, which further blends politics and sports together and essentially FORCES athletes to use their voice in politics. Finally...reminder...simple solution. Get rid of the National Anthem from sports...it never belonged there, was not written for that, and does not contain language that is inclusive to all in some of its lyrics. But the reality is we all know NONE of the professional sports leagues, or at any level of that sport, will ever have the balls to remove the anthem from pregame play. So, sadly...sports and politics will be forever intertwined.
  9. Fun concept, and my friends and I do similar things when just sitting around drinking and shooting the *****. However...this draft was executed by idiots. First off, I acknowledge Tom Brady as the GOAT. BUT...for ***** sake, he is ancient and there is no way in hell any team building a NEW roster is drafting him in the first 4 rounds. The ONLY value Tom Brady has is to a team that was fully built for a SB run and needed a guy to make a one year push. In a full redraft of the league, no one team is going to be leveraged to make a one year or two year push like that. Will Tom get drafted? Of course, but it aint going to be anywhere near the first 4 rounds because that team who takes them would have to stack the roster every where else to the point its a major SB contender and needs a vet to make that short push. Drafting Tom early literally completely counters that approach. Drew Brees I seriously doubt goes in the first 4 rounds either. And I seriously doubt that the first 15 picks dont include at least 13 QB's, if not 15. And I dont care about journalists opinions, Josh Allen would without question be a first round pick and so would Darnold. In fact, both would go in the top 15 IMO as both are viewed as very promising young QB's on the rise and will have way more value to a GM than an aging veteran when trying to build a team for the future and sustained success in a full redraft. I mean I was looking at some of the drafts for the teams and they are utterly ridiculous and so far from reality its not even funny.
  10. It was already predictable and they still couldn’t stop it. You can tell by how Josh lines up under center. Feet side by side, drop back to handoff, roll out, or pass. Josh lines up with one of his legs behind him, it’s a sneak almost 100% of the time. Still no one could stop it.
  11. I have no issues with what Shaq said. If I was in his shoes I would feel the same. Nothing wrong with having an issue with something stupid and racially charged that some young white kid said. That being said, can’t wait to watch him get juked, stiff armed and tossed a few times each game by Allen on his way to touchdowns and first downs ha.
  12. Poll was interesting to follow. While Kap had an early lead, it got weird where people said he would win the job but wouldn’t get the team the most wins. Now it’s a nice lead by Stidham in both categories. Obviously, odds are it’s never gonna happen. But would be fun to watch if it did lol.
  13. Difference is, I’m not claiming he would sign for this or that like you are. And you are conveniently choosing to ignore his agent saying he would sign to compete as a backup too when he did his workouts. And he isn’t likely asking for $20m for that. You hate him, that’s fine, but stop pushing this dumb narrative that he’s gonna ask for a gazillion dollars. He could, but we also don’t know that and more recent info suggests that’s not the case.
  14. That was a long time ago when he first got out of his contract with Niners. You don’t know what he would really sign for today.
  15. That is why I titled this thread as rumor and speculation only and just an interesting “what if” to discuss. I doubt there is any substance to it and also doubt that they would actually do it even if considering it. I really think BB wants to show he can win with Stidham to kind of snub his nose at Brady. I mean looking at it logically, if they were gonna sign a “vet” to compete with Stidham, why didn’t they sign Dalton when he was free or go sign Newton over Kap whose clearly the better QB with no baggage. So while I agree this is likely never gonna happen, just thought it would be an interesting topic and interesting place for Kap to land if he did now find himself back in the NFL. And make no mistake about it, I do believe Kap should be given another shot by someone. I mean if he doesn’t have anything to offer, you just cut him. But he was good enough to still be playing in the NFL today had the kneeling not interrupted his career. Whether or not he would still be holding on as a starter or would be a backup now like Winston is a legit question, but none the less, he’s good enough to be on a roster had he not been frozen out. I just don’t see the Pats as the team to give him that shot. And honestly, not sure there are really any teams looking to sign another QB right now anyway, especially one that’s been out of the league several years. So odds of him getting that shot remain low IMHO.
  16. There are rumors and speculation. Saw my friends discussing them is how I came across them.
  17. Man you need to read better lol. I said saw some friends discussing the “rumors” online. I literally said in my title “rumor and speculation only”. Then wrote this as a “what if” question only. Yet here you are mocking I heard from Pats friends? Are you capable of participating in any convo with out opening with a smart a** comment? Asking for a friend...
  18. So I got several Pats fan friends on social media talking about the rumors and speculation that the Pats could sign Kap. And all of them are hoping it happens surprisingly. Me: I don’t think so. I think BB really wants to try and do his latest Matt Cassel like job of taking a guy who is basically unknown and unheralded young QB and prove he can win still without a “Tom Brady”. Just my opinion of course. BUT...what if they did sign Kap and let him battle for the starting job? Seems some recent polls show majority of Pats fans would support this. From a story perspective, I think this would be interesting to watch. Get him back in and on a huge stage. Be a great message in our climate for one, and a great opportunity for Kap in terms of how he could get back in the league. As a Bills fan, I’d be stoked to see Pats have another distraction to go with the “Life after Brady” distraction haha. So what are your thoughts? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.metrowestdailynews.com/sports/20200606/daniels-poll-majority-of-patriots-fans-in-favor-of-bringing-on-colin-kaepernick-to-qb-competition%3ftemplate=ampart
  19. Dude come one...you said "they kneeled for endorsements" and then validate that because ONE guy who knelt got an endorsement deal 2 years later that was far LESS than what his NFL contract would have earned him over his career? Then you say that was his plan? Wow dude...just wow man. Look, no disrespect, but thats so absurd in logic, I dont honestly know what else to say.
  20. Man, I was with you on the first 2 sentences...then it tailed off into a puzzling direction. They did not kneel to get endorsements, how can you even suggest that to be true? They lost all their endorsements from kneeling and even lost jobs. Not sure what you are talking about here, this seems to be a bit short sighted. Did Nike eventually turn the corner and decide to support the movement and Colin, yes. But there was a lot more lost than gained through kneeling before that happened and Colin would have made a LOT more money had he never kneeled. He did not do any of this, nor did the other players, for money. This is what I don't get...when people change the value of the message based on how much money you perceive they make. Do you even know the amount of pain, work, and sacrifice it takes for an athlete to reach the highest levels of sports? It just bothers me so much when people automatically pass judgements on athletes because of what they fought their whole life for to earn and achieve...what they worked, bled, sweated, and battled through pain to achieve. An NFL roster spot is one of the rarest career options in the world, only the best of the best make it and over 99% of those who dream of it will fail to get there. And furthermore, Colin had given both his time and millions to kids and his local communtiies before he ever started kneeling. He has done more and given more (both before the kneeling and after) than this whole board combined and a lot more than most athletes do. This is why I never agree or understand the backlash he got over "money".
  21. Here is the thing...and why you are very much wrong in this post. You are not wrong in what the anthem means to you. You are not wrong in what you choose to do during the anthem. But you are categorically wrong in feeling everyone one else should share your OPINION and personal experience of what the anthem should mean to them. Its more than ok to believe in standing for the anthem, but I am willing to bet you don't stand for the anthem at home or at bars and only do at live games like 99% of the people who are upset at not standing during the anthem. Again, nothing wrong with that either. But, its also more than ok for someone to have a different experience of the anthem and the issues that still are present in our country for minority individuals. Its more than ok for someone to feel change needs to happen, and see the anthem as a way peacefully express their voice for that change to social injustice. Not everyone thinks about the military when they hear the anthem, nor is that the purpose of the anthem. Not everyone feels the anthem and its lyrics properly represent the modern country given there are still oppressive lyrics in the song that are hurtful to those of color. Just like how people in the south enjoy the confederate flag as a symbol of their heritage because they grew up watching Dukes of Hazard or listening to country music where it was prevalent. Doesn't change the fact that the confederate flag was actually the symbol of a political party that was fighting for the right to keep slaves and legally Lynch black folks. And to the black community, the flag and symbols carry that darker connection. What Drew Brees said wasn't terrible by any means, he was honest about what the anthem means to him and his deep connection to military from his own life experiences, and they were all fine reasons. What he did that was terrible, was PROJECT that connection across everyone else and not feel others have the right to feel differently or express different emotions. His biggest crime was two fold with the second being utterly terrible judgement and timing in sharing his personal take and belief everyone should honor it the way HE does during such an emotionally charged time. So...no disrespect, your personal views for yourself are more than ok. But you projecting to demand others do the same as you would is where you are wrong. There are no rules in life to how people experience things. Everyone has different lenses shaped through lifes experiences. And I bet you have never lost a family member or loved one because of the color of their skin...you were not harassed or arrested because of the color of skin...your people were not enslaved to build this country...your people were not divided in schools, restaurants and busses not that long ago. So you cant ever have the same perspective as a black athlete will have with that very much in their family history and their day to day lives. So rather than hate those whose life has given them to a lens to see something different than you, how about we all try empathy and try and understand why they feel this way and give them the American Right of Freedom of Speech and Expression to make their own decisions and express their voices in their own ways. God bless. PS: I feel like Brees words were not ill willed and his apology was sincere. I do not have an issue with Brees even though I feel strongly that his original statement was a poor decision and lacked any kind of self or social awareness in how it would make him look and affect those around him.
  22. BUT...Drew Brees didn't say anything "wrong", he shared his PERSONAL experience and deep meaning with the anthem and why its important to him to stand. His mistake, was projecting that meaning on to others as if they should feel the same, and his biggest mistake was the poor timing and lack of social awareness. What Fromm said was SUBSTANTIALLY worse and literally quite racist...even if he claims he was joking, which we all know is inevitably coming. Everyone knows Brees isnt racist, but now Fromm appears to believe he is a white elite with special privileges. Plus...Fromm...questionable NFL player at this stage...Brees one of the GOATS with a LONG history of giving and supporting his community which has a rich and deep African American population, culture, and history.
  23. Matt Barkley after opening Twitter today and seeing this trending:
  24. Welcome back to the Buffalo Bills Matt Barkley.
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