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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Look around the NFL, there are a LOT of RB's that are the better RB's in this league that were all 3rd round or later picks. You are just way off base here dude.
  2. I bet you McD was calling an even tighter game than even the tightest a** ref just to keep the players as disciplined as possible too. Bet a bunch of guys got calls they wanted to yell at coach over haha.
  3. In a normal year, I could see it being a possibility. But not this year, I just highly doubt they keep 7. Roberts has shown ability in his few chances as a WR, so he's not just a ST player. Yes he's a deep bench guy, but no one counts him as if he could ever take any snaps at WR. With COVID and a deep roster, I think they will need to spread the roster spots around and will not have the luxury of keeping 7 WR's to insure they have proper depth at other spots. But hey, not impossible they keep 7 obviously, I just find it highly unlikely given it would be mean thats another player somewhere else they can't keep and I think balance on the roster depth charts will be a high priority for them given COVID can impact them at any given moment.
  4. If that is the case, then I think the possibility of Beane kicking the tires on Njoku's availability or one of OJ/Brate in TB would increase. I think Beane should, and probably is, monitoring those TE situations.
  5. We would certainly have to include a decent draft pick, cant see them taking that trade as I would think they could a lot more somewhere else. I mean just straight up for a draft pick I think Ertz would fetch a 2nd, possibly more. My guess is that we would need to throw in at least a 4th, if not a 3rd for that to be remotely interesting to the Eagles. And even then, I think someone could make a better offer than us if Ertz could truly be had (which I don't think he is going to be traded this year). Here is a question: DISCLAIMER: I love Brown, so dont get me wrong, not trying to trade him. What if Eagles offered us Ertz for John Brown and a 3rd round pick? Would you do it?
  6. Before everyone over reacts here, do we even know if this is a serious injury or just sitting out as a precaution type thing or simply a day to day situation? I mean lets not freak out over someone stepping on his foot unless its a real injury that could impact week 1 or more. That being said, never good to hear a guy whose had injury issues have another injury to the same area he has struggled with. If I am Beane I am closely monitoring the situations in Cleveland (Njoku) and Tampa Bay (3 starting caliber TE's essentially if Gronk is capable still with him, OJ and Brate). Would not surprise me at all to see Beane swinging a trade for one of those guys to pair with Knox as a dual threat situation at TE. Njoku or one of the TB guys in OJ/Brate would be a significant upgrade over Kroft anyway.
  7. I still dont think that is a surprise, and honestly, I kind of expect a trade. Beane excels at getting value out of guys like Foster in trades at this time of year. He's got value out of a lot lesser players, so I think the cut would be the surprise over the trade. Foster wont make this team, was a long shot before he struggled with more injuries this camp. So he will be gone, and I think it will be a 5th or 6th round pick Beane will get out of someone. I could see Eagles, Raiders, Giants, Jets, Panthers, Houston, 49ers, Packers, and Dolphins being potential landing spots for Foster. They all either dont have good WR depth or have lost some guys to opting out or injuries. My prediction: Foster is traded to the Eagles for a conditional 6th round pick. They just lost Reagor to start the season and several other WR's are dealing with injuries.
  8. Which is why I said all 3 have a case. I am not by anyway saying Duke has it locked up or is only choice. Just making a case that all 3 guys vying for a 6th spot, if they even keep 6 (which I think they will), have a case.
  9. I think its a bit unfair to harshly judge Duke on some of the low percentage catches he didn't make. Its not like he is Randy Moss out there or D Hop. But he made some key catches for us, including in the playoff game even though the only thing people want to talk about is the end of the half TD he couldn't haul in that was a very difficult catch. I get it, thats supposed to be his specialty, but people act like every difficult contested catch should be automatic then, which is unreasonable. At the end of the day though, I think he has more situational value than McK. The guy with the most upside is by far Hodgins, but him being an UDFA rookie with another rookie already locked in with Davis, I think hurts his chances a lot to make the final roster initially. Although, I would not at all be surprised to see them keep Hodgins or bring him up sometime during the season from the PS if that is where he ends up. Honestly though, at the end of the day, this 6th WR will see very little playing time anyway as I think Davis is going get the lions share of snaps outside the top 3 guys.
  10. I would not use the word "definitely", but I do think Duke has a legit case for the roster along with Hodgins and McKenzie. Foster at this point I just cant see making this team given he has done little since his rookie year and mostly dealt with injury issues, including camp again this year. I feel like Beane will do what he does best and flip Foster for like a 5th or something. But Duke has had a strong camp from I can gather from reports, along with both Hodgins and McKenzie. I think they only keep 6 WRs on the active roster. We know the 5 locks, so that leaves one of these 3 and each has their own pros and cons to them. Duke - PROS: Has a unique skill set that brings in Redzone and 3rd down value as a situational player. Physical player and a guy the locker room and staff seem to really like and all reports seem to suggest he's having a good camp. Has experience in Dabolls system, which gives him an edge over Hodgins. CONS: Lacks burst and also has a locked in rookie that also has size in Davis, making him no longer the only guy with size in the WR room to make contested catches. McKenzie - PROS: Excellent speed and perfect fit for the gimmick plays Daboll loves to run. Also Daboll seems to really like him too. Has had a strong camp as well based on reports. Has value on special teams too. CONS: There are multiple players who can run the gimmick plays he would be used in now on the roster. His value as a WR is minimal now, and even after a strong camp last year, they did not use him a lot last year despite a much weaker WR room outside of Brown and Cole. Does he do enough now to keep a spot, may come down to ST contributions. Hodgins - PROS: Biggest pro here is that he has been standing out in camp. Has the most upside of the guys on the bubble by far. CONS: An UDFA rookie makes him easier to protect on PS, and with a COVID risk season, they may not want to keep a second rookie (Davis is a lock at this point) on the active roster this year. For me...I think Duke has a slight edge, but won't surprise me at all to see them keep any of the 3. So again, nothing wrong in making a case for Duke, but at the end of the day, there is nothing "definitely" about any of these 3 WR's and all right now are in a tight race to try and get a 6th WR spot here.
  11. Was talking on a week to week basis, not season totals. Duke had far less opportunities as he didnt get involved until late. But when he did, he had a bigger impact than those other guys did. And sorry, the 70% catch rate is silly. McKenzies mostly saw short screen type passes while Duke was more downfield and contested ball situations.
  12. At this point, I would be shocked if it was Foster. Given his lack of involvement last year, his injury issues in the past and in camp this year, I just don't see how he holds onto a spot at this stage. I think they opened camp with him at #4 on the roster with the intention of trying to trade him personally. I can see Beane getting a 5th out of someone for him based on his splashy rookie season. And you may not be someone who believes in Duke, but he has had a strong camp again and he contributed a lot more to this team last year in a lot less chances than Foster or McKenzie did combined. Hodgins is an exciting prospect, but I have a hard time seeing them keep two rookies in a COVID era season on the active roster. But he has reportedly had a nice camp, so also would not shock me either. I think that 6th spot is wide open still...I don't see Foster keeping it, but I do think Duke, Hodgins, or McK have a legit case for them to keep a 6th WR. But like I said before, ST contributions will also be a large factor on IF they keep 6, and if so, which one they keep.
  13. I think final spot in that scenario would be Duke personally. Just on the fact he's been making those highlight catches in traffic again, and McK is more of a gimmick play use player than anything else. And after flashing all these good plays in preseason last year, they went on to barely use McK during the season and that was with a shaky WR group outside of Brown and Cole. That being said, I would NOT be surprised at all to see them keep any of the 3 in contention for that final 6th spot in Duke, Hodgins, or McK as all have been getting good buzz in camp. Just think Duke has more situational value than McK because the kind of plays they use McK on, they have multiple players that can fill that role now already on the roster. Ultimately though, I am guessing that 6th spot will be heavily weighed on ST contributions, which probably favors McK, so who really knows.
  14. I have always loved Fitz as a person, leader, off the field, etc. I was not a fan of him as our starting QB because he was never going to get us over the top. But I do always like to see him succeed and loved what he did in Miami last year too. Nothing but love for him as a person and sending good thoughts and prayers his way to him and his family for whatever seems to be going on.
  15. Im guessing by the Napolean complex you couldn't even reach my mouth on my 6'5" body. So I wont lose any sleep over these comments sport. But I will also anxiously await the dumpster fire Rex to rejoin the always dumpster fire Jets with a box of popcorn in hand.
  16. What kind of f-ed up education did you get that led you talk to like that? You write like a never-been wannabe wise guy in the middle of a stroke. No wonder you like that dumpster fire Jets organization. I mean your head coach looks like he's having a stroke at all times and coaches like it too.
  17. This is just Cam saying the right things...the things Patriots want their players to say...kind of stuff. He's is 100% without a shadow of a doubt the week 1 starter. How long he holds on to the job depends on 2 things...his health and the win total of the Pats. If the Pats fall out of contention and he is faltering, I definitely think they will make a switch to see what Stidham can do in live games before next draft. But, honestly, I don't think Cam will struggle there. I don't expect him to find his MVP form (although, its still quite possible he could under BB like he rejuvenated Moss's career) of 5 years ago, but I do except him to be a good starting QB still as long as his body holds up. And that is a legit question mark on him, especially with no preseason or camp to really test that body.
  18. Which does have it merits, however, its just silly to down grade the description of Allens play. He should have said something like, "Allen had a sensational day, albeit against the 2nd string defense, but still was a sensational performance in just 2.5 quarters of play and without his new lead wideout in Diggs." Instead, he leads with just a solid day and even stated not a great day, not a bad day, but a solid day. That literally paints a completely different narrative. Sounds more like 60% of his passes, 150 yards and a TD or two at best. Some reporters just cant let the kid shine when he shines.
  19. So, after reading all the real football updates in here...this seems to be conclusions summed up: Starting offense dominated the 2nd string defense. Which is great, but also, obvious reasons to not over value this either. Still great to see. Josh Allen completed 70% of his passes, 3 TDs and over 300 yards and only 1 turnover that was more the fault of the WR. That would be a very good day...BUT there is one more piece of missing info that makes this a sensational day...all that production was done in what was essentially just 2.5 quarters of play!!! Sounds like he was on pace for 500 yards, 5 TDs had they played 4 full quarters. Again, still worth noting it was against our second string defense...but none the less, thats great to see and he had that day WITHOUT Diggs. Starting defense dominated second string offense. No shock there, and to be expected. Still good to see, but really nothing surprising about one of the best defensive units in football beating down backup players. Davis continues to shine, although he did have the tipped pass off his hands that resulted in an INT. Moss is going to be a load to bring down and if he keeps playing like this, I think this will be more of a Panthers like (DeAngelo and Stewart) 50-50 timeshare pretty early into the season. Not at all a knock on Devin, just think these two will both be very good in this offense and compliment each other very well. Taiwan Jones odds of beating out Yeldon are starting to dwindle due to health issues that seem to always be an issue for him. I think Yeldon is emerging as the favorite to be the veteran 3rd back over Taiwan. Although I do like Taiwan overall skill set better. Some reporters just cant let Allen have compliments...the guy saying he was solid and basically same ole Josh Allen today in terms of inconsistency is a buffoon. 70% comp, 3 TDS, over 300 yards in the air in 2.5 quarters is "solid"...I mean come on, even Thad said he had a great day.
  20. Why do you keep talking politics in this thread? It was said many times to do it in PPP and not a football thread. Just start issuing 72 hour bans to those not following the rules like this. Just my 2 cents, and I do not envy your job, and its got to be 10 times worse with all the craziness of 2020. So thank you mods for all the work.
  21. I don’t get the outrage. Is Edelman supposed to tweet that they are rolling over and playing dead? That they concede the division to us? LOL I mean Cam has been nicknamed Superman for years. So this isn’t even off the wall. I want the Pats to lose as much as anyone, but this was nothing.
  22. Well I already said it wasn’t going to happen in my OP. But the co tract is actually why it could happen as it’s last year of his deal, so we could easily absorb the deal for this year if we wanted to. But again, it wasn’t going to happen and looks like he’s gonna stay with Chargers now anyway
  23. No one said one case changes the facts. But I can name many cases just like this just out of the circle of people I personally know, let alone what you can find if you do some actual research. So again, nothing you actually said was accurate and was all just your opinion, not fact.
  24. I wouldn't say that...Duke had the biggest moments last week and Hodgins had a strong week too. Davis is a lock. But Mckenzie is battling still with Duke and Hodgins IMO. All 3 have a shot to make this roster as a 6th WR.
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