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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. I’m gonna say something unpopular. I think Mike Evans is a bit overrated. He’s a top 10 WR still for me, but I see many have him top 3 and I don’t think he has the mental focus or consistency to be there. He is frequently ranked like he’s Calvin Johnson, but I think he lacks consistency and consistent dominance. Again, still for sure top 10 with immense physical gifts, but I just feel like he doesn’t dominate the way he should consistently. He’s had one big season, the rest were solid to good seasons. For me, he’s just a big physical target with speed, but not the same complete WR the other guys are like Nuke, Jones, Thomas, etc. His route running keeps him out of my top 5.
  2. Diggs is top 5 IMO. Here is my justification: Name 5 WR’s with better feet? I can’t Name 5 WR’s with better route running? I can’t Name 5 WR’s with better at the deep ball? I can’t, and he was also statistically ranked number one in this too. Name 5 WR’s with better contested catches? I can’t, again he’s also statistically number 1. Name 5 WR’s with better hands? This one has more competition as there are some guys with great hands, but Diggs has great hands too. Name 5 WR’s with more explosive breaks and cuts? I can’t. And I’ve thought these things before he became a Bill. He doesn’t yet have the top 5 stats, but he also played alongside another stud WR and also saw his offense transition into dangerous running game with a cooks too. But talent wise, I got him in my top 5. Cooper being on the list over Diggs is gross. Not a chance.
  3. I feel bad that Stefon isn’t going to feel the Bills Mafia energy in the stands in his first season In B-Lo
  4. He can be pissed all he wants...Mahomes deal is reflective of a player that leads his team to wins and championships. Dak on the other hand has had a better overall roster and has led a team to underachieving and missing the playoffs.
  5. No its gonna be about $400 Million. $40M per year for 10 years.
  6. I get it from that perspective, but Njoku hasn't exactly broken out and lived up to his potential either. And with a young promising TE in Knox, plus Tommy has upside and even Kroft has some if he's healthy, a third feels a bit premature and a little rich. I wouldn't hate it, but not sure I would advocate for it either. Just simply on the fact I think Knox is going to have a much improved year and could easily put up a season better than Njokus best season so far which is still only 56 catches for a little over 600 yards and just 4 TDs. If this season was already over and Knox had a so so year, I would be all for it. Just still high on his potential, so I dont feel the urgency to move a 3rd for another TE that still has a lot of question marks and hasn't exactly been a stud yet himself. Like I said, I would do a 4th to pair him with Knox though, just dont have one of those. So I would focus on a 5th or a 5th and another pick and a player. I would be all for that.
  7. We dont have a 4th and not sure I would be ok sending a 3rd. All for a 4th if we had it, and I think he could fetch a 4th from someone else. So what can we offer as I think a 3rd is too much before we truly know what we already have at TE. 5th 5th and additional late pick or future pick 5th and Sweeny 5th and Kroft 5th and Yeldon (since they lost Hunt) Not sure how any of those work cap wise, just thinking players off the top of my head. I would do any of those trades. But not sure I would feel good about a 3rd and going into next years draft without a 3rd and 4th round pick. But I do love the idea of a Knox Njoku pairing for years to come. Just the athleticism alone between them too would significantly impact all the other players on the team as they could really put a lot of pressure on the defense.
  8. UPDATE: Twitter has AB going to the Texans trending tonight. Trying to find anything that can validate it as true and not just a rumor.
  9. Yeah I dont really disagree with any of this, but it’s the elite players and QB edge that keep KC narrowly out front for me. But basically I agree with everything you said
  10. I like Jackson, and liked him coming out of college, and still enjoy watching him play. BUT...Im not that far off on this with you, but I certainly don't think Jackson will end up a backup somewhere soon, I mean I still feel he is a special talent overall. But, I do think Allen will surpass him and will be the unquestionable better QB soon. Jackson is not like some Tyrod Taylor, he's a legit starter for sure in a Vick style QB. And Vick was a dangerous starting QB until the end, even after missing so much time for being a piece of ****. So I expect Lamar, assuming he stays healthy, to be a productive starter. But like you, I am skeptical he can really be that playoff success guy when he's facing tough defenses that have the speed to limit his effectiveness. I expect some great fantasy football games from him against mediocre teams or worse, but come playoff time, not sure that style of offense can get the job done. No one like him has done it yet, never been a running QB like him win a SB. Also, lets not forget, it was only his 2nd season, and first as a full time starter and he won MVP. So backup I don't think is in his future unless some tragic injury impacts his career arc. But I do remain somewhat skeptical that his style and the Ravens style will be sustainable and effective as defenses figure him and it out more. All his regular season success will mean nothing if he keeps one and done-ing it in the playoffs. That being said, I think this will be a very telling year for Lamar's future. Last year, defenses showed at the end of the season how to start rattling the offense between SF, Bills, and playoffs. Teams will use that as a blue print this year, and the Ravens are stacked for a serious SB run. So how Lamar and the Ravens show up this year will probably tell you a lot about Lamars future in terms can his style win because he 100% has the roster and coaching around him to do it right now. Just like same can be said for Josh Allen really about this upcoming season. KC has a pretty good roster...I mean the offense is loaded, and they retooled the defense nicely last year. And they just won the SB. And their QB is without question the better QB. So I dont think its as exaggerated as you are suggesting. I have same rankings, except as you know KC first and Ravens 2. Otherwise, we are same on everything else. And I have 1 and 2 very close, so its like splitting hairs for me.
  11. Comparing REALITY is not helping the argument? Ok. The reality is that consistently NFL GM's keep paying premiums for weak QB's, unproven QB's, QB's that show glimpses of potential, etc. Its the nature of the NFL. You keep denying it. Whether its trades or egregious contracts, GM's have CONSISTENTLY over paid for QB's, ones without even the fraction of success Allen has had already. You are the one who is not once helped your argument in this regard. And I never said he would for sure fetch 2 first rounders...I said he would for sure fetch more than just 1 first only, and that could be other picks included besides another first. I said its certainly possible he could get 2 first rounders...and there is factual proof of this. Beane would NOT under any circumstance trade Allen today right now for 2 first rounders. You know it, and I know it. That means there is ONE team already (who knowns him best) that already has a higher value on him than 2 first rounders. And there are several other GM's around the league who gush about Allen and his potential. Just like there are some who are not sold on him and wouldn't do it. Only takes ONE GM to make the trade, and if you think there is NOT one GM who would pay more than just a single first as compensation, then you are just too blind in your negative biased opinion of Allen to see it.
  12. I think I am pretty much with you on this list for the most part. I actually think I would put Darnold and Newton right now above Mayfield, and I am a guy who felt Mayfield was the top QB (Allen #2) coming into that draft and thought he had the best rookie year by far. But last year he regressed with supreme levels of talent around him, albeit also bad coaching staff. So while I think Baker has a very high ceiling still, going off the most recent bodies of work, I feel like he was regressing and I think Darnold has the edge on the rankings list by a slim margin right now over Baker. And while I know Cam is not certainly the MVP Cam today, he is not that old, and people writing him off this early to me is premature. I don't know what he will look like in NE, but I do know that a healthy Cam is likely still a better QB than Darnold or Baker right now. So I would go simply move Newton to 6 and move Baker to 8. Other than that, I think the list is pretty solid where there are some guys in the bottom parts people can spilt hairs over. Your top 5 is how I would list them too. Big Ben is a question mark, but his play not he field had still been top 10 before the injury. So until he shows the decline on the field, that Steeler team has a lot of talent and I think Big Ben should put up a pretty good season. The major question mark for me with him is can he stay healthy. PS: I think Minshew is the second coming of FitzCrapTrick...a guy who can wow you one game and then lose you the next game. I think he is going to be the next "poor mans" Favre guy like Fitz was kind of labeled his whole career...a gunslinger without the talent to reach Farve like success. A guy players like, but will never be lock down starter and instead be a fun backup that will get chances around the league when teams start to rebuild and groom highly drafted QB's. He is young, so obviously, its just an opinion, and he can certainly prove that wrong. But he reminds me of Fitz when I watched him play.
  13. Yeah, I am about in the same place as you guys. I still think we win the division, but I do think Pats could still could make it tough and could still contend for that wildcard spot. And my main reason is BB, not anything other than BB. Adding Cam now definitely makes it more interesting in my opinion. While I think it would be foolish to assume Cam will regain pro bowl form automatically in NE, its equally foolish to assume he cant either. He's not that old, and if he is healthy, it would be premature to just outright dismiss him right now. Especially now that he is paired with BB as well. I also do think, like many others do, that the Pats genuinely are high on Stidham too. So it will be interesting to see how the battle for week 1 starter plays out. Cam is coming off an injury, learning a new system, and dealing in a shortened and impacted season due to COVID as well to adjust, learn, and find his game again. So that is why I went Stidham, Newton, and yes with Newton. Should be an interesting story line to watch. Honestly none of the scenarios would be a surprise to me.
  14. So let me get this straight...you sighted a WR to show the value of a QB's trade value? LMAO. A position that is notoriously had low trade value in relation to talent? OK, got it. Geezus...you and Billll should date since neither seem to understand the concept of evaluating like transactions. Rob Johnson says hi by the way.
  15. I think the answer here is tough, I do think the Pats really are high on Stidham. So I kind of have a feeling Stidham starts the season off week 1 potentially as the starter given his experience in the offense too. But I also find it hard to have high confidence in him at this stage, and not sure he can get the job done well enough to hold off Newton. So I went with Stidham, Newton, and Yes, with Newton. As much as I want the Pats to be terrible, its hard to count out BB and they do still have a solid roster even if they lost some players this year. So if the QB can do a good job, I do think Pats will contend for a wild card spot still at least. Not really a wrong answer here I think, as its all up in the air and I can see any of the scenarios happening. More was just curious on what everyone else felt at this stage. I am sure this will really start changing once we see them on the field.
  16. I think you may be right. I was gonna say my guess would be Jacksonville or Tampa Bay.
  17. Except there is 30 of them now, like WTF hahaha. Must be all the flat earth people hahaha NO thats not even remotely the same argument. Do you know what a trade is? GEEZUS You just compared a mediocre QB with a major injury to end his season to his throwing shoulder by the way that there was no guarantee he could even be the same mediocre QB he was before the injury. Brees was NOT "Brees" when he was a free agent. None the less, its one million percent irrelevant as its not even a trade. I love you keep ignoring ACTUAL TRADES of QB's to make fake arguments to support your biased negative opinion on Allen though
  18. Lots of discussion since Cam joined NE, so wanted to start a poll to go on record who people think will actually be the week one starter, and also add a question in to see who they think either keeps the job or takes over the job by end of season. And also, to see if people think they will be a post season team and if so, who is the QB.
  19. I miss the days when you could see the people who voted for each choice. Love to see the foolish people who chose "2nd rounder or later" for Allens trade value. Its so utterly ridiculous to suggest his value is no better than Josh Rosens, or worse than losers like Rob Johnson were. They should have to publicly face their shame for such an egregious answer lmao. And it doesn't even matter what Allen does from this point on, talking straight about todays trade value. No one in their right mind who knows anything about football will believe for one second that Allen couldn't fetch more than a second rounder. That is simply NOT the reality of the NFL, and never has been.
  20. Bahahahaha what a ridiculous response. Tom Brady was DRAFTED for a 6th round pick, NOT TRADED ONCE HE PLAYED IN THE NFL. LMAO wow. What does teams drafting a QB on draft night when all are crap shoots and question marks have to do with trading a 2nd year QB coming off a 10 win season, 30 TD's and a playoff appearance for a team whose only made the playoffs one other time in almost 20 years???? Not to mention on a cheap rookie contract for 3 more seasons LMAO. The only thing dumb was your reply lol
  21. Well that would be the same value as Rob Johnson, Rick Mirer, etc...so you ARE saying he is not MORE valuable in trade than those scrubs were if you are saying he would get the SAME value in trade.
  22. You dont think the difference between Rob Johnson and Josh Allen isnt worth another first round pick? LMAO. So you think Allen belongs in the same convo with Rob Johnson, and those other scrubs in terms of value???? HAHAHA come on dude. WOW If you think its UNREASONABLE to assume Allen would have MORE trade value than Rob Johnson, Rick Mirer, etc then you probably shouldn't evaluate QB's and their value anymore because that is utterly ridiculous.
  23. Are you serious? SCRUB QB's because of ONE game have been traded for First round picks. Ever hear of Rob Johnson? What about other guys getting first rounders despite being scrubs like Rick Mirer? Craig Erickson? Jeff George? Sam Bradford? Steve Walsh? Chris Chandler? Kelly Stoufer? Richard Todd? I mean I could go on and on. Even Brett Farve before ever playing a regular season snap was traded for a first despite not being a first round pick the year before. Yes he is a HOF now, but he wasn't then, he was a guy with off field question marks who wasn't even a first round pick but still traded for a first before he proved he was worth it. Now look around the league at HUGE contracts given to UNPROVEN QB's all the time. Kap, Tannehill (in Miami), etc who all got paid huge deals despite not proving they were really worth it yet, just on potential upside ONLY. Bottom line, teams will pay for the chance to hit on a QB. Does it mean every GM in the league would give multiple picks, or even multiple firsts for Josh Allen. NO. But I am saying its a hell of a lot more likely there are some teams who not only would want him, but COVET him. And I can 100% tell you with 100% certainly that Brandon Beane would NOT trade Allen right now for 2 first rounders. So you already know at least ONE team believes he is worth that, and there are plenty of other GM's who have gushed about Allen too. Sorry, you not being sold on Allens value is more than OK. But you are delusional if you think there are GMs out there who don't think more of him than you do or that they wouldn't pay a premium to get him coming off a 30TD season with many WHOA moments. Most people who know football see the immense potential this kid has, the media and some fans may not be there all the way yet, but people who know football mostly are very high on this kid.
  24. Yeah, I get that, definitely not disregarding it. But for me, I am not fully convinced that their offense isn't more "gimmicky" long term than an unstoppable force. I mean, Vick was just as lethal as Lamar, and seemed like it would be something that would be hard to stop and never really amounted to much once the post season gets here. And when the post season gets here, Lamar and the Ravens are going to see all those top defenses like Bills, Titans, and maybe the Pats, and even KC's D was much improved last year even though not in the same convo as those guys. But I also recognize, Ravens roster top to bottom is better than any of those Vick rosters were too, especially defensively. So, I am not knocking them down, I still have them at #2, and a close #2 to KC. But I also have the Bills a very close #3 behind them. And both Ravens and Bills have the same question marks IMO stacked rosters but what is the 3rd year gonna look like for their respective QB's. The questions about the QB's are just different though given Lamar's breakout year last year. Lamar - Can he find a way to beat those tough defenses better suited to stop his style of play in the playoffs. Can he repeat that special year last year? I mean there is a lot to be excited for around Lamar, and I personally love watching him play and thought highly of him coming out of college. But, that means he needs to be able to adapt against those teams who can disrupt that offense, and he has not done it really yet, but he has even more experience under his belt now and an even better roster. So lots to be excited for there, but still, the results on the field need to continue and he needs to break through against those defenses that played them tougher before I can say they are a favorite over KC. Just my 2 cents. Allen - We all know what he needs to prove and clearly can say he has more to prove than Lamar obviously...can he dial in the deep ball, and can he take another big step in accuracy and decision making. He made some great strides last year, so plenty of optimism, but he needs to do that again this year for the Bills to seriously challenge teams like Ravens and Chiefs this year. And with major upgrades at WR, RB, and even the OL, he really is setup for those big steps this year and I honestly am quite confident in his progress moving forward, but that means nothing until he does it on the field. AFC is for sure gonna be tough. You still have teams like Steelers that can be a major problem too if Big Ben finds his groove again after missing most of last season. Now you have Pats even that can no longer be kinda written off, Cam certainly improves their threat and like it or not here at TSW, BB is the GOAT at HC. This is why I said earlier that I think AB would have an easier path with a team like Seattle as I don't see the NFL as dangerous as the AFC is this year potentially. Plus Seattle is one of those teams where a top player like AB (should he keep his head straight and stay on the field) could put them over the top in the NFC.
  25. Without a doubt, Ravens are gonna be too contender heading into season. BUT, for me, SF and Bills exposed how to slow the offense down, and other teams picked up on it and once they did, Ravens jugger-naught offense wasn’t the same unstoppable force and they got bounced from the playoffs. I need to see they can maintain their style of play before I make them the favorites. Rams were crazy powerful offense, Bears exposed how to defeat that McVay offense and they haven’t been the same since. Until I see the Ravens can adapt and sustain that offense to prove it wasn’t just an early fluke before teams figured out how to slow it down, I can’t label them the favorite over KC. It’s certainly possible they could prove to be the best team, roster is great. Just need to see them bounce back after they got figured out somewhat by SF and Bills before getting bounced in the playoffs. But this is splitting hairs, I still have them as the number 2 team.
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