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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. This thread is crazy. Redskins changed their name because it was a derogatory name. Buffalo Bill Cody is known for supplyIng food and for entertainment. His family was also very against slavery and his dad paid his life for it. In almost every recollection of the life of Bill Cody, there is nothing sinister. His life was sensationalized by a book early in his life and he capitalized on that to become a legend with his traveling show. At the end of the day, literally nobody in their right mind is coming after the Bills to change their name, nor should they, as their is nothing disrespectful or sinister about it.
  2. Ha beat me to it! YOU SMEELLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING? Ha, this will be interesting to see what they do with it. I like this move, I had a blast at the move XFL games in LA, so glad it’s got some life still.
  3. I do agree fully with that, the problem we have that the "residents" of the US are getting constant conflicting messaging between the medical experts and our national leadership. But yes, thats awesome to hear bud, and wish this was true in all parts of the country.
  4. Yeah, I just read that too and its a disturbing part of our reality that our current administration made this political in an election year rather than rallying the nation. The dumb part is, Trump could have emerged out of this in a very strong position to win re-election had he stepped to the plate and put his divisive tactics aside and worked to bring a unified message to the nation and stood strong to slow its impact here. But that is the nature of our country right now. Constant tactics by both sides to weaken the stance of the other or undermine the other side at all times. Neither side ever wants the other side to look like it was right about anything or succeeded at anything. So they each just choose the opposite and do what ever they can to make their opponent look wrong, even when they themselves are wrong. And while thats always been a part of politics due to human nature, its never been as egregious here as it is right now in our country. Like I said in my original post, we should change the pledge of allegiance to be more representative to what we are today. Which is no longer "One nation indivisible" and really "Two nations, divided by party". And that is the real virus in America, a broken 2 party system that fails to govern for the people, but just governs for power. And both sides are at fault.
  5. I don't blame any player for opting out, COVID is a real risk to them in games like Football. That being said, just the fact Gase is their head coach, that would be reason alone for me to opt out lmao.
  6. Thats a fair point, but it also starts and stops at the top in terms of pushing a unified message and uniting us in our efforts against it. And Trump has done nothing of the sort, and just pushed further divide and blame to desperately try and absolve himself of any responsibility in what has happened. And sadly, that example was followed by state leaders who push his agenda too and we had 48 states all doing their own thing like you said.
  7. I agree with you, with the exception that its is tied to political division in this country. The vast majority of the refusal to to comply with these common sense protocols comes from the misinformation put it out by Trump and the media that echoes his words. For months he has refused to push the use of masks, and even openly mocked those as weak who wear them. He has constantly tweeted and retweeted things that contradict the need for a mask, the seriousness of the virus, etc etc. All because he has seen the virus as a threat to his re-election since day 1 and instead chose to focus on downplaying it rather than rallying the nation to do what is necessary to slow it down and get past this. So now we have a large amount of people who trust him who have been led to believe its not necessary and an infringement of their rights. Despite the fact that actual medical experts like Dr. Fauci have insisted we need to do it and other nations have done it with a high degree of success. Its just sad to see us at a point where we cant even rally for each other and instead are rooted in a political system where both sides just want to defeat the other side and will always take the exact opposite position of the other side for that reason. Even in a situation like a global pandemic that should have never been about politics, and should have been a rallying cry for us all band together as a nation and a world to defeat it.
  8. I think this is more evidence of how other Nations have been substantially better at controlling COVID than the US. Those other countries did not have its leadership, and the media that supports that leadership push misinformation, downplay the need for a mask, or even openly mock those wearing masks for the past 3 months. The result has been those other countries having substantially better results on slowing the spread, and even eradicating COVID all together in some places while our American arrogance and ignorance has only pushed the spread up and up to the point we are setting records almost daily for new cases and new deaths. So while that is encouraging to see this data, I don't think its really that applicable to the mess that is COVID in the US ad what our sports league really face thanks to 40% of our country who still think this global issue is about Trump's re-election bid instead of a global pandemic we all need to take serious and unite in our efforts to do what is necessary to slow it down. Its just one more major "I told you so" that 40% of this country that will continue to ignore and make political excuses for this despite the fact the virus doesn't care about politics or who you vote for. We honestly need to update the Pledge of Allegiance in this country from "One nation, indivisible" into "Two nations, divided by party" because that is all we are anymore.
  9. Yeah saw this when it was first put out. I’ve been saying If you take the deep ball struggles out, Allen was quite effective and accurate elsewhere. And he showed strong improvement in the deep ball over the last part of the season compared to the significant struggle with it the first 2/3rds of the season. And with a whole offseason to work on it, I am expecting even greater improvement there. I firmly believe Josh is poised for a great season.
  10. Didn’t see this on here yet...yikes. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29565983/bills-rookies-sent-home-positive-coronavirus-tests-source-says
  11. If it was 2014 Bucs would be sick.
  12. Both Edmunds and White had no competition to beat out really either in terms of guys on their level, even as rookies. So I think they are more than exception than the rule in terms of how McD and the team look at bringing rookies along. And you have good points about Norman, or any player really new to the system this year given the restrictions of this unique offseason. But Norman is very familiar with McD's defense, so I think the learning curve is greatly helped there by that fact, which is why I think he will have a legit shot at a week 1 starting spot opposite of Tre if he has anything left in the tank. Just hard to know with Norman as he wasn't in an ideal system in Washington, so we don't really know what he can still do in a system better suited for his game. Will be fun to watch. And I still do really like Wallace, so I am not counting him out. Just seeing this as one of the more legit battles heading into camp.
  13. I am more the opposite on this than you. I think Levi vs Norman is a legit battle. I like Levi, but I can see Norman putting a real challenge for the starting spot. And if he truly has a lot left in the tank back in McD's system, then he has a strong case to push Levi as the starter. I think Addison is a heavier favorite to start and same with Singletary. In fact, I think there is almost 0% chance for either Moss or Epenesa to push to start early in the season, that is definitely not the way McD and this staff typically handle rookies, especially with quality depth ahead of them. They have consistently made rookies earn it, even with Singletary being the more effective RB, Gore still started a lot longer than he should have last year. Oliver, a top 10 draft pick was not even handed the starting role. So for me, I think Singletary is a lock to start the season as RB1, especially coming off the season he just had as a highly effective playmaker. Doesnt mean Moss wont push for more carries over the season, much like Devin did last year, but Devin will be RB1 barring injury come week 1 IMO. And while Murphy has the time in the system over Addison, he is not the same caliber of player by any means. Epenesa will get playing time for sure, but I doubt McD is going to roll with him as a week 1 starter over a guy like Addison. If he was only competing against Murphy, I would give him a better shot of winning the starting job by week 1.
  14. Dalton is solid, and I don’t know what we look like with him last year. Allen’s mobility led to a lot of production. Dalton I think would have struggled behind our pass pro last year personally. Im definitely optimistic on Allen, I mean I truly believe he’s gonna be a consensus top 10 QB by years end. He has made significant improvements since his last pass at Wyoming and in short time periods. If he comes in with a good deep ball, then game over, he’s gonna be a beast. All good, good question. Many players have said that Daboll’s offense is the most complicated they have ever seen. Even our coaches have acknowledged how complicated it is and they have been implementing more and more as Josh and the other guys get up to speed. I don’t know if there is a way to say whose is the most complicated, but it’s definitely been confirmed to be one of the most complicated in the NFL.
  15. 30 TDs, 10 wins, most game winning drives and 4th quarter comebacks, one of top passers under 20 yards, etc. While: Being his 2nd season, working with a messy WR group, most drops in NFL, 9 new starters on offense, running one of most complicated offenses in NFL, multiple rookie starters around him, a trio of WRs averaging 5’10”, and pass protection that often broke down. I don’t think he’s over rated...his biggest Achilles heal was the deep ball, and that vastly improved down the stretch and now has a whole off season commutes to improving it. Calling it out now: Josh Allen will finish the 2020 season as a top 10 QB.
  16. I don’t like this trade for Seahawks. I love the addition of Adams to the roster, but they over paid. They need those draft picks, especially after they pay Adams and cap gets tighter. Hate the Jets, but they did very well in this trade. Good thing they are a joke and gonna waste those picks
  17. You know, thats actually a good point. I definitely did not factor in the CORONA factor into my post about not keeping 3 QB's. In any normal year, I would say NP had almost no chance of making the Raiders roster with Carr and Mariota there. But now that you inserted that into the discussion, I actually think you might be right on that and think he has a decent chance to make the roster. Good post sir
  18. IMO, Josh will put up somewhere between 3800 and 4200 yards passing (range depends on the run game, if Devin and Moss become a dynamic duo, Josh yardage numbers will dip...for good reason). Then I think we will see Josh put up 32-36 total TD's (again, range is reflecting potential impact of run game because if Moss becomes a battering ram, then Josh will lose some of those inside the 10 TD runs). Josh will also be north of 60%, and I expect that to be in the 63% to 65% range. When you got a guy with a cannon like Josh, a competitive drive like Josh, and who is not afraid to take deep shots at any time...then he will never be a guy who leads the league in or is top 5 in comp %. And I would rather have a 62% passer who is pushing he ball down field than a 68% passer who manages a game. I also think Josh will have single digit INT's somewhere between 7 and 9. I have real high expectations for our offense this year and firmly believe we will be a top 10 scoring offense. Our Defense is stout, so our offense should benefit from turnovers and good field position this year. I think we will average 25+ points per game personally. Final stat line projection from above all lined up together: Allen: 3800-4200 yards, 32+ total TD's, 9 or less INT's, 63% comp These are my legit expectations. And I will say this, I feel like this is closer to his floor than his peak this year. That is me being conservative in his projections IMO. BUT: At the end of the day, the only stat I am concerned about is the win column in the playoffs. We have a RB duo with immense potential. If Devin and Moss are combining for 175 to 200 yards per game (rushing and receiving), Josh's stats may not be gaudy. So its not so much about the stat lines Josh puts up, its about how he plays leading this team. If Josh puts up 3300 yards, 22 passing TD's, and 4 rushing TD's with 5 INT's and 64% passing completion...that would still be a VERY successful season for him if it was because our run game was dominating along side him. We can't knock Josh season totals just because our RB's were highly productive and reducing the frequency to throw for stats. That being said, Moss is unproven still and Devin showed a ton of promise, but we still don't know what he will look like in his first season as the lead back either. Plus, while I expect our run game to be effective, its clear the team wants to throw more too and went out and paid a ton to get Diggs to support their young QB with a monster of an arm. So I still think my final stat line projection is both realistic and somewhat conservative too.
  19. Im not sure who is "officially" listed as the second string QB, but Mariota is clearly the backup over Peterman. And some Raider fans believe Mariota might push Carr to start, although, I think that is unlikely. I don't think Carr is anything more than a mid tier starter, but I do think he is better than Mariota. And with a quality backup like Mariota, I seriously doubt they keep a 3rd QB unless there is an injury.
  20. Hahaha, I don't care anymore, he's not hurting our team any longer and is someone elses problem now haha Hahahaha, that was one of my favorite posts of the summer, haha nice work They have Carr and Mariota...I seriously doubt they keep 3 guys when those are the other 2. Typically, they keep a 3rd when you have a questionable backup at 2 or the 3rd is a promising developmental guy. Neither of those 2 things are true in this case, so I think Peterman is auditioning for someone else to sign him once he's cut.
  21. My buddy just stopped by who lives across the street and just were talking football, he's a hard core Raider fan. He brought up how excited he is about the Raiders WR group and I laughed and asked if it was because they have Zay Jones...we both laughed and he said no way he makes the roster even. I forgot Raiders drafted both Ruggs and then Edwards in the 3rd, and they still have Hunter, Tyrell, Ahgolor, Doss, etc. Given Zay brings nothing to ST, he basically said he wont make the team. I laughed and said thats what I said in Buffalo last year too haha. Anyway, what do you guys think...Zay make the cut in Las Vegas? Tyrell, Ruggs, and Hunter clearly ahead of him. Then there is also Nelson Agholor, and Doss competing with Zay too plus a handful of other guys in the mix. I would bet Raiders likely only keep 5 given their KR is a RB.
  22. Maybe read the OP and it would be more clear for you? Title got shortened to add updates.
  23. you guys looking at it wrong. It’s the players they were when they were on the Bills, has nothing to do with stats. TO was end of his career, so was Bledsoe. Those the guys you’re getting, hence the price. Diggs is without question a top 10 WR in the NFL when he joined the Bills, hence his price tag.
  24. Saw this on Twitter today, you got $15, build your 5 player Bills squad...use any combo or players and prices, you dont need one from each line even though mine worked out way. Diggs $5 Allen $4 Evans $3 Devin $2 TO $1 This squad would be sick IMO
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