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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. First off, I said more than just one first round pick, doenst mean it’s additional firsts. Could be a first and a second, etc. But he very well could fetch 2 firsts.
  2. I didn’t compare them as if Josh should have been MVP. I said it’s stupid to credit other dual threats with their dual threat ability and ignore Josh’s. Josh had 30 TDS, that’s nothing to mock. And in his 2nd year, with 9 new starters, tiny WRs, several scrub WRs, and ancient RB and a roomie RB. He would fetch a LOT if he was traded. Period. Rosen is trash, was given up on after one season, and still got a 2nd. Josh would go for more than just one first round pick.
  3. It would more than just one first round pick, that much I can promise you, 100%. The wrong Josh (Rosen) after a bad first season in AZ still fetched a second rounder after his team that traded up for him gave up on him after one season. The fact a second round pick is an option in this poll is utterly absurd. And anyone who picked second rounder or later is a fool just hating and has no grasp of reality. wrong. He had 30 total TDs last year alone. You don’t get to give Lamar credit for being a duel threat or Newton and not Allen. That’s so stupid when people only post passing stats, especially when he’s had a mostly weak to terrible receiving cast around him for 2 seasons too where Bills led league in drops last 2 years.
  4. Ive been saying for a long time that for me Allen compares a lot more to guys like Wilson and Steve Young even though he was predominantly compared to Cam Newton. I get the Newton comparisons, but at the end of the day, Allen has so much more upside as a QB and I think once he dials it in fully he will be substantially more like Wilson, Young, Big Ben type QB. A guy who is a QB first, but without a shadow of a doubt can still kill you at any moment with his ability to run. And as he gets better as a passer, the running will become less frequent because he just won't have to do it as much anymore. Newton was a aways a guy where his running will always need to be a big part of his game in order to play at his best. He just isn't quite ever going to be that pure QB where I do believe Allen has that potential. And I think Allen will show it THIS year. For me, Allen is a hot player to draft in fantasy football, and I have used him to a high degree success his first 2 seasons, both of which I won the championship in the league I had him as a key contributor. Although to be fair, last season, I cut Allen and Cousins for my fantasy Super Bowl due to matchups and added Fitz and Perriman for the final week in which both helped me win the title as Fitz went off big time and put up like 40 points. I think I will target Allen as a starter for me after the first handful of guys are off the board in like round 8 to 10. Then pair him with a quality backup later...like Cousins or maybe even Cam Newton or a Big Ben, both of which should be good late round values. Allen to me will finish in the top 5 without question in fantasy next year and could be top 3 IMO. But I already know people are going to go after (in no particular order) Mahomes, Watson, Lamar, Wilson, Rodgers, Brees, Murray etc before they look at Allen. So I will focus on my other positions while they make a run on those other QB's then snag Allen once I feel it may be my last shot to grab him before my next pick. Its the best part about living in CA and being the only Bills fan in my fantasy leagues, I always get great value on the Bills players. Although I think people will pay more attention this year, I still know they will all probably go later than they should like Diggs, Brown, Devin and Allen
  5. Seattle is no joke either, and with AB they would be a serious contender in the NFC, and honestly, I think he would have a slightly better shot at a SB appearance in Seattle than Baltimore where they still have to get by KC who is still probably the top team heading into the season. Also, he could make a bigger impact. But, either make sense obviously. And like someone else added, facing Pitt twice would add to the appeal. From a football perspective, I just think Seattle makes a lot more sense because he is going to want to put up stats so he can get a real contract in 2022, and Seattle gives him a much better shot at that. Lamar was not great throwing to his WR's last year and most his passing production was to TE and RB combinations. All that speed and size at WR in Seattle with a top 3 QB in Seattle and dangerous run game would be a sick offense. Im hoping its an NFC team (Seattle, SF, GB, etc) as I dont want to face him in the AFC on someone we already will have our hands full with. AB is freaking nuts...out of his mind...and just a total dips**t...BUT he is still an elite player on the field, and for all his off field issues the past 18 months, throughout his career when he was on the field he was all business. And now he has lost football for a while, I think its reasonable to think hes going to come back with a chip on his shoulder to earn a real deal (and deal he likely gets this year would be a 1 year prove it) as he wants to get paid again at some point. So, the idea of him winding up back in NE would suck, or Baltimore...two teams we are going to have to go through to get to where we want to go. Doesnt mean we cant if he winds up there, but I would rather not see them get potentially better by adding a potentially elite player to their weak spot on offense, WR.
  6. Right now on First Take they were talking about both Seattle and Baltimore have shown real interest in AB and that apparently several other teams are also interested. Max and Stephen A even speculated NE bringing him back with Cam there now (but don’t see how they could really afford him). But there was no confirmation of NE interest, just they think it makes the most sense. Dan suggested GB and SF but again just said would be good fits and didn’t say the teams had confirmed interest. Only teams named with official interest was Sea and Balt and the “other” interested teams were not confirmed or named. I would think Eagles would be interested too given the WR issues they had last year. So...Where do you think he ends up? I just hope it’s not NE because with Cam now, this Pats team isn’t going to be an easy out as it is and AB could make them real dangerous if Cam stays healthy and AB keeps himself in check. Of the confirmed teams, if I’m AB, I would think Seattle would be very attractive compared to Baltimore where he likely wouldn’t see as many targets because of the offense they run.
  7. Every NFL team that is a legit Super Bowl contender has a backup QB problem EXCEPT Dallas who has Dalton who I think can do a pretty good job still on that Dallas team if Captain Overpaid gets hurt. So this thread is a bit silly, as just about most teams have the same hole. What happens if Brady goes down in TB? Mahomes goes down in KC? Jimmy G goes down in SF? Wilson goes down in Seattle? Rodgers goes down in GB? Brees goes down for Saints? And so on and so on. I mean none of those teams are super bowl contenders on paper with their current backup QB starting instead. And I said "on paper" because you never know what can happen when one of these unheralded guys steps on a field. No one saw Hostettler leading the Giants to the Super Bowl when Simms got hurt over Kelly and the Bills. No one saw Brady taking over for Bledsoe and making and winning a SB. So anything is possible, but the point is, on paper all of the other SB contenders are in a similar spot as Bills in terms of what it looks like on paper is sitting on the bench behind their starting QB's. So this isnt a unique problem to the Bills. Again, only Dallas has a legit proven quality backup capable of doing a similar job to Dak if he was to get hurt. Thats a RARE commodity in the NFL...very rare.
  8. Watch out NFL...Allen coming to take over! For real!
  9. My rank in order of AFCE is: 1 - Pats 2 - Jets - I don't hate the team so much, just the fans drive me crazy, even out here in CA 3 - Dolphins - Never really hated them nearly as much, maybe its because they have sucked nearly as long as we did once Marino was gone and the Dolphin fans I know are pretty chill and don't ever run into a bunch of nutty Fins fans anywhere. My overall hate in the NFL is: 1 - Pats 2 - Radiers - I actually like Gruden, but just hate the fans...I live in CA, they are the worst 3 - Cowboys 4 - Jets 5 - Giants
  10. Trade for Hughes is by far the best trade, its not even close really. Talking about trading a scrub for a guy who became a really good DE and and a staple of our team. McCoy trade was for Alonzo, a guy who was already a pretty good player with tons of upside. He went on to have a good (yet dirty lol) career in the league. So this trade wasn't nearly as lopsided, and we also got a lot more value out of Hughes IMO than McCoy in terms of longevity, contract value, etc.
  11. Lets be real...Kap would make more sense as a backup to Josh than Barkely or Fromm do given those guys do not share a single common trait in terms of ability with Josh nor would be able to run the same offense as Josh if he got hurt. That doesn't mean Kap would win the job, I mean has been out of the league for 4 years, so its not clear to what kind of affect that would have on him, but in terms of style of play and physical traits, bringing him in would make sense. Now, I am not saying they will, nor do I expect them to. We are a young team on the rise, so avoiding off field media coverage and discussion is a respectable position to have. But, end of day, we do not have a good backup on our roster right now (Fromm is unknown) and neither of the 2 guys playing for that job can come close to mimicking the way Josh runs the offense. In both of Josh's first 2 seasons, the backup came in and lost us games when he got hurt. Exploring an upgrade there would not be a bad thing. Personally, I would feel comfortable cutting Fromm and signing Kap after the racists texts incident. I liked taking Fromm in the 5th, just good value. However, no chance we draft him had those texts come out before the draft, and even Beane said they had no plans to take a QB or Fromm until the value was too good to pass up. So not like he was a target, and shows they still liked Barkley to at least some degree if they admittedly had no plans to draft a QB. And its probable that some players will not be too keen on Fromm, at least early on. Cutting him and giving Kap a chance would send a strong message IMO. So, I would say cut Fromm and let Kap battle with Barkley. At least Kap has helped lead a team to not only a SB, but nearly a win too. And our team isn't that different of a makeup of the one he QB'd to the Super Bowl in terms of makeup. I still don't expect we would, and we are not the only team where Kap would make more sense to backing up their entrenched starter based on physical traits and style of play. But at the end of the day, no harm in kicking the tires.
  12. This...I still can't believe how many republicans forget that Trump was basically a democrat his entire life...including anti guns, etc...until he got a personal vendetta with Obama and saw a chance to campaign on the republican ticket.
  13. Where did I claim he was one of the best quarterbacks in the league last year? I said his stats were amongst the best with his TD to INT ratio after he admittedly had to change after the week 4 NE game. Over his next 11 games he accounted for 21 TD's and just 3 turnovers, which is pretty good and considering he had to deal with 9 new starters around him, an incomplete WR group, Bills leading the league in drops, etc etc. I said to grade him as a C was not a fair assessment is how this all started. You chimed in with his passing totals only to dispute the 21 TD total I stated between weeks 5 and 16. So not sure how you think you didn't ignore running performance when you literally responded to me saying how could he have 21 during that period if he only had 20 on the season. I mean its pretty obvious I am including his running TD's when I say he had 21 TDs from week 5 to week 16 given he had just 20 through the air total on the season. And you also attributed a loss to him that wasn't on him...then doubled down on that flawed logic after pointing that out to you. Which was also puzzling to me as well
  14. Yeah mods do a great job...just was stating the Moss stuff was utter nonsense that people were concluding on draft night
  15. Agree, but it would also help if Daboll stopped running Gore draws for 1 yard on the first 2 downs too
  16. Again, only counting the games Josh played in, so weeks 5-16 (not 17). It was posted here a bunch of times, so maybe where ever that originated from is slightly inaccurate, but he was still amongst the league leaders during that stretch and had one of the best TD to Turnover ratios with 21 to 3. And dont pretend you didnt disregard the running, you didnt count anything other than passing stats. You then held your hat on an even dumber stat of 7-5, when the reality and true facts is Josh was really 7-4. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And stop justifying the bad receiving group last year, they were below average at best. We led the league with drops, and didnt have a single WR opposite of Brown worthy of playing time, and no Cole doesnt count because he is only a short underneath option and doesnt play opposite of Brown
  17. I think he will sign with a team at some point, not sure he makes the roster or not, just depends on where he lands and how he plays after 4 years out of the league. I do think the idea of Chargers makes sense for the reasons you stated, but I also think simultaneously it makes no football sense given they already have TT who they like a lot and just drafted the guy to groom for their future. People can say what they want about TT, but he's a great locker room guy and teammate, so I doubt they are going to see Kap as a guy that will challenge him given they aren't that different of a player on the field, but Kap also has not stepped on a field in 4 years. To be honest, I don't see many places where it makes "football sense" to sign him given lots of openings were filled with the draft and FA already at this point. Plus Newton is still out there, and from a football perspective only, there is no way any other available QB should get a job before him as he is by far the best on the market and top 15 QB in the NFL still as a starter without question. Maybe NE, Was, Chi, Jax or Car would kick the tires given they don't exactly have settled QB situations there. Most seem unlikely even though they have less settled QB depth charts. Maybe the Steelers recognizing they are SB contender with Big Ben, but a non-playoff team if he again gets hurt kicks the tires to see if he could be a better option if Ben goes down again. But, in all cases here, Cam still would be a substantial better option than Kap anyway. As a backup, I think teams with mobile QB's could kick the tires like even Buffalo (neither Fromm or Barkley share a single player trait with Allen in terms of on field ability), Houston, KC, Seattle, AZ, etc. But in all those cases, it would be to solely compete as a backup with no shot at pushing the starters there.
  18. Even the turnovers are not a fair complaint given he fixed that problem after week 5 to have only 3 to go with the 21 total TD's. But yes, exactly.
  19. Exactly, its utterly insane. Makes no sense what so ever. A TD is worth 6 points no matter how its scored. Worse yet, nobody outside of Lamar from weeks 5-17 put up more TD's than Allen, and that includes not really playing much week 17, so really that was weeks 5-16. And he also only had 3 turnovers during that stretch too. End of the day, Josh Allen finished the second half of the season with a starting WR group averaging 5'10" in height, not exactly a red zone monster squad, with one of those guys not having any business being a starter in McKenzie. Then we had 9 new starts on the offense for a 2nd year QB to work with, led the NFL in drops, and had no real Redzone threats who were go to players. BUT...some people want to take away all the TD's Josh improvised to score when he didn't have an option open or on the called designed plays by our OC to take advantage of Josh ability to take it in himself. Utter nonsense to discredit that. Only in Buffalo do we take away the duel threat production of our duel threat QB. 30 total TDs in 2019 with all those obstacles above (and more) as a 2nd year QB who was raw coming into the league. Wait until people see what this kid does with this upgraded supporting cast and another year of continuity with the players here and epseically the OL.
  20. There are a lot of people who don’t add much to this board other than terrible knee jerk reactions and mostly non sense
  21. Oh boy, another person who wants to take his rushing TDs off his stat sheet because only his throwing TDs count for you. Guess we should remove Lamars rushing impact too right? A TD is worth the same running it in or throwing it in. And maybe if we didn’t have scrubs like Zay, McKenzie, Foster, etc rotating as our starters opposite Brown all year, or if we didn’t lead the NFL in dropped passes, or half a season where his 3 starting WRs weren’t an average of 5’-10” etc some of those rushing TDs May have been throwing TDS. He put up 21 total TDs over that stretch, second ONLY to Lamar. And he was not 7-5, he was 7-4 because not only are you erasing his production, you’re also counting a game which Barkley lost for us as Josh barely played and was all Barkley in week 17. So, sorry your reply is not only missing important facts, it’s also counting inaccurate facts.
  22. No offense but this is not a very accurate evaluation. Our QB who from weeks 5-17 was second only to Lamar with 21 TDs and only 3 turnovers to go with that gets a C? The most TDs by a Bills QB in decades? With an incomplete starting cast, 9 new starters around him, in his second year? I mean it’s ok, you don’t have to be sold fully, but he deserves more respect than a C. And then even worse, a C- for the OL? That’s way low again. They were not that bad, and honestly should be quite good this year. QB: B+ And I wouldn’t think a B was unfair, but my expectation Josh alone will make this an A by the end of the season lends me to focus on the improvements last year and the improvements to this roster around him and say I feel today it’s a B+ as i think he’s poised for a real breakout year. RB: B WR: A TE : C+ with lots of upside, could jump to a B+ this year or better if Knox takes a big step and fixes the drops. OL: B also with more upside Defense: DL: A LB: B+ CB: B+ S: A+ ST: B-
  23. I like Golladay a lot, I just think Diggs is the better all around WR and a top 5 talent at his position. It’s not a wide margin, just if I could pick one I would take Diggs as he is statistically already a better deep threat and better at contested catches than Golladay, and those are Golladay’s best attributes. Diggs is also probably the best route runner in the NFL Jones is the most over rated WR in this discussion. I’d take Brown, whoever is the the actual #2 for Rams, or Metcalf over Jones without thinking twice. He’s not bad by any means, but he is so inconsistent week to week. He’s the smaller poor mans version of Cooper. He is capable of some big games no doubt, but too often he is taken out of games and disappears. But season totals are respectable to solid because of the couple of big game. I laugh every year when someone drafts him way too early in fantasy football and always tell people you might as well start scanning the waiver wire now because you’re gonna drop him after playing him 4 weeks in a row after a big game to see him do squat. WR debate is really close, but having the best route runner in Diggs, who also has led NFL in both deep balls and contested catches, just makes him the top guy of all the talented group IMO. Then to have a top end number 2 in Brown with the best route running slot of the group in Cole, I think Bills get the overall edge. All 4 teams do have a good WR core, so it’s not a lock or landslide by any means.
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